The Movers & Shakers Podcast with Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson: Financial Advisor, Personal Finance Expert, Entrepreneur
The Movers & Shakers Podcast with Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson from is a financial advisor and frequent contributor to local and national outlets regarding personal finance, investing, career enhancement and entrepreneurship. The Movers & Shakers podcast is an interview show featuring, you guessed it, people who are moving and shaking in sports, business, entrepreneurship, entertainment, politics, etc. Each episode will inspire you into action and will provide you with tips and tools that you can implement immediately in your life, career or business. Listen. Learn. Launch.

  1. 05/16/2014

    M&S 013: Farnoosh Torabi Shows Us What Happens When She Makes More

    When times change and the world evolves it can often put us in uncomfortable positions when "conventional wisdom" doesn't change at the same rate. One such shift that is creating a challenging environment for some couples is the increasing number of women that earn more money than their husbands. According to a recent US Census study, 4 in to households with children under 18 have a woman that is the primary or sole breadwinner.  That number is 4x what is was in the 1960s! Sorry Mad Men, but times, they are a-changin'. To help us learn how to still have a great relationship under these circumstances, personal finance expert Farnoosh Torabi joins us on Episode 13 of the Movers and Shakers Podcast with tons of advice from her new book, "When She Makes More." Farnoosh has been featured on the Today Show, Yahoo, the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, The View, CNN and many other national media outlets. Plus, she knows this topic from experience.  She too, makes more than her husband. In this episode of Movers & Shakers here's what we'll cover: How men tend to feel when they make less money than their wives How her mom reacted when she found out that Farnoosh made more than her soon-to-be husband One great financial move that makes a lesser earning spouse feel important How men can make significant contributions to the family that aren't about money How she got a famous television star to endorse her book as a 20-something, first time author with no following How she built her career as an expert, author and coach, and how you can too! And much more! Advice from Farnoosh Torabi If you're building a career as an expert, first think "I'm in it With You", rather that feeling like you have to have all of the answers up front. Attach the lesser earning spouse's income to something special and important, such as the college fund or the annual vacation. This will let them know that their contributions are needed and valued. Items mentioned in this episode include:  Farnoosh's website Farnoosh on Twitter Farnoosh on Facebook Farnoosh's new book: When She Makes More  Farnoosh's other books: You're So Money, Psych Yourself Rich If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show in iTunes so that you never miss another inspiring interview! Enjoyed this episode? Click here to get more interviews like this directly to your inbox #MoversAndShakers Action Item: Get over your ego. Now. Whether you are worried about making more than your spouse or you're running your business with a "super-person" complex and think you can do everything without any help, it all comes down to your ego. To help you get over yourself, go write down 5 things that make (or would make) your life better by being part of a team versus being all alone. If you focus on the virtues of being part of a team, it will be much easier for you to live a richer and happier life.

  2. 04/18/2014

    M&S 012: Sean Croxton on Improving Health and Building Wealth

    I'm often shocked at how little we are taught about two of the most important things in our lives, health and wealth. So, to play my small part in alleviating that problem, I'm excited to bring someone to you that can discuss both of those topics with great expertise, Sean Croxton. Sean is a health expert with a tremendous following on Youtube and Twitter, and he also has a top rated podcast on BlogTalkRadio and iTunes. Sean's passion for health led him to study kinesiology at San Diego State, and to start a career as a personal trainer after graduation. While working as a personal trainer he had two big major revelations. The first was that most of the information being spread about how to live a health lifestyle was wrong, and he set out to correct those misconceptions.  Secondly, he realized that trading time for dollars wasn't the most efficient, or enjoyable, way to get his message out and to help as many people as he possibly could, so he made a decision to learn more about doing business online. Sean started creating videos on Youtube and has built a channel with more than 60,000 subscribers and more than 3 million views. He also has 40,000 likes on Facebook and 20,000 followers on Twitter. He's written an ebook on health that is used in college courses, and he's sold 100s of thousands of dollars in products on health and online business. // In this episode of Movers & Shakers here's what we'll cover: Why the food pyramid should be called the food lobby pyramid Why the "calories in- calories out" method doesn't help you keep weight off What really makes you fat and why eating meat is ok How he started from nothing and built a huge following on Youtube How he overcame the mental blocks that held him back from starting his business How he sold $300,000 worth of products to his fan base And much more! Advice from Sean Croxton You're going to suck at first.  But be consistent and you will get better. Don't worry about your "haters". Don't let a small minority of people keep you from helping many more. If you have  advice that could change someone's life and you don't share it because you're afraid, you're kind of a jerk. Here's the Video Version Items mentioned in this episode include:  Underground Wellness website Sean on Twitter Sean on Facebook Sean's Book: The Dark Side of Fat Loss  Sean upcoming FREE online event, The Thyroid Sessions If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show in iTunes so that you never miss another inspiring interview! Enjoyed this episode? Click here to get more interviews like this directly to your inbox #MoversAndShakers Action Item: Get over your fear of getting your feelings hurt. Pick the best piece of advice you've ever given someone and put it out there to your community.  See what happens. Make sure you have 3 supporting pieces of evidence on why someone should follow your advice. You'll find that it's not as bad as your think, and if you have those 3 well researched pieces of evidence, you'll be able to handle any "haters" and the fear of putting yourself out there should go away.

