50 episodes

Welcome to the Perimenopausal Mamas podcast! This is a podcast for hormonal mamas who want to reclaim their own natural state of health to thrive and raise healthy kids.

We are two Naturopathic Doctors and moms to toddlers. Dr. Lisa Weeks, ND, practices in Toronto and has a son named Stuart. Dr. Toni Reid, ND, birth doula and HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator practices in Calgary and has a daughter named Frankie.

We are perimenopausal mamas!

Our Mission (should you choose to accept it):

Educate you on your hormones and empower you to take control of your own (and your kids’) health.

Share our own tips, tricks and useful tools as perimenopausal moms and Naturopathic Doctors.

Provide cutting-edge info from experts in the health and parenting worlds.

We want to keep things simple, inspire you, and add some fun into your day, without any judgement or overwhelm.

So, what is perimenopause all about?

Perimenopause is the transition period you can experience for years (and years!) before your period stops and you reach menopause. You can start to have symptoms as early as your late 30’s or early 40’s.

You may be perimenopausal if you are:

Noticing that your periods are changing

Getting night sweats, especially leading up to your period

Having difficulty sleeping

Noticing that your libido, energy and enjoyment in life are lacking

Snapping at your partner and kids

Becoming more forgetful and suffer from brain fog

Seeing your weight creep up for no good reason

Feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and alone

In this podcast, we will:

Help to uncover the truth about hormonal imbalances that cause troublesome perimenopausal symptoms.

Educate you on and how to make simple lifestyle and nutritional changes to restore balance (and help get you back to being the parent you want to be).

Share our weekly “mom mess-ups”, “super mom moments” and “mom must-haves” (since one of our key survival skills is to laugh at ourselves, even when times are tough).

Pass on our knowledge of nutrition and lifestyle counselling (as Naturopathic Doctors) to help raise healthy kids.

Discuss our experiences (and those of other moms who are experts in their own rights) so we can all work on figuring out the challenge of parenting together.

Not a mom yet...or not plan on becoming one?

No problem!

You can still listen and learn more about your hormones and health.

Even rockstar perimenopausal aunties might be interested in our conversations about relationships, tips about parenting, picky eaters, and more.

The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.8 • 17 Ratings

Welcome to the Perimenopausal Mamas podcast! This is a podcast for hormonal mamas who want to reclaim their own natural state of health to thrive and raise healthy kids.

We are two Naturopathic Doctors and moms to toddlers. Dr. Lisa Weeks, ND, practices in Toronto and has a son named Stuart. Dr. Toni Reid, ND, birth doula and HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator practices in Calgary and has a daughter named Frankie.

We are perimenopausal mamas!

Our Mission (should you choose to accept it):

Educate you on your hormones and empower you to take control of your own (and your kids’) health.

Share our own tips, tricks and useful tools as perimenopausal moms and Naturopathic Doctors.

Provide cutting-edge info from experts in the health and parenting worlds.

We want to keep things simple, inspire you, and add some fun into your day, without any judgement or overwhelm.

So, what is perimenopause all about?

Perimenopause is the transition period you can experience for years (and years!) before your period stops and you reach menopause. You can start to have symptoms as early as your late 30’s or early 40’s.

You may be perimenopausal if you are:

Noticing that your periods are changing

Getting night sweats, especially leading up to your period

Having difficulty sleeping

Noticing that your libido, energy and enjoyment in life are lacking

Snapping at your partner and kids

Becoming more forgetful and suffer from brain fog

Seeing your weight creep up for no good reason

Feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and alone

In this podcast, we will:

Help to uncover the truth about hormonal imbalances that cause troublesome perimenopausal symptoms.

Educate you on and how to make simple lifestyle and nutritional changes to restore balance (and help get you back to being the parent you want to be).

Share our weekly “mom mess-ups”, “super mom moments” and “mom must-haves” (since one of our key survival skills is to laugh at ourselves, even when times are tough).

Pass on our knowledge of nutrition and lifestyle counselling (as Naturopathic Doctors) to help raise healthy kids.

Discuss our experiences (and those of other moms who are experts in their own rights) so we can all work on figuring out the challenge of parenting together.

Not a mom yet...or not plan on becoming one?

No problem!

You can still listen and learn more about your hormones and health.

Even rockstar perimenopausal aunties might be interested in our conversations about relationships, tips about parenting, picky eaters, and more.

    Episode 239: Unlock Your Power This Year Using Numerology with Vikki MacKinnon

    Episode 239: Unlock Your Power This Year Using Numerology with Vikki MacKinnon

    In this solo episode, Dr. Toni chats all things numerology, with international numerologist and author, Vikki MacKinnon. Vikki explains how numbers work in every part of your life, in such a way that you: feel their energy, sense their presence, gain greater understanding of your circumstances and patterns that may be holding you back, and get a clear sense of the options and possibilities that lie before you. Discover where you are in your progressive cycles, and gain a sense of direction and anticipation as you look at where you are going.

