FINE is a 4-Letter Word

Lori Saitz

Wasn’t it just a couple years ago you were sitting on the beach at spring break in Ft. Lauderdale – listening to the Pet Shop Boys, U2, and Def Leppard - with your entire life ahead of you? Now you’re looking back 30 plus years and wondering what the hell happened. Not that it’s been all bad. Of course, there’ve been highs and lows. And today, everything’s fine. It’s just fine. That’s the problem. You don’t really feel like you have anything to complain about. Lots of people might envy what you have. But you’re feeling a deep undercurrent of suck. Like, there must be something more. And you don’t know what to do about it. Welcome to Fine is a 4-Letter Word, with host Lori Saitz. Each week, you'll hear inspiring stories of self-discovery and courage from people who have said F*ck Being Fine and have transformed their lives and businesses. Plus, get practical tips and takeaways to move you from spinning in place - to forward action - so you can create a life of joy. None of us knows how much time we have here. So we have to make the most of it. We have to do the things that light us up and bring us joy. This show will give you hope, help you find your passion and purpose, and dare you to see the life that’s waiting for you. You’ll never hear - or say - the word “fine” in the same way again.

  1. 36 Years in Prison for a Crime She Didn’t Commit with Judy Henderson

    HÁ 21 H

    36 Years in Prison for a Crime She Didn’t Commit with Judy Henderson

    Battered Woman Syndrome is a commonly misunderstood condition that results from domestic or intimate partner violence. Maybe you’ve known someone in such a situation. Or you’ve at least heard stories about it. And you’ve probably thought, Why do you stay there and take it? Why don’t you leave? There are support networks and shelters who can take you in, why not just go? And wondered, What drives you to try to “fix” the situation and have understanding for your abuser? Why do you act like you owe them a f**king thing? Judy Henderson, like many battered women, found herself in a situation that most of us couldn’t possibly imagine. I should pause quickly and put in a trigger warning, because this story actually gets worse. See, Judy was the oldest child of eight in a Pentecostal family, raised by a father who abused her and a mother who kept trying to hold it together. The rule of the day was, don’t air your dirty laundry in public, conform to public norms, and put a positive face on it. A positive face? Judy ended up in not one, but two, abusive relationships because that’s what she’d been conditioned to. The final straw in her 12-year marriage was when her husband threw her through a glass door window while her young daughter watched before running down the street screaming. Police were called but told her there was nothing they could do. Her next relationship was with a con man who was fond of reading books about manipulation. He told her what she wanted to hear. One day, he announced he was moving in because she needed him to “care” for her and her children. That they could be a family. And as someone who only craved to be loved, this was.. well… a dream come true. The nightmare got worse when he ended up murdering someone in a robbery gone too far and Judy found herself as a co-defendant. She was sentenced to life in prison without parole for 50 years, for this murder she did not commit. He walked away a free man. And yeah, there’s more… Yet… through her time in prison, Judy finally found not only her freedom from a horrible life, but also an ability to forgive and the love she always wanted. It’s an unbelievably incredible story, and Judy is telling it here on Fine is a 4-Letter Word in a way she’s never shared before. In a moment, when you meet her, you’ll come away with a revised view on domestic violence, the criminal justice system, and how someone can find hope in tragedy. Judy’s hype song is "It’s My Turn" by Diana Ross. Resources: Judy Henderson’s website: Pre-order your copy of Judy’s book, “When The Light Finds Us” - Invitation from Lori:  This episode is sponsored by Zen Rabbit. Smart business leaders know trust is the foundation of every great workplace. And in today’s hybrid and fast-moving work culture, trust isn’t built in quarterly town halls or the occasional Slack message. It’s built through consistent, clear, and HUMAN communication. Companies and leaders TALK about the importance of connection and community. And it’s easy to believe your organization is doing a great job of maintaining an awesome corporate culture because you’ve got annual all-hands meetings and open door policies, and “fun" team-building events. But let's be real. Leaders who are serious about building real trust are finding better ways to strengthen culture, create connection, and foster community. That's...

