Your Hope-Filled Perspective with Dr. Michelle Bengtson podcast

Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Your Hope-Filled Perspective with Dr. Michelle Bengtson podcast

Your Hope-Filled Perspective draws on Dr. Michelle Bengtson’s almost 3 decades of clinical expertise as a neuropsychologist to help her listeners regain hope, renew their minds, and transform their lives. With a perfect balance of clinical expertise, compassion, and vulnerability, Dr. Bengtson and her guests purpose to share Biblically-based hope-filled perspectives for real-life issues, struggles, and concerns. Voted #2 in 2022's Podcast Magazine's Top 50 Moms in Podcasting.

  1. 308 How Inspiring Women of the Bible Teach Us to Live with Hope, Faith, and Courage

    4D AGO

    308 How Inspiring Women of the Bible Teach Us to Live with Hope, Faith, and Courage

    Episode Summary:  In celebration of International Women’s Day, a time to honor the achievements and contributions of women across the globe, this episode of Your Hope-Filled Perspective shines a light on some of the most inspiring women in the Bible.  From Leah’s resilience in the face of rejection to Deborah’s fearless leadership, these women modeled faith and hope that transcend time and culture. As we explore their lives, we are reminded that the greatest advocate for equality and empowerment is Jesus, whose grace offers freedom to live courageously and faithfully. Join me with Rev. Jessica Van Roekel as we reflect on these timeless examples of strength and hope, and learn how they inspire us to live with faith and purpose today. Quotables from the episode: The greatest proponent of equality is Jesus, and we can only know the kind of freedom he brings when we receive his saving grace and live for him. He broke barriers between humanity and God, people groups, and genders. It’s when we live apart from him that we experience disparity. We're all equivalent at the foot of the cross and we can really only know the kind of freedom he brings when we receive his saving grace and live for him. You know Jesus broke barriers between humanity and God between people groups and genders and it's when we live apart from him that we really experience disparity. We can trace that through the old and new Testament. In fact, some influential and powerful women throughout the Bible are, you mentioned her Leah, she stayed strong through heartache and rejection. We had Jacobad, the mother of Moses, Abra led Israelites as a judge and prophetess for 40 years. Esther had the courage to say yes to God and in doing so she saved her people. Mary the mother of Jesus shows us how to have the courage to surrender completely. Then we have Ruth and Mary Bethany. These women were in a very male dominated society but God elevated them to positions of leadership. Sarah became my example of faith in the face of fear. She messed up and I messed up. And I think that's what I love so much about her is because she messed up royally. I mean, she created a whole mess with Ishmael and Isaac. She couldn't wait for God to fulfill his promise to her. And yet he did eventually, but she made this big mess. And yet she's still touted as a woman of faith in the Hall of, you know, Hebrews 11, the Hall of Fame chapter. She is our example of not to give into fear. And I think it's because of her faith, even in the midst of making so many mistakes. I would have to say that one of the women in the Bible who has inspired me the most was the woman at the well. You know, she lived a rejected life. She lived her life apart from other people. She had plenty of sins where she had messed up and yet I love that scripture says that Jesus had to go that way. He had to encounter her. And when he talked about her sin, it wasn't in a demeaning way, but it was to let her know, "Oh, I know so much more, and yet I'm still here with you. I'm still going against societal norms to have a conversation with you." And he revealed himself to her as Messiah and gave her hope to the point that she left and went and told people that she had met the Messiah. And so that's such a good example for me because I don't know about you, but when I've messed up, sometimes I don't even wanna go to God and tell Him, but He already knows. He already knows and it's a safe place. Jesus validated her when he said, "Go in peace. Your faith has made you well." In that, he gave her back her identity. He esteemed her. He loved her. And we don't even know her name, Jessica, but her story encourages us today and it encourages me to keep pursuing after Jesus when I've tried everything else. Jesus is the one place I need to go. Oh, yes. She is a wonderful example of we can feel so set aside. Unseen. Unseen. Rejected. And yet God elevated her. He saw her. He called her to go go into the fact that she believed that Jesus was her only hope and she pushed against the crowd. Leadership doesn't always mean, it doesn't always mean leading your family. It doesn't always mean leading in business. I think leadership, if we expand on that concept, means using our gifts to influence. And