
Trust Yourself - College Life with CAH CAH PULSE

    • 科学

There are varying degrees of fear that parents experience while raising a child with CAH. These fears are often from the challenges of medicating their child properly to ensure their safety from a looming adrenal crisis.  Understandably, anxiety and worry can be off the charts. But Cares Foundation wants you to feel rest assured, with the proper attention to detail and care management those with CAH can live a typical life!  And Joey, is living proof.
Join Dina and Stephanie as they speak with Joey a sophomore at Duke University, who claims that trusting yourself is one of the keys to living with CAH successfully as a collage coed. He explains how he has made it possible to experience college, away from home, taking classes and enjoying his time in the dorm with friends just as a typical student would! Joey is an exceptional, resilient and responsible 19 year old who unlocks his secrets to transitioning from being a child to becoming a young adult living on his own with CAH.

There are varying degrees of fear that parents experience while raising a child with CAH. These fears are often from the challenges of medicating their child properly to ensure their safety from a looming adrenal crisis.  Understandably, anxiety and worry can be off the charts. But Cares Foundation wants you to feel rest assured, with the proper attention to detail and care management those with CAH can live a typical life!  And Joey, is living proof.
Join Dina and Stephanie as they speak with Joey a sophomore at Duke University, who claims that trusting yourself is one of the keys to living with CAH successfully as a collage coed. He explains how he has made it possible to experience college, away from home, taking classes and enjoying his time in the dorm with friends just as a typical student would! Joey is an exceptional, resilient and responsible 19 year old who unlocks his secrets to transitioning from being a child to becoming a young adult living on his own with CAH.



科学のラジオ ~Radio Scientia~
研究者レン from サイエントーク
a scope ~リベラルアーツで世界を視る目が変わる~