The No Good, Terribly Kind, Wonderful Lives and Tragic Deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman

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News of the mysterious deaths of billionaire Canadian pharma giant Barry Sherman and his philanthropist wife Honey in December 2017 reverberated around the world. Five years later, with no arrests and little news from the police, their deaths remain shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories, with too many lingering questions. Not just who killed them, but what kind of life do you have to live that when you’re found dead, there are multiple theories, including some involving your own family? That’s the question journalist Kathleen Goldhar set out to discover, in The No Good, Terribly Kind, Wonderful Lives and Tragic Deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman, as she explores who the Shermans really were and why too much money might have been what killed them in the end.
برامج تتضمن ميزات الاشتراك
المضيفون والضيوف
Excellent pod so well done!
Professional, well written and good pace. Very impressed. I really enjoy productions from CBC
Fantastic production. Give these people more money to do more podcasts.
Loved it!!
I loved this podcast. Host was fantastic! I could’ve listed to 10 more episodes.
Second episode
So far I am hooked by the journalistic excellence. My heart breaks for this couple and the terror they endured.
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- المزودCanadian Broadcasting Corporation
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