Laugh At Adversity with Gary Savoie: Inspirational Messages to Conquer Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Relationships, Self-Doubt,

Gary Savoie
Laugh At Adversity with Gary Savoie: Inspirational Messages to Conquer Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Relationships, Self-Doubt, Podcast

After overcoming medical trauma, Gary Savoie has made it his mission to uncover all of the secrets to overcoming life’s challenges and living a better life. Through inspirational stories and messages from those who have overcome adversity first hand, mindset gurus, and influential experts the Laugh At Adversity Podcast provides you with everything you need to conquer your challenges and turn your struggles into strengths. Overcome adversity, relationship problems, financial struggles, conflict, anxiety, depression, physical limitations, emotional hurdles, mental roadblocks, and find your inner power. Discover more at

  1. 020 - Doing What Scares You To Achieve Unbreakable Success with Aaron Keith Hawkins


    020 - Doing What Scares You To Achieve Unbreakable Success with Aaron Keith Hawkins

    What does unbreakable success look like? Just ask Aaron Keith Hawkins. Aaron has been serving in law enforcement since 1995 and is currently a Captain in New Jersey. Although most of us would consider his accomplishments to be more than enough, Aaron had a life altering experience that made him desire more. In 2009, he collapsed to the floor in front of his wife, clutching his chest, experiencing what he believed to be a heart attack. In that moment as Aaron thought the curtain was about to close he was faced with massive regret and realized he’d be ignoring countless opportunities. After surviving what was later diagnosed as a mini stroke, Aaron decided he wasn’t going to coast any longer. Since that day, he has spent years evolving his understanding of what makes good people settle for less than the high levels of performance that they’re capable of. Aaron shares all of his framework on his website and through his podcast, Unbreakable Success. In addition to the podcast, Aaron is a high-performance coach who loves working with entrepreneurs and those looking to create a powerful impact with their business and life. In This Episode, You Will Learn: How a mini-stroke (TIA) changed Aaron's perspective on life Why he felt so guilty for not taking control of his life sooner How a commitment to self development fast tracked his career and improved his relationships Why we should be using fear as a tool The difference between being afraid of danger and judgement How to achieve unbreakable success Why we have a choice in the adversity we face How we always have an opportunity to influence someone else Why it's a lot harder to start a new habit than maintain it How To Get In Touch With Aaron: Instagram Facebook Unbreakable Success Podcast

    59 min
  2. 019 - Why Failure Leads To Success


    019 - Why Failure Leads To Success

    Failure is often defined as a lack of success or falling short. However, most of us associate the word failure with a timeline; forever. And because of this misunderstanding we become afraid to try again. We assume our career, relationship, and futures are over. In the real world, failure is a dreaded word; however, failure leads to success. Most of us give up way too quickly and far too often. We don’t realize that there are no shortcuts to excellence and that figuring out complicated problems takes time. Because of our previous lack of success we view failure as a permanent condition and as an excuse to not try again. I’m here to debunk the myth that surrounds failure. In fact, I’m here to prove that failure is much more than just falling short. Failure is such an important aspect of everybody's life. When you take a risk you don't always know what is going to happen, therefore you experiment with failure - it’s part of the journey.   Failures are literally the seeds of growth, opportunity, and success. They serve as stepping stones that help move you from not achieving your goals to achieving them. You may be wondering how? It’s important to understand that failure isn’t a permanent condition; it’s a state. As with any state - it doesn’t last forever - it’s temporary. Furthermore, it’s a state that can last as long as you want it to. Since failure and the feelings of rejection that accompany it are so highly dreaded, it becomes easier for us to give up and stay in a state of failure than to push past our obstacles. One of the biggest problems with failure is the belief that it’s permanent and the chain reaction this causes. How many people do you know who started drinking after a rough breakup? This is an example of someone who viewed the breakup as a permanent condition of failure. Instead of taking the break up for what it is, an end of what was, they resort to alcohol which turns into another failure. As a result, a domino effect occurs. Years ago, I hated rejection. I hated to fail. Mostly because I was under the same impression that failure was a permanent condition, but then I learned differently. I learned that there is so much value to be found in failure. Although usually hidden at first, there are many lessons to be learned. These lessons are what you need to make the leap from failure to success. For every time you fail, you learn how to do something better. You have to be willing to fail with the understanding that you can try again, but this time with more experience. You’re never starting over from scratch, instead you’re giving it another shot, but this time with lessons learned. Failures are nothing more than a learning opportunity. The only permanent part about them are the lessons you will carry with you throughout your life. If something didn’t workout in the past, then learn from it. Alter your path to success and don’t make the same mistake again. More importantly, don’t allow one bump in the road, or even a few, change your trajectory towards success. “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” - Thomas A. Edison You should listen to Edison. Just think, if he gave up on finding a way to create the light bulb, then you wouldn’t be reading this article on your screen right now. Many brilliant minds fail everyday, but only the ones that believe they can change the world, regardless of the failures they encounter have the courage to push past their obstacles. Let your failures guide you to find new methods, let them teach you valuable lessons, help you grow, and build you into the person you need to be in order to achieve your dreams.

