Genuinely Useful

Abe Vandenberg
Genuinely Useful Podcast

Consciousness to Music to Conservation - aiming at truth, rather than victory; embracing the liminal space; a wide-ranging conversational style podcast in Hawai'i produced by host and musician Abe Vandenberg Conversations about: Ayahuasca, EMR, Human Origins, Immigration Law, Mysticism, Ancient Egypt, Consciousness, Cave Art, and [original music: saxophone electric ukulele guitar groove grunge]

  1. 30/07/2020

    Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution - Don Fitz

    Quiet as it's kept inside the United States, the Cuban revolution has achieved some phenomenal goals, reclaiming Cuba's agriculture, advancing its literacy rate to nearly 100 percent - and remaking its medical system. Cuba has transformed its health care to the extent that this "third-world" country has been able to maintain a first-world medical system, whose health indicators surpass those of the United States at a fraction of the cost.  Don Fitz combines his deep knowledge of Cuban history with his decades of on-the-ground experience in Cuba to bring us the story of how Cuba's health care system evolved and how Cuba is tackling the daunting challenges to its revolution in this century. BOOK: Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution by Don Fitz (author), Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan (Official Audio), Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, If you haven’t already, please tap subscribe in your preferred podcast player and if you’d like to get email reminders when new episodes are published, click the link in the show notes to join the podcast email list.  Subscribe HERE for Email Episode Reminders Episode’s Music by Abe Vandenberg -> “Moving Fast” All Podcast Music Album HERE THIS EPISODE’s WEBPAGE Want to share a comment or a topic for a future episode?  Contact: ========+++======== HELP SPREAD THE WORD! I’d love it if you could please share Genuinely Useful podcast on twitter and facebook: If you enjoy this podcast, tap on over to Apple Podcasts and kindly leave me a rating, write a review, and subscribe! Thank you so much! Links to Share Genuinely Useful podcast:   Click here to share on Apple Podcasts [iOS]   Click here to share on Overcast [iOS]   Click here to share on Spotify   Click here to share on Google Podcasts [Android   Click here to share on Stitcher [iOS and Android]   Genuinely Useful Podcast Home Page Contact:   Thanks for being here -Abe

    1h 51m
  2. When It's Not Just a TV Show - Penny Taylor


    When It's Not Just a TV Show - Penny Taylor

    Our inner cave-dweller within modern society, power structures, tv-series/movie fandoms, and evolutionary psychology. We also get into the power of large, calm groups of people gathering for a shared purpose. Penny on Twitter: @fakecongirl, Psychology Today: Surviving Quarantine with a Smile: Claire's survival guide Dawn of Humanity (full video) PBS NOVA - If you haven’t already, please tap subscribe in your preferred podcast player and if you’d like to get email reminders when new episodes are published, click the link in the show notes to join the podcast email list.  Subscribe HERE for Email Episode Reminders Episode’s Music by Abe Vandenberg Bandcamp -> “Saxophone from ~'99”  All Podcast Music Album HERE THIS EPISODE’s WEBPAGE - [Episode photo by: Anthony Delanoix] Want to share a comment or a topic for a future episode?  Contact: ========+++======== HELP SPREAD THE WORD! I’d love it if you could please share Genuinely Useful podcast on twitter and facebook: If you enjoy this podcast, tap on over to Apple Podcasts and kindly leave me a rating, write a review, and subscribe! Thank you so much! Links to Share Genuinely Useful podcast:   Click here to share on Apple Podcasts [iOS]   Click here to share on Overcast [iOS]   Click here to share on Spotify   Click here to share on Google Podcasts [Android   Click here to share on Stitcher [iOS and Android]   Genuinely Useful Podcast Home Page Contact:   Thanks for being here -Abe

