97 episodes

The IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett, is designed to help ambitious IT/MSP business owners build a profitable tech business.

In this show you will learn the complete tried and tested strategies that are working today as Ian helps techie business owners in the IT / MSP community on a daily basis.

The content of this Podcast is a blend of expert advice and Interviews with some of the most successful people in the industry, offering massive value and a wise range of topics from his MSP profit Builder System.

Whether his guests are experts from large enterprises, established IT/MSP businesses, serial entrepreneurs, or world class techies, they all have great stories and content to share.

So, if you are preparing your IT/MSP business for growth, then we will help by sharing what IS and what ISN'T working in business right now.

Our outcome for you listening to this podcast is that we help you to spend quality time working ON your business rather than being consumed IN it!

The IT Experts Podcast Ian Luckett - The MSP Growth Hub

    • Technology
    • 4.7 • 22 Ratings

The IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett, is designed to help ambitious IT/MSP business owners build a profitable tech business.

In this show you will learn the complete tried and tested strategies that are working today as Ian helps techie business owners in the IT / MSP community on a daily basis.

The content of this Podcast is a blend of expert advice and Interviews with some of the most successful people in the industry, offering massive value and a wise range of topics from his MSP profit Builder System.

Whether his guests are experts from large enterprises, established IT/MSP businesses, serial entrepreneurs, or world class techies, they all have great stories and content to share.

So, if you are preparing your IT/MSP business for growth, then we will help by sharing what IS and what ISN'T working in business right now.

Our outcome for you listening to this podcast is that we help you to spend quality time working ON your business rather than being consumed IN it!

    EP193 - Why You Are Holding Yourself Back with Ian Luckett

    EP193 - Why You Are Holding Yourself Back with Ian Luckett

    Ian begins by emphasising the importance of habits in maintaining consistent progress. He notes that while annual goals often lose their momentum as life’s demands take over, small daily habits can keep individuals aligned with their vision and help them stay on track. 

    Introducing the gap and the gain concept by Dan Sullivan, Ian explains that many people measure their progress by the gap between where they are and where they want to be, leading to frustration and disappointment. Instead, he suggests measuring the gain—looking back at achievements to boost confidence and motivation. 

    Ian highlights the significance of being present both at home and in the workplace. Consistency in team interactions, valuing their time, and following through on commitments can have a profound impact. Simple habits like checking in on tasks, promptly actioning emails, and scheduling off-grid time can significantly enhance productivity and satisfaction. 

    He also discusses the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and into growth zones. This transition involves overcoming fear and learning new skills, leading to greater achievements. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and focusing on immediate returns can help maintain momentum. 

    Ian shares a personal example of overcoming his aversion to reading. By starting with just a few minutes a day and gradually increasing the time, he managed to read an entire book during his holiday. This not only improved his sleep but also his knowledge and motivation. He encourages tracking habits, whether through a simple checklist or by using habit stacking techniques, to reinforce positive behaviours. 

    Drawing from the MSP Growth Hub intensive sessions, Ian notes the tremendous feedback from clients who implement these small but powerful habits. By maintaining momentum between sessions, clients achieve remarkable results. The structured approach supports continuous improvement and keeps individuals on their trajectory towards their goals. 

    Finally, Ian emphasises the importance of measuring performance and staying accountable. Consistently tracking and reporting progress accelerates performance. Forming great positive habits, living in the gain, and understanding that there are no losers, only learners, are key takeaways from this episode. 

    In conclusion, forming and maintaining positive habits can have a massive impact on life and business. By taking deliberate actions, surrounding oneself with supportive people, and continuously measuring progress, listeners can move from a state of overwhelm to one of significant achievement.  

    This episode is a motivational call to action, encouraging listeners to build great habits, stay deliberate, and keep moving forward. 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE 

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon! 

    • 22 min
    EP192 - How to Deal with Toxic Employees with Julie Hutchison & Ian Luckett

    EP192 - How to Deal with Toxic Employees with Julie Hutchison & Ian Luckett

    Being a workplace mediator and mediation trainer, Julie Hutchison brings us a wealth of experience. She has seen it all, from minor office spats to full-blown conflicts. Her insights into dealing with toxic employees are invaluable for anyone looking to maintain a harmonious and productive workplace. 

    We started by defining what we mean by toxic employees. According to Julie Hutchison, the term “toxic” might be a bit harsh, but it’s widely understood. Toxic employees are those who drain energy, sow discord, and generally make like difficult for their colleagues. They might be resistant to change, habitually negative, or outright confrontational. The impact of such behaviour can be devastating, affecting team morale, productivity, and ultimately, the profitability of the business. 

