328 episodes

Join us as we share VBAC birth stories to educate and inspire! We are a team of expert doulas trained in supporting VBAC, have had VBAC's of our own, and work extensively with VBAC women and their providers. We are here to provide detailed VBAC and Cesarean prevention stories and facts in a simple, consolidated format. When we were moms preparing to VBAC, it was stories and information like we will be sharing in this podcast that helped fine tune our intuition and build confidence in our birth preparation. We hope this does the same for you!

The purpose of this podcast is to educate and inform- it is not to replace advice from any qualified medical professional.

The VBAC Link Meagan Heaton

    • Kids & Family
    • 4.9 • 437 Ratings

Join us as we share VBAC birth stories to educate and inspire! We are a team of expert doulas trained in supporting VBAC, have had VBAC's of our own, and work extensively with VBAC women and their providers. We are here to provide detailed VBAC and Cesarean prevention stories and facts in a simple, consolidated format. When we were moms preparing to VBAC, it was stories and information like we will be sharing in this podcast that helped fine tune our intuition and build confidence in our birth preparation. We hope this does the same for you!

The purpose of this podcast is to educate and inform- it is not to replace advice from any qualified medical professional.

    Episode 320 Cord Blood Banking with Diane from Cryo-Cell

    Episode 320 Cord Blood Banking with Diane from Cryo-Cell

    “With cord blood, hope really knows no bounds.”

    Diane Paradise is living proof that cord blood transplants cure the incurable. Diagnosed with a rare form of Hodgkin Lymphoma at only 24 years old, Diane fought an extremely hard fight as it returned five more times before age 42. It had now become stage 4B and metastasized to her bone marrow. 

    With no other options, Diane was given hope through a clinical trial. She eradicated all of her sick marrow through aggressive chemotherapy and then was given a new blood type through a cord blood transplant from two different donors. 24 days later, after almost two decades, Diane was cured. 

    She has just celebrated her 10th year of being cancer-free and has committed her life’s work to spreading education about the hope behind what banking your baby’s cord blood after birth can do for your family. 

    Meagan and Diane talk about what cord blood banking is, how to enroll, how much it costs, and where you can find all of the information you need about this lifesaving procedure. 

    July is Cord Blood Awareness Month and Cryo-Cell is offering a free seminar on Wednesday, July 31 2024 at 1:00 PM EST. Register at https://lp.cryo-cell.com/fuller-paradise-seminar. 
    Cryo-Cell's Website
    Needed Website
    How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
    Full Transcript under Episode Details 

    Meagan: Hey, hey everybody. Today’s episode is a little different from the norm. We are actually going to be talking about cord blood banking. We have my friend Diane on the podcast. Hello, Diane. 

    Diane: Hello, hello. 

    Meagan: It’s so good to see you again. She and I met for the first time actually in January of this year, 2024 at a doula retreat and she was there speaking at this retreat about cord blood banking. Cord blood banking for me wasn’t actually a new topic because I had spoken to another company a little while ago about it but there was something extra unique and extra special about Diane and Cryo-Cell is the company that she works with that I was like, We need to share more about this. 

    First of all, her story which I’m sure she’ll share a little bit more about, is incredible. So today, we actually normally would do a review, but I really want to soak up the time with Diane because I know her time is so precious. After the intro, we are going to dive right into what this is even about. 

    Meagan: Okay, you guys. Like I said, we have our friend Diane. Diane is a 29-year, six-time cancer survivor. After fighting a rare and uncurable Hodgkin Lymphoma for nearly two decades, a cord stem cell transplant saved her life. 

    You guys, when she was sharing her story at this retreat, it was so insanely amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. So many things that she’s been through. It says, “This past December, she celebrated her 10th transplant re-birthday. For many years, Diane was a survivorship educator helping women living with cancer and chronic illness. Today she is spending time on the side of the cure educating expectant parents, birth workers, and obstetricians on providing the potential of cord blood for Cryo-Cell International, the world’s first cord blood bank.” 