  2. Hell In The Hallway with Kristy Busija

    6 DE MAR.

    Hell In The Hallway with Kristy Busija

    Does it sometimes feel like no good deed goes unpunished? What if I told you that no scandal, setback, or stumbling block goes unrewarded, if you’re willing to take the time to solve the puzzle? As a puzzle-solver programmed to challenge the status quo, ask questions, and lean into her natural curiosity, Kristy Busija (BYOO-SEE-YA) learned both of these lessons when she got fired for doing the right thing. Growing up, Kristy’s parents instilled classic values – have a good work ethic, act with integrity, abide by the Golden Rule, and catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. These same values created conflict in her work when she conducted an employee assessment where participants were told their responses would be kept confidential, but her bosses demanded she give them the data anyway. They fired her for – get this – not living the “values” of the company! If that’s supposed to be fine, there’s a reason why Fine is a 4-Letter Word! In a moment, when you meet Kristy, you’ll discover how this set off a journey of learning and self-actualization where she found out, as she says, it’s hell in the hallway. All these doors – what rooms do they lead to? What did others see in Kristy through the peepholes in those doors that she couldn’t see in herself? How does she solve this puzzle? What’s the next conversation? Now hold that thought for just a second as I share a special invitation with you. Kristy’s hype song is "Do It Again" by Steven Curtis Chapman. Resources: Kristy Busija’s website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Claim your copy of “The 2nd Wind”, the anthology that contains Kristy’s chapter called “It’s Hell In The Hallway”, by visiting Invitation from Lori: This episode is sponsored by Zen Rabbit. Smart business leaders know trust is the foundation of every great workplace. And in today’s hybrid and fast-moving work culture, trust isn’t built in quarterly town halls or the occasional Slack message. It’s built through consistent, clear, and HUMAN communication. Companies and leaders TALK about the importance of connection and community. And it’s easy to believe your organization is doing a great job of maintaining an awesome corporate culture. Because there are… Annual all-hands meetings where once a year you hear a well-rehearsed speech, employees clap politely, and everyone leaves with the same unanswered questions they came in with."Open door policies" that no one ever uses because people are uncomfortable walking in to talk with someone they don’t feel like they know very well. "Fun" team-building events like escape rooms, trust falls, and awkward, out of fashion happy hours Generic "we appreciate everything you do" emails with zero personalization or sincerity.Company values posted on a wall with no substance behind them. But let's be real. Leaders who are serious about building real trust are finding better ways to... Strengthen culture by sharing authentic stories from leadership and employees.Create connection so that remote and in-office teams know and understand each...

