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A conversation about what’s happening in commerce today will likely be outdated in a week. How do we keep up with it all? We keep talking.

From generative AI and the metaverse to live shopping and native checkout, there’s always something new to discuss in the commerce world. Marcel Hollerbach, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Berlin-based Productsup as well as Co-Founder and Entrepreneurial Partner at Cavalry Ventures, brings some of the industry’s leading experts together from all over the world to talk about what excites them most about the intersection of commerce and tech, the biggest challenges they’re seeing companies face, and their predictions of where we’re headed.

Episodes will be released each week featuring a new guest, whether it be leaders at major brands and retailers, tech founders, thought leaders, investors, etc. Some interviews will be in English and others in German.

Listen in to ongoing conversations about the world of commerce.

More information at www.world-of-commerce.com and on social (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn).

World of Commerce Marcel Hollerbach

    • Wirtschaft
    • 5,0 • 4 Bewertungen

A conversation about what’s happening in commerce today will likely be outdated in a week. How do we keep up with it all? We keep talking.

From generative AI and the metaverse to live shopping and native checkout, there’s always something new to discuss in the commerce world. Marcel Hollerbach, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Berlin-based Productsup as well as Co-Founder and Entrepreneurial Partner at Cavalry Ventures, brings some of the industry’s leading experts together from all over the world to talk about what excites them most about the intersection of commerce and tech, the biggest challenges they’re seeing companies face, and their predictions of where we’re headed.

Episodes will be released each week featuring a new guest, whether it be leaders at major brands and retailers, tech founders, thought leaders, investors, etc. Some interviews will be in English and others in German.

Listen in to ongoing conversations about the world of commerce.

More information at www.world-of-commerce.com and on social (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn).

    Teaser World of Commerce

    Teaser World of Commerce

    A conversation about what’s happening in commerce today will likely be outdated in a week. How do we keep up with it all? We keep talking.

    Marcel Hollerbach, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Berlin-based Productsup as well as Co-Founder and Entrepreneurial Partner at Cavalry Ventures, brings some of the industry’s leading experts together from all over the world to talk about what excites them most about the intersection of commerce and tech, the biggest challenges they’re seeing companies face, and their predictions of where we’re headed.

    Episodes will be released each month featuring a new guest, whether it be leaders at major brands and retailers, tech founders, thought leaders, investors, etc. Some interviews will be in English and others in German.

    More information at www.worldofcommerce.com.

    • 42 s
    #001 Koen Looijmans: Why do global product data standards matter? (GDSN/GS1)

    #001 Koen Looijmans: Why do global product data standards matter? (GDSN/GS1)

    What makes product data reliable? How can we trust that the information we’re reading on labels and descriptions is accurate? It’s all thanks to GDSN governed by GS1 standards.

    GDSN stands for Global Data Synchronization Network and helps guarantee the quality of data by ensuring it meets a certain level of excellence. It’s how we know certain foods don’t have allergens or unsafe ingredients. Being GS1-certified through GDSN is absolutely crucial for brands and retailers to avoid risk, especially in CPG and beauty.

    In this episode, Koen Looijmans, founder of World of Content (now a Productsup company), breaks down everything you need to know about GDSN and GS1, including the challenges most companies face in getting their product data certified. How do you speed up manual processes? Can you create personalized experiences out of standardized data? Where can AI help?

    Tune in to learn more.

    Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/koenlooijmans

    • 28 Min.
    #002 Claude Ritter: Was gibt es Neues bei der künstlichen Intelligenz? [GERMAN]

    #002 Claude Ritter: Was gibt es Neues bei der künstlichen Intelligenz? [GERMAN]

    Über das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird zwar schon lange diskutiert, doch selten war es so aktuell wie jetzt. Seit dem Aufkommen von generativer KI wie ChatGPT oder GPT3 überschlagen sich die Berichte. Dabei geht es um Chancen – was kann KI leisten, wie kann sie das Arbeitsleben erleichtern und Prozesse optimieren? – aber auch um Risiken, die diese Entwicklung mit sich bringt.

