Your 2025 Relationship Reset: How to Stop Fighting About Work With Dr. Alexandra Solomon

Everyday Better with Leah Smart

The research is clear: how satisfied you feel at work impacts the quality of your relationships at home, and the quality of your relationships at home impacts the way you show up at work. 

That’s why Dr. Alexandra Solomon wants you to think more deeply about the work-related arguments you have with your partner. Are you really fighting about how many hours you or your partner work, or are you feeling shortchanged for quality time?

Dr. Alexandra is a professor, podcast host and psychologist. She teaches the internationally-renowned undergraduate course ‘Marriage 101’ at Northwestern University, a class about the fundamentals of thriving relationships.

In this week’s episode, Alexandra explains why, as a couples therapist, she has turned her focus towards the intersection between work and relationships. She explores how burnout or stress at work can harm our relationships and how conflict at home or our emotional baggage can impact our productivity at work. Along with Leah and a special guest, they examine what happens when people with different orientations towards ambition become partners.

If you liked this episode, your next listen should be this one: Navigating Conflict: The Gottman's Roadmap to Better Connections

Follow Leah Smart on LinkedIn and follow Alexandra Solomon on LinkedIn.