our gifts might be the gift of hospitality. It might be the gift of mercy. It might be the gift of compassion or encouragement, but when we use our God -given gifts to influence others, that is assuming a leadership role. Since Old Testament times, the idea of setting boundaries between men and women has been challenged. God has always placed women in leadership positions. Influential and powerful women exist throughout the Bible. Some inspiring women of the Bible include: Leah—strong through heartache and rejection Jochebed—mother of Moses Deborah—prophetess and judge of Israel (40Years) who inspired complete obedience to God Esther—courage to be bold, say yes to God and save her people Mary—trust and courage to surrender completely Miriam—our words matter Rahab—knowing God protects us Ruth—selflessness and seeking God leads to our betterment Priscilla—help each other mature in our faith Mary Magdalene—the power of a submitted heart Rachel—the power of patience to wait on God Hannah—God prizes faithfulness Abigail—equipped for wisdom Martha—God equips us to use our practical gifts Hagar—God gives us strength to move forward Anna—keep watch for God’s works Lydia—grow in love for God for others Rebekah—know that God’s plans are always good Many of the inspiring women of the Bible encourage us to know our strengths, use our influence as an invitation to know God, lead by example and lead with love. Our hardships don’t preempt us from living a life of faith and hope. They propel us toward faith and hope when we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. One of the key commonalities between all of these women is that they did face hardships. So my hope filled perspective is this, that hardships don't preempt us from living a life of faith and hope. They actually propel us toward faith and hope when we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. That's so important because I think in our culture, we look at hardships and Lord. We're doing everything that we can that's right. Jesus told us we would experience hardships. - He did. Read though for the accounts of the women in scripture and how they modeled getting through those hardships and the lessons that they teach us. And there have been so many as we listed off some of the other women that we didn't have time to really talk about in depth today. We would encourage you pick one or two of those women's accounts and go study them for yourself.  Scripture References: Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 1 Peter 3:6 “For instance, Sarah obeyed her husband, Abraham, and called him her master. You are her daughters when you do what is right without fear of what your husbands might do.”   Recommended Resources: Reframing Rejection: How Looking Through a Different Lens Changes Everything By Jessica Van Roekel Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner AWSA 2024 Golden Scroll Christian Living Book of the Year and the 2024 Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in the Christian Living and Non-Fiction categories YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises from God to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, AWSA Member of the Year, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the 2024 Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in the Devotional category, the 2023 Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day version 1 YouVersion Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day version 2 Revive & Thrive Women’s Online Conference Revive & Thrive Summit 2 Trusting God through Cancer Summit 1 Trusting God through Cancer Summit 2 Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2020 Best Christian Living Book First Place, the first place winner for the Best Christian Living Book, the 2020 Carolina Christian  Writer’s Conference Contest winner for nonfiction, and winner of the 2021 Christian Literary Award’s Reader’s Choice Award in all four categories for which it was nominated (Non-Fiction Victorious Living, Christian Living Day By Day, Inspirational Breaking Free and Testimonial Justified by Grace categories.) YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free PDF Resource: How to Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Henri and Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Free Webinar: Help for When You’re Feeling Blue   Social Media Links for Host and Guest: Connect with Jessica Van Roekel: Website / Instagram / Facebook For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at: Order Book Sacred Scars / Order Book The Hem of His Garment / Order Book Today is Going to be a Good Day / Order Book  Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails  /  Website  /   Blog  /  Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson)  /  LinkedIn  /  Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube / Podcast on Apple   Co-Host: Jessica Van Roekel is a worship leader, speaker, and writer who believes that through Jesus,

    30 min
  2. 307 How to Find Hope and Healing When Alcohol Addiction Affects Your Family