    1h 21m
  3. 23/05/2020

    Cosmic Tusk and Comet Impacts - George Howard

    Explore abrupt climate change and pandemic induced by comets and asteroids during human history at George Howard’s blog called The Cosmic Tusk. The Tusk also contains a treasure trove of scientific documents in The Cosmic Tusk Bibliography or The Complete Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis Bibliography and Publication Archive. Links to fascinating findings throughout. For many years, George has been in close touch with a group of scientists known as the Younger Dryas Boundary Team, or Comet Research Group, which studies and proposes the Younger Dryas Boundary Hypothesis, which we’re going to talk a lot about here very soon.  At the Tusk and during this episode, you can find out about topics like what a Cosmic Tusk actually is, the recent findings of a cosmic impact at ancient Abu Hureyra, the mysterious and impressive Carolina Bays, the implications of the discovery of the Hiawatha Crater under an ice sheet in Greenland, and we even touch on infectious microbes inside cosmic dust collected from the OUTSIDE surface of Space Station windows. Yeah, links are in the show notes for your further exploration. Thanks for listening, subscribe if you haven’t already, and...for a little context, we recorded this a couple of months ago, when life was still relatively normal, despite the knowing that coronavirus impacts, pardon the pun, were on the way. You’ll also hear some curious audio sounds when I talk, in the early part of the episode which I minimized as much as possible while keeping all of the fun stuff. I think you’re going to enjoy hearing about all of this I mentioned earlier. So which one should we start with?  If you haven’t already, please tap subscribe in your preferred podcast player, and if you’d like to get email reminders when new episodes are published, click the link in the show notes to join the podcast email list.  Subscribe HERE for Email Episode Reminders Episode’s Music by Chris Candito and Abe Vandenberg Bandcamp -> “Time’ll Say”  All Podcast Music Album HERE THIS EPISODE’s WEBPAGE >>>>> Questions about this episode?  Want to share a comment or a topic for a future episode?  You can send me (Abe) an email using this online message form: Click Here Links and References: The Cosmic Tusk - Exploring abrupt climate change and pandemic induced by comets and asteroids during human history. Is there a Cosmic Tusk? The Cosmic Tusk Bibliography: The Complete Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis Bibliography and Publication Archive Stunning LIDAR image of the Carolina bays Infectious microbes inside cosmic dust collected from OUTSIDE surface of Space Station windows ________ Magical Egypt documentary series (go to to this podcast’s Episode 13 with Chance Gardner, released Nov 8, 2018)   You can Save 15% on Magical Egypt with Coupon Code "genuse" Own Both Magical Egypt Series 1 and 2 Contact: ========+++======== HELP SPREAD THE WORD! I’d love it if you could please share Genuinely Useful podcast on twitter and facebook: If you enjoy this podcast, tap on over to Apple Podcasts and kindly leave me a rating, write a review, and subscribe! Thank you so much! Links to Share Genuinely Useful podcast:   Click here to share on Apple Podcasts [iOS]   Click here to share on Overcast [iOS]   Click here to share on Spotify   Click here to share on Google Podcasts [Android   Click here to share on Stitcher [iOS and Android]   Genuinely Useful Podcast Home Page Contact:   Thanks for being here -Abe

