英语万花筒 | 英语精讲

英语万花筒 | 英语精讲

英语万花筒 | 英语精讲 是一档为英语学习者精心打造的节目。 我们定期更新,精选有趣又实用的英文素材,带你逐句拆解,讲透每个句子的结构和表达。无论你是刚起步,还是想更进一步,这里都是你的安心练习角。 听懂每一句、学会每一词,让英语学习变得不再枯燥,像刷内容一样轻松愉快。一起边听边学,把英语变成你生活的一部分!

  1. 15H AGO

    饺子成为中国影史票房最高的导演 | 李开复:中国AI技术与美国差距缩小至3个月

    Jiaozi Becomes the Highest-Grossing Director in Chinese Film History Director Jiaozi has become the highest-grossing director in Chinese film history, with over 20 billion yuan in total box office earnings from his two works, Ne Zha and Ne Zha: The Magic Child's Rebellion.导演饺子凭借《哪吒之魔童降世》和《哪吒之魔童闹海》两部作品的精彩表现,成功突破了200亿元票房大关,成为中国影史票房最高的导演。Ne Zha: The Magic Child's Rebellion alone earned 15.287 billion yuan, ranking 5th on the global all-time box office chart.特别是《哪吒之魔童闹海》以152.87亿元的成绩位居全球影史票房榜第五位,显示出其巨大的市场号召力。This achievement not only solidifies Jiaozi's position in the film industry but also marks the rise of Chinese animated films.这一成就不仅证明了饺子导演在行业中的地位,也标志着中国动画电影的崛起。Ne Zha: The Magic Child's Rebellion surpassed 10 billion yuan in global box office earnings, setting a new benchmark for Chinese cinema.《哪吒之魔童闹海》在全球票房突破100亿元,成为中国电影的新标杆。With his continuous innovation and breakthroughs, Jiaozi is set to remain a prominent figure in the Chinese film industry.随着其作品的不断创新和突破,饺子无疑将继续在中国电影圈占据一席之地。 China's AI Technology Gap with the US Narrows to 3 Months Li Kaifu, CEO of Zero One Everything, stated that the gap between China and the US in some key AI technologies has narrowed to just three months.李开复,零一万物CEO,表示中国在一些关键人工智能技术领域的进步已经缩小至仅三个月。This progress is mainly attributed to the rise of Chinese startups like DeepSeek, which has made significant breakthroughs in reinforcement learning.这种进展主要得益于中国初创企业的崛起,如DeepSeek,该公司在强化学习方面取得了重要突破。Despite the semiconductor sanctions from the US, Chinese companies continue to innovate, driving the development of domestic technologies.尽管面临美国的半导体制裁,中国企业在挑战中不断创新,推动了本土技术的提升。Li Kaifu emphasized that the rapid growth of the AI industry means that China’s influence in the global market will greatly increase.李开复强调,AI行业的快速发展意味着未来中国在全球市场中的影响力将大幅提升。Zero One Everything will focus on practical AI applications, signaling significant revenue growth in the future.零一万物将专注于实用AI的应用,预示着其未来将实现可观的收入增长。 Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies Reevaluate China Market, Innovation Pharma Industry Welcomes New Opportunities The Chinese innovative pharmaceutical industry has reached a critical turning point, with multinational pharmaceutical companies reassessing their investment opportunities in China.中国创新药产业迎来了重要转折点,跨国药企开始重新评估在中国的投资机会。AstraZeneca has announced a $2.5 billion investment in a new global research center in Beijing, reflecting their long-term confidence in the Chinese market.阿斯利康宣布将在北京投资25亿美元,建设全球研发中心,这一举措显示了其对中国市场的长期信心。Meanwhile, Eli Lilly has launched an innovation incubator in Beijing, marking the fourth such institution globally, highlighting the importance of the Chinese biopharmaceutical sector to international companies.与此同时,礼来公司也在北京启动了创新孵化器,标志着国际制药巨头对中国生物医药行业的高度重视。With the help of AI technologies, the speed of drug development and clinical trials has significantly increased, attracting a large influx of international capital.随着AI技术的推动,药物研发和临床试验的效率显著提高,吸引了大量国际资本的回流。Industry experts predict that China will become a global hub for innovative therapies across various disease areas in the future.业内人士表示,未来中国将在多个疾病领域出现更多创新疗法,成为全球药品研发的重心之一。 Ant Group Uses Domestic Chips to Drive AI Innovation, Cutting Costs by 20% Ant Group has announced a breakthrough in AI technology based on domestically produced chips, reducing costs by 20%.蚂蚁集团宣布,基于中国自产芯片,其人工智能技术迎来了突破性进展,成本降低了20%。The group has successfully developed new AI model technologies in collaboration with companies like Alibaba and Huawei, achieving performance close to NVIDIA’s H800 chip.该集团通过与阿里巴巴和华为等公司的国产芯片合作,成功开发出新一代AI模型技术,将成本降低了20%。This new technology demonstrates China’s strong capabilities in AI development.这种新技术的性能接近NVIDIA的H800芯片,显示出中国在AI领域的强劲实力。Although some development still relies on NVIDIA chips, the emergence of domestic alternatives shows China’s continuous innovation in technology.虽然仍部分依赖英伟达芯片,但国产替代品的出现标志着中国科技企业的持续创新与进步。This breakthrough not only strengthens Ant Group’s market competitiveness but also solidifies China’s position in the global AI race.这一技术突破不仅增强了蚂蚁集团的市场竞争力,也为中国在全球AI竞争中占据更大份额奠定了基础。4o

