

Since the Assimilation of the Indigenous, which persists today, America has had a predatory preference for mass legal child abduction, trafficking, abuse, torture and murder. The "Toughlove" based 'Troubled Teen Industry' was spawned by "America's Most Dangerous Cult", Synanon, and funded by the US Govt. WHICH has been simultaneously funding unethical and involuntary social psychology experiments on children while publicly decrying their tactics as "brainwashing" and "torture". Still, this multi-billion dollar industry traumatizes hundreds of thousands a year leaving millions with CPTSD...

  1. USA vs Paul Geer Verdict Update

    3D AGO · BONUS

    USA vs Paul Geer Verdict Update

    Paul Geer "The Music Man" was convicted by a federal jury after a two-week-long trial on two counts of coercing and enticing two separate children to travel across state lines to engage in unlawful sexual activity and two counts of transporting the children across state lines with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity with those children.  The jury failed to reach a unanimous verdict on two additional counts.  "The evidence at trial proved that, while Geer was a teacher at the Family Foundation School in Hancock, New York, he imposed various disciplinary sanctions on students that were tantamount to torture. The sanctions Geer imposed on students included depriving children of food or forcing children to eat food that had been regurgitated, binding children in rugs and leaving them in isolated rooms for extended periods of time and forcing children to perform forced physical labor. " Read the full Press Release from the US Attorney's Officer HERE. 3/5/25 News 12 with Erin Lawlor: Listen to "Meet the Music Man" HERE. Read Liz Ianelli's memoir about The Family School "I See You Survivor" HERE Watch Jon Martin Crawford testify to Congress about FFS HERE Read the Catskills Reporter's ongoing series about FFS HERE Get ready to hear all about the trial once Paul's 2 week period to try and overturn the conviction has passed. Until then please help us protect this case. THANK YOU to all of you, without whom this would never have been possible. And as always, to all Survivors out there, #ISeeYouSurvivor

    26 min
  2. “Music Man” Verdict Coming Soon!

    MAR 1

    “Music Man” Verdict Coming Soon!

    Hey stranger danger, remember us? We’ve been on Blackout for the last few years primarily because the podcast and all you epic humans tuning in from across the Globe have been successful! I dig that it seems weird to go dark when things are working, but gander a google for “Paul Geer” and you’ll see that the Federal Govt has finally charged the “Music Man” from my personal vortex of hell “the Family Foundation School” for just 3 of his many victims who came forward from his 30 year reign of terror, and yes we all hope that more of his victims will have access to Justice in the future . For those that arent caught up on this predator, checkout our interview with Liz and Liz titled “Meet The Music Man” from 2020. We pushed for YEARS for the NY Child Victims Act which opened the statute of limitations for child victims of SA in civil court. Those cases have finally arrived in Federal Criminal Court in the “USA vs Paul Geer”. Currently, the jury is deliberating so we are keeping our mouths SHUT as we have for the last few years to protect this process. Troubled remains a free, non monetized podcast by Survivors, for Survivors and the general public. Our goal is still to raise awareness with the goal being Justice and accountability for the past as well as legislation and reform in the present and for the future. To this day, a quarter million NEW child victims are abducted, trafficked, detained and tortured in coercive behavior modification facilities nationwide. For the thousands of Survivors from the Family School specifically, we see you survivor. As soon as the verdict is in we will posts updates about the trial and if you would like your voice included please send audio Recordings to our email TheTroubledPodcast@gmail We’ll use as many clips as possible, but they may be edited for brevity or content. FFS Survivors who would like to submit a character witness statement for Paul Geers sentencing (which is months up to a year out) we are happy to forward you that email or you can contact the James T Foley Courthouse in Albany (which is also how you would purchase the trial transcript which is 5 cents a page, altho please note that we do plan to host our copy publicly once received). For ANY Survivor who hopes to be involved in ANY civil or criminal cases in the future, PLEASE PLEASE hear this “anything you say publicly on any podcast, in any article or even on any of your social media platforms CAN absolutely be used as evidence in any court.” We have a lot to say about how Survivors testimonials were used in Federal Court this time but we and EVERY FFS Survivor (or anyone related to any active case) should seriously stay shhhed until the verdict is announced to avoid jeopardizing our collective access to Justice. We’ll be seeing you again very very soon, but until then #iseeyousurvivor

    5 min
  3. 05/18/2022 · BONUS

    URGENT: Residential School Survivors (& Descendants) Call to Submit Testimony (and Ally Action Items)

