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Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!

FluentFiction - Croatian FluentFiction.org

    • Bildung

Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!

    Anja's Journey: Market to Festival of Kindness

    Anja's Journey: Market to Festival of Kindness

    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Anja's Journey: Market to Festival of Kindness
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad Zagreba.
    En: The sun shone over Zagreb.

    Hr: Topli ljetni dan bio je na vrhuncu, a ulice su bile pune ljudi.
    En: The warm summer day was at its peak, and the streets were full of people.

    Hr: Mirisi cvijeća i hrane širili su se zrakom.
    En: The scents of flowers and food wafted through the air.

    Hr: Nedaleko od trga, stajao je sirotište, dom mjestu gdje je Anja živjela.
    En: Not far from the square stood an orphanage, the place where Anja lived.

    Hr: Anja je imala samo 12 godina.
    En: Anja was only 12 years old.

    Hr: Bila je ljubazna i snalažljiva, ali često nervozna i nesigurna.
    En: She was kind and resourceful but often nervous and insecure.

    Hr: Danas je bio poseban dan za Anju.
    En: Today was a special day for Anja.

    Hr: Odlučila je otići u kupovinu kako bi sebi kupila novu ljetnu haljinu.
    En: She had decided to go shopping to buy herself a new summer dress.

    Hr: Željela je izgledati lijepo na ljetnom festivalu koji će se uskoro održati.
    En: She wanted to look beautiful at the summer festival that would soon take place.

    Hr: "Svi će biti tamo," mislila je Anja.
    En: "Everyone will be there," Anja thought.

    Hr: "Moram izgledati najbolje.
    En: "I have to look my best."

    Hr: "S malo novca u džepu, krenula je prema tržištu.
    En: With a little money in her pocket, she set out for the market.

    Hr: Tržište je bilo užurbano.
    En: The market was bustling.

    Hr: Ljudi su trgovali, smijali se i razgovarali.
    En: People were trading, laughing, and talking.

    Hr: Anja je hodala između štandova, tražeći svoju savršenu haljinu.
    En: Anja walked between the stalls, looking for her perfect dress.

    Hr: Na prvoj tezgi vidjela je jednostavnu plavu haljinu.
    En: At the first stall, she saw a simple blue dress.

    Hr: Prodavač je bio grub.
    En: The vendor was gruff.

    Hr: "To je 100 kuna," rekao je bez osmijeha.
    En: "That's 100 kunas," he said without a smile.

    Hr: Anja je provjerila svoj novac.
    En: Anja checked her money.

    Hr: Imala je samo 80 kuna.
    En: She only had 80 kunas.

    Hr: "Oprostite, nemam dovoljno," rekla je tiho i nastavila dalje.
    En: "Sorry, I don't have enough," she said quietly and moved on.

    Hr: Sljedeća tezga nudila je lijepe haljine, ali one su bile još skuplje.
    En: The next stall offered beautiful dresses, but they were even more expensive.

    Hr: Anja je osjećala kako joj srce brže kuca.
    En: Anja felt her heart racing.

    Hr: Što će učiniti?
    En: What would she do?

    Hr: Dok je hodala, ugledala je haljinu svojih snova.
    En: As she walked, she spotted the dress of her dreams.

    Hr: Bila je bijela s plavim cvjetovima.
    En: It was white with blue flowers.

    Hr: Prodavačica je bila starija gospođa s toplim osmijehom.
    En: The vendor was an older lady with a warm smile.

    Hr: "Koliko košta ova haljina?
    En: "How much for this dress?"

    Hr: " pitala je Anja s nadom u očima.
    En: Anja asked, hopeful.

    Hr: "120 kuna," odgovorila je žena ljubazno.
    En: "120 kunas," the woman replied kindly.

    Hr: Anja je ponovno provjerila svoj novac.
    En: Anja checked her money again.

    Hr: Nedostajalo joj je 40 kuna.
    En: She was 40 kunas short.

    Hr: Teška srca, počela je odlaziti.
    En: With...