    4 min
  2. 3D AGO

    AI任务能力进步呈“摩尔定律式”增长 | 特斯拉迈出人形机器人试产第一步

    AI Task Capabilities Progressing at "Moore's Law-like" Rate, May Replace Many Human Jobs in Five YearsAI任务能力进步呈“摩尔定律式”增长,五年内或替代大量人类工作 A study published in Nature reported research by the nonprofit METR on AI agents' ability to perform long-term tasks.《Nature》期刊报道了非营利机构METR关于AI智能体执行长期任务能力提升的研究。 The study found that AI's task completion ability doubles every seven months, resembling Moore's Law in the tech industry.研究发现,AI每七个月完成任务的能力就会翻倍,类似技术界的摩尔定律。 Researchers used the "50%-task completion time span" metric to quantify the reduction in time needed for AI to perform complex tasks.研究者使用“50%-任务完成时间跨度”指标,量化AI执行复杂任务所需时间的缩短情况。 Since 2019, AI has shown exponential growth, and it is expected that in the next five years, AI will be able to complete tasks that would take humans a month.自2019年以来,AI展现出指数级成长趋势。预计未来五年,AI可完成人类一个月才能完成的任务。 Tesla Takes First Step Toward Humanoid Robot Trial Production特斯拉迈出人形机器人试产第一步 Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced at a company-wide meeting that the company will start a trial production plan for humanoid robots this year.特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克在全员大会上宣布,将于今年启动人形机器人的试生产计划。 The annual production is expected to reach 5,000 to 10,000 units, with plans to increase to 50,000 units by 2026.预计年产量可达5000至10000台,并计划在2026年增至50000台。 This plan marks a significant breakthrough for Tesla in the robotics field.此次计划标志着特斯拉在机器人领域的重要突破。 The humanoid robots aim to improve production efficiency and accelerate the realization of future automation.人形机器人旨在提升生产效率,加速自动化未来的实现。 Musk is confident in the market potential of robot products.马斯克对机器人产品的市场潜力充满信心。 Liu Cixin's Sci-Fi Film "The Eye of Her" Officially Launches Its Movie Project刘慈欣科幻新作《带上她的眼睛》正式启动电影项目 The sci-fi romance film "The Eye of Her," written by Liu Cixin, officially launched its movie project on March 21 at the Hainan Commercial Space Launch Center.由刘慈欣编剧的科幻爱情电影《带上她的眼睛》3月21日在海南商业航天发射场正式启动。 The film is produced by Chen Sicheng and directed by Dai Mo, with Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore joining the project.影片由陈思诚监制,戴墨执导,并邀请意大利导演朱塞佩·托纳多雷参与创作。 This film combines sci-fi and romance elements and is expected to begin shooting in the third quarter of 2025.该片融合科幻与爱情元素,预计将于2025年第三季度开机。 The project has received strong support from China’s aerospace industry and aims to explore new directions for Chinese sci-fi films.项目获得中国航天大力支持,致力于探索中国科幻电影的新方向。 Liu Cixin stated that the film poetically explores loneliness and the unknown, showing a softer side of the work.刘慈欣表示该片以诗意方式探讨孤独与未知,展现作品温柔一面。 Cross-Province Marriage Registration Pilot Expands Nationwide, Free Marriage Registration Across the Country跨省婚姻登记试点全面推广,全国范围内自由登记结婚 The cross-province marriage registration pilot, which started in 2021, will be expanded nationwide, allowing citizens to register marriages anywhere.自2021年起的跨省婚姻登记试点将扩展至全国,未来民众可在任何地方办理婚姻登记。 Marriage registration will no longer be restricted by the registered permanent residence, and the process will be further standardized.登记将不再受常住户口地限制,流程也将进一步规范。 The Ministry of Civil Affairs will strengthen premarital education and psychological counseling services to improve the quality of marriage and family building.民政部将加强婚前教育和心理疏导服务,提升婚姻家庭建设质量。 Promoting civilized marriage customs and curbing high dowries and other harmful traditions are also key focuses of the reform.倡导文明婚俗、遏制高额彩礼等陋习也是改革重点。 This new policy is expected to promote social harmony and increase public trust in the marriage system.新政策有望促进社会和谐,提升公众对婚姻制度的信任感。

