140 episodes

After changing her own relationship to success but more importantly herself. Brenda left her corporate job of 14 years and turned her passion into profit.

Now, as a Subconscious Strategist, Brenda specializes in helping you strategically unlock your abundance mindset & activate your true manifesting capabilities.

If you’re feeling stuck in life or business and you’re ready to up-level and awaken to your full potential…minus the B.S. then this podcast is for you.

Brenda keeps it real while giving you fluff free tips, techniques and tools to help you transform the limiting beliefs and fears that have been holding you back.

If you enjoy this podcast, we’d love for you to write a 5-star review of the show. Awesome reviews help this show reach more people.



The Limitless Life Podcast brendajohnston

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 26 Ratings

After changing her own relationship to success but more importantly herself. Brenda left her corporate job of 14 years and turned her passion into profit.

Now, as a Subconscious Strategist, Brenda specializes in helping you strategically unlock your abundance mindset & activate your true manifesting capabilities.

If you’re feeling stuck in life or business and you’re ready to up-level and awaken to your full potential…minus the B.S. then this podcast is for you.

Brenda keeps it real while giving you fluff free tips, techniques and tools to help you transform the limiting beliefs and fears that have been holding you back.

If you enjoy this podcast, we’d love for you to write a 5-star review of the show. Awesome reviews help this show reach more people.



    [AUGUST AFFIRMATION PROGRAM] for Intentional Manifestation - ep 143

    [AUGUST AFFIRMATION PROGRAM] for Intentional Manifestation - ep 143


    Each affirmation will be repeated 3x in a row and then it loops so you hear each affirmation a total of 9x.

    As you listen, allow the words to absorb into you, as you re-program you mind, and your energy, for abundance in all areas of life. 

    You can choose to repeat these affirmations out loud, or in your mind, whatever feels right for you.

    For results, listen to them daily for 21 days or more.


    Here are the Affirmations that are included in this episode:

    I take bold actions that align with my desires

     I choose to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace my limitless potential

     My intentions are clear, focused, and aligned with my true self

     I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me

     I am an active participant in the manifestation of my desires

     I choose to trust in the timing of my manifestations


    Want to listen on-the-go? Check out The Limitless Life Podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Did you know the show is now ranked in the top 5% most popular shows globally!


    Want to learn real life strategies and tools related to mindset, manifestation and energy mastery so you can access new levels of success?! Check out Expansion, my Limitless Life Group Coaching membership Community

    This is a supportive space for supportive space for you to learn to work with the power of your subconscious mind and energy...minus the surface level mindset work and spiritual fluff talk.


    Let's get social:

    Check out the webiste

    Brenda on Instagram: @_brendajohnston

    Brenda on Tik Tok: @brenda.johnston

    • 13 min
    Mindset Mastery: Breaking Free from Imposter Syndrome and Feeling Like a Fraud - ep. 142

    Mindset Mastery: Breaking Free from Imposter Syndrome and Feeling Like a Fraud - ep. 142

    3 spots open for my private 8-week coaching program > APPLY HERE


    Ever feel like you’re living a double life?...like you’re ONE STEP AWAY from being “found out?”

    You’ve got this nagging sensation that you’re not truly qualified.

    And the fear of being EXPOSED keeps you up at night, like a modern-day Milli Vanilli.

    Yep, whether you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur….or leading a multi-million dollar business – imposter syndrome and feeling like a fraud can HIT HARD.

    And while it’s easy to lump both of these feelings under the same umbrella, there's an energetic distinction between feeling like an imposter and feeling like a fraud. 

    Even more than that, they have different roots and need different approaches to actually overcome them. 

    Wondering what you’ll hear about in this episode? Here’s a sneak peek:

    What is imposter syndrome? (and what is at the ROOT of this nasty belief?)
    How does feeling like a fraud eat away at your core sense of self worth?
    When self-doubt strikes – and how it impacts your confidence to promote your offers
    Are you under-pricing your services?
    How fear of rejection can lead to scattered marketing 
    Getting caught in the perfectionist trap
    Steps to overcome imposter syndrome and feeling like a fraud
    How to investigate your triggers
    Do you celebrate your wins? (your subconscious mind loves proof & evidence)
    The trick to overcoming limiting beliefs quickly
    The power of incremental upgrades (the break down)

    And in today’s episode of The Limitless Life Podcast, I break it all down…and give you actionable steps to start dealing with these nagging beliefs! 