    • 16 Min.
    Unity at The Lion Café: How a Bold Idea United a Team

    Unity at The Lion Café: How a Bold Idea United a Team

    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unity at The Lion Café: How a Bold Idea United a Team
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Hr: Ljeto u Dubrovniku bilo je u punom sjaju.
    En: Summer in Dubrovnik was in full splendor.

    Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad starog grada, a turisti su šetali uskim ulicama.
    En: The sun shone above the old town, and tourists strolled through the narrow streets.

    Hr: Kavana Lav bila je savršeno mjesto za poslovni sastanak.
    En: The Lion Café was the perfect place for a business meeting.

    Hr: Sa svojim šarmantnim interijerom i pogledom na Jadransko more, kavana je nudila idealno okruženje za rad.
    En: With its charming interior and a view of the Adriatic Sea, the café offered an ideal work environment.

    Hr: Ivana je sjedila za drvenim stolom u unutrašnjosti kavane.
    En: Ivana sat at a wooden table inside the café.

    Hr: Ispred nje bila su dva šalice kave i laptop.
    En: In front of her were two cups of coffee and a laptop.

    Hr: Bila je ambiciozna voditeljica projekta i osjećala se zapostavljenom od strane svojih nadređenih.
    En: She was an ambitious project manager who felt overlooked by her superiors.

    Hr: Danas je imala važan plan.
    En: Today, she had an important plan.

    Hr: Htjela je predstaviti novu, revolucionarnu ideju kako bi zaslužila priznanje šefa.
    En: She wanted to present a new, revolutionary idea to earn her boss's recognition.

    Hr: Matija, ležerni programer, sjedio je do Ivane.
    En: Matija, a laid-back programmer, was sitting next to Ivana.

    Hr: Ispijao je kavu i razmišljao.
    En: He sipped his coffee and pondered.

    Hr: Iako je izgledao opušteno, imao je tajnu strast prema pisanju.
    En: Although he appeared relaxed, he had a secret passion for writing.

    Hr: Pored njih sjedio je Jure, novi član tima.
    En: Next to them sat Jure, the new team member.

    Hr: Bio je nervozan, pokušavajući pronaći svoje mjesto u timu.
    En: He was nervous, trying to find his place in the team.

    Hr: „Ok, počnimo“, rekla je Ivana, otvarajući svoj laptop.
    En: "Okay, let's begin," Ivana said, opening her laptop.

    Hr: „Imam ideju koja bi mogla promijeniti sve.“
    En: "I have an idea that could change everything."

    Hr: Matija ju je skeptično pogledao.
    En: Matija looked at her skeptically.

    Hr: „Što ako ne uspije? Trebamo biti pažljivi.“
    En: "What if it doesn't work? We need to be careful."

    Hr: Jure se pomaknuo na stolici.
    En: Jure shifted in his chair.

    Hr: „Ja... ja mislim da je važno riskirati, ali...“ Oklijevao je dovršiti rečenicu.
    En: "I... I think it's important to take risks, but..." He hesitated to finish his sentence.

    Hr: Ivana je uzdahnula.
    En: Ivana sighed.

    Hr: „Moramo biti hrabri. Ali razumijem tvoje sumnje, Matija.“
    En: "We have to be brave. But I understand your doubts, Matija."

    Hr: Nakon trenutka razmišljanja, dodala je: „Poslušat ćemo tvoj savjet.“
    En: After a moment of thought, she added, "We'll listen to your advice."

    Hr: Sastanak je postao napet.
    En: The meeting became tense.

    Hr: Ivana je predstavila svoju ideju korak po korak.
    En: Ivana presented her idea step by step.

    Hr: Matija je povremeno postavljao pitanja, izražavajući svoje sumnje.
    En: Matija occasionally asked questions, expressing his doubts.

    Hr: Jure je tiho slušao, pokušavajući shvatiti dinamiku tima.
    En: Jure listened quietly, trying to grasp the team's dynamics.