    FEB 27

    307 How to Find Hope and Healing When Alcohol Addiction Affects Your Family

    Episode Summary: When alcohol addiction enters a family, it can bring heartache, uncertainty, and difficult choices. Sonja Meyrer shares her deeply personal journey of navigating her husband’s battle with alcohol addiction and his tragic loss. Through grief and unanswered questions, she discovered God’s presence in the midst of pain. Now, she helps others find healing, set healthy boundaries, and move forward with faith. If you're struggling with the effects of addiction in your family, this conversation offers encouragement and practical wisdom.   Quotables from the episode: The word redemption really resonates because I believe that as Christ followers, nothing is wasted. Jesus had to have his scars in his resurrected body to prove that he was who he said he was and that he had done what he said he would do. So his scars are beautiful, and so are ours. Frequently our greatest areas of ministry come out of our greatest pain and woundedness. About twenty years into our marriage, the disease of alcohol addiction showed up. It wasn’t something I was familiar with—it was not present in my family growing up.  Anyone who has suffered the effects of addiction can tell you that there is a day when “something is different.” On that day when something changed, I realized I was really in over my head. Especially as a spouse, who was raising children, I had to ask how do I fit into this. We say “in sickness and in health,” and that is true, but how do I protect myself and my kids? I didn’t start my career thinking, “I’d love to be an addiction specialist!” I don’t think anyone starts off that way. But it is my greatest honor and joy to sit with other people as a coach to find their own God-given hope and peace regardless of the choices of other people. Now I get to share out of my own experience how I navigated that time. When we will change the verbiage from “I have to” to “I get to,” first, that puts more control back into our hands in otherwise powerless situations, and, it gives us a more hope-filled perspective. So often, the ministries that many of us have are not ministries we would have asked for or signed up for but that is the goodness of God to bring you to the place where you can say “it’s my honor and privilege to walk with others.” The difference between those who stay angry and disgruntled versus those who say, “okay God, what do you have for me?” is operating from a place of surrender. Along the way, I had to learn to let go. I learned to say, “Even if, God, this all falls apart, you are still good, and I will still find my way forward.” I no longer hold onto what I think the future should look like. Instead, I say, “wherever you lead me is a good place to go.” In the letting go, it gives God the freedom to work his will, his way, and his timing. Unfortunately, my spouse fell into a deep depression and after a few years made the regretful decision to end his life. As a Christian spouse, I had to navigate the questions, “God why didn’t you heal him?” and at the same time, wondering, did I do everything well? Did I do it all right? The process of trying to learn how to honor the dignity of his suffering and yet still finding joy and happiness in my own life, was a process that takes some time. But I do believe that God can give us true joy from knowing He’s on our side if we’re willing to let go of our expectations of what we think life is supposed to be like. Some of us fall under faulty theology and think that if we’re doing the right things, we won’t experience suffering but that isn’t at all what Jesus told us. He said “in this world, you will experience trouble/suffering/pain, BUT take heart, I have overcome the world.” He also said, “If you’re going to follow me, you are going to suffer.” When I can get to the place that I can say, “This is for you to handle, God” it goes so much better. We say in the recovery community that “expectation is the root of all suffering.” Where we can live a life where are hands are truly open and we can say to God, “This is what I want…however, make me an instrument” and not be disgruntled and not get discouraged, it goes so much better. I’m