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A look into the curious world bridging Japan and the USA.

Lost in Japanglish Podcast (ロスジャパ‪)‬ Chieko Watanabe and Yasuko Sato

    • Bildung

A look into the curious world bridging Japan and the USA.

    Aspirational Lifestyle (目指したい暮らし)- #348

    Aspirational Lifestyle (目指したい暮らし)- #348

    ポッドキャスト仲間のみなさん、こんにちは🎧 ポッドキャスト時間を楽しむ準備はOKですか? 今週のエピソードは、夢のような人生を送ることについて探っていきます!そうです、憧れのライフスタイルについて語り合いましょう!




    Hey there, podcast pals! Are you ready to dive into this week's episode? 🎧 We're talking all about living that dream life – yup, it's time to chat about aspirational lifestyles!

    So, what exactly is an aspirational lifestyle? Well, we're breaking it down for you, sharing our own aspirations along the way. Yakko's all about that slow life, envisioning peaceful mornings sipping coffee on the deck. Meanwhile, Cheechan's embracing minimalism and intentional living.

    But here's the thing – achieving your dream lifestyle isn't some far-off fantasy. Nope, it's about getting crystal clear on what you want and taking small steps to make it happen, one moment at a time.

    So, what's YOUR aspirational lifestyle? Whether you're dreaming of slow mornings or a clutter-free existence, we've got you covered. Tune in to this episode and let's start creating those magical moments together! ✨


    nowhere near〜: ~とは懸け離れている、~にはほど遠く足元にも及ばない、~とは段違いだ、比べたら月とスッポンほど違うなど、いかにある物事や状態からかけ離れているかを表す強調表現です。ただの「遠い」や「違う」だとfar や different はすぐに思い付くと思いますが、会話ではソウルを込めて強調したい時もきっとあるはずっ!そんな時はこの nowhere near を使ってみると会話にも抑揚が出てきそうですね✨

    🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


    Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

    Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

    • 25 Min.
    Pet Peeves(ちょっぴりイラっとくる不快なこと)- #347

    Pet Peeves(ちょっぴりイラっとくる不快なこと)- #347

    ポッドキャスト仲間のみなさん、ロスジャパ・ポッドキャストの新しいエピソードへようこそ!🎧 今回は「ペット・ピーブズ」(= 個人的にちょっぴりイラっとくる不快なこと)の世界に飛び込んでいきます!そうです、毎日の中のあの小さなイライラです!


    そしてこのようなイライラは、実はかなり普遍的。どこから来たか、どの言語を話すかに関係なく、ガタガタ揺れるテーブルや迷惑な着信音でイライラが募ったことがある人はたくさんいるでしょう。ですので、ヘッドフォンを手に取り、私たちと一緒にどんなものがあるか探っていきましょう! 🙌

    Hey there, podcast pals! Welcome back to another episode of the Lost in Japanglish Podcast! 🎧 This time, we're diving headfirst into the wild world of PET PEEVES. Yep, you heard it right – those little annoyances that make our skin crawl and our eyes twitch.

    Join us as we dish out some of our personal pet peeves, like the dreaded sound of styrofoam or those pesky wobbly tables that just won't stay still. But hey, it's not just about the classics – we're also tackling some modern-day irritations. Think loud ring tones, texting mid-conversation (seriously, can we not?), and those sneaky YouTube ads that always seem to pop up at the worst possible moment.

    And here's the kicker – these pet peeves? They're pretty darn universal. No matter where you're from or what language you speak, chances are you've experienced the frustration of a wobbly table or an obnoxious ring tone. So, grab your headphones and get ready to commiserate with us on this week's episode! 🙌


    get under your skin: 気にさわる、イライラさせる、むしゃくしゃさせる、うんざりさせる、という意味。直訳すると「皮膚の下に入る」という何ともこわ〜い表現ですが、文字通り皮膚の下に入り込んでなかなか取れない、不快な痒みみたいなものから来ているそうです。

    🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


    Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

    Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

    • 27 Min.
    Rest & Relaxation(休息とくつろぎ)- #346

    Rest & Relaxation(休息とくつろぎ)- #346


    リラックスすることやその方法が言葉によってどれほど違いがあるか、気付いたことはありますか? 英語では “decompress(ディコンプレス)”, “downtime(ダウンタイム)”, “veg(ベジ)” などと言う言葉を使いますが、その一方で、日本語では「ひと休み」「くつろぎ」「のんびり」などといった表現があります。

    しかし、リラックスすることは常に簡単なものではありません。時には、罪悪感や、「何かをすべきじゃないか」という心の声が聞こえてくることもあります。みなさんにも思い当たる節、ありませんか? ご安心ください、あなただけではありません!