    You don’t want to miss this one.


    Private 8-week coaching program 💫 APPLY HERE  💫

    My unique approach helps high-achieving, high-functioning women in business overcome subconscious limitations and master their own energy, so they can reach greater financial success and create a limitless life that is aligned with their true desires.  

    And inside my private 8-week coaching program, you’ll break through barriers quickly, so you become an energetic match to the life you desire. 


    Let's get social:


    Brenda on Instagram: @_brendajohnston

    Brenda on Tik Tok: @brenda.johnston


    • 24 min
    Manifestation Myths: Why Waiting to Attract Your Desires Won’t Get You Anywhere - ep.141

    Manifestation Myths: Why Waiting to Attract Your Desires Won’t Get You Anywhere - ep.141

    You know what really annoys me? 🙄 – when other mindset coaches talk about manifestation as if about WAITING for things to fall out of the sky.

    Nah uh. 🚫

    I've opened up 3 new spots for my private 8-week coaching program 💫 APPLY HERE  💫

    Manifestation is about getting clear on what you want…and moving toward your desires with purpose. 

    It’s why I don’t love the phrase: “I don’t chase, I attract.” 

    To me, it suggests that everything will just come to you, without effort. It’s wishing & waiting. And while I do think that opportunities OPEN UP, when you set powerful intentions (The Law of Attraction is definitely real)....

    To me, a more empowered phrase is: “I don’t chase, I set the pace.”

    Because setting the pace is all about aligning your intentions with ACTION. Which (coincidentally) leads to attraction. 

    TAKING ACTION makes all the difference. 🏃🏼‍♀️

    OK, so HOW exactly do you start “setting the pace?” Check out this episode of The Limitless Life Podcast for practical tips on how to GET INTO ACTION, so you can start to make sh&t happen!

    Wondering what you’ll hear about in this episode? Here’s a sneak peek:

    Why “attracting” your desires can be problematic on an energetic/subconscious level
    When you’re clear about your goals/values, the need to chase becomes irrelevant
    Your subconscious thoughts & emotions are like signals, beaming into the cosmos
    What it means to “set the pace”
    When you understand your worth, you no longer settle for crumbs
    Setting standards is like saying “this is how I expect to be treated”
    Taking your power back is about no longer waiting for external validation/approval
    5 practical tips for “setting the pace”
    Do you even know what you want?
    The power of focusing on the outcome you want
    You cannot keep running on an outdated operating system
    You get to decide the rhythm of your life


    Private 8-week coaching program 💫 APPLY HERE  💫

    My unique approach helps high-achieving, high-functioning women in business overcome subconscious limitations and master their own energy, so they can reach greater financial success and create a limitless life that is aligned with their true desires.  

    And inside my private 8-week coaching program, you’ll break through barriers quickly, so you become an energetic match to the life you desire. 


    Let's get social:


    Brenda on Instagram: @_brendajohnston

    Brenda on Tik Tok: @brenda.johnston

    • 23 min
    Business Energetics: what it is and how to work with it - ep. 140

    Business Energetics: what it is and how to work with it - ep. 140


    Grab my FREE 👉 Daily Energy Management Guide

    ADVANCE, private 8-week coaching program 💫 APPLY HERE  💫


    OK, let’s get real. 

    Because if we’re being totally honest…most entrepreneurs and business owners would absolutely LOVE to find a golden ticket to success. 🎫

    Most people go all in on the nuts & bolts of STRATEGY - systems, automation, marketing tactics and sales funnels. 

    Because it feels concrete and actionable. 

    But here’s the truth…

    🚫 Strategy alone isn’t enough. 

    And in today’s episode of The Limitless Life Podcast, I’m diving into the ENERGETICS of business.

    Why?Because without the right energetic alignment, even the best strategies can fall flat. 🪄 The magic happens when you combine strategic thinking with energetic alignment…turning your business into a well-oiled machine!

    Ready to hear my take on WHAT exactly “business energetics” is (and how to work with it)? Let’s dive in! 🏊

    Wondering what you’ll hear about in this episode? Here’s a sneak peek:

    Your unique energy mosaic
    The truth: I don’t heal you (you heal yourself)
    The power of intention
    How I energetically audit my clients’ offers & marketing content
    Your internal state has a direct impact on your external results
    Energy speaks before your mouth even opens
    Getting stuck in an old energetic frequency (with old subconscious programming)
    The energetic frequency of your business
    3 practical steps to help you integrate energetics & strategy (plus a bonus tip)
    It gets to be easy



    Let's get social:


    Brenda on Instagram: @_brendajohnston

    Brenda on Tik Tok: @brenda.johnston

    • 29 min
    [JULY AFFIRMATION PROGRAM] for Next-Level Expansion - ep 139

    [JULY AFFIRMATION PROGRAM] for Next-Level Expansion - ep 139


    Each affirmation will be repeated 3x in a row and then it loops so you hear each affirmation a total of 9x.

