19 episodes

如何破解托福口语?如何夺得口语高分?如何用例子打动考官?开来和Andy 一起征服托福口语吧!

Spoken English Gas Station‪!‬ 安迪口语老师

    • Education

如何破解托福口语?如何夺得口语高分?如何用例子打动考官?开来和Andy 一起征服托福口语吧!




    今日话题: Eating meat= Destroying the world?

    What is the problem?We’ve heard a lot about how our environment has been devastated (破坏): We have so much green houses gases (温室气体) like CO2 and methane(甲烷) and they have led to global warming (全球变暖)which has caused grave damage to our ecosystem(生态系统): the sea level is rising(海平面上升), the animals are on the verge of extinction(动物灭绝), there are floods(洪水), droughts(干旱), hurricanes(飓风), tornadoes(龙卷风), tsunamis(海啸), earthquakes(地震) and so on and so forth… Simply put: we are living in a world where there are grave dangers! It not only influence those who have been inflicted(受灾害的), but also us, because everything is connected(万物都是相连的)!

    What are the causes for these serial consequences?Animal husbandry(畜牧业) causes more greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions(排放) than all means of transportation combined. World Watch Report 2009: "We believe that the life cycle and supply chain of domesticated animals raised for food have been vastly underestimated as a source of GHGs". Indeed, livestock(家畜) is responsible for 51% of GHGs emission (electricity 15%, transportation 13%, industry 12%, trading 5%, household 5%), consisting mainly of methane, a gas 25 to 100 times more destructive than the CO2 emitted by cars. 

    Each day, livestock releases 150 billion gallons of methane, and 130 times more waste than the entire human population, virtually all without any waste treatment(粪便处理). Every second, 116,000 pounds of waste are produced in USA by livestock, enough to cover San Francisco, New York, Tokyo, Paris, New Delhi, Berlin, Hong Kong, London, Rio de Janeiro, the state of Delaware, Bali, Costa Rica and Denmark. There is more than 500 "dead zones”(海洋死区) in the world, flooded with nitrates(硝酸盐), on land and in the ocean. 

    Animal agriculture is responsible for 91% of Amazon rainforest destruction(亚马逊热带雨林的毁灭). Palm oil (棕榈油)destroyed 26 million acres (亩)of rain forest, but livestock production is responsible for 136 million acres of rain forest lost today. Livestock production is a leading cause of loss of species(物种), oceanic "dead zones", and habitat destruction(栖息地的毁灭). Rain forest is cleared at a paste of one acre (one football field) per second, to grow GM soy(转基因大豆) used to feed animals. Because of this destruction, one hundred plant, animal and insect species are lost every day. Amazon rainforest could totally disappear within the next 10 years. 

    What are the solutions?
    Stop eating animals and their products: no other change of behavior has a greater positive impact on the planet, and on every lives on this planet. 
    Until we stop overgrazing(过度畜牧) and animal agriculture, we will not be able to save the ecosystem, and to have enough food for everyone on the planet. We will not stop climate change, we will not stop pollution and "dead zones" expansion, and we will not stop the slaughter of sharks, wolves, and of the other predators. We should stop eating pork, chicken, beef, dairies(奶制品) like cheeses, milks, and eggs. 

    The only sustainable way of living with 7 billion people on the planet is a vegan diet. Stop eating others, eat for others. 
    We can change the world. We MUST change the world. 

    Talk about a problem in your country and how we can address the problem?更多难题请付费购买     微信号:339169386

    Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,主教托福,雅思口语,公共演讲辩论以及美式发音课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。因

    • 6 min


    最近流行的超级食物到底是什么呢?超级食物有哪些呢?快来和Andy 一起用英语聊聊superfoods吧!

    1.LEAFY GREENS  绿色蔬菜
    What’s so amazing about the leafys is that calorie for calorie, they deliver more nutrients(营养素) than just about any other food on the planet. Loaded with fiber(纤维素), vitamins(维生素), minerals(矿物质), and phytochemicals(植物化学元素), leafy greens stock your body with the artillery needed nutrients (动脉所需要的营养素)to fight off (抵抗)potential killers like heart disease(心脏病) and cancer(癌症). Simply put: leafys benefit virtually every cell(细胞) you’ve got! My favorite leafy greens are kale(羽衣甘蓝), spinach(菠菜), Swiss chard(瑞士君达菜), mustard (芥菜), and dandelion greens(蒲公英嫩叶菜) because they’re both nutritious AND delicious. You can toss them into virtually anything to boost nutrition, but be sure to give them a good rinse(清洗) first. Raw or cooked, on their own or added to smoothies(思慕雪), omelets(煎蛋) and sauces(酱料), leafys add health-sustaining doses of vitamins A, C, K, folate(叶酸), potassium(钾), and calcium(钙) to every meal.

    2. CHIA SEEDS 奇亚籽
    Chia seeds are tiny, nutritional dynamos(炸弹) – in fact, they’re the single richest source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids (哦米伽3脂肪酸)you can buy. They’re also loaded with antioxidants(抗氧化剂), protein(蛋白质) and minerals(矿物质), plus soluble (可溶性)and insoluble fiber(不可溶性纤维素) to help keep your digestion(消化) moving in the right direction. What’s more, chia seeds have an unusual property – they swell(膨胀) to more than 5 times their weight in liquid, so adding a spoonful or two to meals will help you feel fuller faster. How to eat them? They’re virtually tasteless(无味的), so you can drop a spoonful or two into just about anything, including smoothies, sauces, soups and salads. But my favorite way to take advantage of this unusual superfood is to combine it with another superfood, i.e. chocolate, dig into a serving of Chocolate Chia Pudding.(巧克力奇亚籽布丁)�

    3.Quinoa 藜麦
    If you have never heard of quinoa (pronounced keen-wah), you may soon discover a new favorite staple(主食).  Although quinoa looks like a grain(谷物) and has similar cooking characteristics, it’s actually the seed of a plant that is related to spinach(菠菜), chard (甜菜)and beets(甜菜根).
    Regarded by the ancient Aztecs(南美洲阿兹特克人) as the “mother grain”(母亲谷物), the seeds are rich in protein(蛋白质), calcium(钙) , iron(铁) and are a relatively good source of Vitamin E and some of the B vitamins. Since the protein in quinoa includes all 8 essential amino acids(8种必要氨基酸), it is considered a complete protein, making it a great choice for vegans(纯素主义者) who may not have enough protein in their diets.
    You can make it into a breakfast cereal, quinoa salad, smoothies and so much more!

