Body Bites With Bec

Bec Miller, Health with Bec
Body Bites With Bec Podcast

Welcome to Body Bites With Bec, a podcast designed for health conscious women who try it all, yet feel stuck in their attempts to reach (and maintain) their balanced weight and thrive at their optimal potential. Bec Miller, founder of Health with Bec and qualified Nutritionist specialising in weight loss, helps you uncover all of the different pieces of the puzzle to weight loss, energy, gut health, motivation and more so that you can quit the yo-yo dieting, find your balance and feel the way that you truly deserve. You can find Bec on instagram for lots more inspiration at @health_with_bec And, find plenty more free resources, including both free and paid programs at

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    168: One of The Biggest Reasons Most Diets Fail & My Solution For it - Calorie Cycling!

    In this episode, I dive deep into a key issue that most conventional diets overlook, which often leads to failure in achieving long-term weight loss success. It's not just about losing weight—it's about keeping it off for good, and that's where most diets fall short, with 85-90% of dieters regaining their lost weight! Today, I explore why this happens and what you can do to avoid it. What You'll Learn: The Alarming Statistics of Diet Failure: I break down research showing that 80-95% of dieters regain the weight they’ve lost, often within just a few years. If you’ve lost weight in the past, only to gain it back, you’re not alone—and there’s a scientific reason behind it. How Calorie Restriction Affects Your Metabolism: Long periods of calorie restriction can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to maintain weight loss. I explain the science behind metabolic adaptation and why your body fights to keep you from losing too much weight too quickly. The Role of Hormones in Weight Loss: Learn how dieting can lead to a drop in your thyroid hormones (affecting metabolism), an increase in cortisol (stress hormone), and changes in hunger hormones (ghrelin and leptin) that make it harder to stay on track. The Importance of Calorie Cycling: I introduce calorie cycling as a powerful strategy to prevent your metabolism from slowing down. I share how incorporating higher calorie “refeed” days can help regulate your metabolism, reduce hunger, and maintain long-term weight loss. Why Strength Training and Protein Are Essential: Discover why eating a high-protein diet and incorporating strength training are critical to keeping your metabolism strong while losing weight. If you’ve ever struggled with losing weight and keeping it off, this episode will help you understand the science behind why that happens and how you can beat the odds. I’ve developed my approach to cover all of these factors, and it’s worked for thousands of women worldwide. Tune in to learn how to make sustainable, long-term weight loss a reality for you too!   Further podcasts to listen to that I mention: Episode 48: Learn more about the link between cortisol and weight loss, plus my top stress-reducing tips. Click here Episode 87: Thinking of Doing a Fad Diet? Three reasons why cutting calories too low will harm your progress. Click here Episode 65: 7 Fat Burning Reasons to Eat More Protein Click here Episode 124: All your questions about EXERCISE answered! Weight training, fat burning, mistakes and more: Click here   Links: Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: click here Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body  Reset  Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe  Explore my recipe eBooks: Click here!  Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec Visit my website: Click here