    7 min
  3. 017 - How To Improve Your Credit Score, Leveraging, And Using Debt To Create Wealth with Matthew Pillmore


    017 - How To Improve Your Credit Score, Leveraging, And Using Debt To Create Wealth with Matthew Pillmore

    Want to learn how to improve your credit score? Are you interested in generating more cashflow? Or maybe you just want to get out of debt. If either of these apply to you, then don't worry you're not alone. Statistics suggest that as much as 70% of the population can't put together $1,000 in reserves. But don't worry, this episode with Matthew Pillmore will teach you how to improve your credit score, leverage debt, access more cash flow, and become debt free. Matthew, the President of VIP Financial Education, along with his team of industry experts have been providing in depth cash flow management education and coaching since 2000. Matthew is a popular educator, speaker, national credit consultant, and even completed his education under the guidance of founders of the FICO credit scoring system. He offers financial education on the national platform to unlimited real estate organizations, as well as several big companies such as NASA Space Center, Multiple Police Departments, Chicago Title, Coldwell Banker, Paradigm Group, Keller Williams and more. Matthew believes that by understanding the rules you can better manage your debts and credit scores. Ultimately you give yourself the opportunity to save massive interest and insurance costs. And these savings can be used to enhance your lifestyle or achieve your other financial goals more quickly. In This Episode, You Will Learn: How to use debt to create wealth Why leverage is the key ingredient in creating wealth It takes 18-20 years to reach the break even point on a 30 year loan Why we should try to surround ourselves with success The power behind cash flow stacking How to use debt weapons to grow your cashflow The difference between transactional income and residual income How to improve your credit score The 3 C's to tackling financial adversity How To Get In Touch With Matthew: YouTube Cash Flow Cruncher Free Coaching Calendar

    54 min
  4. 016 - Taking A Break From Alcohol, Coping With Emotions, And Building Confidence with Rachel Hart


    016 - Taking A Break From Alcohol, Coping With Emotions, And Building Confidence with Rachel Hart