    Diane, welcome to the show. Seriously, I am so excited for you to talk more about this with our listeners because we do have expectant parents. We do have OB/GYNs and midwives and birth workers and this really is a unique thing and it’s something that is so powerful. I know because I’ve heard your story so I’m just going to turn the time over to you. 

    Diane: Thank you so much, Meagan. First of all, I know your audience is varied but for the expectant moms out there, I just want to say congratulations. I can only imagine the mix of emotions they are feeling right now and one of them is probably a profound sense of hope and anticipation. 

    So for me, hope was two units of cord blood stem cells hanging on an IV pole on December 3, 2013. So let me step back a bit just so everybody can und

    • 33 min
    Episode 319 Caylee's 2VBACs with Preterm Inductions + Cholestasis

    Episode 319 Caylee's 2VBACs with Preterm Inductions + Cholestasis

    Caylee joins us from Canada sharing her experience with two VBACs after a twin Cesarean birth. She also shares what it was like having cholestasis in all three pregnancies. Cholestasis is a liver condition that slows or stalls the flow of bile. Meagan and Caylee discuss in greater detail what cholestasis means during pregnancy, what symptoms can look like, and how it is diagnosed. 

    One of Caylee’s most intense symptoms was incessant itching. She talks about how it affected her not only physically but mentally as well. 

    While all three of her pregnancies were preterm births and her two VBACs were medically necessary inductions, Caylee advocated throughout her entire labors and was able to stay the course to achieve the vaginal births she knew she was capable of. 

    Cleveland Clinic Article: Cholestasis of Pregnancy
    American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Article: Risk of Stillbirth in U.S. Patients with Cholestasis
    How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
    Full Transcript under Episode Details 

    Meagan: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. We have our friend, Caylee, with us and her little wee, tiny little newborn. 

    Caylee: Hi everyone. 

    Meagan: Oh my gosh. Welcome to the show. How old is your baby? 

    Caylee: He just turned 3 months. He was born a month early though. 

    Meagan: Okay, 3 months and a month early. We are going to talk about why he was born a month early. You guys, today we are going to be sharing some stores and talking a little bit about cholestasis. This is something that we actually don’t have a lot about on the show. 

    When you were listening, Caylee, did you? 

    Caylee: I don’t think I’ve heard a single episode, yeah. 

    Meagan: Did you hear about it in general on other platforms? Was it talked about?

    Caylee: Not really, no. I found it online on Facebook. I’m in the ICP Care Facebook group and that’s super helpful. They are amazing in there and super knowledgeable, but yeah. It’s not very common. It’s quite rare. I think it’s 1 in 1000 women who end up getting it. 

    Meagan: Yeah. 

    Caylee: So yeah. It’s not very well known about and even with providers, providers don’t know about it very well either. 

    Meagan: Yeah. I think that can be part of the problem, right? Because we’ve got providers who don’t know a lot about it and then it can cause a little bit of a panic and then a lot of the times, it can cause Cesareans or lead, I should say, to Cesarean. We’re going to be talking about that today and sharing her stories. 

    Review of the Week
    Meagan: But I do have a Review of the Week so I’m going to get into that and then turn the time over to cute Caylee. This is from Cori and it doesn’t say where it’s from. Somewhere in the universe, it is from. It says, “The VBAC Link is gold.” It says, “Of all of the things I did to prepare in pursuing for a VBAC after two C-sections, I think is one of the most important is that I was listening to this podcast. Hearing these stories and information from Meagan and Julie made the dive into learning about VBAC and birth in general so much easier. I was blessed with my VBA2C” so VBAC after two C-sections “with my sweet Brynne Lynn and I sincerely believe I wouldn’t have gotten to that point without this resource and the community. Thank you guys for all that you do.” 