    Julie Hutchison emphasised the importance of addressing these issues head-on. Avoidance, she noted, only leads to more significant problems down the line. As leaders, it's our responsibility to tackle these situations with empathy and clarity. Julie advised using the BIN model – Behaviour, Impact, Need – as a framework for these tough conversations. This model helps to depersonalise the issue and focus on specific behaviours and their impacts, making it easier to articulate the need for change. 

    We discussed the importance of understanding the underlying causes of toxic behaviour. Julie Hutchison pointed out that these employees might be reacting to unmet needs or external stressors. By taking the time to listen and understand, leaders can often uncover the root of the problem and address it more effectively. This empathetic approach can help turn a negative situation into a positive one, fostering loyalty and engagement rather than resentment. 

    Julie Hutchison also highlighted the value of regular follow-ups. Once the initial conversation has taken place, it’s crucial to check in regularly to ensure progress is being made. This doesn't have to be a formal meeting every time – even a casual chat over coffee can be effective. The key is to maintain open lines of communication and provide ongoing support. 

    One of the standout moments in our discussion was Julie’s emphasis on self-awareness for leaders. Toxic employees can sometimes be a mirror, reflecting issues within the leadership or the broader organisational culture. By examining our actions and responses, we can often find ways to improve the environment and reduce the likelihood of such behaviours arising in the first place. 

    In summary, dealing with toxic employees is never easy, but it's an essential skill for any leader. Julie Hutchison’s advice to approach these situations with empathy, clarity, and a structured framework like the BIN model can make a significant difference. By understanding the root causes of toxic behaviour and maintaining regular follow-ups, we can foster a more positive and productive workplace. 

    Remember, the goal is not just to eliminate toxic behaviour but to transform it. By investing time and effort into understanding and addressing these issues, we can turn a potentially negative situation into an opportunity for growth and improvement. If you ever find yourself facing a toxic employee, take a step back, breathe, and remember Julie Hutchison's insights from this episode. 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE 

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!

    • 27 min
    EP191 - The No. 1 Reason Why MSPs Fail with Tracy Pound and Ian Luckett

    EP191 - The No. 1 Reason Why MSPs Fail with Tracy Pound and Ian Luckett

    From the outset, Tracy emphasised the importance of strategy in driving the growth and success of an MSP. It's a term that often evokes yawns, but as Tracy pointed out, without a solid strategy, even the most technically proficient MSPs will struggle to grow. Tracy explained that many MSPs are founded by technically-minded individuals who may not have the broader business experience necessary to create a robust strategy. This lack of strategic planning often becomes a significant barrier to growth. 

    One of the key takeaways from our conversation was the critical role of culture within an organisation. Tracy stressed that culture is not just a management issue but something that needs to be embedded throughout the entire organisation. A strong culture, according to Tracy, is reflected in the behaviours and attitudes of the staff. It's about creating an environment where people want to be, where they go above and beyond because they feel valued and understood. This culture then translates into how clients perceive the business. Tracy highlighted that happy, engaged employees provide better service, which in turn leads to happier clients. 

    Tracy also shared some practical steps for MSPs to build and maintain a strong culture. She suggested regular strategy sessions with the entire team, at least annually, if not biannually. These sessions should be off-site to avoid daily distractions and should focus on what is working well, what needs improvement, and how the team can collectively achieve their goals. Tracy stressed the importance of active listening during these sessions – listening to understand, not just to respond. This approach fosters a sense of inclusion and ensures that every team member feels valued and heard. 

    We also touched on the importance of understanding customers. Tracy pointed out that many MSPs are so focused on acquiring new clients that they neglect their existing ones. Regular account management is crucial – knowing your clients’ business needs, understanding their pain points, and building strong relationships can lead to more business opportunities and increased loyalty. Tracy shared a compelling story based on her past experience, where she took the lock off her IT department’s door to encourage openness and better service. This simple act significantly improved internal and external relationships, highlighting how small changes can have a big impact. 

    Another significant point Tracy made was about the difference between a business plan and a strategy. A business plan is often a static document created to satisfy banks or investors, whereas a strategy is a living, breathing part of the business. It involves everyone in the organisation and is continuously evolving. Tracy’s insights here were a real eye-opener, showing that a dynamic strategy aligned with the business’s core mission and values is essential for long-term success. 

