17 episodes

Hi, I’m Celes, the founder of Personal Excellence, one of the top personal development blogs in the world. The Personal Excellence Podcast is about how to live your best life in today's world. I share practical tips on personal growth, from improving your personal productivity, to achieving happiness, to dealing with life's setbacks. Let's get started!

The Personal Excellence Podcast Celes Chua

    • Education
    • 4.9 • 37 Ratings

Hi, I’m Celes, the founder of Personal Excellence, one of the top personal development blogs in the world. The Personal Excellence Podcast is about how to live your best life in today's world. I share practical tips on personal growth, from improving your personal productivity, to achieving happiness, to dealing with life's setbacks. Let's get started!

    Nobody Loves Me

    Nobody Loves Me

    Have you ever felt this way before? That nobody loves you? If so, you're not alone. I've felt that nobody loves me before, and in fact felt this way during many of my down moments in the past, such as times when I felt neglected or pushed aside. It was only lately that I learned to break out of this thinking pattern, and today I want to share how you can do so too.

    In this latest episode of The Personal Excellence Podcast, I share

    * Why there has been a lack of updates lately (and my apologies about it!) [0:22]

    * Why I would feel that nobody loves me [2:47]

    * How I addressed this negative thinking pattern, and how you can too [4:49]

    * Why it's not true that nobody loves you [5:26]

    * Where true self-love should come from [10:48]

    * Why celebrities face self-love issues despite having the love of millions of fans [12:13]

    * What happens when you pursue a relationship for the sake of feeling loved [13:17]

    * Getting to the root of why you think "nobody loves me" [15:21]

    * My childhood experiences that led me to this belief [16:08]

    * Times when I was bullied in school [20:19]

    * How I resolved these negative memories [23:31]

    * My gratitude to you guys [28:52]

    * An exercise for you to dig into the belief "nobody loves me" [30:35]

    * How to start building up your self-love [34:51]

    * Why there is no dichotomy between self-love and personal growth [37:14]

    * My reminder to you [38:36]

    Listen to the podcast via my online player,

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    Amazon Music, or subscribe directly to my RSS feed.

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    If you've found The Personal Excellence Podcast useful, I'd really appreciate it if you can leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Your review makes a difference and will help spread the message of conscious living to the world. Thank you!

    Nobody Loves Me [Transcript]

    Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast. The show that's all about helping you be your best self and live your best life. Now, your host, Celestine Chua!

    Celestine Chua: Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast Episode 17, I'm Celes from PersonalExcellence.co!

    First off, I want to apologize for the slow updates in the past months, if not year. For those of you who are not on the PE newsletter, do join -- it's at personalexcellence.co/newsletter. Even though there haven't been many updates on the blog, I've been sending out email updates that are not posted on the blog...

    • 40 min
    How To Be Productive, Not Busy

    How To Be Productive, Not Busy

    It is so easy to be busy rather than productive in today's world. With so many notifications and things screaming for attention, oftentimes, we could simply spend an entire day being busy without getting anything done.

    So how can we focus on the impactful and make the most of our days?

    In this episode of The Personal Excellence Podcast, I share

    * 6 tips to be productive, not busy

    * Why you should not start your day with chat [1:25]

    * How to separate communication between inner circle loved ones and others [4:50]

    * Why I turn off alerts and notifications [8:21]

    * How to deal with incoming emails, alerts that you need to respond to [10:59]

    * Starting your day with a priority to-do list [12:44]

    * Why you shouldn't beat yourself up when you go off task [14:49]

    * Using batching to group similar tasks [17:07]

    * How to create your 80/20 to-do list [20:32]

    * Using a "Will do" list to defer incoming tasks [20:32]

    * The importance of delegating [21:59]

    * Why delegating was my Achilles heel in the past [22:42]

    * 3 factors I used to determine when to delegate [25:05]

    * 5 questions to ask yourself in a weekly/bi-weekly audit [29:16]

    * Asking ourselves WHY, WHAT, and HOW as we live consciously [30:20]

    Listen to the podcast via my online player,

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    Amazon Music, or subscribe directly to my RSS feed.

    The Personal Excellence PodcastShow Menu Podcast Subscription Menu Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyListen on GoogleListen on TuneInListen on CastboxListen on PocketCastsListen on OvercastSubscribe via RSSHow To Be Productive, Not BusyShow Podcast Information

    If you've found The Personal Excellence Podcast useful, I'd really appreciate it if you can leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Your review makes a difference and will help spread the message of conscious living to the world. Thank you!

    How To Be Productive, Not Busy [Transcript]

    Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast. The show that's all about helping you be your best self and live your best life. Now, your host, Celestine Chua!

    Celestine Chua: Hey everyone. That is Celes from PersonalExcellence.co. Welcome back to the podcast!