    4 min
  3. MAR 20

    英伟达GTC 2025:AI工厂时代来临 | 比亚迪超级e平台亮相,5分钟续航400公里

    Boosting Consumer Spending: China Rolls Out Special Action Plan提振消费市场,国家推出专项行动方案The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council have issued the "Special Action Plan to Boost Consumption" to revitalize the domestic market.中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅印发《提振消费专项行动方案》,全面激活国内消费市场。The plan focuses on increasing household income, broadening property-based earnings, and boosting farmers' income to enhance consumer purchasing power.方案强调提高居民收入,拓宽财产性收入,并增加农民收入,以增强消费能力。Policies related to housing and automobile purchases will be reformed, while childcare subsidies and improvements in education and healthcare security will be introduced.住房、汽车等大宗消费政策将进行改革,同时提供育儿补贴,优化教育和医疗保障。Efforts will also be made to optimize vacation policies, improve the consumption environment, and expand the service sector.休假权益的优化、消费环境的改善以及服务业的开放也被列为重点任务。Local governments must expedite policy implementation to stabilize market expectations and promote high-quality economic growth.各地区需加快政策落地,稳定市场预期,促进经济高质量增长。 BYD Unveils Super e-Platform: 400 km Range in Just 5 Minutes of Charging比亚迪超级e平台亮相,5分钟续航400公里BYD has launched its next-generation pure electric technology platform, the Super e-Platform, with significant upgrades in motors, batteries, and electronic controls.比亚迪发布全新一代纯电技术平台——超级e平台,全面升级电机、电池和电控系统。The platform's highlight is its megawatt fast-charging technology, enabling a 400 km range with just 5 minutes of charging, greatly enhancing convenience.平台的最大亮点是兆瓦级闪充技术,仅需5分钟充电即可行驶400公里,大幅提升便利性。This innovation is expected to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and drive the growth of the new energy vehicle industry.新技术的推出有望加速电动车普及,推动新能源汽车行业发展。BYD claims that the platform will further integrate electrification technologies and provide users with a more efficient travel experience.比亚迪表示,该平台将助力电动化技术深度整合,为用户提供更高效的出行体验。This breakthrough marks another major achievement for BYD in the field of new energy technology.此次创新标志着比亚迪在新能源领域的又一重大突破。 NVIDIA GTC 2025: The AI Factory Era Has Arrived英伟达GTC 2025:AI工厂时代来临At the GTC 2025 conference, NVIDIA's founder Jensen Huang delivered a 150-minute keynote speech, outlining the future of the AI industry.在GTC 2025大会上,英伟达创始人黄仁勋发表150分钟主题演讲,展望AI产业未来。The highlight was the launch of the new "AI Factory" engine operating system, Dynamo, described as the VMware of the new era.核心亮点是推出全新「AI工厂」引擎操作系统Dynamo,被誉为新时代的VMware。Dynamo can automatically optimize AI inference performance, providing more efficient operational support for data centers and AI agents.Dynamo可自动优化AI推理表现,为数据中心和AI代理提供更高效的运行支持。Huang also emphasized the progress of embodied AI, highlighting the deep integration of AI with the physical world.黄仁勋还重点介绍了具身智能的进展,强调AI与实体世界的深度融合。NVIDIA's continuous innovation is driving AI technology into a new era.英伟达的持续创新正在推动AI技术进入全新阶段。 Strengthening Paid Leave: China's NDRC Reinforces Supervision推进带薪休假,国家发改委强化执行监督Li Chunlin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), announced measures to promote the paid annual leave system and reduce excessive overtime.国家发改委副主任李春临在发布会上表示,将推进带薪年休假制度,缓解加班文化。The government encourages enterprises to implement flexible and staggered vacation schedules while strengthening supervision to ensure compliance.政府鼓励企业实行弹性错峰休假,并强化监督执行,确保休假权益落实。Illegal extensions of working hours will be strictly prohibited to safeguard workers' physical and mental well-being.非法延长工作时间将被明令禁止,保障劳动者的身心健康。Local governments may explore introducing spring and autumn breaks for primary and secondary schools to improve work-life balance.此外,地方政府可探索设置中小学春秋假,以提升工作生活平衡。These measures are expected to boost consumer spending and further drive economic growth.该举措有望提高居民消费意愿,进一步促进经济增长。

