1 時間2分

Neuroscience and AI: Human Learning, Memory, and Decision-Making DWIH Coffee Talk - The Latest in Research and Innovation from Germany and Japan

    • 科学

[DWIH Coffee Talk #4: Neuroscience and AI: Human Learning, Memory, and Decision-Making]

Artificial intelligence offers a vast variety of applications, among them the potential to help us unlock the mysteries of the brain. At the same time, the advancement of AI is tied to a better understanding of the workings of the human brain and the processes underlying learning, memory formation, and decision-making.

The DWIH Coffee Talk #4 took a closer look at the two-way relationship between neuroscience and AI. Moderator Axel Karpenstein (DWIH Tokyo) was in conversation with Dr. Nicolas Schuck (Max Planck Institute for Human Development) and Dr. Mingbo Cai (International Research Center for Neurointelligence at Tokyo University). Together they discussed the basic processes underlying learning, memory, and decision-making, how recent research in neuroscience can help improve AI systems, and whether artificial intelligence will be smarter than human intelligence at some point.

Event information: www.dwih-tokyo.org/coffeetalk4

Recording in English (Video version): https://youtu.be/ckXwFnuKChQ

Recording in Japanese (Video version): https://youtu.be/Zgl--aB3Ns0

[DWIH Coffee Talk #4: Neuroscience and AI: Human Learning, Memory, and Decision-Making]

Artificial intelligence offers a vast variety of applications, among them the potential to help us unlock the mysteries of the brain. At the same time, the advancement of AI is tied to a better understanding of the workings of the human brain and the processes underlying learning, memory formation, and decision-making.

The DWIH Coffee Talk #4 took a closer look at the two-way relationship between neuroscience and AI. Moderator Axel Karpenstein (DWIH Tokyo) was in conversation with Dr. Nicolas Schuck (Max Planck Institute for Human Development) and Dr. Mingbo Cai (International Research Center for Neurointelligence at Tokyo University). Together they discussed the basic processes underlying learning, memory, and decision-making, how recent research in neuroscience can help improve AI systems, and whether artificial intelligence will be smarter than human intelligence at some point.

Event information: www.dwih-tokyo.org/coffeetalk4

Recording in English (Video version): https://youtu.be/ckXwFnuKChQ

Recording in Japanese (Video version): https://youtu.be/Zgl--aB3Ns0

1 時間2分


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