    Today I want to talk about productivity -- specifically how to be productive, not busy. I feel that in today's world, it is so easy to be busy rather than to be productive. That's because we have so many notifications, alerts, to-dos, things screaming for attention. Oftentimes, when we are not aware, when we are not conscious of it, we could simply spend an entire day just doing things, rushing from place to place, clearing item after item. But these things may not be the most impactful things that help us move towards o...

    • 34 min
    You’re not alone

    You’re not alone

    Have you ever felt like you're alone sometimes? That you're facing life's struggles but you're going through so much pain alone? That no one seems to understand what you're going through?

    I hear you. Today, I just want to record a quick podcast to let you know that you're not alone. Listen to the episode below:

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    If you've found The Personal Excellence Podcast useful, I'd really appreciate it if you can leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Your review makes a difference and will help spread the message of conscious living to the world. Thank you!

    You're Not Alone [Transcript]

    Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast. The show that's all about helping you be your best self and live your best life. Now, your host, Celestine Chua!

    Celestine Chua: Hey everyone, Celes here from PersonalExcellence.co. Today, I just want to record this podcast to let you know that... you're not alone.

    For some of you listening to this, maybe you're going through some kind of problem right now. Some kind of struggle, issue. Whatever it is that you're going through, I just want to do a shout-out and let you know that you're not alone.

    I know that life can be really sucky sometimes. Sometimes, we can be trying our best but we face obstacle after obstacle. Sometimes we may be dealing with problems that are so difficult that we wonder if there will ever be a way out. Sometimes it can be a tough struggle just getting through life itself. And whenever we are going through times like this, it can feel very isolating and very debilitating.

    If you're experiencing any struggle or pain right now, I just want let you know that you're not alone and I totally understand how you feel.

    I myself, I have been going through problems myself too. I shared a couple of episodes back on the work and business challenges that I had been facing in the past years. If you haven't listened to the episode, you can check it out here: Challenges that I’m Facing Today

    I also face life struggles as well. I find that the world today is a little bit of an alienating one for me. I find myself increasingly distanced from the way the world is today, the mass society I mean. Consumerism, all the mad chase for money as an end goal in itself.

    • 6 min
    How Social Media Creates a Fear of Missing Out (And What To Do About It)

    How Social Media Creates a Fear of Missing Out (And What To Do About It)

    FOMO — or the fear of missing out — has become a pattern in today's world. We are constantly on our phones, glued to social media feeds and checking what other people are up to. The more updates we see, the more anxious we feel. We see people living this exciting life, achieving this new milestone, doing that exciting activity. We feel like we are missing out, that we are not living a good enough life, and we have a compulsion to keep up.

    So we keep up... buying, keeping up, and absorbing as much information and updates as we can. And this addresses our anxiety... or does it?

    Can you relate? Well, today's episode is just for you. :) In this episode of The Personal Excellence Podcast, I cover

    * What is FOMO [0:29]

    * Signs of FOMO [1:27]

    * 4 reasons why FOMO exists [4:39]

    * 5 strategies to tackle FOMO [15:06]

    Listen to the podcast via my online player,

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    Amazon Music, or subscribe directly to my RSS feed.

    The Personal Excellence PodcastShow Menu Podcast Subscription Menu Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyListen on GoogleListen on TuneInListen on CastboxListen on PocketCastsListen on OvercastSubscribe via RSSHow Social Media Creates a Fear of Missing Out (And What To Do About It)Show Podcast Information

    If you've found The Personal Excellence Podcast useful, I'd really appreciate it if you can leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Your review makes a difference and will help spread the message of conscious living to the world. Thank you!

    Fear of Missing Out [Transcript]

    Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast. The show that's all about helping you be your best self and live your best life. Now, your host, Celestine Chua!

    Celestine Chua: Hey everybody, welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast! This is Celestine Chua from PersonalExcellence.co. Today we're talking about the fear of missing out, otherwise known as FOMO.

    Have you heard the term FOMO before? I'm sure some of you have. But if you haven't, FOMO refers to the apprehension that one is not in the know, or one is out of touch with some event, experience, or interaction. This compels the person to constantly want to know what's going on, what's happening out there, and whether they're missing out on something.

    In today's world, FOMO exists on some level in many of our social media habits and online behavior — even if you don't realize it. This is why I want to discuss this topic today because I feel that FOMO has become such a prevalent issue.

    Some Signs You Have FOMO

    Some signs of having FOMO include

    * Continually refreshing your social media newsfeed to see what's going on, what's the latest update, and the new things that people are discussing right now.

    • 37 min
    Challenges that I’m Facing Today

    Challenges that I’m Facing Today

    Hi everyone! Today I thought I'd do something different and share some of the challenges I've been facing in my business. I just want to share some of the things that have been weighing me down, and why I haven't been sharing as much on the blog in the recent years.

