56 episodes

True Paranormal is the gathering place for any and all who have had experiences with things that simply cannot be explained, and who want to share their stories! Every week we will be sharing stories sent to us by you. We will explore such topics as ghosts, shadow people, psychic encounters, cryptids, time shifts, demons, and any other topics that present themselves. Here you can find a safe place to share without judgement, and also possibly find some answers. To share your stories and have them read on our podcast, simply email it to us at trueparanormalpodcast@gmail.com.

True Paranormal - The Podcast Leo Rizzuti

    • Society & Culture
    • 4.6 • 44 Ratings

True Paranormal is the gathering place for any and all who have had experiences with things that simply cannot be explained, and who want to share their stories! Every week we will be sharing stories sent to us by you. We will explore such topics as ghosts, shadow people, psychic encounters, cryptids, time shifts, demons, and any other topics that present themselves. Here you can find a safe place to share without judgement, and also possibly find some answers. To share your stories and have them read on our podcast, simply email it to us at trueparanormalpodcast@gmail.com.

    Episode 56: Listener Stories

    Episode 56: Listener Stories

    Episode 56!

    We're baaaaaack!!! This episode, we once again share stories sent in by our listeners!

    A young woman's family has a history of hauntings, and it seems to have its eyes set on her brother!

    A young man takes a job in a school, and finds that there may be more than just students lingering in the halls!

    A young lady has a friend who is being attacked by a malevolent spirit, and then later finds herself at the center of poltergeist activity!

    All this, and Leo doing his best to thank all of you listeners for sending him all of your emails and messages! You guys are absolutely THE BEST!

    Remember to check us out on Facebook at True Paranormal - The Podcast. Hit that message button and share your stories with us, or email us at trueparanormalpodcast@gmail.com - you could hear your experience shared as part of our next broadcast!

    Also, if you are listening to us on iTunes - or whatever platform you use - be sure to give us a rating and review!

    Be sure to check us out and give us a follow at these locales:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1pkurw_ACIK-tdXiMkCNg 

    Podcast home: http://www.podcasts.com/true-paranormal-the-podcast-460eceb0b

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrueParanormalPodcast

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/trueparapodcast

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/true-paranormal-the-podcast/id1330334629


    • 35 min
    Episode 55: Sierra's Story

    Episode 55: Sierra's Story

    Episode 55!

    We're back, baby! In this episode, we sit down to hear the telling of one of the most frightening stories of haunting and spiritual attachment that we have ever come across. Sierra Silva has had years of being haunted, accosted, possessed, and assaulted by spirits and entities that have infiltrated her life. She has been through more in a few years than most people experience in their entire life, and she has survived. Join us as we hear her tell of her experiences, how they affected her and those closest to her, and how she has taken what she has been through and used that experience to help and protect others around her. Truly, this is an episode that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions and reactions!

    As a bonus, we had several anomalous things occur during our conversation. See how many you can spot and let us know if you hear anything that we didn't catch!

    If you would like to contact Sierra, please email her at sierrasilva44@gmail.com.

    Remember to check us out on Facebook at True Paranormal - The Podcast. Hit that message button and share your stories with us, or email us at trueparanormalpodcast@gmail.com - you could hear your experience shared as part of our next broadcast!

    Also, if you are listening to us on iTunes - or whatever platform you use - be sure to give us a rating and review!

    Also, we are now seemingly everywhere! Be sure to check us out and give us a follow at these locales:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1pkurw_ACIK-tdXiMkCNg 

    Podcast home: http://www.podcasts.com/true-paranormal-the-podcast-460eceb0b

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrueParanormalPodcast

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/trueparapodcast

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/true-paranormal-the-podcast/id1330334629

    • 1 hr 2 min
    Episode 54: Dalton Jones of Southern Souls Paranormal

    Episode 54: Dalton Jones of Southern Souls Paranormal

    Episode 54!

    This week we once again sit down with Dalton Jones of Southern Souls Paranormal. They have just wrapped up their investigation and cleansing of the demon house in Florence, Alabama. Or so they thought. Listen and hear why they may be going back!

    During our conversation we go over the events, encounters, and methods that were involved in the case. As a bonus, we review a good number of EVPs that the team caught during the course of their investigation, including one of the most offensive things that we have ever heard on an EVP! We also discuss what SSP has on their plate next, including some public events that are simply too good to miss!

    Of course we rabbit trail off topic a bit, and somehow end up referencing Joey Fatone of NSYNC, Gordon Ramsay, and the great Alton Brown. There is something for everybody in this episode!

    This week we also highlight the great podcast, Glen Thinks Stuff. Check it out, it's funny!
    Find Glen on Twitter at @GlenThinksStuff and on iTunes at https://t.co/WnWtn91LKk - and let 'em know you heard about them on True Paranormal!

    As always, Dalton and the gang at Southern Souls Paranormal can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/southernsouls2018/. Check out their page for tickets to their event on March 23, 2019!

    Be sure to check us out and give us a follow at these locales:
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1pkurw_ACIK-tdXiMkCNg 
    Podcast home: http://www.podcasts.com/true-paranormal-the-podcast-460eceb0b
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrueParanormalPodcast
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/trueparapodcast
    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/true-paranormal-the-podcast/id1330334629


    • 2 hr 8 min
    Episode 53: Listener Stories

    Episode 53: Listener Stories

    Episode 53!