    • 17 Min.
    Love Misfire: A Tech Startup’s Chaotic Valentine's Day

    Love Misfire: A Tech Startup’s Chaotic Valentine's Day

    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love Misfire: A Tech Startup’s Chaotic Valentine's Day
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Hr: Luka je nervozno zurio u ekran.
    En: Luka was nervously staring at the screen.

    Hr: Svijetao sunčev zrak prodiralo je kroz velike prozore Startup Inkubatora u Zagrebu.
    En: Bright sunlight streamed through the large windows of the Startup Incubator in Zagreb.

    Hr: Na zaslonu je treperila poruka "Poruka poslana".
    En: The message "Message sent" flickered on the display.

    Hr: "Ne, ne, ne!" povikao je Luka. Prstima je čupao kosu.
    En: "No, no, no!" shouted Luka, pulling his hair with his fingers.

    Hr: Umjesto svojoj djevojci, slučajno je poslao ljubavno pismo cijeloj kompaniji.
    En: Instead of sending the love letter to his girlfriend, he accidentally sent it to the whole company.

    Hr: Ivan je čuo vikanje i pritrčao.
    En: Ivan heard the shouting and ran over.

    Hr: "Što se dogodilo, Luka?" pitao je, lagano se smješkajući.
    En: "What happened, Luka?" he asked, smiling slightly.

    Hr: Luka mu je pokazao monitor.
    En: Luka showed him the monitor.

    Hr: "Ajme, frajeru," rekao je Ivan, smijući se. "Ovo je hit!"
    En: "Oh man," Ivan said, laughing. "This is a hit!"

    Hr: "Nije smiješno! Trebam tvoju pomoć. Maja će znati što učiniti."
    En: "It's not funny! I need your help. Maja will know what to do."

    Hr: Maja je sjela na svoj uredski stolac, ozbiljna kao uvijek.
    En: Maja sat down in her office chair, serious as always.

    Hr: Kad joj je Luka objasnio situaciju, uzdahnula je.
    En: When Luka explained the situation to her, she sighed.

    Hr: "No dobro, imamo malo vremena. Trebamo plan."
    En: "Alright, we have little time. We need a plan."

    Hr: Luka, Ivan i Maja sjeli su za jedan od niskih stolova okruženih šarenim jastucima. Razmišljali su.
    En: Luka, Ivan, and Maja sat around one of the low tables surrounded by colorful pillows. They thought.

    Hr: "Prvo," rekla je Maja, "moramo skrenuti pozornost s emaila."
    En: "First," Maja said, "we need to distract everyone from the email."

    Hr: "Ideja!" Ivan zazvuči. "Organizirajmo hitan sastanak za sve."
    En: "I have an idea!" Ivan exclaimed. "Let's organize an emergency meeting for everyone."

    Hr: "Bravo, Ivane!" rekla je Maja. "Dok traje sastanak, Luka će pokušati povući email."
    En: "Brilliant, Ivan!" Maja said. "During the meeting, Luka will try to retract the email."

    Hr: Luka je brzo otišao do IT sobe. Stari prijatelj, Marko, sjedio je za računalom.
    En: Luka quickly went to the IT room. His old friend, Marko, was sitting at the computer.

    Hr: "Marko, trebam uslugu," reče Luka zadihano.
    En: "Marko, I need a favor," Luka said, out of breath.

    Hr: "Što sad?" pitao je Marko.
    En: "What now?" asked Marko.

    Hr: Luka mu je objasnio situaciju, a Marko se nasmijao.
    En: Luka explained the situation to him, and Marko laughed.

    Hr: "Uvijek nešto s tobom, Luka. U redu, pomoću tebi."
    En: "Always something with you, Luka. Alright, I'll help you."

    Hr: Marko je ušao u sustav kompanije i tražio način da povuče email.
    En: Marko logged into the company system and searched for a way to retract the email.

    Hr: Luka je nervozno gledao na sat.
    En: Luka nervously kept an eye on the clock.

    Hr: Maja i Ivan su privukli kolege na hitan sastanak, pričajući o izmišljenom "hitnom projektu".
    En: Maja and Ivan had gathered their colleagues for an emergency meeting,...

