“Watchmen” takes place in an alternative, contemporary reality in the United States, in which masked vigilantes became outlawed due to their violent methods. Despite this, some gather around to start a revolution while others are out to stop it before it is too late, as a greater question rises above them all; who watches the Watchmen? Join The Shat on TV crew that brought you "Game of Thrones," "Westworld," "True Detective," "American Gods," and "Taboo" as they launch their newest TV venture: "Watchmen" on HBO. Premise "Watchmen" is the superhero drama television series, based on the DC Comics limited series of the same name created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, created and developed by Damon Lindelof for HBO. Email: Website: Voicemail: (914) 719-SHAT - (914) 719-7428
Really Enjoy The Deep Dive
Very Detailed and Very Analytical
Bad Show/Worse Podcast
Do yourself a flavor and stay clear from these self important idiots.
This group has gone to the trash leave now
I’d rather help you avoid wasting your time here with the new addition to the staff this is now garbage.
Best podcast
Just wanted to say how much I love this podcast and the work put in by its makers. To take time out of their lives to put out free content like this is amazing and truly something to be appreciated. I wanted to respond to the very few negative criticisms, but in the spirit of the holidays I only wish that the people that took time to write a negative review about a free podcast find the joy and happiness they are so desperately missing from their lives. Keep up the great work guys!!!
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