    As you listen, allow the words to absorb into you, as you re-program you mind, and your energy, for abundance in all areas of life. 

    You can choose to repeat these affirmations out loud, or in your mind, whatever feels right for you.

    For results, listen to them daily for 21 days or more.


    Here are the Affirmations that are included in this episode:

    I am the type of person that believes in the consistency of my success.
    I choose to value and protect my time and energy.
    I choose to let go of what no longer serves me so I can welcome new opportunities that align with my growth.
    I choose to believe that abundance comes with balance and joy
    I choose to let go of guilt and embrace the power of making intentional choices
    I choose to recognize my worth and the impact I make in the lives of others


    Want to listen on-the-go? Check out The Limitless Life Podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Did you know the show is now ranked in the top 5% most popular shows globally!


    Want to learn real life strategies and tools related to mindset, manifestation and energy mastery so you can access new levels of success?! Check out Expansion, my Limitless Life Group Coaching membership Community

    This is a supportive space for supportive space for you to learn to work with the power of your subconscious mind and energy...minus the surface level mindset work and spiritual fluff talk.


    Let's get social:

    Check out the webiste

    Brenda on Instagram: @_brendajohnston

    Brenda on Tik Tok: @brenda.johnston

    • 13 min
    Growing Pains: How to Navigate Next-Level Growth - ep. 138

    Growing Pains: How to Navigate Next-Level Growth - ep. 138

    As your business grows…do you find yourself bumping up against your own limiting beliefs in NEW (and not-so-exciting) ways?

    A lot of my clients are LEVELING UP right now, and resistance is sneaking in through the back door.

    Suddenly, people are...

    👉 Afraid that their success is a fluke.

    👉 Worried their life will be CONSUMED with work. 

    👉 Fearing that they’ll be “found out” as a fraud.

    👉 Scared that TOO MANY people will want to work them, and they’ll have to turn people away.

    👉 Feeling guilty about higher rates.

    👉 Afraid of closing doors to opportunities they’ve outgrown. 

    And while many of these limiting beliefs were probably present at the START of your business journey….they tend to take on a NEW TWIST, as you scale and grow.

    Even if you thought you already “conquered” them.

    New level, new devil. 👿


    As you progress, you’ll inevitably encounter NEW obstacles. And your mindset will be challenged. 

    The good news?

    As you learn how to manage your subconscious mind and energetic systems, you MOVE THROUGH the resistance more quickly. 

    And you can see it for what it is – an invitation to REFRAME THE SITUATION and shift your mindset, so that you can keep expanding. 

    Want the inside scoop on the ADVICE I GIVE TO MY 1:1 CLIENTS when this kind of stuff comes up?

    Check out the latest episode of The Limitless Life Podcast!

    And hey, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a (5-star) review! When YOU leave me amazing reviews, you help me reach more people….which means, we can shift the wealth consciousness of humanity, together!

    Here’s to creating your Limitless Life!


    If you’re looking for a community of high-achieving women in business who “get it”…I’d love for you to check out my Expansion Community! 

    We meet 2x month for group expansion coaching. PLUS, you get access to my custom expansion audio exercises to help anchor in your growth.




    Grab my FREE 👉 Daily Energy Management Guide

    ADVANCE, private 8-week coaching program 💫 APPLY HERE  💫


    Let's get social:


    Brenda on Instagram: @_brendajohnston

    Brenda on Tik Tok: @brenda.johnston


    • 28 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
26 Ratings

26 Ratings

Rocksy5 ,

Weekly go-to!

Great podcast, refreshing and authentic point of view. Thank you!

Alice2490 ,

Business Energetics

Thank you! Thank you Brenda for the incredible work you do! Gen X baby!

Wendi's Phone ,

Love all the things

I was listening to my weekly Tiffany Carter episode, she had Regina on, then went down a rabbit hole and found you! So glad I went down the rabbit hole, love your podcast 💜💜

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