  3. What’s the Price of Doing the Right Thing with Idy Marcus

    27 DE FEV.

    What’s the Price of Doing the Right Thing with Idy Marcus

    Situations involving stalking can be a gray area. Does the person mean well but are just awkward in their approach? Are you reading too much into it? Let’s not jump to conclusions and end up smearing an innocent person. We should give the benefit of a doubt until we have our facts straight. All of these are very natural impulses, rooted in solid values that generally speaking serve us well. And they could have cost Idy Marcus dearly. Idy was raised in a very loving home by parents who married and started their family later in life. They adored each other and were connected in every way. This sentiment passed down to Idy and her sister, who picked up values like your handshake is your bond, present yourself well, give people the benefit of a doubt, and be honorable in all things. She also learned to be bold, take chances, and not be afraid to take the plunge. Her family encouraged her to be curious, courageous, and not fear failure. These traits all served Idy well as she grew her career as a leadership management and corporate conflict resolution expert. When she started her own company, she figured if it didn’t work out, she had enough contacts eating lunch on Washington DC’s K Street that she wouldn’t go hungry. After her sister passed and then suddenly her dad two years later, Idy insisted her mother come live with her. Her mom attended events with her and served as a fantastic business resource. Just before they were to move overseas for work with a corporate client, her mom suffered a massive and debilitating stroke, rendering her unable to speak and with limited mobility. Idy immediately put her career on hold to stay at the care facility with her mom full-time. In her unique way, Idy carved out a path where everything was fine, until it wasn’t – after all, Fine is a 4-Letter Word. One of her mother’s caretakers seemed nice enough, if a bit awkward. Idy didn’t make a whole lot of his obsession with her and minimized others’ concerns. Then she found black roses left on her car. Then her car was broken into. At first she tried to reason with the man, to give him the benefit of a doubt… until he started stalking others. In a moment, when you meet Idy, you’ll discover how dealing with this situation led her to take on the role of CEO for Pro-Tect Services, LLC, a startup that uses trained U.S. veterans to provide on-demand close protection security service to those confronting domestic and intimate partner violence and stalking. Idy’s hype song is "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from the "Mary Poppins" Soundtrack. Resources: Idy Marcus’ LinkedIn: Invitation from Lori: This episode is sponsored by Zen Rabbit. Smart business leaders know trust is the foundation of every great workplace. And in today’s hybrid and fast-moving work culture, trust isn’t built in quarterly town halls or the occasional Slack message. It’s built through consistent, clear, and HUMAN communication. Companies and leaders TALK about the importance of connection and community. And it’s easy to believe your organization is doing a great job of maintaining an awesome corporate culture. Because there are… Annual all-hands meetings where once a year you hear a well-rehearsed speech, employees clap politely, and everyone leaves with the same unanswered questions they came in with. "Open door policies" that no one ever uses because people are uncomfortable walking in to talk with someone they don’t feel like they know very well. "Fun" team-building events like escape rooms, trust falls, and awkward,...

  4. Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It: A Special Episode with Lori

    13 DE FEV.

    Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It: A Special Episode with Lori

    Tomorrow, February 14th, is Valentine’s Day. For some, it’s a joyous celebration of our connection with our spouse, companion, partner, and loved one. For others, it raises questions about why we need a holiday to mark something that’s central to our life and our True North. And there are those for whom it’s a source of grief or pain for various reasons – lack of a life partner, hurt over losing a life partner, or disillusionment over not having found a life partner. But you know what we don’t talk about? Loving ourselves. I just finished reading a book called “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It” by Kamal Ravikant and want to share a powerful lesson and practice from the book. When’s the last time you looked in the mirror and said “I love myself”? Do you think you could say it once? Could you say it ten times? When you tune in and listen to this very special episode, I’ll show you how this practice works, how I’ve made this mantra part of my routine, and why I call it a “mantra” rather than, say, an “affirmation”. If you’re looking for love on Valentine’s Day, try looking in the mirror. This could change your life in ways that, up until now, you could not possibly have imagined! Resources: My Website:     LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: the “FINE is a 4-Letter Word” store at Claim your copy of “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It” by Kamal Ravikant at Listen to Episode #141, titled Regenerating Joy with Brad Chandler. Invitation from Lori:  Now, let me ask you, if there was a simple way to reclaim your peace of mind and not feel so frazzled, would you want to know what it is? Enter the “10 Proven Habits Top Leaders Use to Stay Calm and Focused Every Day” checklist — your quick guide to creating calm, intentional days. These practices are so incredibly simple, you'll probably question their effectiveness. Like, how could just doing THAT alleviate my stress?! But take my word - and all the science and research that's been done on these methods - implementing even ONE of these strategies will absolutely change your ability to manage your energy, embrace change, and foster resilience. PLUS, you want to cope with the distractions in your mind so you can stay focused and achieve your desired results? THIS checklist will give you the direction to do that. Oh, and lastly, it isn't about perfection or doing ALL the things all at once. It’s about taking each small step toward progress, one at a time, consistently. Consistency over perfection wins every time. You deserve a life where you can breathe easy and not feel like a gorilla is standing on your chest all the time. When you’re ready to say F*ck Being Fine, this guide is the place to start and it will give you new perspectives that can change your life starting today! Go to right now to download it for...

