The Journal.

The most important stories about money, business and power. Hosted by Kate Linebaugh and Ryan Knutson, with Jessica Mendoza. The Journal is a co-production of Spotify and The Wall Street Journal. Get show merch here:
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المضيفون والضيوف
Stop complaining
قبل ٦ أيام
People have to stop complaining that it’s too left leaning. TBH they’re neutral and you don’t have to listen if you don’t like it. You don’t have to give them bad reviews. Great podcast though.
Swinging left
قبل ٤ أيام
Not bipartisan at all. Disappointed that this program praises leftist failures.
TDS Hosts Especially Kate
قبل ٥ أيام
I used to think WSJ kind of still had some credibility - But sadly, no. TDS all the way. How can you categorically say tariffs cause inflation? Did you go to the American Samoa school of Economics? If you tariff Japanese cars, but not American or Korean or European, etc. - Can you still categorically say inflation will occur? Are you a high-school newspaper? TDS all the way. Editors, do your job and fire the hosts!
Need both sides of a story
قبل ٥ أيام
Love the topics and the hosts. However, often times when discussing a topic I feel like we’re given only one side of a story. Especially if it is a political topic. Too often we hear most responses from one side of the aisle.
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