Podcast Growth Accelerator with Anna Parker-Naples

Podcast Growth Accelerator with Anna Parker-Naples

This exclusive 10-part podcast gives you all of the details on the Podcast Growth Accelerator program led by Anna Parker-Naples. This is for you if you want to improve the marketing and results of your podcast so that it fuels your business and brings in profits. If you are interested in joining the course, visit www.annapn.co/growth


  1. What is the Podcast Growth Accelerator?


    What is the Podcast Growth Accelerator?

    Podcasts are trending, everybody knows that. Most business owners already have a podcast or have plans to launch one in the near future. However, what most people don't realise is that launching a podcast might seem easy, but growing one is a whole nother story. Most podcasters don't actually know how to grow their audience, increase their show's popularity or use their podcast to drive more profit into the business.  In this episode, I'll break down the reasons why your podcast is not growing and what you can do about it. I’ll also share with you the details of how Podcast Growth Accelerator will benefit your business and what to expect when you start working with us. What You'll Learn: - What is the Podcast Growth Accelerator? - Why your podcast needs a bespoke accelerator plan - The primary reason why most podcasts struggle to grow - How to grow your listenership  - What and how to sell through your podcast - How to identify the weak areas in your growth strategy - Where to find and attract your niche audience - How to use your podcast to grow your business If you're having trouble growing your podcast, this podcast series is for you. Not only will it help you attract more listeners, you'll also learn how to turn those listeners into raving fans and eventually paying customers. Resources:  - Podcast Growth Accelerator http://www.annapn.co/growth   - Podcast Sales Funnel http://www.annapn.co/funnel  - The Podcast Agency https://thepodcastagency.com/  - My Website:  https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/   - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/   - LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples    - Join The Podcast Membership www.thepodcastmembership.com/  - Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast   - Listen to my podcast ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ https://apple.co/3idMtUf   - Join our friendly Facebook Community http://www.facebook.com/groups/thepodcastcommunity

    8 min
  2. The Truth About Growing Your Podcast


    The Truth About Growing Your Podcast

    You've just launched your podcast, congratulations! I know from experience that those first few weeks will be exciting as your listenership grows from zero to several hundred downloads. However, things can slow down a little after a launch, and it's common to see your numbers plateau and maybe even decrease. At this point, most new podcasters lose interest and decide to quit. But if you're more resilient and believe in the impact you're making through your podcast, this is when you move from launching your podcast into growing your podcast. What You'll Learn:  - The truth about growing your podcast - What to expect after launching your show  - How to respond when your podcast stops growing  - How to engage and find the right audience for your podcast - Growth audits and why they are so important  - Understanding purpose-led podcasting - How to convert your audience into raving fans and eventually paying customers Begging your audience to tell others about your podcast or constantly reminding them to subscribe and share will only get you so far. This is why we developed the Podcast Growth Accelerator, an offer that helps you fully understand how your podcasts can become a powerful front-end for your online business. The Podcast Growth Accelerator takes you beyond the standard marketing and helps you understand exactly how to improve your show, bring in more listeners and turn your raving fans into paying customers.    Resources:  - Podcast Growth Accelerator http://www.annapn.co/growth   - Podcast Sales Funnel http://www.annapn.co/funnel  - The Podcast Agency https://thepodcastagency.com/  - My Website:  https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/   - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/   - LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples    - Join The Podcast Membership www.thepodcastmembership.com/  - Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast   - Listen to my podcast ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ https://apple.co/3idMtUf   - Join our friendly Facebook Community http://www.facebook.com/groups/thepodcastcommunity

    7 min
  3. How The Podcast Growth Accelerator Will Benefit Your Business


    How The Podcast Growth Accelerator Will Benefit Your Business

    Today’s episode will take you through exactly how the Podcast Growth Accelerator will benefit your business and most importantly, your bottom line. If your podcast is anything like the hundreds of podcasts we’ve helped launch and scale, you know how hard it is to make money from your podcast. We also know there’s no silver bullet for success in podcasting. However, we’ve perfected a simple strategy through the Podcast Growth Accelerator that will get you more leads, drive traffic and ultimately grow your business. What You’ll Learn: - How the Podcast Growth Accelerator will benefit your business - The most important period in your podcasting journey - What to expect from the Podcast Growth Accelerator - How to create content that your listeners want to hear and engage in - How to use your podcast to drive profits for your business - The advantages of having a succinct call to action in every episode - How to build more brand authority for your podcast - Simple ways to connect with your audience on a new level Dana Schwandt is a podcaster who’s worked with us on her podcast growth strategy and experienced the benefits of the Podcast Growth Accelerator. She recently relaunched her podcast because she initially got the strategy wrong. But now the podcast is absolutely flying and has become a really central part of her business.  Here’s what she had to say: “I have had my podcast for years now and just took part in this amazing session with Anna, and now I know what I was doing wrong and why we were not growing the way we should be, and were not converting the way I would want this podcast to convert. The Podcast Growth Accelerator has helped me leverage the time and heartfelt energy I'm putting into this podcast to turn my podcast into a core part of my business.” Resources:  - Podcast Growth Accelerator http://www.annapn.co/growth   - Podcast Sales Funnel http://www.annapn.co/funnel  - The Podcast Agency https://thepodcastagency.com/  - My Website:  https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/   - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/   - LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples    - Join The Podcast Membership www.thepodcastmembership.com/  - Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast   - Listen to my podcast ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ https://apple.co/3idMtUf   - Join our friendly Facebook Community http://www.facebook.com/groups/thepodcastcommunity