  5. You’re Not A Tree - You Can Move Anytime with Tabatha Jones

    6 DE FEV.

    You’re Not A Tree - You Can Move Anytime with Tabatha Jones

    Always finish what you start. Don’t give up a good thing; you’re good at it and make a lot of money at it. The voice in your head is always right. All this sounds like good advice, yes? But what if one day you found out you had been slowly dying of this advice? I mean, literally, your health was deteriorating and you were wasting away? Tabatha Jones had an intuition for years that something was wrong, based on the challenges she started to face getting out of bed in the morning. At her foundations, nothing really stood out. She grew up in a typical middle class family and learned the values of hard work, responsibility, accountability, and being aware of the ripple effect caused by the example you set for others. She could sense when things weren’t right and had no problem speaking up when she saw injustice or unfairness. Excellent traits. She grew up… fine. She got married and started what turned into a prosperous career doing work she was really good at and paid very well. It was all fine, until it wasn’t – after all, Fine is a 4-Letter Word. While she loved the company she worked for and her co-workers, she started to feel out of alignment with how things were going. As a side-hustle, she began coaching in 2017, with a long-range goal of striking out on her own… someday. Then came yet another company reorganization that went on for almost a year and ended up with her staying in the same job. While she negotiated for a raise and got it, it wasn’t fine anymore. Too much travel. Not feeling aligned with her purpose. The money was great, but she could barely get out of bed, much less fly from California one day to make an 8am Eastern meeting in Philadelphia the next. She planned to quit her job and go full-time with her side business in March 2020, but then, as you might recall, the world flipped upside down. Sure, she didn’t have to fly to Philadelphia to meet with the Philadelphia people, but she still struggled, and finally gave notice in spring 2021. In the meantime, she had been seeing a naturopath trying to get to the bottom of her health issues. A few months after she quit her job, her naturopath called her in to review the latest test results… which were stunning. In a moment, when you meet Tabatha, you’ll find out what happened, including the very unique way she found out her previous job had been slowly killing her. You’ll also find out what her experience means for you, should you find yourself stuck in the ground like a tree whose roots are dug in too deep. Tabatha’s hype song is "Confidence" By Demi Lovato. Resources: Tabatha Jones’ website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Claim your copy of Tabatha’s “Career Confidence Playbook for Women 50+” by visiting Invitation from Lori: Let me ask you, if there was a simple way to reclaim your peace of mind and not feel so frazzled, would you want to know what it is? Enter the “10 Proven Habits Top Leaders Use to Stay Calm and Focused Every Day” checklist — your quick guide to creating...

  6. You Don’t Need A Permission Slip to Be Yourself with Shari Begun

    30 DE JAN.

    You Don’t Need A Permission Slip to Be Yourself with Shari Begun

    In our society, we don’t know how to talk about a lot of super important things. We don’t learn, because we’re not taught. And that’s due to longstanding beliefs that we’re supposed to handle things a certain way. Think about what happens if your spouse or life partner dies. You’re expected to have a period of enforced mourning. You look weird at best, or heartless at worst, if you keep going to work rather than take bereavement leave. Heaven forbid you take a vacation or something. They say it’s supposed to be funerals, wearing all-black, home alone miserable. Meanwhile, your life continues to tick on by. Shari Begun had the learned experience that helped her break this mold when her husband died, but she couldn’t do it without a permission slip. In different ways, this both held her back and inspired her career and overall path in life. After her parents divorced, she was primarily raised by her mother, a hairdresser who along with a younger business partner started her salon in a time before single women could get business credit on their own. First, Shari learned the importance of learning and education. As you’ll hear, her house was basically a library full of books, including THREE sets of encyclopedias! From her situation, she learned independence and being strong. Although the seeds were planted early on, she just recently got her “permission slip” to become a confident, transparent, sharing leader – a recognized mentor to women in STEM-related careers making their voices heard and advancing in the workplace. Shari went to college for electrical engineering, inspired by a family friend, a wealthy independent single woman who worked in the field. However, by junior year, she discovered she hated electrical engineering. Conversations with her college roommate’s boyfriend, a mechanical engineer who had gone into sales and become successful at it, led her to a sales career. Shari’s career blossomed as she rose to become the first female customer-facing VP in her company, in a very male-dominated STEM-related industry. She also grew in her calling as a mentor to women in STEM. Everything seemed fine. But five months later, she abruptly learned why Fine is a 4-Letter Word. It was Shari’s birthday. As she and her husband returned from her celebration, he started having trouble breathing. 45 minutes later, he died. This was an inflection point. Career-wise, her ship had just come in. She was devastated over losing her husband, but wanted to keep on working. What would people think of her? In a moment, you’ll discover how this moment of catastrophe, catharsis, and catalysis came together to make this Shari’s ultimate moment (so far) and change a lot of people’s lives. But first, she needed to get a permission slip. Why? Shari’s hype song is "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne. Resources: Shari Begun’s LinkedIn: Also, check out Episode #140, Replacing Fine with F*ck Off! with P.J. Roscoe, which covers some similar themes as this one. Invitation from Lori: Let me ask you, if there was a simple way to reclaim your peace of mind and not feel so frazzled, would you want to know what it is? Enter the “10 Proven Habits Top Leaders Use to Stay Calm and Focused Every Day” checklist — your quick guide to creating calm, intentional days. These practices are so incredibly simple, you'll probably question their effectiveness. Like, how could just doing THAT alleviate my stress?! But take my word - and all...