    2h 10m
  4. Conscious Evolution - Rob Cobbold


    Conscious Evolution - Rob Cobbold

    Robert Cobbold is the founding editor of Conscious Evolution, a website, blog and podcast aiming to disseminate the evolutionary worldview, and kindle an evolutionary transition.  He has a BA in English Literature from Bristol University and is currently midway through a masters in Sustainable Leadership at Cumbria University. Subscribe HERE for Email Episode Reminders Rob works as program manager for the Green Schools Project and has spent the past three years giving assemblies and workshops in schools with the aim of inspiring and equipping young people to take action on climate change and other social issues. He is also a Director of Earfh, a new social network that’s in development, which aims to make it easy, fun, and rewarding for people to do good. If you haven’t already, please tap subscribe in your preferred podcast player and if you’d like to get email reminders when new episodes are published, click this link to join the podcast email list.   As always, I encourage you to dig into the show notes, where you’ll find links to the music I make, references, and ways to share this podcast with others that you think would enjoy listening to it.  Episode’s Music by Abe Vandenberg Bandcamp -> “The Earth That Day”  All Podcast Music Album HERE   Go to this Episode’s Webpage    >>>>> Questions about this episode?  Want to share a comment or a topic for a future episode?  You can send me (Abe) an email using this online message form: Click Here   Links and References: Rob on Twitter: @EvoConscious Conscious Evolution website “Our little blue boat” medium article written by Rob Cobbold, Conscious Evolution Game Theory IONS - Dean Radin John Bunzl Simpol - the Simultaneous Policy Open Credit Network - Matthew Slater Positive Money - MAKING MONEY AND BANKING WORK FOR SOCIETY The Astounding, Astonishing Tavares Brothers Ken Wilber - Introduction to the Integral Approach _________ Magical Egypt documentary series (go to to this podcast’s Episode 13 with Chance Gardner, released Nov 8, 2018)   You can Save 15% on Magical Egypt with Coupon Code "genuse" Own Both Magical Egypt Series 1 and 2 ___________ Episode Artwork Photo Credit ========+++======== HELP SPREAD THE WORD! I’d love it if you could please share Genuinely Useful podcast on twitter and facebook: If you enjoy this podcast, tap on over to Apple Podcasts and kindly leave me a rating, write a review, and subscribe! Thank you so much! Links to Share Genuinely Useful podcast:   Click here to share on Apple Podcasts [iOS]   Click here to share on Overcast [iOS]   Click here to share on Spotify   Click here to share on Google Podcasts [Android   Click here to share on Stitcher [iOS and Android]   Genuinely Useful Podcast Home Page Contact:   Thanks for being here -Abe

    1h 31m
  5. What Does This Do For My Soul? with Daniel Thorson


    What Does This Do For My Soul? with Daniel Thorson

    Daniel Thorson, host of Emerge podcast, and I recorded our first episode together about a year ago and at that time he was preparing to move to the Monastic Academy, which is a training center dedicated to creating wise, powerful, and loving leaders who are an unstoppable force for social and environmental peace on Earth. ---> Subscribe for new podcast episode Email Notifications HERE In this conversation Daniel and I get into how living and working there affects his life, as well as the people around him; the sense of community and purpose…we explore many topics surrounding the concept of sense making; the process of our “making sense” of the complexity of our modern world and how that can lead to a sense of purpose, or not. As always, I encourage you to dig into the show notes, where you’ll find links to the music I make, references, and ways to share this podcast with others that you think would enjoy listening to it.  If you haven’t already, please tap subscribe in your preferred podcast player and if you’d like to get email reminders when new episodes are published, click the link in the show notes to join the podcast email list.  Subscribe HERE for Email Episode Reminders   Episode’s Music by Abe Vandenberg Listen on Bandcamp -> “What’s going on in my mind”  - All Podcast Music Album HERE - Go to this Episode’s Webpage    - (a different) Podcast episode called “Reflecting Reflections”,  with me and Daniel Thorson   >>>>> Questions about this episode?  Want to share a comment or a topic for a future episode?  You can send me (Abe) an email using this online message form: Click Here   Links and References:   Monastic Academy   Emerge Podcast with Daniel Thorson   “Global economy could endure disaster for a week” _________ Magical Egypt documentary series (go to to this podcast’s Episode 13 with Chance Gardner, released Nov 8, 2018)   You can Save 15% on Magical Egypt with Coupon Code "genuse" Own Both Magical Egypt Series 1 and 2   ___________   Episode Artwork Photo Credit   ========+++========   HELP SPREAD THE WORD!   I’d love it if you could please share Genuinely Useful podcast on twitter and facebook:   If you enjoy this podcast, tap on over to Apple Podcasts and kindly leave me a rating, write a review, and subscribe! Thank you so much! Links to Share Genuinely Useful podcast:   Click here to share on Apple Podcasts [iOS]   Click here to share on Overcast [iOS]   Click here to share on Spotify   Click here to share on Google Podcasts [Android   Click here to share on Stitcher [iOS and Android]   Genuinely Useful Podcast Home Page Contact:   Thanks for being here -Abe

