This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: What Makes 7SistersHomeschool Curriculum Awesome? Special Replay.
What Makes 7 Sisters Homeschool Curriculum Awesome?
Many homeschooling years ago, Sabrina, Vicki, Kym, Marilyn, Sara and Allison were in co-op together. They worked and prayed together SO much they felt like that they were sisters! They are! Sisters in the Lord. That is, except Sabrina and Allison are biological sisters. AND Sabrina’s homeschooling graduate daughter is married to Marilyn’s homeschooling graduate son.
Anyway, there are 6 Sisters, so WHO is the 7th Sister in 7SistersHomeschool?
YOU ARE! Thanks for being our 7th Sister!
So, after co-oping and teaching homeschool group classes for so many years we’ve felt like sisters. We’ve also developed a LOT of curriculum (there are over 200 titles in the ebookstore). All the curriculum has been vetted by our own homeschool high schoolers and/or the homeschoolers in our group classes over the years. They all really let us know what works for them and what doesn’t work.
Eventually we realized that we were becoming those *older women* that Titus 2 talks about, you know: those more experienced women that mentor the next generations? So we started We are just like you but only older!
We also know that our curriculum could be blessing other homeschool families, so we make it available at the site.
But what makes 7Sister’s curriculum so special? Here are some 7Sisters distinctives:
- We believe in NO busywork texts.
- Have you noticed many traditional textbooks have almost the same number of pages in each chapter? This keeps things consistent but means that some chapters contain busywork to fill the pages.
- We believe that curriculum should be easily adaptable.
- 7Sisters curriculum is written at an average high school level, so most teens can work through the curriculum on their own. If they want to level up to a more rigorous credit, there are instructions to do that in a way that is meaningful to each teen.
- 7Sisters curriculum can easily be adapted to fit circumstances and dovetail other subjects. Take a look at this post on combining credits.
- We believe that curriculum shouldn’t intentionally irritate the learners.
- So we try not to be boring, preachy or insulting.
- We believe that curriculum should be convenient, so we made it digital (and most of it is editable, meaning that your teens can do their work right on their computers!
- We have a few assumptions
- Assume that it’s important to presuppose that God is involved in our lives. We’ve learned that “A mom’s mind plans our way but God directs our path!”
- So all our curriculum presupposes, in a non-preachy way that our relationships with God are vital.
- Family is vital. Mom and dad are critical parts of a family’s homeschool.
- There are many stakeholders in the homeschooling process. Some are encouragers and some are not. We need to seek God above all: about homeschooling and respecting the stakeholders and how to handle them.
- We believe every one of our homeschool high schoolers are different. There’s not ONE right way to homeschool high school!
- We believe every family’s circumstances are different. In fact, circumstances can change during the homeschool year. We need God’s grace and curriculum flexibility.
Join Sabrina, Vicki and Kym for a fun discussion on what makes 7Sisters curriculum awesome! Want more information on using 7Sisters’ ecurriculum? Listen to this HSHSP episode.
Here are some curriculum ideas
Here’s a complete list of 7Sisters’ Literature Study Guides.
Also, a complete list of 7Sisters 7Sisters’ Curriculum that is Acceptable for States that Reimburse for Curriculum.
Did you know we have absolutely delightful literature activity guides for elementary-aged homeschoolers? Here’s a complete list of those favorites.
For teen-favorite, no-busywork full-year, full-credit ELA curriculum with a variety of genres.
Take a look at our catalogue of electives and transcript requirements.
And also, check out these posts:
7 No-Fail Steps in Choosing Curriculum for Homeschool High School
Homeschool Highschool Podcast Ep 112: Adapting to Unexpected Changes
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What Makes 7 Sisters Homeschool Curriculum Awesome?
The post What Makes 7SistersHomeschool Curriculum Awesome? Special Replay appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.
- Podcast
- FrequênciaQuinzenal
- Publicado28 de janeiro de 2025 às 03:22 UTC
- Duração25min
- ClassificaçãoLivre