    Oh, that just makes me smile so much because this community– oh my gosh. I mean, Caylee and I were kind of just talking about this. Yes, Julie and I are here, but there is this community, this absolutely incredible community and all of the people coming forth to share their stories. And Caylee, you just said it yourself when you were like,  it’s like all of these people who came and shared these stories impacted you. 

    Caylee: Yeah, totally. 

    Meagan: Yeah, they are the reason. You are the reason right here. Caylee, you are the reason why what Cori said in this review is possible by sharing your stories, by coming in the co

    • 41 min
    Episode 318 BadassMotherBirther + How to Make Change

    Episode 318 BadassMotherBirther + How to Make Change

    “Let’s change the narrative.” 

    From how to be an active participate in your care to how to help get your partner on board with your birth goals, Flor Cruz and Meagan talk about it all. Flor Cruz is the founder of BadassMotherBirther and a long-time friend of The VBAC Link. A two-time VBAC mom herself, Flor is passionate about equipping all moms with the education they need to feel empowered in their birth space. 

    Meagan and Flor share the importance of paying attention to red flags and how to recognize them even within your body. They talk about how feeling safe in your birth environment and being able to acclimate can literally change your birth outcome. 

    These two ladies have been where you are. They know how overwhelming it can be trying to prepare for an empowering and healing birth after tough ones. But Women of Strength, you are not alone. Together, we truly can make birth after Cesarean better. 

    Flor’s Website
    Needed Website
    How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
    Full Transcript under Episode Details 

    Meagan: Hello, everybody. Welcome to The VBAC Link. Today’s episode is with one of my absolute favorite people. Even though I actually haven’t met her personally, I’ve been following her forever and we’ve been doing things and connecting back and forth for years. I am just so stinking excited to have the one and only Flor Cruz from BadassMotherBirther on the show today. 

    We’re going to get into the nitty gritty and really talk about some feelings so be prepared for that. If you don’t know who Flor Cruz is yet, I highly suggest checking out BadassMotherBirther. She is the creator of BadassMotherBirther. She is a doula, a birth and human rights advocate, a childbirth educator, and also a mom of 5 and two-time VBACer. You guys, I’m so stinking excited to have her on the show. 

    We do have a Review of the Week and then we are going to jump right into our episode. 

    Today’s review is by mamaofboys0326. It says, “The Best Podcast About Birth and VBACs”. It says, “I had my first baby after a very unexpected C-section. I had done everything right to try and have a natural birth and things did not go as planned. When I got pregnant again only 6 months after him, I knew I wanted a VBAC but didn’t know where to go for information and support. This podcast was exactly what I needed. The birth stories and education, information, and inspiration that is provided is amazing. It helped me know the facts about VBAC and be inspired to be a Woman of Strength. I am here to say I just had a successful VBAC and I am so thankful for the inspiration that this podcast has provided for me through the whole journey.”

    Oh my goodness. Mamaofboys0326, thank you so much for your review and congratulations on your VBAC. We love you. All right, let’s get into today’s show.

    Meagan: Okay, so we’re just going to dive right in because the conversation we were having before we started pressing record was exactly what I feel like I want to talk about today and everybody, right before we were pushing record, we are going to talk about doulas. 

    We are birth workers. We are VBAC moms. We see a lot of stuff and we’ve also been through a lot of stuff so we understand you. We get you. We hear you. We see you. We see it every day in all of the VBAC communities even not in the VBAC communities. I’m seeing so much of the same questions and comments and things. I just wanted to talk a lot about some of those things. 

    One of them was a doula and how we can’t expect them to save us as VBAC birthers, right? I was telling her about a situation with a client who unfortunately came with a lot of question and doubt in what she was being told, but then in the end, the decision that was made which is not my decision to make or judge or anything, but it was a decision that was made that unfortunately turned into the cascade that a lot of us see. 

