
Unforgettable true crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high profile stories. Now listen three times weekly, with our true crime spotlight on Tuesdays and the 20/20 True Crime Vault on Wednesdays.
Hosts & Guests
The music too much
6d ago
The background music in the podcast is too overpowering and should be removed. The compelling stories don’t need it, especially during what would have been a commercial breaks that aren’t necessary in a podcast. I strongly recommend eliminating the music or significantly reducing its presence.
4d ago
I forgot Muir was a part of this until I saw his picture. I will unsubscribe now since I can no longer believe a word he says.
Insensitive Sound Effects
Feb 25
The stories are compelling but the sound effects, especially in the episode about Israel Keyes, are jarring. They really make it hard to listen to. Please include some sort of warning.
Too many coming up next
Mar 1
Half this show is coming up next. It just repeats itself. The only good thing about it is that I now know I could never actually watch it either. As a podcast you can’t tell who is talking the story is so repetitive I found myself not even paying attention
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