    • 17 Min.
    Adventures and Insights: A Summer Day at Plitvice Lakes

    Adventures and Insights: A Summer Day at Plitvice Lakes

    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Adventures and Insights: A Summer Day at Plitvice Lakes
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Hr: Ivana je stajala na početku staze, okružena predivnom prirodom Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera.
    En: Ivana stood at the beginning of the trail, surrounded by the beautiful nature of Plitvice Lakes National Park.

    Hr: Ljeto je donijelo toplinu i žive boje.
    En: Summer had brought warmth and vibrant colors.

    Hr: Dan državnosti bio je idealan dan za planinarenje.
    En: Statehood Day was the perfect occasion for a hike.

    Hr: Sa smiješkom na licu, Ivana je čekala svog prijatelja iz djetinjstva, Marka.
    En: With a smile on her face, Ivana waited for her childhood friend, Marko.

    Hr: Marko je stigao, spreman za uzbudljivo planinarenje.
    En: Marko arrived, ready for an exciting hike.

    Hr: Bio je više zainteresiran za samu avanturu nego za Ivanuine povijesne priče.
    En: He was more interested in the adventure itself than in Ivana's historical stories.

    Hr: Oduvijek je bio skeptičan prema povijesnim blagdanima.
    En: He had always been skeptical about historical holidays.

    Hr: "Kakve krasne boje," rekao je Marko, gledajući u zelene šume i bistre jezerce.
    En: "What beautiful colors," said Marko, looking at the green forests and clear lakes.

    Hr: "Zar nije predivno?" odgovorila je Ivana. "Sva ova prirodna ljepota ima bogatu povijest."
    En: "Isn't it wonderful?" Ivana responded. "All this natural beauty has a rich history."

    Hr: Marko je slegnuo ramenima. "Volim prirodu, ali povijest mi nije baš zanimljiva."
    En: Marko shrugged. "I love nature, but history doesn't really interest me."

    Hr: Krenuli su stazama prekrivenim mekani zelenilom.
    En: They set off on the paths covered in soft greenery.

    Hr: Posvuda su čuli zvukove slapa i šum lišća.
    En: Everywhere they heard the sounds of waterfalls and the rustle of leaves.

    Hr: Ivana je iskoristila trenutak. "Znaš, Marko, ovaj park je dio naše povijesti. Osnovan je 1949. godine.
    En: Ivana seized the moment. "You know, Marko, this park is part of our history. It was established in 1949.

    Hr: Tu živi mnoštvo biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. To je kao mala Hrvatska u prirodnom obliku."
    En: Many plant and animal species live here. It's like a small Croatia in natural form."

    Hr: Marko, iako nezainteresiran, klimnuo je glavom. "Zanimljivo," rekao je, ne baš uvjeren.
    En: Marko, though uninterested, nodded his head. "Interesting," he said, not very convinced.

    Hr: Ivana nije odustajala. "Ova jezera su poput naših veza, Marko. Svako jezero povezuje drugo, baš kao što smo ti i ja povezani."
    En: Ivana didn't give up. "These lakes are like our connections, Marko. Each lake connects to another, just like you and I are connected."

    Hr: Šetali su dalje, uživajući u ljepoti prirode.
    En: They continued walking, enjoying the beauty of nature.

    Hr: Marko je sve više cijenio Ivanaine riječi, ali i dalje je bio usmjeren na adrenalin.
    En: Marko began to appreciate Ivana's words more, but he was still focused on the adrenaline.

    Hr: Išli su uz strmi dio staze kad je Marko iznenada poskliznuo.
    En: They reached a steep part of the trail when Marko suddenly slipped.

    Hr: "Marko!" vrisnula je Ivana.
    En: "Marko!" Ivana screamed.

    Hr: Marko je pao, ali je srećom uhvatio granu. Ivana je brzo reagirala.
    En: Marko fell but luckily grabbed onto a branch. Ivana quickly reacted.

    Hr: "Ostani miran! Znam...