    The hardest part is that person was pretty upset with

    • 1 hr 2 min
    Episode 317 Brittany's HBA2C + VBAC Education, Big Babies, Provider Support, Preterm Birth & More

    Episode 317 Brittany's HBA2C + VBAC Education, Big Babies, Provider Support, Preterm Birth & More

    “The 9 lb 2 oz baby that they said I could never push out and could never have had her vaginally– I ended up going on to have a 10 lb 10 oz baby girl.”

    Brittany first gave birth to twins via Cesarean at 34 weeks and 1 day. She didn’t get to meet her babies until 36 hours after delivery and they had to stay in the NICU for 10 days. While Brittany was so thankful it was not a longer NICU stay and the babies got to come home at the same time, she grieved the introduction into motherhood that she thought she would have. 

    Brittany’s next birth ended in a difficult CBAC under general anesthesia. Once again, she was not able to hold her baby right after birth like she so badly wanted. Her physical and mental recoveries were intense and tough. 

    Not long after her third baby was born, Brittany felt called to understand more about her births. She wanted to learn why things happened to her the way they did and if there was a way to help prevent other women from going through the same things. She became a doula with Joyful Beginnings Doula Care and absolutely loves it!

    With her fourth baby, home birth was on Brittany’s heart. With the education from doula work and her own births, Brittany set herself up for success by surrounding herself with a beautifully supportive birth team. Her HBA2C was quick, uncomplicated, redemptive, and empowering!

    Brittany’s Website
    The VBAC Link Blog: Preterm Cesareans
    TVL Blog: Everything You Need For Your HBAC
    TVL Blog: Provider Red Flags
    TVL Blog: VBAC/HBAC Preparation
    TVL Blog: VBAC Midwife
    TVL Blog: Big Babies
    How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
    Full Transcript under Episode Details 

    Meagan: Hello, Women of Strength. We have our friend, Brittany, today with us sharing her HBAC. If you have not been with us very long or are still unsure about all of the crazy terms in the VBAC world, HBAC is home birth after Cesarean but she is a home birth after two Cesareans so HBA2C so similar to what I am. I am a VBAC but I was in a birth center, not a home. 

    I’m so excited to share– well, I’m not going to be sharing it, but she is sharing it today so welcome, Brittany. Thank you so much for being here with us. 

    Brittany: Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to get to share my story. 

    Meagan: Absolutely. Me too. We will get right into that. I’m just going to do a quick review then we will do our intro and we will dive right in. 

    This review was left by Brianna Moody and this was left in 2023 and it says, “So binge-worthy.” Okay seriously, I could not agree already with her because I feel like this is the type of podcast that when you are looking for your options for birth after Cesarean, you just want to hear every story and I get into those binges especially with podcasts so I could not agree more. I believe that this podcast is bingeworthy. 

    It says, “I found The VBAC Link Podcast in my second trimester after my midwife suggested that I start listening to positive stories to get in a good headspace as I prepared for my VBAC.” Okay, I also love that her midwife is suggesting that. I 100% agree there as well. 

    It says, “What I didn’t expect was to hear so many different types of birth stories in one place. I was floored by the amount of information in each episode and by how much these stories impacted me. I found that I love listening to all of the different stories, even the CBAC stories. Honestly, I think those helped me process some of my fear about potentially having a CBAC.” 

    Okay CBAC, Cesarean birth after a Cesarean, just want to make sure we know what that means. 

    It says, “--as could be something that could still be beautiful and empowering. I tell everyone I know about the podcast, even first-time moms because there is truly something that could benefit every birthing mama on here. I am so happy to say that I had my VBAC baby in January.” Ah, so amazing. Congratulations, Brianna Moody. 

    It says, “--in January and

    • 53 min
    Episode 316 Lynn Schulte Returns Talking About the Pelvic Floor and More

    Episode 316 Lynn Schulte Returns Talking About the Pelvic Floor and More

    Lynn Schulte, the founder of the Institute for Birth Healing, was featured on The VBAC Link Podcast Episode 123 back in 2020 and today she is back! So many of you loved her information about Cesarean scar massage and know her insight about pelvic assessment, movement restriction, and balancing uterine ligaments will be just as valuable to you. 

