
Welcome to the Ruston's Boneyard Podcast. We're talking about real food, traditional cooking, nutrition, health and exercise. We're asking whether a more primal approach to life brings us further in line with the biology evolution has given us. We'll be exploring some of these topics with expert guests from the worlds of clinical practice and research.

Ruston's Boneyard Podcast Jack Ruston

    • アート

Welcome to the Ruston's Boneyard Podcast. We're talking about real food, traditional cooking, nutrition, health and exercise. We're asking whether a more primal approach to life brings us further in line with the biology evolution has given us. We'll be exploring some of these topics with expert guests from the worlds of clinical practice and research.

    Season 2 Episode 2: The Consequences And Digestion

    Season 2 Episode 2: The Consequences And Digestion

    Last time we talked about the Nutritional Therapy Association’s foundations for optimal health, and identified digestion as perhaps the most important foundation of all. Today we’re going to take a look at some of the downstream consequences of poor digestion. 

    Please subscribe, leave a comment or review, and come and find me on Instagram @rustonsboneyard. Check out my website over at www.rustonsboneyard.com, and the NTA at www.nutritionaltherapy.com

    For now, keep cooking. 


    Elliott-Sale, K. J., Tenforde, A. S., Parziale, A. L., Holtzman, B., & Ackerman, K. E. (2018). Endocrine Effects of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28(4), 335–349. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsnem.2018-0127

    Vighi, G., Marcucci, F., Sensi, L., Di Cara, G., & Frati, F. (2008). Allergy and the gastrointestinal system. Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 153, 3–6. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2249.2008.03713.x

    Salekeen, R., Haider, A. N., Akhter, F., Billah, M. M., Islam, M. E., & Didarul Islam, K. M. (2022). Lipid oxidation in pathophysiology of atherosclerosis: Current understanding and therapeutic strategies. International Journal of Cardiology Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention, 14, 200143. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcrp.2022.200143

    Grant, D. M. (1991). Detoxification pathways in the liver. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 14(4), 421–430. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/bf01797915

    Carabotti, M., Scirocco, A., Maselli, M. A., & Severi, C. (2015). The gut-brain axis: interactions between enteric microbiota, central and enteric nervous systems. Annals of Gastroenterology, 28(2), 203–209. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4367209/

    • 12分
    Season 2 Episode 1: The Six Foundations Of Nutritional Therapy

    Season 2 Episode 1: The Six Foundations Of Nutritional Therapy

    Over the past few months I’ve been back at school with the NTA, studying for a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner qualification.

    The approach that NTP’s are taught is a foundational one - health, supported on a number of fundamental pillars. And it really is surprising how many of the common issues that people struggle with come back to these foundations. That’s not to say that they account for all disease, and I should stress, NTP’s can not and do not diagnose or treat diseases. What we do is to ask whether our client’s symptoms could be related to a foundational issue, and if so guide them towards some supportive approaches. And what then often happens is that their body recovers, and starts doing what it’s supposed to do. This is not alternative medicine - it’s not medicine at all. NTP’s are not there to replace anyone’s doctor, rather to be a guide to living in such a way that we might need one less.

    In this episode I’m going to explain a little bit about what the NTA’s Foundations are, and why they matter.



    • 13分
    Episode 14 - Sleep, Movement, Exercise, Diet and Social Connection With Ryan Baxter

    Episode 14 - Sleep, Movement, Exercise, Diet and Social Connection With Ryan Baxter

    Ryan Baxter is a qualified heath coach and competitive obstacle course racer. He brings the scientific mindset that has carried him through a successful career in software engineering, to the thorny issues of diet, exercise, sleep and stress-management. His social media channels are a trove of insight on the latest research, and we're very lucky to have him here today to share his approach.   


    00:00 Intro 

    01:24 What is a health coach? 

    02:36 Introducing the six pillars of health 

    09:45 Sleep 11:42 Movement vs exercise 

    15:06 Social connection as part of movement 

    17:06 Diet 

    20:12 Has low-carb gone too far? 

    23:52 Food addiction and the difference between types of carbohydrate 

    28:00 Evolution vs food 

    30:10 Common mistakes - under eating protein and excessive fasting 

    31:27 How much protein should people be eating? 

    33:02 Fasting 

    34:32 The energy crisis concept 

    39:50 The line between dedication and selfishness 

    44:40 Where could technology go in terms of health tracking devices? 

    48:22 When not to track 

    53:12 Morning routine 

    54:36 Cold Exposure 

    54:52 Walking 

    55:36 Sauna 

    56:17 New research on saturated fat and heart disease 

    59:15 Grip training 

    01:00:28 Where can we find Ryan online?  

    This episode is available as a YouTube video here 

    Find Ryan in the follow places: On Instagram @rjbhealthcoaching and @ryanjasonbaxter, or at his website - www.rjbhealth.coach. If you have any questions for Ryan, you can ask them here and I'll forward them to him.

    Ryan mentioned Robb Wolf's book Wired To Eat - you can find it here    

    Please like, please subscribe, please comment - I always reply. Come and find me on Instagram @rustonsboneyard, and sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of the homepage at www.rustonsboneyard.com.

    Keep cooking.

    • 1 時間3分
    Episode 13 - How Do We Lose Fat: The Complete Series

    Episode 13 - How Do We Lose Fat: The Complete Series

    I recently released a series of YouTube videos addressing one of the most prevalent, and pertinent questions that we face today, 'how do we lose fat?' It's a complex, nuanced subject, and the series comprised seven parts in total. Those parts formed the initial basis of this podcast, duplicated here as audio content. For simplicity, this episode collates that seven part series into a single audio podcast. 