    50 min
  3. 04/05/2014

    M&S 011: Launching a Successful Tech Start-up with Don Charlton

    Here on the Movers&Shakers Podcast, we love talking with entrepreneurs about the journey they took while starting their business. This episode excites me because we'll be specifically talking about starting a technology company. Why does it excite me so much, you ask? Well, many of you know that I have a bachelors degree in engineering and an MBA, so my passion lies in both business and technology. But one thing I've noticed about tech is that while most of us are consumers of technology, some of us get stuck when it comes to being creators of technology In order to help you bust through that roadblock and to encourage you to build and create new technologies, in this episode I have someone who has been there and done that, Don Charlton. When I mention tech startups, you might immediately start thinking of the wealthy silicon valley, or rich kids starting companies in their dorm rooms. But Don's story definitely didn't start that way. He's not afraid to tell you that he grew up, in his words, "ridiculously poor." When he left his small Pennsylvania town at 18 to go to college, he had all of $75 to his name. Now he employs 40+ people, has raised millions of dollars in venture funding, and counts as customers some of your favorite web 2.0 companies such as Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest, and had his product used by both 2012 presidential campaigns! // In this episode of Movers & Shakers here's what we'll cover: The environment of poverty Don grew up in and what helped him escape it The surprising job he took in college  to help pay his way through school Why his early attempts at starting a company failed  Whether he thinks having a business plan is important How he raised millions of dollars in funding How he landed big clients like Instagram, Pinterest and Evernote And much more! Check out Don's TED Talk - A Blueprint for Entrepreneurship here Advice from Don Charlton Always do it early.  The pain of doing it late is much worse than the inconvenience of doing it early. The business plan is less important than doing something. Particularly when start up costs are low, get a minimally viable product out there and start getting feedback from real customers. Words -> Actions -> Accomplishments. This framework will help you get what you want to get in life. Items mentioned in this episode include:  The Resumator website  Don on Twitter Don's Blog Book: Founders At Work, Jessica Livingston (*affiliate link) Book: The Lean Startup, Eric Ries (*affiliate link) If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show in iTunes so that you never miss another inspiring interview! Enjoyed this episode? Click here to get more interviews like this directly to your inbox #MoversAndShakers Action Item: Start working on that great technology idea or invention that you've always thought about and develop a minimally viable product.

    54 min
  4. 03/21/2014

    M&S 010: How Sweet It Is! Kat Cole on How She Dropped Of College, Traveled the World & Became CEO of Cinnabon by Age 35.

    Welcome to Episode 10 of the Movers&Shakers Podcast.  This episode is important to me because at the beginning of the year I decided that my  "Money Mantra" for 2014 was going to be LAUNCH. So, I'm very proud to be able to bring the 10th Episode to you today. I hope you've made you mind up to do something special this year as well. We've had the opportunity to chat with and learn from a number of successful entrepreneurs in the first 10 episodes, but I know that some of you Movers & Shakers out there are looking to excel in the corporate arena. In this episode I'd like you to meet someone who has done just that, the Kat Cole, CEO of the irresistible billion dollar brand Cinnabon. Kat has an amazing story.  As a teenager she started working as a Hostess at Hooters in her home state of Florida. Because of her hard work and trustworthy nature she was asked to help open new Hooters restaurants in Australia and Latin America.  Her skill at launching the brand in foreign markets eventually helped her become vice president at the company. When you prove your success, soon others will come calling, and she is leading the globally recognized brand (and scent....) Cinnabon. But it wasn't always this way.  Kat had to overcome difficulties in her family life as a kid and made the tough decision to drop out of college before climbing the ladder at Hooters. // In this episode of Movers & Shakers here's what we'll cover: Why her mother left her father when she was 9 and what she learned from that experience What childhood experiences help her deal with fear of failure How she began to make herself indispensable at Hooters  Why you should focus on the now even when you have aspirations for something greater How to change other's perception of you and your skill level How to put yourself on the  fast track to the CEO suite And much more! Check out Kat's Highlights from the hit CBS Show Undercover Boss Advice from Kat Cole Know yourself and how you are perceived by others.  Only then can you emphasize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Give, Give, Give.  Until it Hurts. Nothing is more important in building your life and your business than your relationships. Deliver Results. Don't look so far into the future that you miss the opportunity to be the best in your position TODAY. Items mentioned in this episode include:  Cinnabon website  Kat Cole on Twitter Kat Cole on Facebook  If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show in iTunes so that you never miss another inspiring interview! Enjoyed this episode? Click here to get more interviews like this directly to your inbox #MoversAndShakers Action Item: Reach out to 10 people and ask for feedback using these 3 questions: How would you describe me? What's my greatest strength What's the biggest thing I could improve on

