Your Business Quest

Osmaan Sharif
Your Business Quest

I’m Osmaan Sharif – The Business Owner’s Coach & I’m dedicated to guiding established experts (coaches, consultants & service providers) through the journey of confidently growing your business, without chaos and confusion. Come along as we navigate the unique chapters ahead of your business, exploring how to master your mindset and truly embrace your entrepreneurial superpower in everything you do. So if you’re ready to make some real magic happen in your business, then let’s embark upon this exciting quest together. (This podcast is the next chapter & evolution of The Get Out Your Way Podcast with Osmaan Sharif)

  1. What if you didn't care so much?

    1 DAY AGO

    What if you didn't care so much?

    “What if you didn’t care so much?” Specifically, what if you stopped worrying about what your peers or others in your industry think & focused more of your time & energy on what truly matters—your clients, your business, and your unique journey?  Let’s explore the power of letting go of external pressures & how freeing yourself from unnecessary comparisons can help you to experience even more growth. Inspired by the quote, “I’m not afraid to be seen trying,” can help us to embrace the courage to stay in your own lane, trust your Entrepreneurial Superpower®, and focus on your vision, goals, and values. Key Takeaways: • Understand what “not caring” truly means—it’s not about indifference, but about shedding unnecessary comparisons. • As an expert, only you truly know your vision and goals, so staying in your lane is key to success. • Embrace the courage to be seen ‘trying’—let go of fear & judgment from others in your industry. • Your peers are not your benchmark; your own progress & the impact you have on your clients matter most. • Focusing on your clients’ needs is the core of your business, while letting go of external validation fuels creativity and growth. • Innovation often comes when you ignore what’s “expected” & instead focus on what feels right for your unique path. • Celebrate your wins, big or small, without comparing them to others in the industry. If you’ve ever struggled with worrying about what others think, this episode will guide you to shift your focus, tap into your own entrepreneurial strengths, & create without the weight of external pressures. Here are three reflection questions that will help you even more: ·     Who are you really doing this for? ·     Are you proud of what you’re building? ·     What could you achieve if you didn’t care what others thought? Useful links for you: Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here. Connect with me on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Send an email Discover what your Entrepreneurial Superpower is through Wealth Dynamics Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here

    24 min
  2. How to price confidently & profitably with Sally Farrant

    17 OCT

    How to price confidently & profitably with Sally Farrant

    In today’s episode, we’re diving into a topic that’s crucial but often feels a bit intimidating: pricing. But don’t worry—pricing expert Sally Farrant, aka The Pricing Queen, is here to make it all feel a lot less daunting. With over 25 years of experience in accountancy, Sally’s mission is to help business owners like you get a firm grip on your numbers and price with real confidence. She breaks down how small tweaks in your pricing strategy can lead to big changes in what lands in your pocket. Plus, we get into those mindset blocks that can hold many business owners back from charging what they truly deserve. In this episode, Sally & I chat about: ·     Why pricing is the most powerful lever you can pull in your business ·     Common pricing mistakes entrepreneurs make—and how to avoid them ·     How to shift from time-for-money pricing to value-based pricing ·     The power of niching & personal branding when it comes to pricing ·     Practical tips for knowing when (and how) to raise your prices ·     How Sally has embraced her Entrepreneurial Superpower® by tapping into her Wealth Dynamics Lord profile ·     Why discounting can actually hurt your business ·     And most importantly, how to build a business that truly works for YOU! This conversation is packed with actionable insights that’ll get you rethinking your pricing strategy, so you can confidently transform your bottom line and make pricing decisions with clarity. Useful links for you: Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here. Connect with me on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Send an email Discover what your Entrepreneurial Superpower is through Wealth Dynamics Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here Connect with Sally on Instagram & LinkedIn here

    44 min
  3. Calculate your real hourly rate & maximise your time

    10 OCT

    Calculate your real hourly rate & maximise your time

    Ever wondered if you’re spending your time wisely in your business? Well, you’ll want to calculate your real hourly rate to help you decide! In this podcast episode, I’ll share a simple yet eye-opening exercise that shows you whether the tasks you’re doing are truly worth your time. You’ll understand how knowing your hourly rate can be a game-changer in identifying where you’re wasting time, where you could delegate, and how to better focus on high-impact activities that align with your strengths. If you’re tired of feeling busy but not productive, this episode will give you the tools to rethink how you value your time and, ultimately, your business. What You’ll Learn in This Episode: Why Knowing Your Real Hourly Rate Matters: Understand why this simple calculation can transform the way you manage your time and business activities. How to Calculate Your Hourly Rate: I’ll walk you through the straightforward formula for figuring out your rate based on your revenue goals and preferred work schedule. The Impact of Understanding Your Value: See how this insight can reveal if you’re undercharging, overworking, or wasting time on tasks that could be delegated. Practical Ways to Apply This Knowledge: Learn how to use your hourly rate to make smarter decisions about which tasks to keep, outsource, or eliminate from your schedule. The Importance of Playing to Your Entrepreneurial Superpowers®: I bring to life why it’s important to align your time with your Wealth Dynamics profile and strengths to ensure you’re focused on high-value activities that bring the most growth. Enjoy & let me know what insights this gives you. Osmaan Useful links for you: Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here. Connect with me on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Send an email Discover what your Entrepreneurial Superpower is through Wealth Dynamics Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here