    8 min
  4. Case Study for Podcast Growth Accelerator with Natalie Bailey


    Case Study for Podcast Growth Accelerator with Natalie Bailey

    Today we're joined by Natalie Bailey, one of the first cohort members of Podcast Growth Accelerator. Natalie is the host of the Confidence Mastery Podcast, where she helps people take their life from mediocre to phenomenal and unleash their inner confidence to create more success. I wanted to have Natalie on so she can give you an honest behind-the-scenes look at the Podcast Growth Accelerator, what she learned on the course and how she found the experience in general. What You'll Learn: - What podcasters get from the Podcast Growth Accelerator - Natalie's journey through podcasting - Why podcasters need to analyse what works and what doesn't for their podcast - Understanding why people tune in to your podcast - The benefits of engaging with your audience - Why you need to build a community around your podcast - How to reignite your passion for podcasting - When to rebrand and relaunch your podcast - The benefits of being part of the Podcast Growth Accelerator Natalie believes that everyone can record and publish a podcast. However, the truly successful podcasters are the ones who know when and from whom to reach out for expert help.  Here's what she had to say about her experience with the Podcast Growth Accelerator: "I've worked with Anna before and I like the way she does what she does, the way she teaches and the results she gets. That's why I thought that it would be good for me to join the course, especially as I was plateauing with my podcast and needed an injection of energy with some better direction. That's why I signed up and I'm really glad I did." Resources:  - Podcast Growth Accelerator http://www.annapn.co/growth   - Podcast Sales Funnel http://www.annapn.co/funnel  - The Podcast Agency https://thepodcastagency.com/  - My Website:  https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/   - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/   - LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples    - Join The Podcast Membership www.thepodcastmembership.com/  - Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast   - Listen to my podcast ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ https://apple.co/3idMtUf   - Join our friendly Facebook Community http://www.facebook.com/groups/thepodcastcommunity

    13 min
  5. The Process of Working with us in the Podcast Growth Accelerator


    The Process of Working with us in the Podcast Growth Accelerator

    Today's episode will walk you through the exact process of working with us on the Podcast Growth Accelerator. I'll explain what to expect when you come on board and how we've helped podcasters like you grow and scale their businesses. We understand how a well-done accelerator program can improve your levels of visibility. This is why we focus on taking podcasters from being clueless about what they're doing with their podcast to fully understanding how to use it to make an impact.  What You'll Learn: - What to expect from the Podcast Growth Accelerator - Why many new podcasters quit soon after launching their podcasts - How to effectively grow your podcast - The benefits of having a bespoke podcast growth strategy - How to turn your podcast into an integral part of your business - The simple framework for building a successful business through your podcast - The benefits of being part of a podcasting community Jay Nicole Smith has been podcasting for a long time and was blown away by how the Podcast Growth Accelerator helped her grow her reach, impact more people, and eventually grow her businesses.  Here's what she had to say:   "What I love about Anna is how she operates in terms of the future of where podcasting is going rather than where it's been. All of the strategies, tools, tips, products and services that she delivers right now are preparing podcasters and future podcasters for what will come in the space instead of just chasing the trends that everyone else has been doing." Resources:  - Podcast Growth Accelerator http://www.annapn.co/growth   - Podcast Sales Funnel http://www.annapn.co/funnel  - The Podcast Agency https://thepodcastagency.com/  - My Website:  https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/   - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/   - LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples    - Join The Podcast Membership www.thepodcastmembership.com/  - Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast   - Listen to my podcast ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ https://apple.co/3idMtUf   - Join our friendly Facebook Community http://www.facebook.com/groups/thepodcastcommunity

    8 min
  6. Meet Anna, the CEO of Podcast Growth Accelerator


    Meet Anna, the CEO of Podcast Growth Accelerator

    So who am I, and why should you care? First of all, entrepreneurship is something I stumbled on by accident. I never intended to become an audio expert, nor did I have plans to influence thousands of people from all over the world. But here I am, a successful author with a world-renowned podcasting business that has changed every aspect of my life.  What You'll Learn: - What we do at the Podcast Agency and at the Podcast Growth Accelerator - My journey from acting to entrepreneurship while being a mother to teenagers - How to launch and grow a successful podcast   I want to help you grow your podcast because I know you're doing an important work that can make a difference. If you'd like jump into the Podcast Growth Accelerator, join us in the hub for forthnightly AMA sessions, and become the newest addition of the over 350 shows that we've helped launch and grow.  Resources:  - Podcast Growth Accelerator http://www.annapn.co/growth   - Podcast Sales Funnel http://www.annapn.co/funnel  - Legendary Podcast Launch http://www.annapn.co/launch  - The Podcast Agency https://thepodcastagency.com/  - My Website:  https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/   - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/   - LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples    - Join The Podcast Membership www.thepodcastmembership.com/  - Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast   - Listen to my podcast ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ https://apple.co/3idMtUf   - Check out my book 'Get Visible: How to Have More Impact, Influence and Income' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/book/  - Check out my book 'Podcast with Impact: How to Start and Launch Your Podcast Properly' https://portal.annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast-with-impact-book-PDF  - Join our friendly Facebook Community http://www.facebook.com/groups/thepodcastcommunity