    Last week, the first volume of the report on the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative Investigation was released. Last year, the first Indigenous Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, created the initiative after the discovery of 215 unmarked graves of Indigenous children by Canada’s Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in May 2021. If YOU are a Survivor of Institutional Child Abuse (w/in the so-called "Troubled Teen Industry": Conversion Therapy, Wilderness Therapy, Bootcamps, Boarding Schools), or one of our allies, it is imperative to support the Indigenous Communities of Turtle Island through this review and reconciliation. Please center, elevate and amplify Indigenous Survivors and Advocates. READ Indian Country Today's coverage for a summary and follow for more information. The National Boarding School Healing Coalition is requesting people who attended a boarding school or are a descendent of a boarding school attendee to submit their written testimonies to the House of Natural Resources Committee by May 26. Email submissions to and CC NABS at  The National Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) has put together a suggested outline for written testimony for individuals to follow if needed:   dentify yourself, your Tribe, and the boarding school you attended a. Boarding School: what school did you or your family member attend, and what year(s) did you/they attend?  State your position of support for “H.R. 5444 the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act”  Personal story that you are comfortable sharing. This is often the most powerful part.  Conclusion: Restate/review your position at the end of your testimony  Thank the committee or task force for the opportunity to speak a. “Thank you to the Natural Resources Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States” There is not a limit to the length of your statements. Your written testimony will be on record in the House of Congress. YOU can support the first targets of the US' Historic prevalence of mass, for-profit, legal, child abduction, detention, trafficking and torture schema by sharing this brief update episode and ALL of the links below to help make sure that ALL Survivors of the Residential Schools for the Indigenous are aware of their opportunity to submit testimony. We are disheartened that after centuries of Survivors speaking up, and a year of investigation, the US Government is allowing mere days for Survivors to step forward and share traumas they may have kept locked away for decades. STILL, raise awareness for this update in #everychildmatters and then do the following: Read the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding Schools Act HR5444 & SB2907 Support HR5444 & SB2907 (Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding Schools) via ResistBot Text PCGYYN to 50409 SIGN the Petition to "Demand Thorough Searches of Residential School Lands for Native Children Remains" Podcast on this Friday!

    11 min
  4. Sucker Punch: 18 Years After Escaping the So-Called "Troubled Teen Industry"


    Sucker Punch: 18 Years After Escaping the So-Called "Troubled Teen Industry"

    18 years ago, I became a legal person and was allowed to simply walk out of the pedo run kiddie prison I'd been detained in in the Catskills. I wasn't allowed to "walk away" when they forced me to eat my vomit, or while the last boy I had a crush on was choking to death on his own blood in front of me - but somehow, something about my 18th birthday, changed everything. 18 years later and I'm barely beginning the process of deconstructing my experience within the so-called "Troubled Teen Industry" at the Family Foundation School in Hancock New York. I'd like to thank the film, Sucker Punch, for breaking the blocks I had built the dismissive delusion of my "boarding school" upon.  Let's discuss a few of the things I learned from my one year of access to therapy. For those of us with CPTSD from Tough Love, it's imperative that we recognize DARVO when it happens. While I'm not endorsing DBT, or suggesting these tactics have worked for me, we discuss the Dear Man technique. And scoop this Daily Mail article on our team, focused on Circle of Hope and Agape Boarding School thanks to the advocacy of Amanda Householder and Colton Schrag (to name two of many). We appreciate the shout-out to Family School Survivors, if you are one and would like to participate in upcoming articles, please reach out. If you'd like to connect with the Reverend Chris Wilson (who breaks down the difference between "boundaries" and "rules" for us) you can find them on Instagram HERE @ExiledFaith if you are interested in addressing your religious trauma or learning more about the toxicity of "purity culture", we could not recommend them more. Please send in any audio clips for our #justiceforcornelius episode Please rate and write reviews for the podcast on itunes, Spotify and Facebook and connect with us across all social media platforms @TalkTroubled Until then, #iseeyousurvivor and keep #breakingcodesilence #maythefourthbewithus

    1h 54m
  5. Surviving Survivorland: the Institutional Child Abuse Movement in Ireland, Canada and the USA


    Surviving Survivorland: the Institutional Child Abuse Movement in Ireland, Canada and the USA