    16 min
  4. How to future-proof & crisis-proof your business with Liz Melville

    4 OCT

    How to future-proof & crisis-proof your business with Liz Melville

    In this episode, the brilliant Liz Melville (an experienced online business coach & Meta ads specialist) and I explore an essential topic that every entrepreneur should consider: How to future-proof and crisis-proof your business. While Liz is known for her expertise in Facebook ads, today’s conversation goes much deeper – we’re talking about creating systems and structures that allow your business to thrive even when life throws you a curveball. Whether it’s illness, personal loss, or other crises that might derail your focus, Liz shares her powerful insights on how to structure your business so that it can run smoothly without you being constantly at the helm. We dive into her personal journey, including the challenges she faced while caring for her family, and how those experiences inspired her to help others simplify and systemise their businesses. This episode is packed with practical advice and a real-world perspective that will help you build a business that supports you – no matter what life brings. What You'll Learn in This Episode:  1. How to Future-Proof Your Business – Learn why it's essential to set up structures that allow you to step away without your revenue taking a hit. 2. Personal & Business Balance – Liz and I discuss how to make hard decisions when personal crises arise and why being proactive can save you from impossible choices. 3. Simplifying & Systemising – Practical strategies for simplifying your business, creating systems, and leveraging automation so your business can thrive even in tough times. 4. Embracing your Entrepreneurial Superpower – Hear Liz & I share how our Wealth Dynamics Trader profiles help us in our businesses & how you can still future-proof your business no matter with of the 8 profiles you are most aligned with. 5. Mindset Shifts for Long-Term Success – Discover how to shift your mindset from feeling irreplaceable in your business to embracing delegation and setting up a structure that gives you scope for more flexibility. Useful links for you: Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here. Connect with me on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Send an email Discover what your Entrepreneurial Superpower is through Wealth Dynamics Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here Connect with Liz over on Instagram

    38 min
  5. Don't let your upper limits hold you back

    26 SEPT

    Don't let your upper limits hold you back

    Let’s dive deep into the concept of “upper limits” in business – those invisible ceilings we hit when things are going too well, leading to self-sabotage or setbacks. Inspired by The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, together we’ll explore how you can identify & overcome your own upper limits, especially as you are on the journey to grow your business. I’ll share how you can break down the key signs you’re hitting an upper limit & why fear, past experiences, and hidden beliefs could be driving these behaviours. “Hitting your upper limit doesn’t mean you’re failing – it’s a sign that you’re growing. The key is to make that invisible limit visible, so you can push through it and truly expand your potential.” A sneak peek of this episode: What is an Upper Limit? Understand how your internal thermostat keeps you in your comfort zone & how it shows up in your business. How Upper Limits Manifest From revenue blocks to sabotaging client work, discover how upper limits can impact your actions and decision-making. Real Client Example Listen to a story of one business owner who continually hit a revenue ceiling, and how we worked together to break through. Strategies to Overcome Your Upper Limits Learn actionable tools like reframing beliefs, reprogramming old stories, and even simple physical techniques to shift your mindset. Personal Experiences I share my own experiences with upper limits throughout my entrepreneurial journey, from pricing fears to managing corporate workshops. Useful links for you: Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here. Connect with me on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Send an email Discover what your Entrepreneurial Superpower is through Wealth Dynamics Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here Guy Hendrick's Book - The Big Leap

    23 min
  6. How to be brave & show up in your business with Jenny Ainsworth

    19 SEPT

    How to be brave & show up in your business with Jenny Ainsworth

    In this episode I loved explored what it means to live by Brené Brown’s powerful mantra: "Show up, be seen, live brave" with the inspiring Jenny Ainsworth. As a corporate consultant, speaker, and facilitator, Jenny has built a remarkable career by embracing bravery, showing up authentically, and being seen in her leadership and business development work. Key Conversation Points: The Journey to Bravery:   Jenny shares how she bravely left her role at Disney to start her own business, even though it felt scary.  Plus, why it’s important to trust yourself to say NO to what doesn’t align with you & having the belief that it will create space for the right opportunities to come your way. Navigating the Entrepreneurial Path: Jenny brings to life an inspirational example of how she sent out one-page letters to 10 companies at the start of her business & the impact it made. Jenny continues to share how she takes brave steps by staying visible, reaching out to past connections, and reminding them of the value she brings. Showing Up Authentically: Jenny shared how being vulnerable & honest in business, especially during tough times, builds deeper connections with others. Owning Your Entrepreneurial Superpower: As a Star profile in Wealth Dynamics, Jenny brings to life how she thrives in environments where she can connect with people & build rapport & what really gets her out of flow. Useful links for you: Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here. Connect with me on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Send an email Discover what your Entrepreneurial Superpower is through Wealth Dynamics Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here Jenny's Website Jenny's LinkedIn