    15 min
  7. What You are Getting Wrong with Your Podcast Promotion


    What You are Getting Wrong with Your Podcast Promotion

    Podcast promotion is only as effective as its execution. There's a misconception that once you publish your podcast, it's done—in fact, that's where the work begins. After you have recorded the first few episodes of your show, the next step should be telling people about your podcast.  But to effectively promote your show, you’ll need to dig deeper into your target audience, figure out their likes and understand the best way to reach them. What You'll Learn: - What podcasters are getting wrong with podcast promotions - How to identify the reason why people listen to you - Why you should treat every episode as an individual piece of content - The three types of listeners on every podcast - How to identify your super fans - The foundations of a great podcast and a strong business - How experienced podcasters build a business around their podcast At the Podcast Growth Accelerator, we want you to stand out and make sure your show becomes an effective profit vehicle for your business.   Here's what Viv Guy says about how The Accelerator helped her get the most out of her podcast and grow her business:  "The reason I enrolled in the Podcast Growth Accelerator is because I believe being a successful podcaster is way more than just launching a #1 podcast. It should be about your podcast working for your business, generating clients, growing your listener base, and helping listeners gain the most out of your core message. Learning how to get people to take action on the things I teach and turning regular listeners into raving fans is something I've always wanted, and I absolutely got that from Anna and her team." Resources:  - Podcast Growth Accelerator http://www.annapn.co/growth   - Podcast Sales Funnel http://www.annapn.co/funnel  - Legendary Podcast Launch http://www.annapn.co/launch  - The Podcast Agency https://thepodcastagency.com/  - My Website:  https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/   - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/   - LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples    - Join The Podcast Membership www.thepodcastmembership.com/  - Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast   - Listen to my podcast ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ https://apple.co/3idMtUf   - Check out my book 'Get Visible: How to Have More Impact, Influence and Income' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/book/  - Check out my book 'Podcast with Impact: How to Start and Launch Your Podcast Properly' https://portal.annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast-with-impact-book-PDF  - Join our friendly Facebook Community http://www.facebook.com/groups/thepodcastcommunity

    9 min
  8. Is Your Podcast Ready for The Podcast Growth Accelerator?


    Is Your Podcast Ready for The Podcast Growth Accelerator?

    If you're at a point where your podcast isn't growing or contemplating quitting altogether, the Podcast Growth Accelerator is for you. This programme was specifically created for podcasters who have been podcasting for a while and are potentially out of that launch period. This includes podcasters who are struggling to grow their downloads or maybe have seen a dip in listenership.  The Podcast Growth Accelerator will not only help you increase your downloads and grow your business, but it will also help you create content your listeners will want to listen to. What You'll Learn: - Who the Podcast Growth Accelerator is for - What to do when your listenership plateaus - What to expect from the Podcast Growth Accelerator - How new podcasters can grow their podcast instantly after launching - Why you shouldn't give up on your podcast - The type of podcasters that wouldn't fit into the Podcast Growth Accelerator The Podcast Growth Accelerator works for podcasters worldwide, regardless of geography or preferred language of use. Here's what Katrin Hill from Germany had to say about the Podcast Growth Accelerator: "I want to thank Anna so much because my podcast has a million downloads now. Anna and her team keep surprising me with their amazing tips and strategies that are easy to implement and keep driving my numbers higher and higher. I can also see changes in the people buying my offers, and I now have more clarity on how I want to grow my podcast. Podcasting is the future, and I am very thrilled that since 2017, my podcast has been one of the go-to places in the German market for Facebook marketing. It's all in German, but I can still implement almost everything Anna shares with me for the European market.” Resources:  - Podcast Growth Accelerator http://www.annapn.co/growth   - Podcast Sales Funnel http://www.annapn.co/funnel  - Legendary Podcast Launch http://www.annapn.co/launch  - The Podcast Agency https://thepodcastagency.com/  - My Website:  https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/   - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/   - LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples    - Join The Podcast Membership www.thepodcastmembership.com/  - Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast   - Listen to my podcast ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ https://apple.co/3idMtUf   - Check out my book 'Get Visible: How to Have More Impact, Influence and Income' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/book/  - Check out my book 'Podcast with Impact: How to Start and Launch Your Podcast Properly' https://portal.annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast-with-impact-book-PDF  - Join our friendly Facebook Community http://www.facebook.com/groups/thepodcastcommunity

    7 min


This exclusive 10-part podcast gives you all of the details on the Podcast Growth Accelerator program led by Anna Parker-Naples. This is for you if you want to improve the marketing and results of your podcast so that it fuels your business and brings in profits. If you are interested in joining the course, visit www.annapn.co/growth

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