Here Be Dragons|此处有龙

Here Be Dragons|此处有龙

一档多语种人文与文化类播客。试图在巴别塔一再被推倒的年代,重建与世界和星辰的连接。 【主播简介】 包慧怡,作家,译者,都柏林大学中世纪文学博士,复旦大学英文系教授。代表作有《缮写室》《我坐在火山的最边缘》《塑造神圣:“珍珠”诗人与英国中世纪感官文化》(英文)《镜迷宫:莎士比亚十四行诗的世界》《青年翻译家的肖像》等,出版译著16种。 桑阳(Luca Sansone di Campobianco),哥伦比亚大学与博洛尼亚大学古代史与人类学博士(联合培养),前上海师范大学世界史系副教授,现任教于WLSA上海学校。代表作为《古风时期斯巴达社会的永生表述》(意大利文)。 欢迎在以下平台关注我们,全平台同步更新~ (亦见小宇宙播客名片,可直接跳转相关链接) *Apple Podcast,Spotify,网易云:Here Be Dragons|此处有龙 *喜马拉雅:此处有龙 *QQ音乐专辑:Here_Be_Dragons_此处有龙 制作人@张泽熙Jersey


  1. 7. 🎄圣诞特别篇: A Christmas Carol (Pt. 1)


    7. 🎄圣诞特别篇: A Christmas Carol (Pt. 1)

    🎅 Merry Christmas! 录这期有酒有肉有歌声的圣诞特别篇,是期末多重死线压身下偷来的快乐。 在本期节目《圣诞颂歌》(上篇)中,《此处有龙》全员(主播包慧怡、桑阳,制作人Jersey)齐聚一堂,为大家带来了节日气氛浓厚的真 · 说唱(误)。 你将听到桑老师吉他伴奏下的三人合唱《好国王温塞拉斯》(Good King Wenceslas)——这首经典圣诞颂歌的旋律来自13世纪归春曲,歌词由John Mason Neale在19世纪填写。作为对古罗马和中世纪“颠倒的世界”母题的生动演绎,你还会听到包老师即兴清唱版的《大海之下,夏日永存》(It's Always Summer under the Sea),以及《卡斯特梅尔之雨》(The Rain of Castermere)——由于是真 · 酒后即兴而歌,因此一路忘词忘到君临城,《权游》迷且海涵。 我们会一起追溯从古罗马农神节(Saturnalia)到圣尼古拉斯纪念日的“圣诞节”演变小史,以及从北欧神奥丁到中世纪人口贩子,再到可口可乐吉祥物的“圣诞老人”形象的变迁。故事的后半部分将在(下篇)中与另两首拉丁文圣诞颂歌清唱一起放出。 [奥丁的八腿神马Sleipnir,  Tjängvide如尼石] 🎄本期中出现的龙族包括但不限于:克罗诺斯-萨杜恩(Kronos-Saturn),圣尼古拉斯(St Nicholas),“袋子人”(el Humbre del Saco),奥丁(Odin)及其神马斯莱普尼尔(Sleipnir),拉雪橇的红鼻子麋鹿鲁道夫(Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer),迦太基的汉尼拔(Hannibal of Carthage),《权力的游戏》中的希琳公主(Princess Shireen),还有曹操(误)。当然,少不了各种版本的Santa Claus! 🎅Winter is coming.  May this special episode bring you as much warmth and joy  as it brought us! @本期主播:  包慧怡、桑阳、张泽熙 @制作人: 张泽熙 🎄本期节目PPT由桑阳老师制作: 🎄本期节目录制现场: 🎄本期节目歌词!快来一起唱: 🎄关于我们的节目,有任何期待或建议,都欢迎发送至邮箱

