
#8.3 SpeechPitch @ UK Speech 2023 - Episode #4: Dr Jennifer Williams and Beatrice Pakenham-Walsh - Speech Research in an Interdisplinary and Collaborative Way Speech Pitch

    • 科学

Apart from big speech research groups, there are also many other research groups of various sizes. In this episode, we interviewed Dr. Jennifer Williams, an Associate Professor at the University of Southampton, who has worked a lot on privacy and security in the speech field. Joining us was Beatrice Pakenham-Walsh, a final-year undergraduate student. UK Speech 2023 marked Beatrice's conference debut, where she presented a poster on using audio analysis to detect pain.

In this episode, Dr. Williams and Beatrice shared their experiences and perspectives on doing speech research at the University of Southampton. We discussed the challenge of interdisciplinary work, the role of a research community and how individual researchers can use a community to identify potential collaborative opportunities. 

Apart from big speech research groups, there are also many other research groups of various sizes. In this episode, we interviewed Dr. Jennifer Williams, an Associate Professor at the University of Southampton, who has worked a lot on privacy and security in the speech field. Joining us was Beatrice Pakenham-Walsh, a final-year undergraduate student. UK Speech 2023 marked Beatrice's conference debut, where she presented a poster on using audio analysis to detect pain.

In this episode, Dr. Williams and Beatrice shared their experiences and perspectives on doing speech research at the University of Southampton. We discussed the challenge of interdisciplinary work, the role of a research community and how individual researchers can use a community to identify potential collaborative opportunities. 



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