    • 17 Min.
    Virtual Time Travel: Exploring Historical Dubrovnik

    Virtual Time Travel: Exploring Historical Dubrovnik

    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Virtual Time Travel: Exploring Historical Dubrovnik
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Hr: Sunce je sijalo iznad starog grada Dubrovnika.
    En: The sun was shining over the old town of Dubrovnik.

    Hr: Ulice su bile pune turista.
    En: The streets were full of tourists.

    Hr: Među njima su bili Ana, Ivan i Petar.
    En: Among them were Ana, Ivan, and Petar.

    Hr: Oni su čuli za novu virtualnu turu.
    En: They had heard about a new virtual tour.

    Hr: Ta tura je rekonstruirala povijesne događaje i likove.
    En: This tour reconstructed historical events and characters.

    Hr: "Je li ovo stvarno moguće?
    En: "Is this really possible?"

    Hr: " upita Ana uzbuđeno, gledajući plakat.
    En: Ana asked excitedly, looking at the poster.

    Hr: "Izgleda nevjerojatno," odgovori Ivan, smiješeći se.
    En: "It looks unbelievable," replied Ivan, smiling.

    Hr: "Idemo probati!
    En: "Let’s give it a try!"

    Hr: " vikne Petar, već krećući prema ulazu.
    En: shouted Petar, already heading toward the entrance.

    Hr: Ušli su u malu sobu.
    En: They entered a small room.

    Hr: Svakom su dali posebne naočale.
    En: Each received a special pair of glasses.

    Hr: Kad su ih stavili, našli su se u prošlosti.
    En: When they put them on, they found themselves in the past.

    Hr: Stajali su na glavnom trgu, ali trg je izgledao drugačije.
    En: They stood in the main square, but the square looked different.

    Hr: Ljudi su nosili staru odjeću, a zgrade su bile nove.
    En: People were wearing old clothes, and the buildings were new.

    Hr: "Wow, izgledam kao u srednjem vijeku," reče Ana.
    En: "Wow, I look like I’m in the Middle Ages," said Ana.

    Hr: Na ekranu pojavio se vodič.
    En: A guide appeared on the screen.

    Hr: Bio je to starac u tradicionalnoj odjeći.
    En: He was an old man in traditional clothing.

    Hr: "Dobrodošli u povijesni Dubrovnik," reče vodič.
    En: "Welcome to historical Dubrovnik," said the guide.

    Hr: "Pratite me.
    En: "Follow me.

    Hr: Pokazat ću vam bitne događaje.
    En: I will show you important events."

    Hr: "Hodali su tiho kroz ulice.
    En: They walked silently through the streets.

    Hr: Vidjeli su srednjovjekovnu vojsku kako maršira.
    En: They saw a medieval army marching.

    Hr: Slušali su o bitki koja je spasila grad.
    En: They listened to the story of a battle that saved the city.

    Hr: "Ne mogu vjerovati da ovo vidimo," reče Petar, zadivljen.
    En: "I can’t believe we’re seeing this," said Petar, amazed.

    Hr: Vodič ih je doveo do palače.
    En: The guide led them to a palace.

    Hr: "Ovdje su vladali knezovi," rekao je.
    En: "Here the Dukes ruled," he said.

    Hr: "Zajedno su donosili važne odluke za grad.
    En: "Together, they made important decisions for the city."

    Hr: "U jednom trenutku, mogli su vidjeti stvarne ljude i prošlost istovremeno.
    En: At one point, they could see real people and the past simultaneously.

    Hr: Tehnologija je bila nevjerojatna.
    En: The technology was incredible.

    Hr: Stari grad je oživio pred njihovim očima.
    En: The old town came to life before their eyes.

    Hr: "Osjećam se kao dio povijesti," rekao je Ivan.
    En: "I feel like I’m part of history," said Ivan.

    Hr: Na kraju ture, vodič ih je vratio u sadašnjost.
    En: At the end of the tour, the guide brought them back to the...