    As we wrapped up the episode, Tracy shared some golden nuggets on leadership and the importance of being genuinely interested in people. She noted that technology serves people, not the other way around, and understanding this can make a huge difference in how an MSP operates and grows. Tracy also highlighted the value of being involved in communities like CompTIA. CompTIA offers fantastic networking opportunities, peer-to-peer learning, and valuable research that can help MSPs stay ahead of the curve. 

    This episode with Tracy Pound is packed with valuable advice for any MSP looking to overcome common pitfalls and build a successful business. Tracy’s passion for helping businesses grow and her extensive experience in the industry shone through. If you’re not already involved with CompTIA, I highly recommend checking it out – the support and resources they offer are invaluable. 

    Connect with Tracy through her LinkedIn profile HERE. 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 


    • 34 min
    EP190 - Want more sales in your MSP? Do this now! with Ian Luckett

    EP190 - Want more sales in your MSP? Do this now! with Ian Luckett

    We start by addressing the fundamental need for a structured approach to sales in the MSP sector. It's not about quick fixes or hoping for that golden unicorn prospect. Instead, it’s about implementing a consistent process and understanding that building meaningful relationships takes time. We’ve crafted a comprehensive "shoe leather sales plan" designed to get your MSP on track with clear, actionable steps. 

    First and foremost, set some realistic targets. Without clear goals, it’s impossible to measure success. For most MSPs, acquiring one new client a month can be transformative. By setting targets, you can break down the required steps to achieve those goals, like engaging in quality conversations and generating the necessary leads. Aim for 10 quality conversations to secure 4-5 leads, which should yield that one new client each month. 

    Next, identify your dream 50 clients. These are the ideal customers you want to work with. Focus your efforts on this list to avoid spreading yourself too thin. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is polished and targeted. Engage with these potential clients by sending connection requests, participating in relevant discussions, and offering valuable content. Remember, it’s about building trust and showcasing your expertise, not just making a sales pitch. 

    Attending events and networking is another crucial step. Whether it’s local business groups, Chamber of Commerce meetings, or industry-specific events, put yourself out there. Networking is all about building relationships and establishing your presence in the community. Don’t just attend – be active. Offer to speak at events, host webinars, or run lunch-and-learn sessions. Providing valuable insights and educational content will position you as a thought leader in the MSP space. 

    Giving back to the community is essential. If you help others achieve their goals, you will naturally attract opportunities. Offer your expertise by contributing content, such as blogs, surveys, or white papers, to industry publications and groups. Create your own events and invite clients and prospects to join. Teaching others about cybersecurity or the latest tech trends not only showcases your knowledge but also builds goodwill and trust. 

    Consistency is key. This might sound tedious, but it’s where many MSPs falter. Use tools like LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index to gauge your activity and effectiveness on the platform. Regularly post valuable content, engage with your network, and follow up diligently. The more active you are, the more visible you become, and the more opportunities you will attract. Track your efforts and continuously refine your approach to ensure you're making the most of your time and resources. 

    Finally, build a solid plan. Your plan should cover networking, stakeholder engagement, and content creation. Having a clear strategy will keep you focused and accountable. As you consistently execute your plan, you'll find your email inbox filling up with inquiries from potential clients who see you as a trusted advisor. 

    Implementing these steps will take effort, but the rewards are worth it. By setting clear targets, engaging with your ideal clients, attending events, giving back, staying consistent, and following a structured plan, you’ll see a steady increase in sales for your MSP. Dive into this episode for a detailed breakdown of each step and start taking action today. 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, the

    • 16 min
    EP189 - The Dangers of Being a Profit Passenger in Your MSP – Success Stories with Gary Rayner & Ian Luckett

    EP189 - The Dangers of Being a Profit Passenger in Your MSP – Success Stories with Gary Rayner & Ian Luckett

    Gary Rayner, after 18 years in business and on the verge of reaching a seven-figure turnover, recognised the need to shift his approach to managing finances within his MSP. Initially, his in-house bookkeeper managed day-to-day invoicing and bookkeeping, a role that evolved from Gary himself to an ad-hoc helper, and finally, a dedicated in-house process. Despite his interest and involvement in finance, Gary realised that what got his MSP to its current level wouldn’t be enough to propel it forward. The turning point came when his bookkeeper retired, and Gary temporarily resumed those duties, which highlighted areas where the business was not optimally billing or even missing billing entirely. 

    Gary's decision to bring in an interim CFO marked a pivotal moment in his MSP’s journey. This CFO, although not from the IT sector, brought a fresh perspective and a wealth of financial expertise. Gary wisely chose someone outside the IT industry to avoid inherited bad habits and gain unbiased insights. This move highlights the importance of surrounding yourself with people smarter than you in specific areas to drive business growth. 