  7. I Gave The Reaper The Finger 6 Times with Keith McNally

    23 DE JAN.

    I Gave The Reaper The Finger 6 Times with Keith McNally

    Before we begin, let me alert you that the content of this episode includes conversation about mental health struggles and suicide, which can be distressing for some people. Don’t worry, we don’t go into too much detail, but if you are uncomfortable about that kind of thing, you may want to avoid this episode. Imagine it’s 3:00 AM, and your life is coming apart at the seams. You don’t know how you can keep going, and maybe you’re not sure you want to. Even if you believe this will pass if only you could get some sleep, you really need someone to hear your story and provide you some sort of comfort and support. Who would answer the call if you dialed their number right now? Is there even one person who comes to mind? Keith McNally was there and realized there was not one single person in the entire world who he felt would be there for him in his hour of desperate need. Growing up, he followed all the Catholic traditions and holidays, and gained the values of being kind, being yourself, and doing what’s right. After high school, he joined the Marines. Then went on to college and all the way through to completing his PhD. He embarked on a successful career that included working in IT and being a professor of information technology. Along the way, he discovered how his values didn’t so much change as he redefined their meanings and how he interpreted them. However, he says, he spent most of his adult life not knowing who he really was. He played roles and carried titles and filled expectations of others. But he didn’t dig into and examine what was really important to him. Didn’t ask himself, what is my life about? What is my philosophy of living? Which is why, perhaps from the outside, things looked fine for a while – but Fine is a 4-Letter Word. Between 1996 and 2021, he attempted suicide five times. It was after that fifth attempt that he took a good, hard look at things and realized he wasn’t sure who he was, who he was meant to be – and that he had nobody to talk to about anything, really. In a moment, when you meet Keith, you’ll discover the baby steps he took to turn things around. It started with simply talking to people on LinkedIn and listening to them tell their stories, which led to him launching several podcasts and YouTube channels. In the same time period, he started to focus on his physical health in a new way, adapting his exercise routine and his diet. And just when he was getting in better physical shape, building his resilience muscles and support networks to prevent another suicide attempt that could leave his teenage daughter without a dad – he had a heart attack. So once again, he gave the Grim Reaper the finger – and now he’s gearing up to hike the entire Appalachian Trail! Keith’s hype song is “Gonna Fly Now” by Bill Conti. Resources: Keith McNally’s website: LinkedIn: Invitation from Lori:  Let me ask you, if there was a simple way to reclaim your peace of mind and not feel so frazzled, would you want to know what it is? Enter the “10 Proven Habits Top Leaders Use to Stay Calm and Focused Every Day” checklist — your quick guide to creating calm, intentional days. These practices are so incredibly simple, you'll probably question their effectiveness. Like, how could just doing THAT alleviate my stress?! But take my word - and all the science and research that's been done on these methods - implementing even ONE of these strategies will absolutely...