    • 15 Min.
    Dubrovnik Dreams: A Fairytale Wedding Under the Stars

    Dubrovnik Dreams: A Fairytale Wedding Under the Stars

    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dubrovnik Dreams: A Fairytale Wedding Under the Stars
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Hr: U srcu Dubrovnika, u staroj gradskoj jezgri, sunce je polagano zalazilo i zlatilo drevne kamene zidine.
    En: In the heart of Dubrovnik, in the old town center, the sun was slowly setting, casting a golden hue over the ancient stone walls.

    Hr: Ana, Ivan i Marija hodali su uskim ulicama, osjećajući toplinu povijesti pod nogama.
    En: Ana, Ivan, and Marija walked through the narrow streets, feeling the warmth of history beneath their feet.

    Hr: Došli su na vjenčanje prijatelja.
    En: They had come for a friend’s wedding.

    Hr: Zvuci tamburice i smijeh prolazili su zraka.
    En: The sounds of tamburicas and laughter filled the air.

    Hr: “Pogledaj ovaj grad,” rekla je Ana, “kao bajka.”
    En: “Look at this city,” Ana said, “like a fairy tale.”

    Hr: Prolazili su pored Orlandovog stupa i stigli do crkve sv. Vlaha.
    En: They passed by Orlando's Column and reached the Church of St. Blaise.

    Hr: Crkva je bila ukrašena bijelim cvijetnim vijencima.
    En: The church was adorned with white floral wreaths.

    Hr: Ivan je primijetio mladence.
    En: Ivan noticed the bride and groom.

    Hr: “Lijepa je,” rekao je gledajući mladenku u bijeloj haljini.
    En: “She’s beautiful,” he said, looking at the bride in her white dress.

    Hr: Svi su se okupili unutar crkve.
    En: Everyone gathered inside the church.

    Hr: Obred je bio jednostavan, ali dirljiv.
    En: The ceremony was simple but touching.

    Hr: Svećenik je govorio o ljubavi i odanosti.
    En: The priest spoke about love and devotion.

    Hr: Svi su bili dirnuti.
    En: Everyone was moved.

    Hr: Nakon ceremonije, gosti su krenuli prema hotelu Imperial na svečanu večeru.
    En: After the ceremony, the guests headed to the Imperial Hotel for the festive dinner.

    Hr: U restoranu, dugi stolovi su bili postavljeni s bijelim stolnjacima i svijećnjacima.
    En: In the restaurant, long tables were set with white tablecloths and candlesticks.

    Hr: Smijeh, glazba, i veselja su ispunjavali prostoriju.
    En: Laughter, music, and joy filled the room.

    Hr: Marija je uzela čašu vina.
    En: Marija picked up a glass of wine.

    Hr: “Za ljubav!” rezolutno izjavila.
    En: “To love!” she declared resolutely.

    Hr: “Za ljubav!” svi su viknuli i nazdravili.
    En: “To love!” everyone shouted and toasted.

    Hr: Ivan se okrenuo prema Ani.
    En: Ivan turned to Ana.

    Hr: “Znaš,” rekao je, “ovdje je sve tako posebno. Želim ovakvu ljubav i sreću za nas.”
    En: “You know,” he said, “everything here is so special. I want this kind of love and happiness for us.”

    Hr: Ana ga je lagano poljubila.
    En: Ana kissed him gently.

    Hr: “I hoćemo,” rekla je s osmijehom.
    En: “And we will,” she said with a smile.

    Hr: Te noći, pod zvjezdanim nebom Dubrovnika, prijatelji su plesali, pjevali i slavili ljubav.
    En: That night, under the starry sky of Dubrovnik, friends danced, sang, and celebrated love.

    Hr: To je bilo vjenčanje za pamćenje.
    En: It was a wedding to remember.

    Hr: Na kraju večeri, dok su se vraćali prema svom smještaju, Ana, Ivan i Marija su zaključili da je prijateljstvo i ljubav ono što život čini posebnim.
    En: At the end of the evening, as they were returning to their accommodation, Ana, Ivan, and Marija concluded that friendship and love are what make life special.

    Hr: I miris...

    • 12 Min.

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