    Talk about your favorite food
    更多难题请付费购买     微信号:339169386

    Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,主教托福,雅思口语,公共演讲辩论以及美式发音课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。因获得集团教师大赛第三名,被送至伦敦International House 作为访问学者。上课内容丰富生动,多样的教学法和互动方式让学生在开心地学习中获得必要的技能。

    (San Francisco!)

    • 6 min


    • 6 min


    今日话题:Christmas songs best hit!  年度最佳圣诞歌曲
    2017 年最受欢饮的圣诞歌曲是哪些呢?快来和Andy 一同欣赏圣诞歌曲前三甲!大家有木有听过呢?

    第三名 Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer. ( 红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫)

    第二名 Let it snow! (下雪吧!)

    第一名 White Christmas ( 白色圣诞节)《White Christmas》是由平·克劳斯贝演唱的歌曲,这首歌火遍全球,许多国家的艺人都翻唱过这首歌曲,直到现在,这首跨世纪的歌曲仍然在街头播放。

    Which song is your favorite? Leave me a comment below and give me a thumbs-up!
    更多难题请付费购买     wechat:339169386

    Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,主教托福,雅思口语,公共演讲辩论以及美式发音课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。因获得集团教师大赛第三名,被送至伦敦International House 作为访问学者。上课内容丰富生动,多样的教学法和互动方式让学生在开心地学习中获得必要的技能。


    • 10 min


    今日话题:The Origin of Christmas 圣诞节的由来
    Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ(耶稣基督), the founder of the Christian religion(基督宗教), is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.

    According to the Bible(圣经), the holy book of Christians(基督徒), God decided to allow his only son,Jesus Christ,to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. “Christmas”- meaning“celebration of Christ ”- honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman(犹太女人) Mary(玛丽亚).

    Mary was engaged to(订婚)be married to Joseph(约瑟), a carpenter(木匠) ,but before they came together,she was found to be with child, but Joseph, her husband, was a righteous (正义的)man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace(羞耻) he had in mind to divorce her quietly, but after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ”Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived (怀孕)in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins(罪).”

    Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2000 years ago is unknown, the calendar(日历) on the supposed date dates all time into B.C.(Before Christ 公元前)and A.D.( a Latin phrase,Anno Domini,“in the year of our Lord.” 公元后). For the first 300 years, Jesus‘ birthday was celebrated on different dates. Finally, in the year 354, church leaders chose December 25 as his birthday.

    Please describe your favorite holiday.
    Talk about your happy moment. ( Christmas? ) hahahah 

    Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,主教托福,雅思口语,公共演讲辩论以及美式发音课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。因获得集团教师大赛第三名,被送至伦敦International House 作为访问学者。上课内容丰富生动,多样的教学法和互动方式让学生在开心地学习中获得必要的技能。



    • 5 min


    今日话题:How can we save endangered species? Please include details and examples in your answer. 

    What is wrong now?
    Andy: Nowadays, many species(物种) are on the verge of extinction(灭绝).
    What are the effects of this?
    Andy:  The whole ecosystem(生态系统)will collapse(坍塌) because the food chain(食物链)has been damaged. At the end of the day, our offsprings(后代)will bear all the outcomes of the mistakes made by their covetous ancestors(贪婪的祖先). World hunger, tsunamis(海啸), floods
    (洪水) and the list goes on and on! 

    What caused the problem?
    Andy: It was caused largely by animal agriculture(畜牧业), which contributes to 51% of the greenhouse gases(温室气体)in our atmosphere(大气层), like carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)and methane(甲烷). They are the culprit(元凶) of global warming(温室效应), according to studies provided by WHO.  Whereas our industries(工业)only take up 13 % of the greenhouse gases. In order to support animal agriculture, large corporations(企业)and industries have been cutting numerous acres of rain forests(雨林)down everyday in Indonesia, Africa and Brazil. You know, then, they use these lands to raise corns(玉米) and wheat(小麦)for feeding cows(奶牛). Consequently, the deforestation(森领砍伐) forced millions of animals to leave their habitats(栖息地) or even die, from birds to bats(蝙蝠), from frogs(青蛙) to lizards(蜥蜴) and you name it.

    What can we do about it?
    Andy:  First, we can save those endangered species by choosing to have plant based diet (植物饮食)which includes no meat, dairy products(奶制品) or eggs. Instead, nature has provided us with the best source of food, including fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes(豆类), grains(谷物) and so on and so forth. You know, if there’s no demands, there will not be supplies.

    Also, we could stop animal trade(动物贸易). For example, we could stop purchasing furs(皮毛), leathers(皮革), tusks(象牙), shark fins(鱼翅) and the like. In this way, lots of animals will be saved. 

    How can we save our planet?
    购买方式:We Chat: grindylow 
    Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,英国International House 访问学者,主教托福,雅思口语,美式发音,演讲,辩论以及名校面试等课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。

    • 4 min

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