    39 min
  2. 18 SEPT

    #167: The Key to Progress: How Self-Reflection Fuels Weight Loss and Life Goals

    00:00 Intro 01:27 The Theme Of This Episode, Including The Woman That Needs To Hear it   02:40 My Personal Experience With The Strategies I Recommend  05:30 The Importance of Deep Reflection  06:40 How To Practice Deep Reflection  08:12 Why Being Selfish Matters  10:50 My Personal Happiness List  15:00 Why You Have to Be The Detective Of Your Own Life  18:55 How Do You Become The Detective Of Your Own Life  20:58 Understanding Your Why  22:10 How I’ve Been Implementing These Strategies Recently In My Life 28:50 The Biggest Breakthroughs Often Happen After This … 30:20 My personal why and how it fuels me 32:20 The Importance Of Knowing Your Why  33:40 Why Being “Selfish” Is Actually A Good Thing 40:10 Using Reflection To Become Unstuck 41:00 Episode Wrap Up & Motivational Pep Talk   In today’s episode, I felt like I had to continue on with the theme of last weeks to help you even more. I'm diving into a topic that’s been incredibly important in my own life—deep reflection and how it can help you achieve your goals, whether it’s weight loss, fitness, or any other area. I’m sharing my personal journey and how constantly reflecting on my happiness and tweaking my approach has led me to overcome challenges in both my business and health journey. I hope my experiences will help you do the same! What You'll Learn: Reflecting and Tweaking for Success: Over the years, I’ve learned that taking time to reflect has been key to finding success in my health and business. In this episode, I’m walking you through how you can regularly assess your life and make small changes to keep progressing. The Power of Being "Selfishly Reflective": To show up fully for others and achieve your own goals, you need to carve out time for yourself. I’m sharing how I prioritize "me-time" and how this has not only improved my business but also my mental and physical health. Being selfish with your time is not a bad thing—it's essential! Breaking Down the Process: When I reflect, I focus on two key areas: Happiness and Energy: I talk about the importance of optimizing your daily routines to make sure you’re feeling your best, because when you feel good, everything else becomes easier. Problem-Solving: Life isn’t without its roadblocks, and we all have moments where things don’t go to plan. I explain how I constantly search for solutions and tweak my approach when something isn’t working. Self-Awareness and Goal Achievement: One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the power of self-awareness in staying on track. Whether it’s your weight loss journey or another life goal, regular reflection is crucial. I share how I make lists to reflect on what makes me happy and what's holding me back. From there, I test new strategies, learn from mistakes, and continue moving forward. Practical Tips for Deep Reflection and Success: Make time for regular reflection—whether it’s an hour daily or a half-day on the weekend. Prioritize the habits that make you feel happy and grounded, like exercise, spending time in nature, and connecting with loved ones. If you’re stuck, don’t be afraid to try something new—whether that’s tweaking your diet, speaking to a professional, or reaching out to your support network. Always remember your "why" and remind yourself of the bigger picture behind your goals. Final Thoughts: If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that consistent reflection and a willingness to try new things is essential to achieving big goals. Be kind to yourself, focus on your happiness, and remember—small steps add up over time. Success doesn’t happen overnight, but with the right mindset and a reflective approach, anything is possible!   Links: Episode 13: Why Motivation is NOT What You’re Looking For. It’s This... click here Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: click here Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my

    45 min
  3. 11 SEPT

    #166: Rebuilding habits & regaining motivation after a holiday or an 'off' period in your life!

    I'm back after taking a much needed break from the podcast! But, I returned from my 3 week trip to Italy and London and felt quite different to how I'd normally feel after travelling... Whilst I felt re-energised from visiting such amazing spots and doing the least amount of work I have EVER done on a holiday, I ended the trip feeling bloated, puffy and heavier. This made it harder for me to feel the same level of motivation that I had for exercise pre the trip. I've also found it so hard to get that creative spark back in me that I usually have (most weeks) for work.  In this episode, I share how and why my eating and drinking habits changed a little bit compared to my usual travels (where I've worked out my healthy balance pretty well & normally return feeling pretty good) and my thoughts on why it's been harder to feel creative for work.  I also offer tips, of course, throughout this podcast on: How to get your motivation and mojo back if you've let any healthy habits slip after a holiday or just a period of zero motivation How to build your healthy habits back up again AND how to ensure they don't fall away again Why it's a GOOD thing to feel crap sometimes from eating foods that you don't normally eat  I think I jump around quite a bit in this epiode because I just had so many thoughts to share, but I really hope that my reflection helps you see that I too am human and the occasional lows in your motivation is normal. I also hope that it encourages you to constanty reflect on WHY you're feeling and acting in certain ways, because without reflection, you can't figure out what changes you need to make in your life! Reaching your goals is ALWAYS about trying new things, failing, getting back up again and learning from past experiences.   00:00 Intro 01:10 Wrap Up Of 2024 Italy Trip + Why This Trip Was Different 03:45 A Vulnerable Share About Why This Episode Was Hard To Record 06:12 Discussing What This Episode Is About & Why It’s Important 07:56 Why Didn’t I Stay On Track With My Healthy Habits This Trip? 16:43 A Reminder About My Own Personal Health/ Weight Loss Story  24:12 The Main Point Of This Podcast 25:20 How To Rebuild Habits & Regain Motivation 30:30 What I’ve Been Doing To Get Back Into A Healthy Routine With Food & Exercise 34:58 The Importance Of Maintaining Habits Whilst Away/ On Holidays  39:08 What I Always Encourage You To Do When You Feel ‘Off’ After Losing Momentum   Further links & resources: Podcasts where I talk about how I eat when I travel to keep my balance: 158: (Replay) How to indulge with balance and quit the ‘all or nothing mentality’ when you go on holidays! 149: Maintaining my eating and fitness balance when I travel (and eat out at every meal) 110: Tips For Eating With Balance When Travelling 80: My Italian Trip (PART 2): Eating with Balance, Maintaining my Weight , Gluten & Food Sensitivities   Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: click here Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body  Reset  Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe  Explore my recipe eBooks: Click here!  Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec Visit my website: Click here

