299 episodes

This podcast is by asweatlife.com and it's a place where we let our friends share their big goals, their life stories, and the things that make them tick. It's about what everything at aSweatLife is about - fitness, friendship, and fun. And because we love YOU, you'll usually get sweet deals for listening.

It’s edited for your ears by Ryan Deffet and for your eyes on YouTube by Ryan Barayuga. #WeGotGoals is hosted by founder Jeana Anderson Cohen and it’s another thing that’s better with friends.

Find it and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify. and wherever you get your podcasts.

#WeGotGoals by aSweatLife aSweatLife

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 46 Ratings

This podcast is by asweatlife.com and it's a place where we let our friends share their big goals, their life stories, and the things that make them tick. It's about what everything at aSweatLife is about - fitness, friendship, and fun. And because we love YOU, you'll usually get sweet deals for listening.

It’s edited for your ears by Ryan Deffet and for your eyes on YouTube by Ryan Barayuga. #WeGotGoals is hosted by founder Jeana Anderson Cohen and it’s another thing that’s better with friends.

Find it and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify. and wherever you get your podcasts.

    Learning to Create an An-Home Fitness Routine With CrossRope

    Learning to Create an An-Home Fitness Routine With CrossRope

    I was never the kid who sought out a jump rope for fun, I wasn’t counting how many jumps I could do uninterrupted, and I wasn’t doing double dutch. However, as an adult I was handed a jump rope to work out and after a couple of minutes, I was gassed. So I incorporated it into workouts and developed a love for how much I hated it.At one point, I was even teaching a fitness class called “Ropes Gone Wild,” but that’s a story for a different day.So when CrossRope reached out, promising to make jumping rope at home a fun part of your workout (with a connected fitness component), I tried it, I loved it, and I selected a 25-minute workout my first time back to jumping rope. That was a mistake - my poor calves.And in the world, we’re going back to hybrid everything - hybrid work, hybrid workout. I know for me, if I choose to work out at home, it's because I’m in a time crunch, so I need whatever I do at home to be efficient.So today, we’re talking to two experts from Crossrope: Dave Hunt, Founder and CEO of Crossrope, and Jennika Landon, a Crossrope Trainer (who I’m pretty sure is also a molecular biologist). We’re going to dig in to making at home workouts fit your time and your lifestyle.References: * CrossRope (https://www.crossrope.com)* CrossRope on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/crossropejumpropes/)* Dave Hunt on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-hunt-crossrope/)* Jennika Landon on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennika-landon-a332161a1/)

    • 46 min
    What Is an Essential Fatty Acid and What Do Dolphins Have to Do With the Newest One?

    What Is an Essential Fatty Acid and What Do Dolphins Have to Do With the Newest One?

    As a lifelong learner, I feel pretty fortunate that I get to interview smart people, innovators, and inventors and say, "teach me something."And this week, the big question was about Essential Fatty Acids. What makes a fatty acid essential? Spoiler: you have to ingest it and your body needs it for important functions. And what about saturated vs. unsaturated fats?We dig in with the co-founders of Fatty15, Stephanie and Eric Venn-Watson, on the discovery of the essential fatty acid you'll find in the Fatty15 capsules: C15:0.And the best part? Stephanie was studying dolphins when she made this discovery. Resources: * Fatty15 (https://fatty15.com/): the company that Eric and Stephanie co-founded* Stephanie Venn-Watson's TED Talk about her discovery that C15:0 is an essential fatty acid. (https://www.ted.com/talks/stephanie_venn_watson_dvm_mph_save_the_dolphins_save_the_world)* From The Washington Post: (https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/interactive/2023/nonalcoholic-fatty-liver-disease-kids/?itid=lk_inline_enhanced-template) mounting research that C15:0 deficiency is linked to diseases like Fatty Liver Disease* My first interview with Stephanie and Eric (https://asweatlife.com/2023/11/fatty15/)

    • 38 min
    Dr. Gwen Bass Talks About Helping Everyone To feel like They Belong at the Gym (and everywhere)

    Dr. Gwen Bass Talks About Helping Everyone To feel like They Belong at the Gym (and everywhere)