    Lynn gives tips on how to tell during pregnancy if you need pelvic assessment and also the three signs to watch for to know if scar tissue is interfering with your quality of life. Through the Institute of Birth Healing, Lynn has trained hundreds of practitioners all over the world to be able to assess more women for pelvic restriction and to know just what to do about it. She shares how to find one of her practitioners in your area. 

    While pelvic floor physical therapy may require investing more in yourself both from your time and finances, the benefits can last for years to come and are so, so worth it.  

    Lynn's Educational Platform
    Clinical Practice Website
    Institute for Birth Healing Directory
    Blog: Preparing the Pregnant Body
    Blog: Supporting Pregnant Clients
    YouTube: How to Massage Your C-section Scar
    Lynn's Live Course Schedule
    Institute for Birth Healing: All Courses
    Needed Website
    How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
    Full Transcript under Episode Details 

    Meagan: Hello, Women of Strength. We have a returning guest with us today and her name is Lynn Schulte. She is with the Institute for Birth Healing and she was with us, I don’t know, 3 or 4 years ago talking about scar massage, and today she is going to be talking with us more about pelvic floor health and the cervix and failure to progress and so much more. 

    Today, I am so excited to share with you guys again Lynn. Before we get started, I wanted to tell you a little bit more about her. Lynn Schulte is a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist for over 30 years. She is the principle instructor and founder of the Institute for Birth Healing. She has successfully healed thousands of women from all the issues women experience after birth and is now teaching courses to bodyworkers to help them do the same. She found a common birth pattern that shows up in the pelvis after birth and knows how to effectively release these patterns. 

    Knowing we are more than just our bodies, Lynn works on all levels, physically, energetically, and spiritually with women to help them access their full potential. She also teaches bodyworkers how to work with the energy of the body and how to access and use your intuition in your bodywork sessions. She offers a certification process to help birth professionals become Birth Healing Practitioners. Lynn holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri and I am seriously so excited to have her back on today. 

    Before we get going on this amazing episode, I did want to share a Review of the Week and this is on our Parent’s Course. It’s from Jenna and she says, “I just started but already have learned so much. After two C-sections and one where my doctor made me think it was very risky, I was terrified to try again. With this course, not only have I learned the truth about VBAC, but I’m also excited to attempt mine in August.” Sending you all the love Jenna and seriously, let us know how things go. 

    If you guys are looking to dive more into what VBAC looks like, what the history of Cesarean looks like, what the evidence is on VBAC and how to increase your chances of having a VBAC, check out theVBAClink.com. We have courses for both parents and doulas wanting to learn more about supporting birth couples around you. 

    Meagan: Okay, so Lynn, I am so excited to dive in today again with you. It’s so cool that you have been on before. We were just talking about it before we started recording– a long time ago it feels like and now we are circling back and I was telling her you guys, I actually found her very, very first– I a

    • 50 min
    Episode 315 Emmy's Empowering HBAC After Failure to Descend

    Episode 315 Emmy's Empowering HBAC After Failure to Descend

    “It was perfect. It really was. I would do it again and I would do it the exact same way. I felt safe and I felt respected and I felt like there was never a moment in it that I was scared.”

    Emmy’s first birth was a medicated hospital birth turned C-section after two hours of unsuccessful pushing. Her greatest trauma was being so out of it that her first thoughts after her baby was born were, “I don’t care.” Her multiple failed epidural/spinal placements caused intense postpartum spinal headaches. Overall, Emmy’s difficult experiences were a recipe for postpartum depression and anxiety.

    After finding The VBAC Link, Julie and Meagan became Emmy’s virtual friends helping her through tough postpartum days. When she became pregnant again, Emmy knew that Julie Francom needed to be on her team. 