    35 min
  5. 03/15/2014

    M&S 009: Outsmart Your Competition – How Dr. Randal Pinkett Obtained 5 Degrees, Won the Apprentice and Landed a Billion Dollar Contract

    There seems to be this notion out there that there are two distinct types of people; those that are book smart, and those that are great at hustling and in business. But there's a fatal flaw in that notion.  There are may people who have been successful in academia and also successful in the business world. In this episode I'd like you to meet one of those people, Dr. Randal Pinkett. Dr. Pinkett is not someone that you want to try to match accolades with at a cocktail party.  He has five academic degrees in addition to being a Rhodes Scholar.  He is also the winner of season 4 of Donald Trump's reality show, The Apprentice.  If that wasn't enough, his newest venture, BCT Partners, recently signed a multi Billion dollar contract to provide information technology consulting to the Department of Health and Human Services. // In this episode of Movers & Shakers here's what we'll cover: His very first business venture and why his mom shut it down How his mentality changed from wanting to be and employee to being an employer Why its important to first have the right people on your team  Where to focus your efforts if you desire to have maximum success in business The simple strategy that helped him win the apprentice How he landed a billion dollar deal with the US government And much more! Check out Randal's Highlights from the Apprentice Advice from Dr. Randal Pinkett Don't conform your team to the strategy.  Conform your strategy to the team. First you must get the right people on the bus. There's a fine line between faith and foolishness. Don't quit as long as your making visible progress.  If you're not, pivot. Focus on your unique proposition to your business. Everything else can be done better by someone else. Items mentioned in this episode include:  Randall's website  Randall on Twitter Randal on Facebook  Randal's books  *affiliate links Campus CEO: The Student Entrepreneurs Guid to Launching a Multi-Million Dollar Business No Money Down CEO : How to Start Your Dream Business With Little or No Cash Black Faces in White Places: 10 Game Changing Strategies to Achieve Success and Find Greatness If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show in iTunes so that you never miss another inspiring interview! Enjoyed this episode? Click here to get more interviews like this directly to your inbox #MoversAndShakers Action Item: Determine what you are naturally gifted at and brainstorm ideas to make a living by marrying your gift with your passion.

    40 min
  6. 03/07/2014

    M&S 008: Becoming a Top Expert in Your Niche with Melinda Emerson aka SmallBizLady

    From the feedback I've been receiving from all of you, there are a lot of you that want to earn a living by having impact and influence on the lives of other people. There's only one problem: Many of you just don't know where to start. No sweat. Here comes #MoversAndShakers to the rescue. Enter Melinda Emerson, a.k.a. SmallBizLady, a former journalist who has, over her 15 years in business, become one of the country's leading experts in building successful small businesses. Melinda is the author of the best-selling book, Become your Own Boss in 12 Months, she has been named one of the top experts to follow by Forbes Magazine and Huffington Post, and she has an army of 250,000 loyal followers on Twitter. She's built a tremendous platform of impact and influence, and there's a ton that we can learn from her success. // In this episode of Movers & Shakers here's what we'll cover: What led her to shift from her career as a journalist  to become her own boss How she unexpectedly got her first book deal Why she launched a blog before launching her book  How she went from knowing NOTHING about Twitter to having $250,000 followers The gutsy move that landed her a weekly column in the New York Times The top lessons learned from her 15 years in business And much more! Advice From Melinda Emerson a.k.a SmallBizLady It's either WIN or LEARN.  There are no losses in business. Adopting this attitude will help you get past the fear of failing. Leverage others with larger audiences. She used and the NY Times to build her personal sphere of influence Use Your Network. Don't be afraid to take on a project even though you might not know everything you need to complete it. Pick up the phone and ask for help. Items mentioned in this episode include:  Melinda's website  SmallBizLady on Twitter SmallBizLady on Facebook  Melinda's Book Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months on Amazon *affiliate link Platform, MichaelHyatt on Amazon *affiliate link The E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber on Amazon*affiliate link  If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show in iTunes so that you never miss another inspiring interview! Enjoyed this episode? Click here to get more interviews like this directly to your inbox #MoversAndShakers Action Item: Create something of extreme value to your audience and seek out a partner with a larger audience to help you promote it.