  8. Lessons From My Grandfathers with Frank Favaro

    16 DE JAN.

    Lessons From My Grandfathers with Frank Favaro

    “Life is short” is one of those cliches that gets thrown around with the idea that you should let things roll off your shoulders or not spend time analyzing the past. The truth is, though, that life is longer than you realize because... A person lives on in the memories of those who knew them, are familiar with their stories, and share these stories so that other people may know them too. Frank Favaro’s grandfathers both died in 2004 when Frank was 27, but they are very much alive for him due not only to their stories, experiences, and lessons, but how they instilled in him both the values and the expectations that have simultaneously driven Frank’s success and sometimes gotten in the way of it. His paternal grandfather, also named Frank Favaro, grew up fighting in a tough neighborhood to keep his lunch money, then had to fight to stay alive when the Mob took over his contract as a light heavyweight fighter, then went on to become a fighter as a union leader. Yet Frank Sr., who had a seventh-grade education, read poetry and discussed its lessons with his grandchildren. His maternal grandfather, Jim Biggins, was the nicest guy you’d ever meet and showed Frank how to be a great husband and father. Yet Jim’s own daughter (Frank’s mom) got divorced and left her son emotionally scarred by what she DIDN’T do. Frank Sr. taught him to look a person in the eye, while Jim taught the value of connections. Together, these values underpin the guiding principle that has brought Frank success working in six industries and as an entrepreneur, which is to find out who people are and how to create emotional connections with them. With all that, he should have been just fine – but Fine is a 4-Letter Word. In a moment, when you meet Frank, you’ll discover how being a wrestler in high school not only left him feeling beaten down like a failure and demolished his will to apply himself in college, but pinned him down emotionally, leaving him unfulfilled in his career. Expectations are a lot to wrestle with, especially when they’re someone else’s. Then you’ll learn how zooming back to the experience of his parents divorcing when he was seven years old, the lack of support he received when he blamed himself for it, and the stunning reason his parents, who were great people who loved him, did not offer him that support or even think to do so, left its marks. These unrelated threads came together to show Frank the importance of the customer experience – his life’s work. And in their own way became pillars of his work, just as the memories of his grandfathers are living pillars for him. Frank’s hype song is “Believe” by Lenny Kravitz. Resources: Frank Favaro’s website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Invitation from Lori:  Let me ask you, if there was a simple way to reclaim your peace of mind and not feel so frazzled, would you want to know what it is? Enter the “10 Proven Habits Top Leaders Use to Stay Calm and Focused Every Day” checklist — your quick guide to creating calm, intentional days. These practices are so incredibly simple, you'll probably question their effectiveness. Like, how could just doing THAT alleviate my stress?! But take my word - and all the science and research that's been done on these methods - implementing even ONE of these...

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    Wasn’t it just a couple years ago you were sitting on the beach at spring break in Ft. Lauderdale – listening to the Pet Shop Boys, U2, and Def Leppard - with your entire life ahead of you? Now you’re looking back 30 plus years and wondering what the hell happened. Not that it’s been all bad. Of course, there’ve been highs and lows. And today, everything’s fine. It’s just fine. That’s the problem. You don’t really feel like you have anything to complain about. Lots of people might envy what you have. But you’re feeling a deep undercurrent of suck. Like, there must be something more. And you don’t know what to do about it. Welcome to Fine is a 4-Letter Word, with host Lori Saitz. Each week, you'll hear inspiring stories of self-discovery and courage from people who have said F*ck Being Fine and have transformed their lives and businesses. Plus, get practical tips and takeaways to move you from spinning in place - to forward action - so you can create a life of joy. None of us knows how much time we have here. So we have to make the most of it. We have to do the things that light us up and bring us joy. This show will give you hope, help you find your passion and purpose, and dare you to see the life that’s waiting for you. You’ll never hear - or say - the word “fine” in the same way again.

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