    1h 20m
  6. Pt 3 - Owning Your Tech's Energy Footprint - Katie Singer


    Pt 3 - Owning Your Tech's Energy Footprint - Katie Singer

    Over the previous 2 episodes we talked about Electromagnetic radiation effects on biology, and the true cost of the embodied energy of the internet. This is the 3rd installment of conversations with author Katie Singer. Today we’re going to go into dealing with this awareness on a personal level, what we can do ourselves, and how we can adapt our behavior in light of this information. ---> Subscribe for new podcast episode Email Notifications HERE Katie Singer is the author of An Electronic Silent Spring   Episode’s Music Featured Track on Bandcamp -> “Different Kind of Drug” Music by Abe Vandenberg   Hear All of the Podcast's Featured Music HERE   See Episode Webpage   >>>>> Questions about this episode?    Want to share a comment or a topic for a future episode?  You can send me (Abe) an email using this online message form: Click Here   Links and References:   5G Coming to Your Neighborhood? Here's what you need to know   IRREGULATORS vs. FCC: Exposing and prosecuting a vast, illegal financial scandal behind 5G   IRREGULATORS vs. FCC: The Interview   Your Netflix habit uses more energy than your fridge   Given Tablets but No Teachers, Ethiopian Children Teach Themselves   _________ Magical Egypt (go to to this podcast’s Episode 13 with Chance Gardner, released Nov 8, 2018)   You can Save 15% on Magical Egypt with Coupon Code "genuse" Own Both Magical Egypt Series 1 and 2   ___________   Episode Artwork Photo credit: Riccardo Annandale   ========+++========   HELP SPREAD THE WORD!   I’d love it if you could please share Genuinely Useful podcast on twitter and facebook:   If you enjoy this podcast, tap on over to Apple Podcasts and kindly leave me a rating, write a review, and subscribe! Thank you so much! Links to Share Genuinely Useful podcast:   Click here to share on Apple Podcasts [iOS]   Click here to share on Overcast [iOS]   Click here to share on Spotify   Click here to share on Google Podcasts [Android   Click here to share on Stitcher [iOS and Android]   Genuinely Useful Podcast Home Page Contact:   Thanks for being here -Abe

    1h 13m
  7. Pt 2 - Embodied Energy of the Internet - Katie Singer


    Pt 2 - Embodied Energy of the Internet - Katie Singer

    “If people remain unaware, in the illusion of the simplicity of sending an email, then there isn’t really a way to move forward until Nature imposes limits on us” ---> Subscribe for new podcast episode Email Notifications HERE Where do we get these wonderful toys? What are the hidden costs of the Internet? How do we get silicon wafers for electronics manufacturing? And while we’re at it, how are we able to download podcasts for free? Or is it free? What is the true cost?  Katie Singer is the author of An Electronic Silent Spring   Episode’s Music Bandcamp -> “Easy Life” Music by Abe Vandenberg ---> Hear All of the Podcast's Featured Music HERE See Episode Webpage   >>>>> Questions about this episode?    Want to share a comment or a topic for a future episode?  You can send me (Abe) an email using this online message form: Click Here Links and References:   Get informed about the true costs of using a smartphone   Reassembling Rubbish: Worlding Electronic Waste by Josh Lepawsky   Heather White’s award winning film “Complicit” about workers poisoned by benzene and n-hexane   Our Web of Inconvenient Truths - Nov 2019 Newsletter   Modern Slavery and Your Devices   On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology: Trends to 2030   The Campaign to Reduce Our Internet Footprint   Why do we burn coal and trees to make solar panels?   On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology: Trends to 2030   Limits to Growth by Donella H. Meadows   Our Web of InconvenientTruths   _________ Magical Egypt (go to to this podcast’s Episode 13 with Chance Gardner, released Nov 8, 2018)   You can Save 15% on Magical Egypt with Coupon Code "genuse" Own Both Magical Egypt Series 1 and 2   ___________   Episode Artwork Photo credit: Ian Battaglia   ========+++========   HELP SPREAD THE WORD!   I’d love it if you could please share Genuinely Useful podcast on twitter and facebook:   If you enjoy this podcast, tap on over to Apple Podcasts and kindly leave me a rating, write a review, and subscribe! Thank you so much! Links to Share Genuinely Useful podcast:   Click here to share on Apple Podcasts [iOS]   Click here to share on Overcast [iOS]   Click here to share on Spotify   Click here to share on Google Podcasts [Android   Click here to share on Stitcher [iOS and Android]   Genuinely Useful Podcast Home Page Contact:   Thanks for being here -Abe