    Emmy shares how she made the choice to switch from planning a hospital VBAC to an HBAC and how home birth relates to cows! Her birth was powerful, intuitive, and healing.

    After her husband caught their baby and Emmy pulled her up to her chest, she shares the most healing moment of all. “I wasn’t thinking in my head, ‘I don’t care’. I was thinking that I had this beautiful little baby in my arms. It was what I had dreamed of. “

    CDC Article
    The VBAC Link Doula Directory
    The VBAC Link Facebook Community
    Down to Birth Podcast
    Dr. Stu's Website
    The VBAC Link Blog: Choosing Between Home Birth or VBAC
    Birth Becomes You Birth Photographer Directory
    How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
    Full Transcript under Episode Details 

    Julie: Hello, hello. Surprise! It’s Julie here and I’m super excited to be here with you guys today. I always love coming on the podcast with Meagan you guys know. I love to get a little bit salty and a little bit straight-up talk on the podcast. I quite enjoy my time here but I am a little extra excited and a little bit less spicy and salty because I have a client of mine. Her name is Emmy and she just had a VBAC about 3 weeks or 4 weeks ago. Has it already been 4 weeks? Oh shoot, I owe you your gallery already. It’ll be done in a few days. 

    But I photographed her birth and she is incredible. It is super exciting because she is going to tell you more about this. She actually reached out to me 2 years ago when I was still doing doula work at the beginning of her journey after her C-section baby and it’s just super fun to be here full circle with her and have her share her story. I want to hear it from her perspective. I haven’t heard it from her perspective yet. 

    We are just going to have lots of fun chit-chatting. You guys are going to come to love Emmy just like I do. 

    But before we do that, Meagan has a Review of the Week for us. Wait, did I say it’s Julie? Did I introduce myself? 

    Meagan: Yes, you did. 

    Julie: I feel like some people don’t know. You have been doing solo episodes for a really long time and I feel like some people don’t know who I am anymore which feels kind of weird to me. 

    Meagan: You are the famous Julie. 

    Julie: The famous Julie. Anyways, Julie Francom, co-founder of The VBAC Link. I separated a couple of years ago but pop in every once in a while to get a little bit salty. If you know, you know. Anyway, here’s Meagan. Meagan has a Review of the Week for us and I’m going let her do the rest of the things. 

    Meagan: If you know, you know. Okay, we have a review. It’s from lar23 and it’s titled “Love Your Podcast”. It says, “Hi Meagan. I love your podcast so much. I always end up crying at the end of them. So happy for these moms who get their VBAC. Thank you for creating this podcast. It’s so inspiring to hear these stories. I’m 38 weeks pregnant currently and hoping to get my VBAC here soon. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re helping so many people and doing so well to achieve their birth dreams knowing that we are not alone. Thank you for that.” 

    That was left on Apple Podcasts and that was actually

    • 50 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
437 Ratings

437 Ratings

JustAPaerson ,

ICP?! Induction?! Doesn’t matter thanks to the VBAC Link!

The VBAC Link gave me the confidence and knowledge to advocate for myself and for the birth I knew I was capable of. For that, I will always be grateful!

Having had ICP with my first pregnancy and delivering vaginally after that 38 week induction, I never imagined the second birth would go so wrong. I didn’t prepare for the birth at all, I just rode it out as a passenger to my induction with well-meaning medical professionals steering the ship. I ended up with a spontaneous complete placental abruption that nearly cost us both our lives. Fifteen minutes after his little lifeless body was taken out of me, my son’s heart spontaneously restarted following all resuscitation efforts by the medical team. Because of the quickness in which he had to be delivered, I had an unusually painful and slow CS recovery. To add to the trauma of everything else and my husband was away for the military, so I was completely alone, recovering from the trauma of almost dying, my son almost dying, major surgery, an infant who needed me all the time, all while taking care of my 2 year old daughter. Needless to say, the trauma for this was lasting and multi-layered. I told myself that if I ever had another baby, there’s nothing that would stop me from delivering vaginally, unless it was life-or-death.