    Vikki MacKinnon is one of North America’s most respected numerologists. She is known to be deeply spiritual and insightful, yet refreshingly practical and down-to-Earth.

    As founder and creator of the Born To Thrive Numerology Course, Vikki has facilitated workshops in Calgary, Ottawa, Toronto, and Tokyo – leading participants on a powerful journey of self-awareness and self-esteem, and empowering them with a metaphysical tool that will provide on-going benefits in their personal and professional life for years to come.

    Many of Vikki’s students in both Canada and Japan have continued on to take the Advanced Numerology Mentorship Program, becoming numerologists themselves, or incorporating numerology into their own holistic practice.

    Vikki is also an author of two books. You can find out more here.

    Today’s Mama Must Have:

    Dr. Toni is a fan of homemade watermelon popsicles.

    What’s Happening?

    Join Dr. Toni online to learn more about self-hypnosis to support your health and hormones in 2024. Click Here and use the code MAMA2024 for a special deal. 

    Thanks for listening!

    Email us or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

    We’d love you to subscribe, leave us a review and a 5-star rating if you enjoyed this episode.

    You can also support us by visiting our Patreon page.

    Please tell your perimenopausal mama friends about us, too!

    Stay safe and healthy everyone!

    Disclaimer: The information provided is not meant to replace treatment with a licensed health care practitioner. It is for informational purposes only. Consult with a Naturopathic Doctor or other licensed health care professional to determine which treatments are safe for you.

    • 48 min
    Episode 238: What You Need to Know About Wildfire Smoke (Re-Release)

    Episode 238: What You Need to Know About Wildfire Smoke (Re-Release)

    In this episode re-release from 2023, Dr. Toni reviews how wildfire smoke impacts the health of you and your kids. The particle matter in wildfire smoke has been found to be up to 10 times more harmful to your health than the particle matter from other sources. Not only can it cause headaches and irritate your eyes, throat and respiratory system, it can increase inflammation and oxidative damage, leading to higher risk of reproductive issues, cardiovascular disease, neurological and immune disorders. Listen in to find out how you can protect yourself and your kids from this growing problem in the summer. 

    Today’s Mama Must-Have:

    Dr. Toni loves her local farmers markets in the parks for fruit, veg and flowers!

    What’s Else is Happening?

    Dr. Toni’s next HypnoBirthing session for expecting parents looking to decrease fear and anxiety to support their natural instincts around labour and birth is happening this fall. Join her at https://www.hypnobirthingcalgary.com/register

    Thanks for listening!

    Email us or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

    We’d love you to subscribe, leave us a review and a 5-star rating if you enjoyed this episode.

    You can also support us by visiting our Patreon page.

    Please tell your perimenopausal mama friends about us, too!

    Stay safe and healthy everyone!

    Disclaimer: The information provided is not meant to replace treatment with a licensed health care practitioner. It is for informational purposes only. Consult with a Naturopathic Doctor or other licensed health care professional to determine which treatments are safe for you.

    Episode 237: How to Take Back Control of Your Focus and Enhance Productivity While Online

    Episode 237: How to Take Back Control of Your Focus and Enhance Productivity While Online

    In this solo episode, Dr. Lisa discusses how to use technology to your advantage. Whether you realize it or not, your brain is being hijacked when online. Instead of getting sucked into social media scrolling, time wasting and overwhelm, you can use technology to enhance your productivity. You can regain your time and brain function with simple steps around mindfulness and boundaries - without needing to throw away your phone. 

    Listen in to discover how to “Starve your distraction and feed your focus”.

    In this episode, we cover:

    * What is Digital Wellness and Digital Flourishing®

    * The importance of realizing your unconscious habits around technology

    * For more info on habits, see Episode 170

    * How exposing yourself to negative news in the morning influences your mood

    * Why it’s so easy for your attention to get hacked because of dopamine

    * How multitasking is actually compulsive fractured attention, which increases your stress levels and emotional dysregulation

    * The importance of tracking your time for time awareness, adjusting your notifications, setting limits and using apps to manage your time on phone

    * How you can take the Digital Flourishing Survey here

    * The importance of taking breaks to increase your productivity

    * For more info about forest bathing, see Episode 189

    * For more info about vacation planning, see Episode 183 

    Today’s Mama Must-Have:

    Dr. Lisa is a big fan of Sharon Salzburg’s 10 day Equanimity course which she chipped away at, even on vacation.

    Thanks for listening!

    Email us or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

    We’d love you to subscribe, leave us a review and a 5-star rating if you enjoyed this episode.