    The thing about being human is that we’re born ready to discover the world - the sights, the sounds, what makes us happy, what scares us, and even who we are. Our identity is something that comes to us piece by piece as we mature and explore the world around us. Can you imagine living a life that fully supports you discovering your identity?Today, we’re speaking with Dr. Gwen Bass about her work in creating identity-affirming environments that promote belonging. She also wrote a book Called Immaculate Misconception about her journey to finding her biological siblings who shared a sperm donor as well as her family that was created around love and belonging. She was one of the first children conceived in the '80s to two lesbian moms.That journey of identity and hiding her identity in certain situations and being accepted in others shaped her research and her academic work since.In this conversation, she talks about risk factors and protective factors for identity. Dr. Gwen shares some steps that leaders can take to ensure that folks know that they an be themselves while not getting in the way of others needs being met. We talk about how the concepts of belonging apply to the fitness space. Dr. Gwen chats through how yoga is an exceptionally inclusive fitness space because of the ways instructors cue leveling up and down, using props. She talks about:* Leadership in a fitness space* Music in a fitness space * The language used in a fitness* The Peloton App and how the instructors take the modifications and how important that modeling isReferences: * Dr. Gwen Bass (https://www.drgwenbass.com/)* Immaculate Misconception (https://www.drgwenbass.com/immaculate-misconception)* Dr. Gwen Bass on aSweatLife.com (https://asweatlife.com/2023/07/gwen-bass-immaculate-misconception/)* Peloton Digital fitness (https://www.onepeloton.com/app)

    • 33 min
    Welcome to Season 9 of #WeGotGoals by aSweatLife

    Welcome to Season 9 of #WeGotGoals by aSweatLife

    We kicked off season 9 of the podcast a bit later than expected. We learned of the untimely and unexpected passing of Ryan Deffet (https://www.routsong.com/obituaries/ryan-deffet) this fall - aSweatLife's friend and the longtime editor of this podcast. We waited to come back until we could mourn Ryan and find a way to properly memorialize him.His friends and band mates from The Space Gators (https://open.spotify.com/artist/5hBMI2qIrzfz8okOOFDkVu?si=47_0QTy9T2-AAoZzuSoqqg) allowed us to use a song that featured Ryan on vocals called "Somewhere To Be (https://open.spotify.com/track/1fiFIrhl5S8bo3VukMReI6?si=4481e31a3e3a46e8)" at the upfront of the episode. We hope you'll take the time to listen to that beautiful song in this week's episode.We spend this episode going over what's to come on aSweatLife (including big updates for the Ambassador (https://asweatlife.com/ambassador-program/) program) and on our podcast. As we come back this season, you'll hear us talking to experts who we ask to teach us something.We're excited for you to come along with us on this journey.Show notes:* Remember Ryan Deffet (https://www.routsong.com/obituaries/ryan-deffet) with us and give his band The Space Gators (https://open.spotify.com/artist/5hBMI2qIrzfz8okOOFDkVu?si=47_0QTy9T2-AAoZzuSoqqg), a follow* The aSweatLife Ambassador program (https://asweatlife.com/ambassador-program/)* Email the aSweatLife team if you want to partner for aSweatLife's Studio of the Month (mailto:admin@asweatlife.com)* the Ultramarathoner that Kelly fangirled over: Courtney Dauwalter (https://www.instagram.com/courtneydauwalter/?hl=en)* Our new community platform, Circle (https://community.asweatlife.com/)* The Tour du Mont Blanc (https://www.autourdumontblanc.com/en/)* Kelly's trip on the Tour Du Mont Blanc, summarized (https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw6cEQIrt8x/)* Get a glimpse at my officiating skills (and the cutest wedding ever) (https://www.instagram.com/p/CyCO1cWLGguZS54ngBIPjrNSw8VYaHa_9vb7-s0/) and the moment we all waited for (https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw3WIonv9IC/?img_index=3)* Reflections from summer (https://www.instagram.com/p/CzaNcwMr3ul/?img_index=10) from Jeana's Instagram

    • 44 min
    What We're Thinking About - Aliens, Astrology, and What We Save on TikTok