    3 min
  4. MAR 17

    《哪吒2》全球票房突破150亿元,跻身影史前五 | 国际长线投资者回归中国资本市场

    Nezha 2 Breaks 15 Billion Yuan in Global Box Office, Enters Top Five in Film History《哪吒2》全球票房突破150亿元,跻身影史前五The Chinese animated film Nezha 2 has surpassed 15 billion yuan in the global box office, successfully surpassing Star Wars: The Force Awakens.国产动画电影《哪吒2》在全球影史票房已突破150亿元,成功超越《星球大战:原力觉醒》。 Currently, the film ranks fifth on the all-time global box office chart, following Avatar, Avengers: Endgame, Avatar: The Way of Water, and Titanic.目前,该片位列全球影史票房排行榜第五,仅次于《阿凡达》《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》《阿凡达:水之道》和《泰坦尼克号》。 This achievement not only highlights the strength of Chinese animated films but also proves the enthusiastic support of audiences.这一成就不仅彰显了国产动画电影的实力,也证明了观众对其的热烈支持。 With its high-quality production and profound storyline, the film has been widely recognized in both domestic and international markets.影片凭借精良制作和深刻故事,赢得了国内外市场的广泛认可。 Industry insiders generally believe that this will further promote the development of China's animation film industry.业界普遍认为,这将进一步推动中国动画电影产业的发展。 International Long-Term Investors Return to China's Capital Market国际长线投资者回归中国资本市场Wang Yajun, Co-Head of Asia Equity Capital Markets at Goldman Sachs, stated that international long-term investors are significantly returning to China's capital market.高盛亚洲股票资本市场联席主管王亚军表示,国际长线投资者正明显回流中国资本市场。 This move reflects signs of market recovery and boosts investors' confidence in Chinese assets.此举反映了市场复苏的迹象,并增强了投资者对中国资产的信心。 He believes that this trend will provide momentum for the recovery of China's overseas stock issuance market.他认为,这一趋势将为中国境外股票发行市场的复苏提供动力。 With improving investor sentiment, the stability and growth potential of the capital market will also be further enhanced.随着投资者情绪的回暖,资本市场的稳定性和增长潜力也将进一步提升。 Industry experts predict that more long-term investment funds will flow into China’s capital market in the future.业内人士预计,未来中国资本市场将迎来更多长期投资资金的注入。 Apple AirPods to Introduce Real-Time Translation Feature苹果AirPods新增实时翻译功能Apple has announced that it will introduce a real-time translation feature for AirPods in an upcoming software update.苹果公司宣布将在即将到来的软件更新中,为AirPods新增实时翻译功能。 This technology will automatically translate the other party's language during face-to-face conversations, eliminating communication barriers.这项技术可在用户进行面对面对话时,自动翻译对方的语言,消除沟通障碍。 Apple plans to launch this feature later this year to make cross-language communication smoother.苹果计划在今年晚些时候推出该功能,使不同语言的交流更加流畅。 The introduction of this new feature will further enhance the intelligence of AirPods and provide users with greater convenience.新功能的引入将进一步提升AirPods的智能化体验,为用户提供更多便利。 Industry analysts believe that this upgrade could trigger a new wave of competition in the wireless earphone market.业内分析认为,这一升级可能会推动无线耳机市场的新一轮竞争。 CCTV 3·15 Exposes Substandard Sanitary Pads, Involved Company Shut Down央视3·15曝光劣质卫生巾,涉事企业被查封The CCTV 3·15 Gala exposed that Liangshan Xixi Paper Products Co., Ltd. was selling substandard sanitary pads and baby diapers, drawing widespread attention.央视3·15晚会曝光,梁山希希纸制品有限公司销售劣质卫生巾及婴儿纸尿裤,引发广泛关注。 The Jining municipal government quickly formed a joint investigation team, shut down the company, and took control of relevant responsible persons.济宁市委、市政府迅速成立联合调查组,查封该企业,并控制相关负责人。 Currently, relevant departments are conducting an in-depth investigation into the incident to ensure consumer rights.目前,相关部门正对该事件进行深入调查,以确保消费者权益。 Jining City has decided to launch a city-wide special rectification campaign to thoroughly inspect similar product quality issues.济宁市决定在全市范围内开展专项整治行动,彻底排查同类产品的质量问题。 The public has widely called for stronger regulation to ensure the safety and quality of hygiene products.公众普遍呼吁加强监管,确保卫生用品的安全和质量。

    4 min

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