    Tired of the hangovers and regrets that result from having one too many? Do you want to know what is really behind your desire to drink? Are you interested in taking a break from alcohol? If so, then this interview with Rachel Hart is a must listen. Rachel coaches women (and men) who want to change their drinking habits so that they can live happier and healthier lives. During her 20s she developed a love-hate relationship with drinking which resulted in periodic breaks here and there. Like many of us, she loved the feelings alcohol provided her; however, wasn't a fan of the hangovers or the foggy (and sometimes) regretful memories from the night before. When her 30s came around, Rachel decided it was time to take another break from drinking. For real, this time. Why? Because she realized she was using alcohol as a coping mechanism. It made her feel relaxed, comfortable, and most importantly confident in social settings. So instead of using alcohol as a crutch, she decided to investigate what was really behind her drinking. She now teaches her clients the same principles that have worked so well for her. Rachel believes that you don’t need a glass in your hand to feel relaxed, confident, attractive, outgoing, and happy and that the best version of yourself isn’t waiting at the bottom of a glass. It's already inside of you - you just need to change your thinking. In This Episode, You Will Learn: About Rachel's love/hate relationship with alcohol in her 20s Why we feel so much pressure to drink in social settings How a perception shift can alter your relationship with alcohol Why choosing not to drink is the same as saying "No" to dessert That our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings drive our actions Why we need to pay more attention to our thoughts If you can change your desire to drink then you're never restraining yourself Why our end result is an accumulation of habits and messages over time Why we use alcohol to cope with our emotions and make us feel comfortable in certain situations How To Get In Touch With Rachel: Free 5-Day Reset Challenge Book: Why Can't I Drink Like Everyone Else Podcast Website

    42 min
  5. 015 - 8 Ways To Pay Off Your Student Loans Fast


    015 - 8 Ways To Pay Off Your Student Loans Fast

    Figuring out how to pay off student loans fast can be a daunting task. I remember the feeling all too well. It was spring semester 2012, the final chapter of my undergraduate journey. A sense of tension took over my chest. The anxiety was overwhelming, often keeping me awake late into the night. Feelings of “What am I going to do next?”, “How am I going to make this work?” were occupying my mind at all hours of the day. Even after accepting an early job offer, graduating, and months into making a good income, my anxiety still lived on. Since freshman year, the same question continued to haunt me, “How will I pay off these student loans?” The same question torments millions of students each year and here’s why: The standard repayment plan for student loans is a 10-year track; however, research has shown the average undergraduate takes 21 years to pay off their loans. Over 44 million Americans are impacted by the student loan debt, which now totals $1.4 trillion. The average graduate of the 2016 class has $30,172 in student loan debt, which is up six percent from 2015. Having graduated five years ago, the $42,000 in student debt I walked away with is now gone. In fact, a temporary move to Boston, accompanied by a year of excessive spending, and some unexpected medical bills actually caused a little delay in paying off my loans. I’m not only going to teach you how to pay off student loans faster, but I’ll also tell you what didn’t work. So how did I pay off $12,000 more debt than the average student graduates with and 16 years faster? By taking advantage of the following options: In school interest options Many private loan providers have options which allow you to pay $25/month interest payments while in school. Take advantage of this opportunity, because interest is what kills you. Get a job on campus Okay, I get it college is about having fun, but you can have fun and be responsible at the same time. For me, having a job on campus and full-time employment during the summer (and holiday weekends) allowed me to walk away with $42,000 in debt, otherwise the damage would have been worse. If you’re still in school, find a work study, campus job, fellowship, or some other opportunity. Save your summer earnings Unless, you’re a student-athlete your summer breaks are much longer now than they were in high school. Summers are the perfect opportunity to work and save for the upcoming school year. Forget buying the $200 pair of Jordans and pass on Lollapalooza this year. Instead, put the money towards your next school bill. You may not feel great about spending your hard earned cash now, but you’ll be glad you did later. The less loans you take now, the less debt you’ll have later. Ignore the deferment period Most private and federal loans provide a six month buffer from when you graduate to when you have to start paying. This is a privilege and should be treated as such. When purchasing a car, the dealership doesn’t give you a six month buffer. If you’re still looking for employment that’s one thing, but if you’re making an income, then forget the deferment period and start throwing money at your loans as soon as possible. Go above the minimum A $25,000 loan at 6.8% interest with a 10-year pay off track equates to monthly payments of $288. Paying $500 a month instead of $288 allows you to cut ties with the loan in just under 5 years while saving you $5,045.78 in interest along the way. You might be cringing at the idea of paying an extra $200 each month, but even an extra $50 bucks, will reduce 2 years off that 10 year loan and save you a cool two-grand! (FinAid’s Loan Calculator can help) The more you pay now, the less you pay later. Unlike a fine wine, interest gets worse with age. Use tax returns  So you’ve been looking forward to your tax return check for months. Even though the check isn’t in your possession yet, you already have ten ways to spend it. As a stude