    In this episode, I cover

    * Key challenges that I've been facing [1:01]

    * My solutions to tackle them [15:37]

    Listen to the podcast via my online player,

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    Amazon Music, or subscribe directly to my RSS feed.

    The Personal Excellence PodcastShow Menu Podcast Subscription Menu Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyListen on GoogleListen on TuneInListen on CastboxListen on PocketCastsListen on OvercastSubscribe via RSSChallenges that I’m Facing TodayShow Podcast Information

    If you've found The Personal Excellence Podcast useful, I'd really appreciate it if you can leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Your review makes a difference and will help spread the message of conscious living to the world. Thank you!

    Challenges that I'm Facing Today [Transcript]

    Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast. The show that's all about helping you be your best self and live your best life. Now, your host, Celestine Chua!

    Celestine Chua: Hey everybody! Welcome back to The Personal Excellence Podcast. So today I thought I would do a different type of topic. Usually, I cover a topic on personal growth and I share tips on that. Today I thought I would do some personal sharing, and I'd like to talk about some of the challenges I've been facing in my business. I thought it would be good to share some of the things that have been weighing me down.

    I did feel that I haven't been able to do deep personal sharing on my site for maybe at least the past couple of years. As you listen, perhaps you may understand why.

    Challenges I've Been Facing

    #1. Feeling that my work doesn't matter

    The first challenge that I've been facing, and I think some of you guys may have noticed this, is that the web is so cluttered today. There are just so many, you know, businesses? It's cluttered in a very commercial way, and I guess this is what happens when the main driving point of a society, the main agent that people need to work towards, is money.

    I'm not trying to build any negativity around money because I think money is important and it is a good neutral tool for us to objectify value. I'm not of the camp of people who go, "Money is evil," but I also don't see money as the "end all and be all" of life, or that it accurately indicates the value that people are giving to the world. Money as a tool definitely has its issues.

    So when the main agent that people work for in the world is money, naturally when you have a clean starting ground (su...

    • 23 min
    Our Unique Path in Life

    Our Unique Path in Life

    Do you tend to compare yourself to others? Do you constantly feel pressured to conform to certain standards, to fit yourself in a perfect mold as told by society? Today's episode is about our unique path in life. Click below to listen!

    Starting from this episode, I'll be adding transcripts that you can find below each episode. Today's transcript can be found below.

    Listen to the podcast via my online player,

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    Amazon Music, or subscribe directly to my RSS feed.

    The Personal Excellence PodcastShow Menu Podcast Subscription Menu Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyListen on GoogleListen on TuneInListen on CastboxListen on PocketCastsListen on OvercastSubscribe via RSSOur Unique Path in LifeShow Podcast Information

    If you've found The Personal Excellence Podcast useful, I'd really appreciate it if you can leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Your review makes a difference and will help spread the message of conscious living to the world. Thank you!

    Our Unique Path in Life [Transcript]

    Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast. The show that's all about helping you be your best self and live your best life. Now, your host, Celestine Chua!

    Celestine Chua: Hey everyone! Welcome to the Personal Excellence Podcast Episode 12! I'm Celestine Chua from PersonalExcellence.co.

    First off, I'd like to apologize for the intermittent uploads for the podcast, and even the YouTube channel. A big reason is that I've just been struggling to find a stable and a quiet place to record my audio podcasts and YouTube videos. That's why you can see that I haven't been doing any video for the past two years. And the podcast... yeah. I've also been really slow in the updates. In the meantime, I'm just trying to find opportunities where I can record new podcasts and speak to you guys. I really hope that in time to come, I'll be able to record more episodes on a regular basis.

    So currently I'm experimenting with a new podcast format. If you're an existing listener, you probably know that The PE Podcast episodes tend to be between 30 to 45 minutes long, with a series of tips on the topic itself. Now, the new podcast format that I am experimenting with consists more of short-form topics, and in each episode I'll be focusing on sharing one big idea. Let me know what you guys think at personalexcellence.co/contact/! I always love to hear your feedback!

    Today's topic is on our unique path in life. For all of us growing up in today's world, I'm sure you see comparisons abound all the time. There are comparisons with grades when you're in school... coming from teachers, parents, and even your friends, your schoolmates. Many people are often comparing grades, like who's got better grades, more achievements, etc.

    • 10 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
37 Ratings

37 Ratings

lessonslearned ,


I really related to this and it helped me realize I have trouble accepting Love because the few times I’ve had it it wasn’t real because they left and it damaged me in a way that causes me to project unintentionally onto others. Thank you

Splchk! ,


Thank you! Very timely and beneficial.🙏🏾☺️

FozaSQ ,

huge like

Thank you so much

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