grateful for Jesus’s example. In the garden before His death, Jesus cried out to God, “I don’t want to do this…if there is any other way please show me” but then he came back to the point of submission and surrender where he said “but I want your will more than I want mine.” The struggle of watching someone not be able to conquer the disease that they have is very sad. Jesus did a really good job of setting boundaries both when he said “yes,” and when he said “no.” This tragedy created an enormous bond between me and my children. They want to stay connected. They care for each other in a way that they hadn’t before. Another blessing that came out of this was my willingness to ask for help, my willingness to show my vulnerability, and it has allowed those around us the opportunity to love on us and love our family. So, it has helped me to not be so proud. You are not alone. There is hope. We don’t have to do this alone. Being around like-minded people who are also on the same path can lend so much relief.   Scripture References: John 16:33 NIV “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!”   Recommended Resources: And Then You Went Missing: A Hope-Filled Guide for Anyone Lost in a Difficult Relationship by Sonja Meyrer  Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner AWSA 2024 Golden Scroll Christian Living Book of the Year and the 2024 Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in the Christian Living and Non-Fiction categories YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises from God to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, AWSA Member of the Year, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the 2024 Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in the Devotional category, the 2023 Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day version 1 YouVersion Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day version 2 Revive & Thrive Women’s Online Conference Revive & Thrive Summit 2 Trusting God through Cancer Summit 1 Trusting God through Cancer Summit 2 Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2020 Best Christian Living Book First Place, the first place winner for the Best Christian Living Book, the 2020 Carolina Christian  Writer’s Conference Contest winner for nonfiction, and winner of the 2021 Christian Literary Award’s Reader’s Choice Award in all four categories for which it was nominated (Non-Fiction Victorious Living, Christian Living Day By Day, Inspirational Breaking Free and Testimonial Justified by Grace categories.) YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free PDF Resource: How to Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Henri and Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Free Webinar: Help for When You’re Feeling Blue   Social Media Links for Host and Guest: Connect with Sonja Meyrer: Website / Facebook / Instagram / Podcast For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at: Order Book Sacred Scars / Order Book The Hem of His Garment / Order Book Today is Going to be a Good Day / Order Book  Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails  /  Website  /   Blog  /  Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson)  /  LinkedIn  /  Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube / Podcast on Apple    Guest: Sonja Meyrer is a certified professional coach who helps people navigate difficult relationships and situations where they feel “stuck.” She offers individual coaching and intensive workshops through her private practice. A former educator and curriculum designer, she is also deeply embedded in the recovery community and works closely with people whose lives have been affected by addiction Her book, “And Then You Went Missing – A Hope-Filled Guide for Anyone Stuck in a Difficult Relationship” launched as an Amazon best-seller in several categories. Sonja resides in St. Louis, loves Jesus, running, her family and anything that involves coffee or chocolate. For more information or to book a workshop or speaking engagement, please   Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    25 min
  3. 306 Support for Caregivers: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Faith, and Prioritizing Self-Care