    10 min
  6. 014 - Creating A New Identity And The Four Phases Of Growth with Mario Porreca


    014 - Creating A New Identity And The Four Phases Of Growth with Mario Porreca

    After spending nearly six years as a successful chef, Mario Porreca found himself constantly tired, overweight, and needing a change. He decided to leave the kitchen and focus on regaining his health. In just six months, Mario shed 70 pounds. With everyone noticing his results and asking questions, Mario saw a prime opportunity in coaching people to reach their health, wellness, weight, and mindset goals. As Mario operated this business he was also spending every available second studying mindset, psychology, personal growth, spiritual development, and more to apply what he learned to his own life and to more importantly be able to serve others at a deeper more profound level. Mario has authored two cookbooks geared toward healthy living and has also authored a third book centered around achieving personal and business success. He is also the host of the podcast, 10 Minute Mindset, which is designed to help busy people start their day in the best state possible by following his daily GIO method. Mario’s main focus is coaching busy achievers to align their mindset, purpose, and passion to experience life at a deeper more profound level. Mario has appeared on TV over 50 times promoting his books and business and has been a featured speaker for numerous groups, events, schools, and corporations. In This Episode, You Will Learn: Why our day is built on momentum Why our mindset leads to our identity Why creating a new identity is the key to achieve permanent change The four phases of growth Why we should allow adversity to serve us Why emotion ignites us to push through change Creating that belief that anything is possible Why building on habits is easy, but starting habits isn't How to set up the rules of life so we win How to make our actions outcome focused Why adversity can only hurt us if we run from it How To Get In Touch With Mario: Instagram Facebook Twitter Website Subscribe: iTunes | Google Play | Stitcher | Castbox

    1h 1m
  7. 013 - Tackling Your Inner Critic And Uncovering Your Untapped Potential with Maggie Wilde


    013 - Tackling Your Inner Critic And Uncovering Your Untapped Potential with Maggie Wilde

    Maggie Wilde is known as The Potentialist, where she specializes in uncovering her client’s untapped potential. As someone who battled her inner critic growing up, struggled with overeating, and overcome a stroke at age 40, Maggie fully understands what it takes to regain control of unhelpful habits, beliefs, behaviors and emotions that have been holding you back. Maggie has helped thousands of clients and workshop participants throughout the world achieve their desired outcomes. She is often referred to as ‘the Therapists’ Therapist, training and educating others in the industry to improve their results with clients too. As a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and a Confidence Coach & Counselor, she is trained in a variety of life enhancing modalities. Maggie’s hope is that through the skills and secrets she teaches that she can help you tap into the potential of your own mind and create the life of your dreams. In This Episode, You Will Learn: How growing up with an inner critic impacted her self image Why others saw her potential even when she couldn't How she redefined her belief system after a stroke Her 3 part model to rewire your neural pathways How you can rewire your belief system through repetition The scientific process behind changing your thoughts How to handle emotional eating Why we all have the potential to make the world a better place That our brain is always learning and growing Why it only takes 68 seconds to change your thinking How To Get In Touch With Maggie: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Website MindPotentialAcademy

    47 min


After overcoming medical trauma, Gary Savoie has made it his mission to uncover all of the secrets to overcoming life’s challenges and living a better life. Through inspirational stories and messages from those who have overcome adversity first hand, mindset gurus, and influential experts the Laugh At Adversity Podcast provides you with everything you need to conquer your challenges and turn your struggles into strengths. Overcome adversity, relationship problems, financial struggles, conflict, anxiety, depression, physical limitations, emotional hurdles, mental roadblocks, and find your inner power. Discover more at

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