    You can also support us by visiting our Patreon page.

    Please tell your perimenopausal mama friends about us, too!

    Stay safe and healthy everyone!

    Disclaimer: The information provided is not meant to replace treatment with a licensed health care practitioner. It is for informational purposes only. Consult with a Naturopathic Doctor or other licensed health care professional to determine which treatments are safe for you.

    • 49 min
    Episode 236: Skin Health in Your 40s and Beyond with Dr. Jen Newell (Re-Release)

    Episode 236: Skin Health in Your 40s and Beyond with Dr. Jen Newell (Re-Release)

    In today’s episode re-release from 2020, Dr. Lisa talks to Dr. Jen Newell, naturopathic doctor and founder of Connected Health and Skin. Dr. Jen sought out a naturopathic approach to skin health when she became dissatisfied with oral contraceptives, antibiotics and other conventional treatments for her own hormonal cystic acne and mild rosacea. Dr. Jen helps women overcome acne and other skin disorders to achieve a clear, radiant complexion, restored hormonal balance and renewed digestive function. 

    In this episode, we cover:

    * How your skin changes due to hormone and structural changes with perimenopause including:

    * Acne on chest, back, jawline or hairline

    * Age spots

    * Dryness

    * Wrinkles and aging

    * Thinning skin

    * How different hair products you use could cause inflammation and impact your skin health

    * Why daily mineral sunscreen use is a key component for maintaining skin health

    * Why it’s important to protect you skin from UVA rays that travel through windows

    * Why eating colourful fruit and vegetables is important for your skin

    * Why drinking too much coffee and alcohol is not great for your skin

    * Why you may want to drink more herbal tea like nettle, hibiscus, spearmint, licorice root

    * The biggest factors that impact how your skin will age, outside of genetics (hint: they start with the letter S - sugar, sun, smoking, stress)

    * How prescription medications like anti-depressants and insulin can impact your skin health

    * The antioxidant supplements, like lycopene, CoQ10, astaxanthin, quercetin, that you may want to talk to your naturopathic doctor about adding into your regime

    * Why supplementing with biotin could be worsening your acne

    * Different ingredients you might want to look for in your skin care products, like retinoids, vitamin C, green tea extract, niacinamide

    * What skin care products are the most important to use

    * Why oil cleansing can help your skin health when you use it with another gentle cleanser

    * If it’s worth it to use a collagen supplement

    Today’s Mama Must-Have: 

    Dr. Jen cannot live without a creamy milk cleanser to keep her face feeling fresh and healthy

    Dr. Lisa loves Consonant hand cream to protect and hydrate her hands with the extra hand washing and use of hand sanitizer https://consonantskincare.com/collections/hand-cream 

    You can find and connect with Dr. Jen Newell at www.connectedhealthandskin.com and on Instagram @newellnd 

    Visit the NaturalDermStore https://naturaldermstore.ca/  for healthy, evidence based natural skin care products. You can receive a 15% discount off your order using the code Perimenopause. Reach out to them for help to find the right products for you.

    Thank you for joining us today! 

    Email us or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. We’d love you to subscribe, leave us a review and a 5-star rating if you enjoyed this episode.

    • 1 hr 2 min
    Episode 235: Moon Cycles and Emotions with Evolutionary Astrologer JoAnn Stoneberg (Re-Release)

    Episode 235: Moon Cycles and Emotions with Evolutionary Astrologer JoAnn Stoneberg (Re-Release)

    In this episode re-release from 2023, Dr. Toni discusses how moon cycles can impact your emotional well-being with evolutionary astrologer and clairvoyant JoAnn Stoneberg. Human beings have been paying attention to the moon and stars for thousands of years. Learn what important information you can tap into when you pay attention to the phases of the moon and the position of the stars and how it can help you understand to support emotional health for you and your family.

    See Episode 59 for more information on moon cycles and cyclical living.

    JoAnn Stoneberg is an evolutionary astrologer and clairvoyant, as well as the owner, founder and creator of As The Planets Turn.  She teaches Astrology, is a speaker, muse and writer. JoAnn is very gifted at helping her clients work though and navigate their fears and obstacles when it comes to life’s ups and downs and transitions.   She is instrumental in teaching her clients techniques that can be used for many years to come to assist them throughout their lives. JoAnn’s intuitive use of the planets and stars help her clients have more faith and trust within themselves knowing it is ok to be who they are; by translating the beautiful ancient language of Astrology in a brilliant way to help you understand and discover the evolutionary intent of your soul. Her 20-year healing journey and training in ancient techniques has heightened her already intuitive skills to eloquently heal the souls of past lives, transform the lineage of our ancestors, clear negative energies and help lost earthbound spirits to cross over.  