    The CFO's role was not just to manage day-to-day financial tasks but to establish robust processes and provide strategic financial oversight. Gary and his CFO worked on integrating various tools and systems, such as PAX 8 and Autotask, ensuring seamless data synchronisation with their accounting software, Xero. By leveraging Excel for detailed financial analysis, they could compare data from different sources, ensuring accuracy in billing and financial reporting. 

    One of the significant changes Gary experienced was the shift in focus from just net profit to a broader range of financial metrics, including EBITDA, adjusted net profit, gross profit, and cost per customer acquisition. This comprehensive approach provided a more detailed understanding of the MSPs financial health, enabling better strategic decisions. 

    Gary's journey illustrates the importance of having a structured process and the willingness to revisit and reassess financial management practices. The introduction of a CFO allowed Gary to step back from the detail and focus on strategic growth areas. Even though the CFO's tenure was short-term, the impact was profound, leading to the implementation of efficient processes that the team could manage independently in the interim. 

    The transformation also involved adopting forecasting tools like Fathom, which provided valuable insights into potential future scenarios. This capability allowed Gary to plan for various outcomes, ensuring the business could navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities with confidence. 

    Gary's story is a testament to the power of financial literacy and proactive management in scaling an MSP. His experience highlights that understanding and controlling financial metrics is crucial for any MSP aiming for sustainable growth. By taking the necessary step to bring in external expertise, Gary positioned his business for continued success and stability. 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE 

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon! 

    • 28 min
    EP188 - How Your Customer Experience Can Multiply Your MSP’s Profits with Justin Neale & Ian Luckett

    EP188 - How Your Customer Experience Can Multiply Your MSP’s Profits with Justin Neale & Ian Luckett

    Our conversation with Justin Neale was packed with useful tips and strategies to help improve customer experience and ultimately drive higher profits for MSPs. Justin, who has an extensive background in customer experience from his time at Airbus Group, now dedicates his expertise to helping smaller, more nimble companies, including MSPs, optimize their customer journeys.

    We began by discussing why customer experience is more crucial than ever. Justin highlighted that while MSPs typically enjoy high customer retention rates, there is always room to improve and create even stronger bonds with clients. This is particularly vital in today’s competitive landscape where exceptional customer service can set an MSP apart from the competition. 

    One of the key takeaways from our discussion was the concept of customer journey mapping. Justin emphasised the importance of understanding your ideal customer persona and designing processes around their needs. He suggested involving the entire team in this exercise to ensure everyone is on the same page and committed to delivering a seamless customer experience. By identifying and focusing on your ideal customers, MSPs can streamline their operations, resulting in happier clients and more engaged staff. 

    Another significant point was the importance of clear communication and proper handovers between different teams within an MSP. Justin used a relatable analogy of a bride being handed over to a stranger on her wedding night to illustrate how jarring poor handovers can be for clients. He recommended using tools like videos to introduce team members to clients, ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining the client’s trust and confidence. 

    Justin also shared tips on measuring customer success. Rather than relying solely on traditional metrics like revenue and margins, he advised MSPs to focus on leading indicators that reflect the health of customer relationships. Regular business reviews with clients can provide deeper insights into their evolving needs and open up opportunities for additional services. This proactive approach not only strengthens client relationships but also positions the MSP as a trusted advisor, leading to higher client retention and increased revenue. 

    We also explored the concept of customer advocacy. Justin pointed out that loyal clients who are wowed by your service can become your best salespeople. Moreover, when clients advocate for your MSP, it strengthens their own commitment to your services, creating a mutually beneficial cycle. 

    Throughout our conversation, Justin Neale consistently highlighted the need for MSPs to focus on adding real value to their clients’ businesses. This involves understanding their unique needs and challenges and delivering solutions that genuinely help them succeed. By doing so, MSPs can differentiate themselves in a crowded market, command higher prices, and build long-lasting client relationships. 

    Connect with Justin Neale on his LinkedIn HERE 

    Or you can also visit his website by clicking HERE 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE 

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!   


    • 31 min

Customer Reviews

4.7 out of 5
22 Ratings

22 Ratings

John Steve22 ,

Just great !

A very well structured show with great tips and tricks to help MSPs out. Keep it going guys 👍

No nickname pp ,

Brilliant podcast fur MSP owners

Covers the full spectrum of how to run your MSP. Never miss an episode!

Mini Madness 19 ,

Love it !

What great straight forward advice, nice and simple and specially make for techies 🧑‍💻

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