16 min

Why Your Brain Likes to Sabotage Your Dreams Burning Brightly

    • Entrepreneurship

As a life coach, I've been trained in how to tell the difference between the thoughts that serve us, and those that keep us stuck.
There are two main parts of our brain I'll teach you about in this episode - one that keeps us alive and the other that makes all the goals and dreams.
Let me help you decide which one to let drive your life.
Download the free business starter guide here
Schedule a free coaching call with me here

As a life coach, I've been trained in how to tell the difference between the thoughts that serve us, and those that keep us stuck.
There are two main parts of our brain I'll teach you about in this episode - one that keeps us alive and the other that makes all the goals and dreams.
Let me help you decide which one to let drive your life.
Download the free business starter guide here
Schedule a free coaching call with me here

16 min