    日米の「リラックス」にまつわる言葉や習慣に興味がある方、または罪悪感なしでリラックスするためのコツが知りたい方は、ぜひ今週のエピソードをお聴き逃しなく 🌺

    Welcome to this week's episode, where we delve into the wonderful world of rest and relaxation. 🌟

    Have you ever noticed how different languages have unique ways of describing chilling out? In English, we say "decompress," "downtime," and even "veg." Meanwhile, in Japanese, there's "hitoyasumi (一休み)," "kutsurogu," and "nonbiri."

    Yet, relaxing isn't always a walk in the park. Sometimes, it's laced with guilt or that nagging feeling that we should be doing something more productive. Sound familiar? You're not alone!

    So, whether you're curious about relaxation words and habits in the US and Japan or just need some tips on kicking back guilt-free, tune in to this episode! 🌺


    quote unquote: いわゆる、俗に言う~、いわば、などという意味で、quote自体は英語のカギ括弧を表しています。つまり、quote unquoteは直訳すると「カギ括弧とカギ括弧閉じ」という意味であり、直前や直後に使った言葉が話し手自身の言葉ではなく他人の言葉を引用したものであることを表しています。そうです、両手の二本指をぴょこぴょこと曲げるジェスチャーでも良く登場するアレです、笑。それでは今週のポッドキャストではどこでどのように使われているか、探してみましょう🌱

    🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


    Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

    Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

    • 26 Min.
    The Struggles of Decluttering(断捨離の難しいところ)- #345

    The Struggles of Decluttering(断捨離の難しいところ)- #345




    Welcome back to Lost in Japanglish, where we're all about simplifying life and finding joy in decluttering! Yakko & Cheechan are at it again, tackling the clutter and sharing their decluttering adventures with you.

    But let's get real for a moment – decluttering isn't always a walk in the park. In this week's episode, Yakko & Cheechan bare it all and spill the beans on the struggles they face when it comes to decluttering. Whether it's parting ways with sentimental items, saying goodbye to old tech gadgets, or letting go of pricey purchases that just didn't spark joy, they've been through it all.

    So, if you're on a mission to declutter your space and lighten your load, join us for some camaraderie and handy tips! Tune in as we navigate the highs and lows of decluttering, share our stories, and offer insights to help you conquer your clutter with confidence.


    I’m inclined to: inclined to〜だけだと「〜する傾向がある」という意味で使うことの多い熟語ですが、I’m inclined to〜の形だと、I want to〜のちょっぴり大人な言い方になります。ビジネスシーンでは頻繁に使われるものの、日常会話でも耳にする機会はたくさんあるように思えます。さて、今週のポッドキャストではどのあたりで登場するでしょう?ぜひ探してみてください🌷

    🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


    Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

    Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

    • 30 Min.
    Digital Detox(デジタル・デトックス)- #344

    Digital Detox(デジタル・デトックス)- #344




    Hey there, listeners! Have you ever felt the need to pause the digital chaos and take a breather? Well, you're not alone! In this week's episode, Yakko and Cheechan share their favorite tricks for dialing down digital overload.

    We're talking all about the digital detox journey - whether it's a conscious decision or a situation where you're suddenly cut off from the online world. Yakko and Cheechan share their experiences and strategies, from embracing focus features to jet-setting to places with zero connection. And hey, sometimes all it takes is a simple act like leaving your devices in another room to reclaim some peace and quiet.

    If you've been feeling the need to declutter your digital life and find a healthier balance, this episode is a must-listen! Tune in as we explore practical tips and tricks for stepping back from the screens and reconnecting with the world around us.


    slivers of time: 隙間時間のこと。slivers of〜で「ほんの僅かの」という意味になるのでそのままの意味ですが、日々の忙しい生活を送る現代人にとってはいかに隙間時間を有効に使うかがものを言う時代であるため、世界中のどの言語を使う人にとっても大事なキーワードになっているのではないでしょうか。

    🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


    Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

    Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

    • 28 Min.
    Corporate Speak(ビジネス会話)- #343

    Corporate Speak(ビジネス会話)- #343




    Do you struggle how best to say things in a polite and appropriate manner at work?

    This week, Yakko & Cheechan are diving into some handy phrases for Corporate life. You’ll learn how to say the awkward, such as, “That’s not my job," or “I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

    We also explore the cultural differences between the directness of Western workplaces and the subtleties of Japanese business etiquette.

    Join us as we uncover the playful side of mastering corporate communication across cultures. Learning the best ways to express ourselves in the workplace can be both enlightening and enjoyable!


    jargon: 専門用語、業界用語。学術用語という意味での専門用語というよりは、ある業界や内輪でしか通じない隠語や特別な用語のこと。日本語で言えば、例えば寿司職人や建設業界の職人が使う用語もそのひとつで、部外者にとってはちんぷんかんぷんですよね。この性質から、若者の間だけで使われるスラングなどもある意味 jargon の一部と捉えられるでしょう🎶

    🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


    Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

    Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

    • 27 Min.

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