    FEB 20

    306 Support for Caregivers: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Faith, and Prioritizing Self-Care

    Episode Summary: In this episode of Your Hope Filled Perspective, we honor National Caregivers Month by shining a light on the often unseen challenges and rewards of care-giving. Whether you’re a caregiver yourself or know someone who is, this conversation will provide encouragement, practical tips, and faith-based hope to navigate the emotional, physical, and spiritual toll of caregiving. Carole Leathem and I discuss the misconceptions about caregiving, the importance of self-care, and ways communities can better support caregivers. Join us as we explore how faith and community can sustain caregivers through their most challenging moments while also revealing the unexpected blessings caregiving can bring.   Quotables from the episode: There are 55 million caregivers in the world. Caregiving often comes with, as you've alluded to, a range of emotions. You called it a roller coaster of emotions, which I think is a beautiful picture of just exactly what's that like. It comes with grief, it comes with guilt. Sometimes it even comes with resentment. How can caregivers process these feelings in a healthy way? Well, for me, it really boils down to what I call asking the right questions. Because early on, I was asking, why in the heck is this happening? What did I do to cause this? I would cry out to God and say, why are you allowing this? I would say all of these why, why, why, why, why questions. And the why questions would get me nowhere. And one day, God, in my quiet time, said to me, “Carol, you're asking the wrong question.” And the question I needed to be doing asking was “okay this is happening, now what?”  What I have now done is, I have taken the focus off the why which is the focus on me and what I'm going through and what I'm feeling now I'm not diminishing those emotions but when I am focused on me and my hurt and my pain and my resentment, then I'm not doing anything to get myself off that hamster wheel or that roller coaster. When I ask the right question, which is, I make a statement to God, “okay, this is happening. Now, what?” Then I can take a step back, my eyes are us back on God. My heart is now open to the mistakes that I'm making. And the emotions now can one by one be dealt with. How do I deal with the resentment? Well, when I say to “God, you know, I didn't sign up for this.” God says to me, “Oh girl, yeah, you did. Remember those vows that you took 48 years ago.” And I'm like, yeah, you're right. And all that does is it just kind of puts it back into a perspective, because the perspective of focusing on me is not as healthy as the perspective of focusing on God. God didn't answer Job. When Job said why, God had something else for Job to learn. And when you say now what that offers God the opportunity to teach you either something about yourself, something about your spouse, or something about him. Yeah,… those are hard fought lessons. But I'm convinced that sometimes the only way we learn those lessons is walking through the hard times. I agree. I agree with you 100%. “ I have this space created so that when I walk into this room, it's me. It's my safe place. It's my place where I do my quiet time. It's my place where I work. It's my place where I do my podcasts. It's where I do everything in this room. I had to create a space. And fortunately, I had a room that I could do that with. So I come in here and if life is particularly hard, I have to tell myself 15 minutes is not going to change anything outside these walls, but it can make a big difference in me. We make time for the things that are important. We can always find time if we make it important enough. The real bottom line is, and I deal with a lot of caregivers, we make time for what's important, and that is the honest truth. … we can always find time if we make it important enough. So we have to make it important. And I hope that you're listening because that is such a valuable nugget because we really do make time for what's important. The number of times that I hear people say, oh, I just don't have time. You know, we all have 24 hours in a day, And we are all going to spend every minute of those 24 hours, but we will spend it on what we deem is important. And so if your loved one that you are caring for, if you deem them as important, you need to also deem your own self -care as important. You can still experience joy even in the midst of sorrow. It comes down to perspective and how we’re looking at it. It’s not about me, even though it feels like it’s about me. We have to know our limits. There are some things when we’re dealing with caregiving there’s things I can do, and then there’s things I can’t do. The hardest thing is to understand where those boundaries are. What am I responsible for? What am I not responsible for?   Scripture References: Matthew 25:40 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” 1 Timothy 5:8 “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Galatians 6:10 “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”   Recommended Resources: Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2024 Golden Scroll Christian Living Book of the Year YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises from God to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, AWSA Member of the Year, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day version 1 YouVersion Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day version 2 Revive & Thrive Women’s Online Conference Revive & Thrive Summit 2 Trusting God through Cancer Summit 1 Trusting God through Cancer Summit 2 Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2020 Best Christian Living Book First Place, the first place winner for the Best Christian Living Book, the 2020 Carolina Christian  Writer’s Conference Contest winner for nonfiction, and winner of the 2021 Christian Literary Award’s Reader’s Choice Award in all four categories for which it was nominated (Non-Fiction Victorious Living, Christian Living Day By Day, Inspirational Breaking Free and Testimonial Justified by Grace categories.) YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free PDF Resource: How to Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Henri and Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Free Webinar: Help for When You’re Feeling Blue   Social Media Links for Host and Guest: Connect with Carole Leathem:  Website / Instagram / Facebook For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at: Order Book Sacred Scars / Order Book The Hem of His Garment / Order Book Today is Going to be a Good Day / Order Book  Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails  /  Website  /   Blog  /  Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson)  /  LinkedIn  /  Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube / Podcast on Apple    Guest: Carole is a speaker, teacher, author, storyteller, podcaster, and encourager, and she has been speaking at women’s retreats and teaching Bible studies for over thirty years. She is a certified mental health coach, professional life coach, and a spiritual formation coach. Carole is passionate about sharing her story with those God puts in her life and loves spending time with her 7 grandchildren.   Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    37 min
out of 5
95 Ratings


Your Hope-Filled Perspective draws on Dr. Michelle Bengtson’s almost 3 decades of clinical expertise as a neuropsychologist to help her listeners regain hope, renew their minds, and transform their lives. With a perfect balance of clinical expertise, compassion, and vulnerability, Dr. Bengtson and her guests purpose to share Biblically-based hope-filled perspectives for real-life issues, struggles, and concerns. Voted #2 in 2022's Podcast Magazine's Top 50 Moms in Podcasting.

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