I found myself pregnant when my son was barely two and immediately poured myself into research supporting my desires and found the VBAC Link. Like so many of us, I became obsessed and listened to every episode of the podcast and read every blog, article, and post online. My doctor was supportive and willing to do a VBAC and we started the pregnancy with her saying that would be our goal, but was cautious to make any promises because of the last delivery. She was incredibly kind and was always willing to discuss it, but she had also been traumatized, so she was cautious too. Thanks to the VBAC Link, I knew to see that trauma in her and still be able to hold my ground and verbalize my desired outcome. I made it through most of the pregnancy fine, until the last trimester when the ICP showed back up. I began regular testing which I was okay with because I knew ICP could be dangerous. I declined a lot of things suggested by my MFM (including a RCS repeatedly) because the VBAC Link had taught me that it was okay to say no.

By the 34th week, I had developed signs of preeclampsia and despite meeting a few of the criteria, I wasn’t diagnosed with it. I was still up against a lot and after a few weeks, my doctor seemed less keen to allow me to TOLAC, because she knew I would need an early induction. At that time, it seemed like a 36 week delivery was more likely and she wasn’t comfortable inducing me that early. While I knew that I had a right to say no, I decided instead to do research, as I had learned from the podcast and the group, and then I presented it to my medical team. After hearing me out, they agreed that baby was safe to stay in at least to 38 weeks. I decided to just shoot it straight with my doctor about where I was at. I had heard it so many times on the podcast, trust your body to know what’s right, so that’s what I told her. I told her I knew that my body could do this and all
I wanted was to be able to try. If I tried and it didn’t go well, I’d be okay with that as long as I had the opportunity. She told me that through everything she had grown to trust my judgement and if I said I could do it, she would help me try and she told me she knew I trusted her enough to listen if she said it was time to call it. We both made compromises so that we were comfortable with the plan. I knew medically, we had been fortunate to have survived last time and it weighed on her a lot, so I was willing to meet her halfway. And so, she agreed to induce me at 38 weeks!

When I went in for my induction, I was firm on the low and slow to start, which felt good, like I was in control of something. I eventually agreed to go up a little more and my amazing nurse helped me with all of the positions and movement. Even when I got the epidural (very light thanks to all I had learned!), she had me switching and moving! I’ll never forget the moment when my doctor walked in and said “Okay, we’re ready to have this baby!” I just cried big happy tears while they set up. Before they could finish, I couldn’t help the urge to push and literally 4 minutes later, my VBAC baby boy was born!

Having that VBAC healed me in every way. Ways I didn’t even know I was broken. It’s like the trauma melted away as they placed him on my chest. I can’t even begin to describe how invaluable the VBAC Link was to my success and to my healing. Without everything I learned, who knows where I would be. I don’t have nightmares anymore or flashbacks. I can think about my first son’s birth with a smile rather than terror. I am so thankful that you all helped me find my voice and my confidence to advocate for myself. I am so thankful for your willingness to facilitate this insanely helpful world of VBAC. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Love, Aubrey

VLC_2 ,

What a great story!

Listened to Emmy’s VBAC and just hearing another mom talk about her experience in the hospital vs home birth gives me so much hope!

Missytocci ,


I am extremely grateful for this podcast that Megan and her team has created . The stories on here have helped me tremendously through one of the most life altering times in my life. With my first unwanted cesarean i was left so confused as of why i was so sad even though myself and baby were healthy. I tried talking to others but nothing has helped me more than this resource right here. I resonate so much when Megan after my second unwanted cesarean and now planning for my vba2c in a couple weeks.
Truly thank you so much for being a source , ears, and guide for so many woman that are going through “it”

All my

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