    1h 2m
  8. Pt 1 - Electronic Silent Spring - Katie Singer


    Pt 1 - Electronic Silent Spring - Katie Singer

    “EMF stands for electromagnetic fields. All living creatures need the Earth’s EMFs in order to navigate, digest food, reproduce and more. Human-made EMFs emitted by electronic technologies can interfere with and harm living creatures’ basic functioning.” ---> Subscribe for new podcast episode Email Notifications HERE Katie Singer’s book, An Electronic Silent Spring “focuses on how mobile phones and Wi-Fi affect children and how wireless technologies can interfere with medical implants like insulin pumps, cardiac pacemakers and deep brain stimulators.” “An Electronic Silent Spring also offers an extensive solutions section for policy makers, telecom and utility companies, schools, civic groups and individuals who want emf solutions and protection for emf.” Katie’s websites: >>>>> Questions about this episode?  Want to share a comment or a topic for a future episode?  You can send me (Abe) an email using this online message form: Click Here Other links/references: THE BIOINITIATIVE REPORT 2012 - A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)   BEES, BIRDS AND MANKIND Destroying Nature by ‘Electrosmog’ - Ulrich Warnke   Sebastopol, CA: Consider The Plights of Those Living At An Attractive and Well-Managed Affordable Housing Project — 250 to 500 feet from a Macro Cell Tower   Electromagnetic Radiation Safety - Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.   National Toxicology Program releases final reports on rat and mouse studies of radio frequency radiation like that used in 2G and 3G cell phone technologies   National Toxicology Program: Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation   For more than 35 years, Microwave News has been reporting on the potential health and environmental impacts of electromagnetic fields and radiation. We are widely recognized as a fair and objective source of information on this controversial subject. _________   Genuinely Useful podcast is sponsored by Magical Egypt (go to to this podcast’s Episode 13 with Chance Gardner, released Nov 8, 2018)   You can Save 15% on Magical Egypt with Coupon Code "genuse" Own Both Magical Egypt Series 1 and 2   ___________   You can listen and/or buy the podcast’s music and support the show by visiting Bandcamp. This episode’s featured original sounds  Bandcamp -> “Walking Across the Bridge” ---> Hear All of the Podcast's Featured Music HERE See Episode Webpage   Episode Artwork Photo credit: Dylan Ferreira   ========+++========   HELP SPREAD THE WORD!   I’d love it if you could please share Genuinely Useful podcast on twitter and facebook:   If you enjoy this podcast, tap on over to Apple Podcasts and kindly leave me a rating, write a review, and subscribe! Thank you so much! Links to Share Genuinely Useful podcast:   Click here to share on Apple Podcasts [iOS]   Click here to share on Overcast [iOS]   Click here to share on Spotify   Click here to share on Google Podcasts [Android   Click here to share on Stitcher [iOS and Android]   Genuinely Useful Podcast Home Page Contact:   Thanks for being here -Abe

    1h 16m


Consciousness to Music to Conservation - aiming at truth, rather than victory; embracing the liminal space; a wide-ranging conversational style podcast in Hawai'i produced by host and musician Abe Vandenberg Conversations about: Ayahuasca, EMR, Human Origins, Immigration Law, Mysticism, Ancient Egypt, Consciousness, Cave Art, and [original music: saxophone electric ukulele guitar groove grunge]

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