
The portrayal of ICT in popular culture Fun with ICT

    • 科学

You have always been fascinated about those highly advanced technologies used in movies and TV-Shows? You could ramble on about Lightsabers and Warp Speed all day long? You have questioned yourself more than once if you could ever recreate that one iconic Star Wars Scene with real Hologramms? Let‘s just say „Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi.“ Or why is it that a TV-Show from the 60s has already forecasted so many things we use in our everyday lives now? You probably heard about Star Treks Communicator before, right. It does look a lot like a Flip Phone doesn‘t it? And whats all that fuss about Sophia the robot? Could it be that our Reality gets closer than ever to become just like one of our beloved Sci-Fi Movies? But what are the downsides of such advanced technologies? Well we got you covered. Hologramms, Holodecks, Alexa and so much more. 

Just tune in today for the first Episode of „Fun with ICT“.  Our amazingly talanted Host Pelin is going to interview our Special guests Fabian and Victoria on their view on „The portrayal of ICT in popular culture.“ What are you waiting for? Just press start and dive right in.

You have always been fascinated about those highly advanced technologies used in movies and TV-Shows? You could ramble on about Lightsabers and Warp Speed all day long? You have questioned yourself more than once if you could ever recreate that one iconic Star Wars Scene with real Hologramms? Let‘s just say „Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi.“ Or why is it that a TV-Show from the 60s has already forecasted so many things we use in our everyday lives now? You probably heard about Star Treks Communicator before, right. It does look a lot like a Flip Phone doesn‘t it? And whats all that fuss about Sophia the robot? Could it be that our Reality gets closer than ever to become just like one of our beloved Sci-Fi Movies? But what are the downsides of such advanced technologies? Well we got you covered. Hologramms, Holodecks, Alexa and so much more. 

Just tune in today for the first Episode of „Fun with ICT“.  Our amazingly talanted Host Pelin is going to interview our Special guests Fabian and Victoria on their view on „The portrayal of ICT in popular culture.“ What are you waiting for? Just press start and dive right in.



科学のラジオ ~Radio Scientia~
研究者レン from サイエントーク
Hidden Brain
Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam