The Ultimate Choice
The Ultimate Choice, a groundbreaking docuseries from TVO Today, with the Toronto Star and the Investigative Journalism Bureau, follows the journey of Michael and his wife, Ann. Michael, housebound by pain and incurable disease, sees his choice for a medically assisted death (MAID) as a powerful solution to his suffering. The series explores Michael's motivations and how his decision affects his family, friends, and longtime doctor. Hosted by investigative reporter Rob Cribb, the podcast also challenges him to come to terms with his own family history as he dives into this highly charged story. Both a portrait of a family's autonomy and a hard-hitting exposé, The Ultimate Choice reveals the political and ethical stakes behind Canada's debate to expand MAID like never before.
- 8 Episodes
Medically, assisted death
Excellent podcast by Rob Cribb. A very emotional subject discussed with a lot of dignity and feeling.
Death with Dignity
Death with Dignity or letting people live their lives in hopelessness and suffering, wishing they were dead, wishing they would die, or dying by their own frightfully unsophisticated suicide attempts or successes. Which is sadder, which is inhumane? Let us all safely make our own choices that affect us. We should be grateful to live in a time that this is even an option. A wonderful, emotionally charged podcast. How beautiful to honor someone as they want… to have the heartfelt moments, support and love through the process. Death is never easy but also inevitable. End the agony.
Again, I’m told my pain ain’t the same. If the Conservatives get in I can kiss my good death good bye. I am devastated by the delay and will now be forced to end my life alone in a motel. Shame on the ideologues.
This is so well done! A deep take looking at every different angle that is making me reexamine my opinions.
- Channel
- CreatorTVO
- Years Active2K
- Episodes8
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2025 TVO
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