    The full text is available as blog posts with references on my website. The full YouTube series is available here.

    Please like and subscribe, leave a comment, and come and find me on Instagram @rustonsboneyard.

    Disclaimer: I am not qualified to give any sort of medical or dietary advice, and nothing in this material should be considered as such. The opinions expressed here are my own, and for the purposes of discussion only. Please consult a qualified medical professional before undertaking changes to your diet.

    • 1 時間44分
    Episode 12 - Personal Mastery With Richard Husseiny

    Episode 12 - Personal Mastery With Richard Husseiny

    Richard Husseiny is a former strength and conditioning coach with 16 years of experience working with Olympic athletes, both here in the UK and for the Chinese Olympic committee. He has been an integral part of these teams, achieving success at the highest level.

    Moving on from that world, Richard has identified the principles and practices that proved so effective in professional sport, and developed a unique 7 step method that allows us to make ground-breaking changes in our own lives.

    Whether it be leadership in the corporate world, relationships at home or at work, or some other element of our own physical or mental journey, Richard's Freedom Of Being process can unlock our full potential. He's here to tell us all about it.


    00:00 Intro

    01:42 What is Freedom Of Being all about? 

    03:40 Gaining trust 

    05:10 Who are Richard's clients? 

    07:05 A lack of connection with our primal needs. 

    08:41 Feeling like a fraud 

    10:05 Trusting the process 

    11:10 Step 1 - How do you make sense? Being aware of your physical body with respect to your surroundings. Intuition. Regulating neurophysiology. State management. How we affect those around us.  

    19:20 Step 2 - How do you show up? Credibility. Fear of conflict. Vulnerability. Authenticity. 

    21:50 Step 3 - How do you communicate? Data. Assumptions. Beliefs. Actions. The text message analogy. Co-creating a reality. Saying 'No'.  

    22:55 Step 5 - What don't you want? 

    27:06 Step 4 - What do you want? The drama triangle. Positioning yourself for a particular outcome. Being effective vs being right. Parenting.  

    34:44 Steps 6&7 - What myth are you living? What are your blocks? Set points. Grief. Self-expectation. Identity. The veneer of our labels. Goals that never seem to satisfy us.  

    38:07 The metaphysical world. Understanding and accepting death. Meditation. Learning from indigenous cultures.

    43:43 Perception vs reality. Reframing our reality. 

    47:24 What does a day of self-care look like for Richard? Meditation. Cold exposure. Nature. Circadian rhythms. Exercising for increased energy. Nutrition. Social media. Sleep. Delta brain waves.  

    52:05 Final thoughts on the Freedom Of Being course, and course structure.  

    54:21 Where can we find Richard and The Conscious Life Collective?

    You can find Richard in the following places: On Instagram and Facebook @theconsciouslifecollective, on YouTube - The Conscious Life Collective, and at www.theconsciouslifecollective.com

    This content is available as video on YouTube

    Please like, subscribe and comment - I always reply. If you have questions for Richard, please do ask and I will forward them to him.

    Come and find me on Instagram @rustonsboneyard.

    Keep Cooking

    • 55分
    Episode 11 - Most Common Exercise Mistakes With Holly Skinner

    Episode 11 - Most Common Exercise Mistakes With Holly Skinner

    Holly Skinner is a former competitive olympic weight-lifter and Crossfit affiliate owner. She has extensive experience both as an athlete and a coach, and is currently enrolled on the prestigious MAC Nutrition course. Holly currently provides in-person and online coaching and programming through a new venture, Platform Brighton. If there's one person I would trust for advice when it comes to training, it would be her.

    In this episode we talk about the most common training pitfalls for novice and experienced athletes alike. We discuss over-training, under-fuelling, trying to buy food calories with exercise, the advantages of strength training, the importance of non-exercise activity thermogenesis, fasted vs fed training, the effect of body fat on strength, periodisation, training strategies for peri-menopause and menopause, and much more.


    00:00 Intro.
    01:55 Trying to earn food calories through excessive cardio. NEAT. Energy expenditure is dynamic.
    08:05 What to do instead.
    11:52 Working to set points, with no periodisation.
    13:20 Periodisation and cycles.
    16:30 Trying to get too lean and under-fuelling.
    20:00 Females concerned about bulking-up if they strength train. The importance of strength training for women, bone-density and muscle mass.
    24:15 Does weight-lifting make you fat?
    26:25 Goal setting. Process-oriented goals.
    28:15 Do you need a gym?
    29:20 Women are stronger than they think.
    31:13 Top 3 exercises.
    32:46 Sets and reps. Maybe we don't need the extremes.
    35:42 Lifting to failure.
    36:38 Training fasted or fed. Metabolic flexibility. Training with carbs.
    39:44 What to look for in a coach.
    41:14 What does Holly's training look like?
    43:50 Platform BTN and contacts.

    You will likely come away from this wishing that Holly was programming for you. Get in touch with her via Instagram @platformbtn @hollyplatformbtn, or via the Platform BTN website www.platformbtn.com.

    The video version of this episode is available on YouTube.

    Please like, please subscribe and please comment - I always reply. Come and find me over on Instagram @rustonsboneyard  - I'd love to get to know you, and see what's happening in your kitchen, and with your nutrition and training.

    Keep cooking.

    • 46分


shueisha vox
味な副音声 ~voice of food~
VAJAのThe Radio