    In today’s episode, we cover:

    * The importance of knowing your sun sign, your moon sign and your rising sign 

    * The 4 main phases of the moon and how it can impact your energy and behaviour

    * How the moon can be affected by the stars and astrological signs 

    * The relationship between your birth chart and the moon 

    * Why you need to know your partner’s and kids’ moon signs to support their emotional needs and well-being

    You can connect with JoAnn, get her Moon Phases e-book and register for her online astrology classes - Navigate Your Emotions and What’s Your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign - at www.astheplanetsturn.com

    Follow JoAnn on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/joannstoneberg/

    Today’s Mama Must-Have:

    Dr. Toni is a big fan of topical magnesium for muscle tension, like Epsom gel. 

    What’s Else is Happening?

    Dr. Toni’s next HypnoBirthing session for expecting parents looking to decrease fear and anxiety to support their natural instincts around labour and birth is in the fall. Join her at https://www.hypnobirthingcalgary.com/register

    Thanks for joining us!

    Email us or connect with us on  Facebook  and  Instagram. 

    We’d love you to subscribe, leave us a review and a 5-star rating if you enjoyed this episode.

    You can also support us by visiting our Patreon page.

    Please tell your perimenopausal mama friends about u...

    Episode 234: Making Mealtime Fun (Even for Picky Eaters) with Danielle Bins, Certified Nutritionist

    Episode 234: Making Mealtime Fun (Even for Picky Eaters) with Danielle Bins, Certified Nutritionist

    In this episode, Dr. Lisa discusses the best strategies to manage picky eating in your kids with Picky Eating Expert Danielle Binns. While there are many reasons why kids can steer away from certain foods, even the picky eaters can learn to expand their food choices. Listen in to learn what you can do (and what not to do) to make meal time less stressful!

    Danielle Binns is a Certified Nutritionist, Picky Eating Expert, and more importantly, a mom of three who gets it. Danielle experienced the struggles around trying to feed her family first-hand. Her first daughter was an extremely picky eater,  labeled ‘failure to thrive’, and mealtimes were beyond stressful.  After endless research, and acquiring Certifications in picky eating, Danielle transformed her daughter into one of the most adventurous kids at the table. 

    She made all the mistakes at meals and is now on a mission to show other parents that there’s a better way to raise healthy eaters. Over the past decade, Danielle has helped thousands of parents around the world achieve stress-free meals via her step-by-step online programs (Raising Adventurous Eaters, Picky Eater Protocol) and private coaching (Thrive Program).  She also makes food exploration fun with her revolutionary mealtime tools (Curious Cookie).  

    Danielle educates and inspires families while speaking at global paediatric conventions, consulting Montessori schools, and running eye-opening workshops for parenting communities. She is a trusted resource for media outlets like CTV News and has been featured on various podcasts.

    In this episode, we cover:

    * How to know where your kids fall on the spectrum of picky eating

    * The importance of setting up your eating environment and schedule for success

    * How to deal with food jags or when your kids reject food they have eaten before

    * The importance of increasing enjoyment and reducing stress, frustration and pressure during mealtimes

    * How you can make mealtime fun and foster your kids’ healthy relationship with food

    Connect with Danielle on Instagram and Facebook 

    Find out more about the Picky Eater Protocol and the Curious Cookie cards and placemat at https://daniellebinns.com/

    Today’s Mama Must-Have:

    Dr. Lisa is a big fan of her air fryer for making easy meals and reheating leftovers.

    Thanks for listening!

    Email us or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

    We’d love you to subscribe, leave us a review and a 5-star rating if you enjoyed this episode.

    You can also support us by visiting our Patreon page.

    Please tell your perimenopausal mama friends about us, too!

    Stay safe and healthy everyone!

    Disclaimer: The information provided is not meant to replace treatment with a licensed health care practitioner. It is for informational purposes only. Consult with a Naturopathic Doctor or other licensed health care professional to determine which treatments are safe for you.

    • 46 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
17 Ratings

17 Ratings

Carmen_AB ,

So glad I found this podcast! Amazing!

I found this podcast and listened to the amazing episode 118 with Jane Durst Pulkys on a day when I was really feeling lost in the perimenopause wilderness. I dictated copious notes into my phone as I was walking and by the end of the episode, I felt like I had a mini action plan. Thank you for putting this out in the world! I can’t wait to listen to all your episodes!

brightwebs ,

Love this podcast!

I am so grateful this podcast exists. I’ve learned so much about perimenopause that I had no idea about before, and about health and wellness tips for me AND my kids. Thank you to Dr Toni and Dr Lisa!

Rad😙😞😙😝 ,

Love it!

Love listening to all the information Toni and Lisa have! Wish I had heard some of this stuff years ago!!

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