
THE LAST SUPPER Desi Stones and Bones

    • 科学

About 70 million years ago, a limbless reptile crunched into dinosaur eggs to slurp out its contents, which included a squirming hatchling. But this beanfest collapsed under a wet blanket of mud.

When you think of fossils you imagine grimy skeletons or frozen silhouettes of creatures from eons ago.

The last supper -- story of an extraordinary fossil

But then there are those rare gems. Fossils that zoom beyond anatomy. That bullhorn behaviour.

This is a tale of discovery and rediscovery. The chronicle of an extraordinary fossil. One that doesn’t merely frame a picture of the past, but pans into its action. To part the curtain on this drama, we’ve got to travel to Nagpur, a city wedged in the heart of India.

About 70 million years ago, a limbless reptile crunched into dinosaur eggs to slurp out its contents, which included a squirming hatchling. But this beanfest collapsed under a wet blanket of mud.

When you think of fossils you imagine grimy skeletons or frozen silhouettes of creatures from eons ago.

The last supper -- story of an extraordinary fossil

But then there are those rare gems. Fossils that zoom beyond anatomy. That bullhorn behaviour.

This is a tale of discovery and rediscovery. The chronicle of an extraordinary fossil. One that doesn’t merely frame a picture of the past, but pans into its action. To part the curtain on this drama, we’ve got to travel to Nagpur, a city wedged in the heart of India.



研究者レン from サイエントーク
科学のラジオ ~Radio Scientia~
早稲田大学Podcasts 博士一歩前