    Künstliche Intelligenz und Large Language Models sind vermehrt dazu fähig, Kontext nicht nur zu verstehen, sondern auch aufzubereiten, zu interpretieren und sinnvoll wiederzugeben. Dafür müssen sie mit großen Datenmengen über längere Zeit trainiert werden. Gleichzeitig benötigt das Betreiben von solchen Applikationen viel Energie, um schnell akkurate Ergebnisse liefern zu können.

    In dieser Folge ist Claude Ritter, der Delivery Hero, Cavalry Ventures und viele andere Startups mitbegründet hat, zu Gast, um mit Marcel Hollerbach über das Thema KI zu sprechen. Dabei stellt er sich unter anderem die Frage: Macht uns Künstliche Intelligenz bald alle arbeitslos?

    Das und mehr hören Sie in dieser Episode.


    • 31 Min.
    #003 Dominik Matyka: Wie nutzen Marken Influencer Marketing? [GERMAN]

    #003 Dominik Matyka: Wie nutzen Marken Influencer Marketing? [GERMAN]

    Retail Media, KI, Automatisierung, Personalisierung, DSGVO, Cookies, Generational- und Voice Commerce und seit einigen Jahren auch das Thema Social: Mit diesen und vielen weiteren Themen beschäftigen sich Marketer tagtäglich. Die Welt des Marketing ist groß und verändert sich schnell. Dabei ist u. a. das Influencer Marketing gar nicht mehr wegzudenken.

    Podcasthost Marcel Hollerbach spricht in dieser Folge mit Tausendsassa Dominik Matyka, Professor für Marketing an der Univeristät Potsdam, Chief Advisor der DMEXCO und Co-Founder von Cavalry Ventures über alle Themen rund ums Marketing. Was kann Marketing leisten und wie erreicht man seine Zielgruppe? Spitzes Marketing mit Hilfe von Influencern – geht das überhaupt? Und warum ist Content Marketing so wichtig, um Produkte bekannt zu machen? Wo hört Marketing auf und wo beginnt Sales? Und wir kommt man eigentlich zu einer Professur im Bereich Marketing?

    Das und mehr hört ihr in dieser Episode.

    Links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominikmatyka/?originalSubdomain=de

    • 43 Min.
    #004 Burke White & Ping Hao: How can brands win on marketplaces?

    #004 Burke White & Ping Hao: How can brands win on marketplaces?

    The best place to build a brand in today’s retail climate is the place brands have come to hate the most - marketplaces.

    Coming from the original team that built Walmart Marketplace, Ping Hao and Burke White, now co-founders of Brand3P, understand the rich opportunities and complex layers of selling on a marketplace. In this episode, they share their unique perspective on how brands can show up where consumers are looking.

    Which products should you include in your marketplace catalog? How do you attribute your products? Why is retail media important? When does it make sense to leverage social media? What do you do with marketplace data? Learn how to best guide consumers down digital aisles.

    • 45 Min.
    #005 Jordan Jewell: What should businesses prioritize in the era of profitability?

    #005 Jordan Jewell: What should businesses prioritize in the era of profitability?

    If 2020 was the era of growth at all costs in ecommerce, 2023 is the era of profitability. Over the last year, companies have had to shift their focus from balancing hyper-growth to meet high demand to balancing out investments that help them meet their bottom line. Having started IDC’s commerce practice as a digital commerce analyst, Jordan Jewell, now Analyst in Residence at VTEX, has established what he believes to be the trifecta for profitability: 1) Make inventory and fulfillment your strength, 2) Focus on existing customers instead of customer acquisition, 3) Engage with customers in new ways. Listen in to hear examples of what these steps toward profitability look like in practice.

    • 34 Min.


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Gerd K. aus T. ,

Starker Podcast

Man merkt, dass der Podcast-Host richtig Ahnung hat und die Auswahl der Gäste ist super. Danke.

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