    35 min
  7. How to make faster & smarter business decisions

    12 SEPT

    How to make faster & smarter business decisions

    Business & life is filled with decisions that need to be made. But it can be tough … especially when it comes down to you to make that decision. And even more so, if your head & heart aren’t on the same page & stuck between choices. So in today’s episode, I’ll love to share with you two simple yet super effective techniques that have helped me & countless clients. Whether it’s a business decision, something personal, or even picking a meal from a menu, these quick approaches can save you from overthinking and make the whole process way easier. Key Takeaways: Head vs. Heart vs. Gut: We all know the internal battle—head says one thing, heart pulls you in another direction. But I’ve found that listening to my gut usually leads to the best decisions. The Coin-Flip Trick: This one’s simple. Take a coin, assign options to heads and tails, and flip it.The magic happens while the coin’s in the air—your gut will tell you which side you hope it lands on.Sounds too easy, right? But trust me, it works! Visualisation Technique: For more complex decisions, close your eyes and imagine you’ve already made each choice.Pay attention to how it feels—do you feel expansive and excited, or restricted and contracting?Your gut will guide you here.             Your Gut Knows What’s Up: That gut feeling taps into your subconscious, which is often more aligned with your true values and goals than your head or heart.  Don’t ignore it! Look Back at Past Decisions: Reflect on moments when you went against your gut and regretted it.Then, think about those times you followed it and it turned out great—this will help you trust it more moving forward. Useful links for you: Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here. Connect with me on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Send an email Discover what your Entrepreneurial Superpower is through Wealth Dynamics Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here

    23 min
  8. Having the courage to reinvent your business with Jess Lorimer

    5 SEPT

    Having the courage to reinvent your business with Jess Lorimer

    "I think it's really hard to quit something that's successful." In this episode, we dive deep into the courageous journey of Jess Lorimer, a highly successful business-to-business sales expert.  Jess shares how she made a bold decision to completely reinvent her thriving business because it wasn’t fitting with what she really wanted anymore. She ultimately chose to become a "category of one" rather than trying to be everything to everyone. Trust me, this episode is a must-listen for any business owner who has ever felt the pull to pivot in their business, even when things are going well. Key conversation points: 1. The Decision to Reinvent:   - Jess reflects on her journey of running a successful business called Smart Leader Sell but feeling disconnected from it by 2019. She describes how she realised that her business no longer brought her joy, even though it was financially successful. This realisation led her to make the courageous decision to reinvent her business from the ground up. 2. Aligning Business with Personal Values & Entrepreneurial Superpower:   - Jess emphasises the importance of aligning your business with your core values and strengths. She shares how she wanted to focus on what truly brought her joy—working with corporate clients and helping entrepreneurs sell to larger organisations. This shift allowed her to create her next evolution of her business, so that it was not only successful but also deeply fulfilling. She also shares show she’s been able to use her Creator Wealth Dynamics profile to help her to make that happen.  3. The Challenges of Quitting Success:   - One of the hardest parts of Jess's journey was the decision to leave behind a business that was already thriving. She opens up about the guilt and fear that came with this decision, particularly the concern that she was letting down her clients. Despite these challenges, Jess knew that she had to make the change to pursue her true passion and strengths. 4. Becoming a "Category of One":   - Jess explains her philosophy of becoming a "category of one" - creating a unique space in the market where she could stand out as the go-to expert in her field.  This involved narrowing her focus and doubling down on what she does best, rather than trying to be all things to all people. 5. Advice for Business Owners:   - We discuss the importance of regularly reassessing our business to ensure it aligns with our personal values and goals. We chat about how small tweaks, as well as major pivots, can help business owners like you to stay on a path that feels authentic and fulfilling. Useful links for you: Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here. Connect with me on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Send an email Discover what your Entrepreneurial Superpower is through Wealth Dynamics Book in for a free Virtual Cuppa here Jess's podcast: a...

    44 min
out of 5
34 Ratings


I’m Osmaan Sharif – The Business Owner’s Coach & I’m dedicated to guiding established experts (coaches, consultants & service providers) through the journey of confidently growing your business, without chaos and confusion. Come along as we navigate the unique chapters ahead of your business, exploring how to master your mindset and truly embrace your entrepreneurial superpower in everything you do. So if you’re ready to make some real magic happen in your business, then let’s embark upon this exciting quest together. (This podcast is the next chapter & evolution of The Get Out Your Way Podcast with Osmaan Sharif)

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