
As a Bold Beauty Boss in the Beauty Business, you WILL make $1Million over your career.
If you make $40K/yr - it will take 25 years
If you make $100K/yr - it will take 10 years
If you make $250K/yr - it will take 4 short years

We get you there, FASTER by teaching and connecting you with other Bold Beauty Bosses that are already doing it. It takes only 1 NEW idea to double your business. We hope you find that idea here!

Beauty Biz Launch Wik Verma

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As a Bold Beauty Boss in the Beauty Business, you WILL make $1Million over your career.
If you make $40K/yr - it will take 25 years
If you make $100K/yr - it will take 10 years
If you make $250K/yr - it will take 4 short years

We get you there, FASTER by teaching and connecting you with other Bold Beauty Bosses that are already doing it. It takes only 1 NEW idea to double your business. We hope you find that idea here!

    Are Your Feelings Liars & Are They Sabotaging Your Success In Esthetics? Maybe And This Is Why...

    Are Your Feelings Liars & Are They Sabotaging Your Success In Esthetics? Maybe And This Is Why...

    NOBODY wants to hear this but your feelings are liars and they will rarely if ever cooperate with your dreams.

    So F your feelings and just do the work that is required to reach your dreams whether you feel like it or not.In this video, I talk about how you should burn your feelings if they are blocking your success in esthetics.Your feelings are not to be trusted.  

    They will lead you astray. They will make you give up. They will convince you that you can't do it. If your goal is to be a successful esthetician and a business owner, and I hope it is, then denying your feelings is a reality of life. Your feelings are liars.

    What do your feelings tell you to do INSTEAD of doing the work you SHOULD be doing to get closer to your dreams? 👇👇👇

    For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician
    business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though
    it's FREE):

    Beauty Biz Launch


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    for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me,
    esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an
    esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician,
    Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician
    career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media,
    beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university

    • 9分
    Why Looking For Happiness Made Me More Miserable? Estheticians, Look For THIS Instead...

    Why Looking For Happiness Made Me More Miserable? Estheticians, Look For THIS Instead...

    I was looking for happiness, so of course I was miserable. I looked for happiness in TV, booze, sex, and more. These things made me feel good for the moment but this led to an unhappy life that I wanted to get rid of. Then I figured out something important: experiencing pleasure doesn't lead to happiness. And it never has. That sugar rush in your brain will go away and you'll be right back where you were before feeling that high. This was a major turning point in my life.

    Now I focus on NOT happiness, but this instead...

    What about you, would this shift in perspective help your beauty business (and life in general)? 👇👇👇

    For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):

    Beauty Biz Launch


    esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university

    • 8分
    I Hated Marketing, Until I Did This... and How Estheticians Can Do The Same To Get MORE Clients...

    I Hated Marketing, Until I Did This... and How Estheticians Can Do The Same To Get MORE Clients...

    Marketing. It's something that most entrepreneurs and small business owners hate doing because is boring, not creative, and not their strong suits. But what if we could love doing the things we've been putting off to the side? And what if we could get super consistent and efficient at the marketing activities we should be doing? In this video, I share how I went from hating marketing, to loving it. And how estheticians can do it too and get some extra clients along the way!

    How do you stay focused on your marketing?

    What pulls you off track? 👇👇👇

    For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):

    Beauty Biz Launch


    esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university

    • 12分
    Are you a STRESSED Esthetician? This may be the reason why (and how to instantly fix it).

    Are you a STRESSED Esthetician? This may be the reason why (and how to instantly fix it).

    How many times have you felt stressed in your life and couldn't figure out why? Have you ever thought to yourself, "if I could just make up my mind, life would be so much easier" ?  

    Many estheticians and other professionals get stressed out about business. They don't know what to do, where to go next, how to grow their practice or how to compete with other business. This stress can effect your life and your family. In this video, I explain another strategy I use in my life and career that helps me solve this issue that may work for you as well.  

    What are some of the decisions you are not making? Pick a side and go for it.  Like a good friend of mine would say, "Either take a poop or get off the pot."

    For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):

    Beauty Biz Launch


    esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university

    • 9分
    If Client Spend More Time With You, Will Your Business Grow?

    If Client Spend More Time With You, Will Your Business Grow?

    Do you sacrifice time with paying clients in order to spend time with people who just might become clients that you are comfortable with?  My goal isn't to be someones friend. Its not even to make a sale. Its to help them solve their problems and reach their goals. In that process a lot can develop, friendship, respect, and of course the sale...

    I've been guilty of choosing to work with people and spend more time with them just because it was comfortable. I quickly learned that the people that wanted the most of my time, were not my ideal client. They just had a lot of spare time on their hands... But my time is $$$

    Who is your ideal client?

    My ideal client is someone in pain or with a problem I can help them fix. They are not there for the 60 minutes, but there to fix a problem (which can take 15mins or 90mins)...  So when it comes to business and skincare treatment. My goals are:

    1. Not to offer "relaxing facials"... sure people may come for them, but I am not targeting them and they will be paying TOP dollar

    2. The Profit is in the Pain. I am looking for people with a problem to solve: Acne, Rosacea, Bumpy Skin, etc

    3. The more people I can see, the more people I can help, the more money I can make... its a Triple Win...

    So can you create a skincare maintenance treatment that takes less time so you can book more people? What would it look like? What could you do or add so you can attract clients that value their time?

    For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):

    Beauty Biz Launch


    esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university

    • 20分
    Estheticians - This Is How You Get Paid

    Estheticians - This Is How You Get Paid

    As a esthetician, is your income where you want it to be? Are there ways that you want to grow but don't know how? This video will give you the tools you need to be successful.

    Step 1: What is your Point of View and Beliefs

    Step 2: Be passionate about it.. sales is just a fancy word for transferring  your passionate beliefs to clients.

    Step 3: Get client to question their OWN beliefs and actions

    Step 4: Show how you are the solution

    Step 5: Spread the word, play the game, extend your Beliefs & WIN!

    Where to start: What is ONE thing you see a lot of clients doing wrong that can talk about? Start here.... 👇👇👇

    For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):

    Beauty Biz Launch


    esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university

    • 8分


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