    Let's talk about Survivors of Institutional Child Abuse on a global scale. Sometimes its imperative to scroll it back to comprehend the scope of the entire cake we're cut from. Historically institutionalized communities are calling upon the international community to activate and assist them in moving their advocacy forward. This week is #MMIWAwareness and the root of the rot of institutional youth abuse in the USA and Canada were the "residential schools" for the Indigenous. There is so much valuable insight to glean from how Survivors have pushed for reform, redress and reconciliation. But as we continue to benefit from Indigenous cultures, we must likewise center, elevate and amplify their voices as we move forward with any action items or advocacy in/on Turtle Island. As the rising toll of indigenous children confirmed stolen by the Church and State's institutional atrocities surpasses 10,000 in Canada, we implore you to jump on hashtags like #everychildmatters and help to proactively expand the visibility of these Survivors and Advocates. With that in mind, please follow and support one of our favorite Nonprofits in Canada, led by an MMIW Survivor and Second Generation Residential School Survivors @ChildrenFirstSociety on all socials and activate via their website: In Ireland there are over 9,000 children confirmed killed by the Church and State in their residential homes including the Mother and Baby Homes. Please join the Survivors and Advocates via #motherandbabyhomes. If you're particularly interested in the institutional targeting of Irish Travellers in Ireland definitely support best selling author of "The Tinker Menace" Laura Angela Collins. You can support Travellers and other Nomadic Communities in the EU/UK via #WeRoamWithYou and #StopTravellerHate With everything we have to learn from the successes in these communities, as well as the obstacles they face, our hope is that we can apply this knowledge to our own quest for justice while also becoming more accessible, inclusive, diverse and accountable. We haven't used the hashtag #breakingcodesilence in a while but since we bring it up, we may as well include it here. We have to expand and round out our table of leadership, access and visibility so that all Survivors can see themselves represented whether they be from wilderness therapy, conversion therapy, religious boarding schools, or any Tough Love flavor of the so-called Troubled Teen Industry. And we must recognize when we individually or collectively DARVO ourselves and the community by deflecting the trauma we deny in ourselves and projecting it outward. Checkout "Take Back Your Life Recovery" by Dr. Janja Lalich, next deprogramming series for Survivors of High Control Groups starts in May:  We hope you will join us as we move forward into this next stage of our crucible, and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported us thus far.  Follow us @TalkTroubled everywhere, visit our website and rate/review us on iTunes/Spotify/Facebook. #iseeyousurvivor

    1h 40m
  6. 03/01/2022

    Amanda Householder sues Circle of Hope, Agape Boys Ranch, Berean & Agape Baptist Churches, as a Birthday Gift to Herself

    Welcome back to Troubled, a podcast by/for Survivors of Institutional Youth Abuse.  THANK YOU for being here for the third season of our Independent self archival project. Two seasons bootlegged together over a cell phone, recorded in an old Prius wasn't too much for you? Well, masochism may pay off here as we embark on our most personal missions yet and play the cards we've held closest throughout the collective crucible of advocacy in a time of Covid. Super quick 31st birthday catch-up with Amanda Householder, who just filed a lawsuit against her parents, Boyd and Stephanie Householder, owners of Circle of Hope Girls Ranch AND their complicit and culpable cohorts - Agape Boarding School for Boys, Agape Baptist Church and Berean Baptist Church. We won't be getting into the nitty gritty of the details today, out of respect for Amanda, but we HIGHLY recommend you read the Kansas City Star Article "I was born into this." Daughter of Missouri reform school sues parents over abuse" by Judy Thomas and Laura Bauer, two rare gems of journalistic integrity. It is incredibly difficult to find ethical media allies of this caliber and we would just like to thank these women for how they have treated Survivors of Institutional Abuse throughout the last year of consistent coverage in Missouri. We wish they weren't an exception, but we are infinitely grateful they're both committed to exposing this crime against humanity as it plays out in their backyards.  Forgive us our ADHD and self-defense, in this and every episode. We look forward to exploring the specific traumas of ourselves and our peers who were forever altered relationally by peer-on-peer attack therapy, but we'll also briefly address it in this update.  We hope that Survivors will see other Survivors making moves and taking names as invitations or challenges to do so themselves. We hope that you will join us on the frontlines at every fork in the road. We also understand that for a historically invalidated community, and collectively gaslit community, that it can be triggering to see the mic passed to the next advocate. Often we can feel as if we are being spoken for, or over, or disregarded entirely. But every opportunity for a Survivor to speak, is an opportunity for Survivors to be heard. If we believe that we are stronger together, then we cannot continue to allow our community to reenact our trauma. MANY Survivors are neurodiverse, many of us experience RSD (Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria) - especially since it's the most common symptom of ADHD. Even if we don't have RSD dialing up the perception of rejection, we HAVE been abandoned, excluded, silenced, and otherwise pariah-ed to the point where you don't even need 'confirmation bias' to perceive the world as wholly unsafe, as well as the people in it. I dig it. I'm living in this world with you.  PLEASE let us be aware of how we deflect and project ourselves onto the world around us. We cannot move towards an exclusionary policy as we curate our collective movement. Please join us in advocating for youth rights to liberate all kids in cages, from the border, through foster care, to the ToughLove so-called Troubled Teen Industry. Until next time, #iseeyousurvivor and THANK YOU to all of our allies

    29 min
out of 5
46 Ratings


Since the Assimilation of the Indigenous, which persists today, America has had a predatory preference for mass legal child abduction, trafficking, abuse, torture and murder. The "Toughlove" based 'Troubled Teen Industry' was spawned by "America's Most Dangerous Cult", Synanon, and funded by the US Govt. WHICH has been simultaneously funding unethical and involuntary social psychology experiments on children while publicly decrying their tactics as "brainwashing" and "torture". Still, this multi-billion dollar industry traumatizes hundreds of thousands a year leaving millions with CPTSD...

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