    What We're Thinking About - Aliens, Astrology, and What We Save on TikTok

    It has admittedly been a weird week or so on the Internet. We went from learning that aliens might be super real (told you, Gideon (https://asweatlife.com/2023/07/316-gideon-akande-project-365/)) to moving on. Maybe it was the full moon, who knows.So, we decompressed and talked it over on our monthly tête-à-tête - our podcast episode that we call "Let's Talk About It." Sure, we spent a little bit of time talking about aliens and whether or not they're just tourist, but we also covered which astrology apps we like and what we're saving on Instagram and TikTok.On this week's episode, you'll hear from me, Jeana Anderson Cohen, and from the Senior Director of Communities at aSweatLife, Kelly Matkovich. Joining us is Dana Farber who runs Moonstone marketing and works with aSweatLife on content strategy and social media.Resources:* What Dana is saving on social: Snack queen baked potato dip (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT88fdv44/)* What Dana is saving on social: Women living alone - extra lock (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT88fMu9w/)* What Dana is saving on social: Treehouse glamping in Washington (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT88fYgU4/)* What Kelly is saving on social: Heel hook (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tPGJ3-mxbY)* What Kelly is saving on social: Tour de mont blanc (https://www.gadventures.com/travel-styles/active/hiking-trekking/mont-blanc/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2qKmBhCfARIsAFy8buJY2Xenhd3iD2bY4PBKciZE6Sr-kmA5Mc8D7kmebTUPavO0wK5ztZgaAgseEALw_wcB)* What Kelly is saving on social: Derma planing (https://www.gillettevenus.com/en-us/womens-shaving-guide/womens-hair-removal/dermaplaning-and-benefits/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2qKmBhCfARIsAFy8buI3ymcLxwJNonSa9K8orE1kwPQTJ00TzKykRrDZNl1UosSUw36VXjQaAi78EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)* UFO hearings (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-hearing-congress-uap-takeaways-whistleblower-conference-david-grusch-2023/)* Therabody smart goggles (https://www.therabody.com/us/en-us/eye-mask-smart-goggles/?utm_a=140175693782&gclid=CjwKCAjwq4imBhBQEiwA9Nx1BkihRiu-MY4ARLgzfEPrEmQpTJtz1EgpG-9ptzq-vkGSR0KDOC6brRoCnuwQAvD_BwE)* Mystic Monday (https://www.mysticmondays.com/)* Horoscope app: Co-star (https://www.costarastrology.com/)* Horoscope app: Pattern (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-pattern/id1071085727)* Horoscope app: Sanctuary (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sanctuary-psychic-reading/id1417411962)* Astrology app: The chani app (https://chaninicholas.com/chani-app/)* Tarot card app: mystic monday (https://shop.mysticmondays.com/pages/app)* Dana’s playlists for moods: sad (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWSqBruwoIXkA?si=0ae1ab556cc74798&nd=1)* Dana’s playlists for moods: stay in bed (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX6tTW0xDxScH?si=0f3f72f6dd614b33&nd=1)* Dana’s playlists for moods: Lazy Afternoon (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX7QUXSrhM7mI?si=5085b3e85f694171&nd=1)* Therabody Smart Goggles (https://www.therabody.com/us/en-us/eye-mask-smart-goggles/?utm_a=143592395758&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2qKmBhCfARIsAFy8buKlu9Ff--VO-1TY-d-CaDxpDhrgtMesUGhFqDbOrt_O7t2R0clurK4aAjivEALw_wcB)

    • 49 min
    What if AI could tell you which foods will spike your blood sugar?

    What if AI could tell you which foods will spike your blood sugar?

    Have you ever seen a small, round sensor on the back of someone’s arm? For a long time, those continuous glucose monitors were only used for monitoring the blood glucose of those with Diabetes. My grandfather had diabetes and he would check his blood glucose twice a day using a finger prick. I remember distinctly the sound of the little device - it was like a stapler - I also remember the curse words that would follow.So, I assumed as I was putting the Freestyle Libre on the back of my arm that it would be as painful as the finger pricks. It was not. And for two weeks, I wore it and dutifully trained the January.ai App to help me understand and control my blood glucose.It created something called a "digital twin" which learned which behaviors led to blood sugar spikes and valleys. If creating a digital twin of yourself sounds scary, and like the robots are coming. Well, the robots are coming anyway, so, we might as well team up with them to make our lives better.Joining me today is Noosheen Hashemi, CEO and Founder of January.ai, which uses AI to help manage your glucose and predict the impact of key behaviors on our body’s unique metabolism. Resources:* Use code "SWEAT25" for 25% off January.ai (https://www.january.ai/how-it-works)* Follow January on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/hellojanuaryai/)* Abbott will be releasing more sensors (https://www.fiercebiotech.com/medtech/abbott-ceo-ford-unveils-lingo-line-sports-biosensors-based-diabetes-monitoring-tech)* Eliud Kipchoge (https://abbott.mediaroom.com/2021-04-12-Worlds-Fastest-Marathoner-Eliud-Kipchoge-Uses-Abbotts-Libre-Sense-at-NN-Mission-Marathon-Qualifier-Race-for-the-Olympic-Games#:~:text=ABBOTT%20PARK%2C%20Ill.%2C%20April,their%20athletic%20performance%20training%20program.) on using the Abbott sensor for marathon training* Exercise and blood glucose (https://diabetes.org/healthy-living/fitness/why-does-exercise-sometimes-raise-blood-sugar) (american diabetes association)* Noosheen’s daughter on Instagram  (https://www.instagram.com/strictlythegoodstuff/)* How blood glucose testing works with testing strips (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4322747/#:~:text=The%20level%20of%20glucose%20in,%2FdL%20or%20mmol%2FL.)

    • 50 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
46 Ratings

46 Ratings

Kdiamond134 ,

For Fitness Fanatics & Goal Getters Everywhere!

The ASL Team brings on some of the most influential names and rising stars in the fitness and wellness world. Such an inspiring and entertaining listen!

jmlfit ,

Listen to Daily Distance ASAP

This quarantine series has been LIFE!!! It’s short, sweet, and fulllllll of helpful tips. Everyone who’s been featured is cheerful and brings a sense of positive energy to this trying time.

scmesk ,

We Got Goals = GOALS

This is my favorite podcast by far. I love how they cover real topics and they’re always relevant.

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