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Your daily source for the lastest news from Korea and around the world on tbs eFM 101.3MHz Every Mon-Fri 07:00-09:00 A.M.

TBS eFM This Morning © TBS

    • TV 및 영화
    • 4.7 • 67개의 평가

Your daily source for the lastest news from Korea and around the world on tbs eFM 101.3MHz Every Mon-Fri 07:00-09:00 A.M.

    0317 [Sports Update] with Yoo Jee-ho

    0317 [Sports Update] with Yoo Jee-ho

    Guest: Yoo Jee-ho, Yonhap News Agency

    1. Baseball: WBC post-mortem
    2. Football: roster for Klinsmann’s 1st matches revealed
    3. Volleyball: men’s and women’s regular season champions crowned

    1. 야구: WBC 경기 분석
    2. 축구: 클린스만의 첫 경기 명단 공개
    3. 배구: 남녀 정규 시즌 우승자 선정

    • 11분
    0317 [Tomorrow's Industries] with Walter Lee

    0317 [Tomorrow's Industries] with Walter Lee

    Guest: Walter Lee, Reporter

    1. Microsoft-backed Open AI starts the release of a powerful AI known as GPT-4
    2. Paying an extra bill to listen to music and watch videos?” Will it put a brake on YouTube?
    3. Samsung denies that its S23 Ultra Space Zoom moon photos are fake

    1. 마이크로소프트 지원, GPT-4로 알려진 강력한 AI 출시 시작
    2. “음악 듣고, 영상 보려면 돈 더 내야?” 유튜브 천하에 제동 걸리나
    3. 삼성, S23 울트라 스페이스 줌 달 사진이 가짜라는 사실 부인

    • 18분
    0317 [News Briefing] with Dahye Jung

    0317 [News Briefing] with Dahye Jung

    Guest: Dahye Jung, Reporter

    1. President Yoon met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Japan, and it was South Korea’s first bilateral presidential trip to Japan in 12 years
    2. During a joint press briefing after the summit, President Yoon said South Korea will not seek reimbursement from Japan after compensating the victims of forced labor
    3. Business communities of Korea and Japan announced that they will create a fund to conduct joint research and projects for a future-oriented bilateral relationship.
    4. President Yoon ordered the government to rework the proposal of a longer workweek, but young people are still complaining that a more fundamental change is needed
    5. The DP’s Political Innovation Committee is considering deleting Article 80 of the party’s constitution, and this is causing some controversy

    1. “도쿄에서 벚꽃이 개화했다” 긴장 푼 기시다 총리 “12년만에 일본 방문” 윤 대통령 화답
    2. 尹 "징용배상 구상권 상정 안해" 기시다 "韓재단, 판결금 지급"
    3. ‘미래기금’ 1억엔씩 조성… 한·일 관계 개선 공동사업 추진
    4. 尹 '주 최대 69시간' 사실상 백지화…MZ노조 "시간의 문제 아냐"
    5. ‘부정부패 기소 당직자 직무정지’…당헌 80조 폐지가 민주당의 혁신?

    • 16분
    0317 Hour2

    0317 Hour2

    • 32분
    0317 Hour1

    0317 Hour1

    • 27분
    0316 [News Focus] World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Procedures

    0316 [News Focus] World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Procedures

    WTO 분쟁 절차와 패소위기

    Guest: Song Ki ho, Attorney at law firm Suryun Asia

    • 12분

사용자 리뷰

67개의 평가

67개의 평가

Myungshik ,

한국 영어뉴스중 최고

너무 애정하는 팝캐스트인데 요즘 왜 업데이트가 안되나요ㅠㅠ 무슨 문제가 있나요?

후니후니훈 ,

애정하는 쇼!

너무 애정하는 쇼입니다:)
고급영어를 구사하시는 진행자분과 호스트분들 넘넘 감사해요
주제에 대한 통찰력도 깊으십니당! 한국 이슈를 영어로 공유받아서 좋아요

B$P!&@ ,

To foreigners!

Koreans can filter through what the host, Henry Shinn, and his show want to convey because they have lots of sources in Korean. But I think foreigners should know that the host is a leftest or extreme leftest which is my opinion. So I recommend you refer to another sources in English about Korea for balanced insights into current issues of Korea.

인기 TV 및 영화 팟캐스트

김혜리의 필름클럽
용감한 형사들
무비랜드 라디오
무비랜드 라디오
수다보고 영화떨기
수다보고 영화떨기
한 끗 차이: 사이코멘터리
기묘한 케이지,피노키노

추천 항목

Keyword News
Arirang Radio
Focus on Headline
Arirang Radio
코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트
The Korea Herald
시사 이슈 영어로 말하기: Keyword Speaking (키워드 스피킹)
프랙티쿠스 출판사
Culips Everyday English Podcast
Culips English Podcast
First Move with Julia Chatterley

tbs eFM의 다른 콘텐츠

tbs eFM  The Scoop
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tbs eFM The Steve Hatherly Show
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tbs eFM 1013信息港(1013신식항)
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tbs eFM Koreascape
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tbs eFM Men on Air
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