    43 min
  4. 7 AUG

    #165: Italy time! My skincare tips & tricks to prevent post-flight breakouts!

    Breakout after flying?   It’s definitely a thing! Especially if you’re acne or breakout prone like me. In this episode, I share what I did in the 48 hour lead-up to my long-haul flight to Italy (tonight!!) and what I’ll be doing on the plane to prevent some big angry pimples landing on my face in Italy! I also talk about: Why breakouts form when flying What I’m taking on the plane and in my suitcase The importance of hydration when you are acne prone My own acne journey and a few reasons why it occurred 4 years ago and how I manage it now to (touch wood) have the best skin I've had, breakout wise, in my whole life for the past 2 years! 00:00 Intro 02:16 Thank You To Podcast Listeners 03:30 Personal Update + Podcast Break Announcement  06:06 Backstory of Acne Prone Skin  09:18 Why Flying Causes Congested Skin? 09:38 Bec’s Skin Specialist  10:14 Skin Hydration 11:58 Exfoliation  12:38 Current Skincare Routine  13:30 Skincare Routine Whilst Flying  15:08 Bonus Skincare Tips  17:30 Diet & Skincare   Links: Podcasts about my acne healing journey, periods, hormones and more: Episode 90: How to minimise pms weight gain & other side effects, the power of tracking, my own unusual experience) Episode 89: The skincare changes that were the answer to healing my acne Episode 18: My skin transformation and excess oestrogen journey   Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: click here Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body  Reset  Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe  Explore my recipe eBooks: Click here!  Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec Visit my website: Click here

    22 min
  5. 31 JUL

    #164: How Jess lost 20 kg, found her confidence & gained total food freedom!

    (In the intro of this episode, I have a HUGE announcment & a special present for you to celebrate!!!!!)... Do you relate to any of these scenarios? Are you someone that's stuck in the cycle of following a diet or cutting your calorie down  but you keep putting the weight back on after you lose it? Maybe you feel results for a short term period, but a holiday comes and you totally give up and then return to your old habits? Jess, mum of 3 from Melbourne said yes to all of the above before finding me and starting my 3 Week Body Reset, followed by the Health With Bec Tribe. But now, she’s lost just under 20 kgs (!!) over the last 12 months without finding it hard AND has enjoyed the process, loved the food, been on holidays, hasn’t felt hungry and works it in well with her family life and full time work..  I had to get her on the podcast to share her story and tips here to inspire you to also lose weight sustainably. There are some amazing tips here for the women on my programs too!! Especially if you’re also a mum. If Jess can do it, so can you.   00:00 Intro + Exciting Podcast Announcement 03:44 Exclusive Listener Discount For All HWB Programs & eBooks (Until Monday 5th August 2024)  06:18 An Introduction To Triber Member, Jess Dean  07:32 Her Incredible Results To Date  08:55 Before Joining The 3 Week Body Reset …  10:13 Other Diet Attempts In The Past 12:58 Why The 3 Week Body Reset? 14:40 The Driving Force To Continue With The Health With Bec Approach  18.50 Navigating The 3 Week Body Reset With Young Kids 21.12 Following Meal Plans & Choosing Favourites 22:50 Motivations To Stay Consistent  24:35 Positive Side Effects/ Positive Changes  26.45 Tips & Ideas For Lunches & Dinners 29:00 Planning & Prepping On The Weekends  30:48 Advice To Other Women Who Are Feeling A Bit Stuck & Defeated?   Links: Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: click here   Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body  Reset (Limited time code 1MBBWB for 20% off! Ends Monday August 5 midnight)   Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe (Limited time code 1MBBWB for 20% off! Ends Monday August 5 midnight)   Explore my recipe eBooks: Click here! (Limited time code 1MBBWB for 20% off! Ends Monday August 5 midnight)   Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec

    36 min
  6. 24 JUL

    #163: Trying it ALL and not seeing weight loss results? The one vital thing you're maybe missing...

    If you're eating clean, exercising and feeling like you're trying it ALL, yet the scales aren't moving or you've hit a plateau, there is a super common mistake that I have seen many women make that is holding them back. In this episode, I will share what it is and give you practical solutions so that you CAN see results from your hard efforts!   00:00 Intro 02:40 Who This Podcast Relates To & The Woman That Health With Bec Aims To Help 05:20 Bec’s Personal Experience With Weight Loss/ Weight Maintenance  06:30 What You Might Be Missing If You're Not Getting Weight Loss Success 07.10 Calorie Misinformation/ Confusion On The Internet 08.28 Additional Episodes On Calorie Counting & Calorie Tracking Apps  09.25 The Science Behind Weight Loss  10.50 How Not Counting Calories Could Be Slowing Weight Loss Results 13.12 Eating With Balance & The Health with Bec Approach 16.38 How To Ensure You Are Staying In A Calorie Deficit 17.52 How To Track & Count Calories Without Obsession & Overwhelm 21.26 Advice For Women In The 3 Week Body Reset & Health With Bec Tribe 25.58 Reminder To Those Trying It All But Struggling To See Weight Loss Success   Links: More podcasts to help you learn about calorie deficits and 80/20 living: #120: Is calorie counting & using the apps ACTUALLY useful? What are the pros and cons?  #119: How to actually 80/20 and quit the 'all or nothing' cycle to lose weight effectively 87: Thinking Of Doing a Fad Diet or Cutting Calories Super Low? 3 Reasons Why This Will HARM Your Progress! Podcasts that share my own gut health & slow thyroid journey:  #129: Why you should never stop searching for answers. My vulnerable gut & dieting journey and how it lead to a life-changing approach for both myself and thousands of women) Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body Reset Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe Explore my free recipes & website: Click here  Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec Download my FREE eBook with 4, 15 minute meals: click here

    28 min
  7. 17 JUL

    #162: 5 lifestyle choices, habits & mindsets that keep you stuck & unable to reach that goal

    00:00 Intro 03:39 Sharing Podcast Review Related To A Previous Inspiring Episode 07:28 New, Exciting Afterpay Announcement  08:50 Mistake #1: You're Not Spending Some Alone Time With Yourself 14:15 Mistake #2: You’re Not Saying No And Setting Boundaries With Yourself 22:40 Mistake #3: You Are Avoiding The Hard Things 27:56 Mistake #4: You’re Winging It And Doing No Planning 32:35 Mistake #5: You’re Not Prioritising The Right Things 36:43 Wrap Up Of This Episode 37:08 The Importance Of Understanding Your Why 38:40 A Podcast Recommendation To Help You Discover Your Why    Feeling stuck? Unable to take those daily steps that you KNOW you want to take to get closer to that goal? If so, there truly can be so many things in your day-to-day life that can hinder your growth & motivation that you may not be aware of. The way you live out every day of your life, the choices you make, the boundaries you set, the priorities you make, your mindset… it’s all up to you. And, they can either keep you stuck and constantly thinking “why am I not achieving what I want?” OR propel you forward, slowly, day after day to get you to the goal you’ve set or the dreams that you have for yourself. So, in todays episode, I’m sharing 5 lifestyle choices and mindsets that keep you stuck and HOW to flip them on their head so that you CAN feel more motivated and inspired to take aligned action and take those steps that bring you towards your goal - whether it be weight loss, fitness or your career. Growth isn’t easy and that’s why people who have what you want don’t have it easy either. What they DO have is commitment to tweaking their lifestyle and mindset daily to work FOR them and not against them so that they can get through the growing pains that are inevitable with change. Lots of tough love, inspiring words of motivation & vulnerability in this episode and I hope it helps you!   Links: The episode with Anneke: #134: From addiction to balance, Anneke's 40 kg loss and transformative journey to healing, love, fitness and happiness! The episode on discovering and finding out your WHY: #13: Why Motivation is NOT What You're Looking For. It's This … Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body Reset Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe Explore my free recipes & website: Click here  Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec Download my FREE eBook with 4, 15 minute meals: click here

    41 min
  8. 10 JUL

    #161: 6 essential things to remember if you want successful, SUSTAINABLE weight loss!

    Weight loss isn't as simple as cutting your calories and exercising more. There is SO much more to consider! Here, I share 6 things to keep in mind and always remember that can dramatically hinder your weight loss efforts if you forget to implement them!   Links mentioned: Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body Reset Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe Explore my free recipes & website: Click here  Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec Download my FREE eBook with 4, 15 minute meals: click here Morlife Deep Sleep Remedy drink (enter code healthwithbec at checkout for 15% off): click here   More podcasts on gut health: #41: Confusion with Gluten be Gone! #42: Confusion with Gluten be Gone - Part 2. Your Questions Answered! #40: Have IBS? The Advice That Works for 8/10 Women That No One Tells You #76: (Part 1) A Vulnerable Deep Dive Into My EXACT Gut Healing Journey & How You Too Can Fix Yours! #77: (Part 2) A Vulnerable Deep Dive Into My EXACT Gut Healing Journey & How You Too Can Fix Yours!   More podcasts on sleep: #35: Can Sleep Loss Make You Gain Weight?   More podcasts on stress: #48: The Link Between Stress and Weight and My Top 13 Tips to Get Yours Under Control!   More podcasts on exercise: #131: 7 simple tips to stay motivated and consistent with exercise and see the results you’re after! #124: All your questions about EXERCISE answered! Weight training, fat burning, mistakes and more #33: Could Overexercising Be The Cause of Your Weight Gain?   More podcasts on calories and how to know if you’re eating enough: #87: Thinking Of Doing a Fad Diet or Cutting Calories Super Low? 3 Reasons Why This Will HARM Your Progress!   More podcasts on how to eat with balance (80/20): #10: How You CAN Lose Weight Whilst Eating Out #12: Does Alcohol *Really* Slow Down Weight Loss? #149: Maintaining my eating and fitness balance when I travel (and eat out at every meal) #110: Tips For Eating With Balance When Travelling #80: My Italian Trip (PART 2): Eating with Balance, Maintaining my Weight , Gluten & Food Sensitivities

    42 min


Welcome to Body Bites With Bec, a podcast designed for health conscious women who try it all, yet feel stuck in their attempts to reach (and maintain) their balanced weight and thrive at their optimal potential. Bec Miller, founder of Health with Bec and qualified Nutritionist specialising in weight loss, helps you uncover all of the different pieces of the puzzle to weight loss, energy, gut health, motivation and more so that you can quit the yo-yo dieting, find your balance and feel the way that you truly deserve. You can find Bec on instagram for lots more inspiration at @health_with_bec And, find plenty more free resources, including both free and paid programs at

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