  7. 02/28/2014

    M&S 007: From Homeless to Hero – A Candid Conversation with ET The Hip Hop Preacher

    No matter how successful you are, I'm sure that, from time to time, you have some of "those days."  You know the days that I'm talking about.  The days when you might question yourself more than usual.  The days when things are going as well for you as they normally do.  We all face ups and downs along the way and it can be difficult to stay motivated under those circumstances. If you've ever dealt with this type of challenges, then you need to meet Eric Thomas, a.k.a. ET The Hip Hop Preacher. Eric's notoriety skyrocketed when a speech he gave to a group of students went viral.  If you haven't seen it, you need to watch the video below so that you'll be properly prepared for the interview. In this episode, we'll talk with ET about how he overcame tremendous obstacles (including homelessness, and dropping out of high school) to become a highly sought after motivational speaker, author, voice over artist and entrepreneur. If you feel like you have things you need to over come in life, or you want to build a platform to help others do so, you'll love this episode. // In this episode of Movers & Shakers here's what we'll cover: The life experiences that led him to  become a homeless high school dropout How his then girlfriend, now wife of 23 years helped him get on track How he stuck with school even though it took him 12 years to obtain his bachelors degree How changing his friends changed his life How his video went viral and launched his speaking career And of course more of his "Secrets to Succsss" And much more! Advice From ET the Hip Hop Preacher Get a new group. Surround yourself with people that will elevate you, not bring you down. Start an accountability group or a personal board of directors. When You Want To Succeed As Bad As You Want to Breathe, That's When You'll Be Successful  Start with WHY. Focus on why you do what you do, instead of what you hope to gain from it. Items mentioned in this episode include:  Eric's Website  ET on Twitter ET on Facebook  Et's show "TGIM" on Youtube ET's book, "The Secret to Success" on Amazon *affiliate link "Think and Grow Rich, a Black Choice", Dennis Kimbro on Amazon *affiliate link Here's the quote that started it all! If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show in iTunes so that you never miss another inspiring interview! Enjoyed this episode? Click here to get more interviews like this directly to your inbox #MoversAndShakers Action Item: Start an accountability group with 5 people that you can learn from and want to see you succeed.

    59 min
  8. 02/14/2014

    M&S 006: How to Break Up With a Good Job to Pursue Your Passion

    Don't worry, I already know what you're thinking. The polar vortex has you questioning why your risk your life the in the treacherous city streets, just to go to a job you hate. If this is you, I'm sure it wouldn't take too much convincing to get you to leave your job. But what if you have a good job? What if you work for a billionaire and travel across the world? What if you have a fancy degree that everyone thinks you should be using? How easy would it be to leave then? In this episode, we'll meet someone who was in that exact same position, Paul Brunson. Paul, a.k.a. the Modern Day Hitch, left a lucrative finance job to create a business as a matchmaker and he hasn't looked back since. // In this episode of Movers & Shakers here's what we'll cover: The life experiences that led him to  become a matchmaker The bold steps he and his wife took to finance his new career Specific steps to building a business around your passion What he's learned from working for two billionaires His current favorite social media tool, and what he thinks will be the next big thing His secrets to being happy And much more! Advice From Paul Brunson Find a mentor. See out successful people in your industry and ask them as many questions as you can. Don't dabble. Go all in.  You can't expect 100% results from 50% effort. Read. There is a treasure trove of information from successful people at your fingertips.  You can learn their secrets for less than it would cost to take them to lunch. BONUS: For those of you who are more visually inclined, here's the video! Items mentioned in this episode include:  Paul's Website  Paul on Twitter Paul on Facebook  Paul's show "Lovetown USA" on the OWN Network Paul's book, "It's Complicated" on Amazon *affiliate link Here's Paul with Oprah Winfrey during the filming of Lovetown USA If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show in iTunes so that you never miss another inspiring interview! Enjoyed this episode? Click here to get more interviews like this directly to your inbox #MoversAndShakers Action Item: Who are the 5 mentors you will contact and what 5 books will you read to become an expert in your niche?

    53 min
out of 5
25 Ratings


Rob Wilson from is a financial advisor and frequent contributor to local and national outlets regarding personal finance, investing, career enhancement and entrepreneurship. The Movers & Shakers podcast is an interview show featuring, you guessed it, people who are moving and shaking in sports, business, entrepreneurship, entertainment, politics, etc. Each episode will inspire you into action and will provide you with tips and tools that you can implement immediately in your life, career or business. Listen. Learn. Launch.

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