    This week we once again share stories sent in by our listeners!

    An amateur ghost hunt turns into a night of terror for a woman and her family!

    A young man is tormented by a nightly visitor to his bed, and an apparition begging for his help!

    A mysterious visitor haunts a family in small town Texas, and is real enough that the father installs security lights for protection!

    All this, and Leo still whining about the mysterious illness that has gripped him over the last few weeks! With the way he is feeling, it may just be late stage onset of the plague! Oh, sweet angel of death, please spare him from any further suffering! (ed. - It's just a lingering head cold. -  Leo's wife)

    Also this week, we recommend the fabulous podcast "The Origin of Speak-cies" to you guys. If you love the English language as much as we do here at True Paranormal, and you love to have a chuckle every now and then, this is definitely one to check out. They can be found on their website at https://www.speakcies.com/ or on Twitter at https://twitter.com/speakcies. As always, let 'em know that True Paranormal sent ya!

    Remember to check us out on Facebook at True Paranormal - The Podcast. Hit that message button and share your stories with us, or email us at trueparanormalpodcast@gmail.com
    - you could hear your experience shared as part of our next broadcast!
    Also, if you are listening to us on iTunes - or whatever platform you use - be sure to give us a rating
    and review!

    Also, we are now seemingly everywhere! Be sure to check us out and give us a follow at these locales:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1pkurw_ACIK-tdXiMkCNg 

    Podcast home: http://www.podcasts.com/true-paranormal-the-podcast-460eceb0b

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrueParanormalPodcast

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/trueparapodcast

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/true-paranormal-the-podcast/id1330334629


    • 33 min
    Episode 52: A Conversation with Gavin and Paula Kelly

    Episode 52: A Conversation with Gavin and Paula Kelly

    Episode 52!

    This week, we sat down for a conversation with Gavin and Paula Kelly, paranormal investigators and the stars of the hit Amazon TV series, The Paranormal Journey Into the Unknown! Their journey from Gavin's career as a country music recording artist, to Paula growing up with historians and paranormal activity, to their early experiences with the paranormal, to how they made the leap into having their own TV show makes for one of the most compelling interviews that we at True Paranormal have ever done. Also, Gavin made some great artwork for this episode!

    Look for and follow Gavin and Paula at these locales:

    On Facebook at Phantasmic Ghost Hunters

    On their website for Phantasmic Ghost Hunters

    Also, check out their own podcast titled Phantasmic Journey Podcast

    Also this week, we highlight the sensational podcast "10ish". These are funny guys with a funny name. Check them out - or else! They can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/10ishPod.

    Be sure to check us out and give us a follow at these locales:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1pkurw_ACIK-tdXiMkCNg 

    Podcast home: http://www.podcasts.com/true-paranormal-the-podcast-460eceb0b

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrueParanormalPodcast

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/trueparapodcast

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/true-paranormal-the-podcast/id1330334629

    img style="width: 1208px;" src="

    • 1 hr 36 min
    Episode 51: Listener Stories

    Episode 51: Listener Stories

    Episode 51!

    This week we once again share stories sent in by our listeners!

    A man spends a decade in a home that is inundated with paranormal activity! Phantom footsteps, crying babies, ghostly dogs, poltergeist activity, and the apparition of a monk is just a few of the experiences!

    A young lady moves into a home that is haunted by the spirit of the former homeowner, a bootlegger who has built in hidden tunnels under the home!

    Part two of Annie's chronicles of her life with ghosts! The activity escalates, Annie finds a new confidante, and she gets some answers that makes things clearer, but don't make her happy!

    All this, and Leo complaining about having the sniffles or something! You would think that he wouldn't let a little thing like not being able to breathe or talk stand in his way of recording the podcast, but apparently that is the case.

    This week we highlight a fairly new podcast, AnxZenity! This is a unique broadcast created by someone whose work we have previously promoted. If you or someone you know lives with either anxiety or panic attacks, this is definitely worthwhile listening to. Check the out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AnxZenity, and listen to the podcast at http://anxzenity.podbean.com/ and let them know that you heard about them on True Paranormal!

    Also, once again Annie's awesome blog The Ghosts That Know Me can be found here, and Annie herself is on Twitter here!

    Remember to check us out on Facebook at True Paranormal - The Podcast. Hit that message button and share your stories with us, or email us at trueparanormalpodcast@gmail.com
    - you could hear your experience shared as part of our next broadcast!
    Also, if you are listening to us on iTunes - or whatever platform you use - be sure to give us a rating
    and review!

    Also, we are now seemingly everywhere! Be sure to check us out and give us a follow at these locales:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1pkurw_ACIK-tdXiMkCNg 

    Podcast home: http://www.podcasts.com/true-paranormal-the-podcast-460eceb0b

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrueParanormalPodcast

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/trueparapodcast

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/true-paranormal-the-podcast/id1330334629


    • 46 min

Customer Reviews

4.6 out of 5
44 Ratings

44 Ratings


Great podcast

I love listening to the stories while I work! It makes my day go by quick. Thank you!

Poisongirl43 ,

Miss it

Wish it would come back I miss the haunting stories

EeJj33 ,

Amazing show

I really enjoy the stories. Love to feel scared at the office working alone on a Saturday.

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