    25 min
  2. 5. Cura or Carefree? Calypso's Island


    5. Cura or Carefree? Calypso's Island

    本期节目是《此处有龙》改版后的第一期,主播们从广播台里的正襟危坐,切换到了边聊边醉的古风会饮(bu shi)。 我们的旅程始于诺奖诗人露易丝·格丽克的《奥德修斯的决定》,终于古罗马作家希吉努斯关于“忧思女神”和人类起源的寓言,中间隔着“永生仙乡”奥吉吉亚(卡吕普索的无忧岛),以及荷马笔下酒色的大海。 {Calypso's Isle, by Herbert James Draper} 当忧思女神(Cura)本身为生命赋予了形式,“无忧”(Carefreeness)是否还有可能?我忧故我在。无论是海德格尔《存在与时间》中的“烦”(Sorge),还是蒙塔莱诗中的“恶”(male),似乎都是一种无法摆脱的存在处境。 但若我们能发现忧思女神的另一张脸?Care的另一大含义是:关心,关怀,对他者,对更长远的事物的关切。我关心,故我在。 {忧思女神创造人类} 本集中出现的龙族有:荷马、赫西俄德、苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德、希吉努斯、马可·波罗、海德格尔、格丽克;还有奥德修斯、卡吕普索、赫尔墨斯、天界斟酒人迦尼美得、黎明女神伊俄丝、忒勒马库斯、佩内洛普、拉俄忒斯。 Happy dragon encountering! @本期节目主播:  包慧怡、桑阳 @制作人: 张泽熙 🦕本期节目诗歌文本: 制作人Jersey在剪辑的过程中口水分泌过于旺盛,乃至于想直接冲进时间的长廊抢走彼时的牛排!SANTÉ ! 🦕关于我们的节目,有任何期待或建议,都欢迎发送至邮箱

    33 min
  3. 3. Walking to Rome/Canterbury: Pilgrimages Real & Imagined


    3. Walking to Rome/Canterbury: Pilgrimages Real & Imagined

    昔日旷野何在?今日朝圣何为?本集《走路去罗马/坎特伯雷:真实和想象的朝圣之旅》中,桑老师将分享自己沿着法兰奇纳古道(Via Francigena)徒步21天去罗马朝圣的经历,包老师将分享英国朝圣文学第一书《坎特伯雷故事集》的中世纪背景和语言风格。 你将遇到的龙族有:三名坎特伯雷大主教:奉教皇大格列高里(Gregory the Great)之命来英国传道的奥古斯丁(Augustine of Canterbury,6世纪),奠定罗马朝圣古道的塞吉里克(Sigerick, 9世纪)和殉道者托马斯·贝克特(Thomas Becket, 12世纪);亚里士多德、君士坦丁大帝、埃塞尔伯特王(Aethelbert)、可敬的比德(Venerable Bede)、阿尔弗莱德大帝(Alfred the Great)、埃塞斯坦王(Aethelstan)、亨利二世(Henry II)、“酒鬼”主教福柯(Bishop Defuk),薄伽丘,乔叟,司各特(Walter Scott),还有狼。 Happy Halloween! An episode full of saints for the upcoming All Saints' Day! 🐉以下图片由桑阳(2023)拍摄于法兰奇纳古道(罗马朝圣之路): "waking up at 5 and walking before the sun rises, so that I can see the night dissipate into the glory of the light" "living the gypsy life under a free blue sky, away from home, away from the concept of home itself" "walking onto a 2000 years old road to Rome, because at that time all roads, literally, would lead you to it" "whatever happens, just look up" "a man walks and gets hungry, and meets many that helps and feeds him. It is the beauty of pilgrimage" "a view over the lake city of Bolsena" "Nothing tastes better than food with friends after 30km. These are all people I met on the road, who became my companions." 🐉本集文本: 🐉以下图片由包慧怡(2017)摄于坎特伯雷: {坎特伯雷大教堂内部,托马斯·贝克特殉道处} {大教堂前,乔叟与《坎特伯雷故事集》中的朝圣者} {公元597年坎特伯雷的奥古斯丁向肯特国王传道时所建,英国最早教堂之一,今为圣奥古斯丁修道院} {圣奥古斯丁修道院,三位7-8世纪盎格鲁-撒克逊国王之墓} {圣奥古斯丁修道院废墟} @本期节目主播:  包慧怡、桑阳 @制作人: 张泽熙 🐉关于我们的节目,有任何期待或建议,都欢迎发送至邮箱!

    1h 3m
  4. Bonus: “Itaca” by Kostantinos Cavafis


    Bonus: “Itaca” by Kostantinos Cavafis

    🐉 秋天快乐!本期bonus节目中,桑阳老师为大家带来了意大利语纯享版的卡瓦菲斯《伊萨卡》,本首诗也将在下一期节目中出现,敬请期待。 🐉本期诗歌文本: “Itaca” by Kostantinos Cavafis [Translated from Greek into Italian by Margherita Dalmati / Nelo Risi] Quando ti metterai in viaggio per Itaca devi augurarti che la strada sia lunga, fertile in avventure e in esperienze. I Lestrigoni e i Ciclopi o la furia di Nettuno non temere, non sarà questo il genere di incontri se il pensiero resta alto e un sentimento fermo guida il tuo spirito e il tuo corpo. In Ciclopi e Lestrigoni, no certo, né nell’irato Poseidone incapperai se non li porti dentro se l’anima non te li mette contro. Devi augurarti che la strada sia lunga. Che i mattini d’estate siano tanti quando nei porti – finalmente e con che gioia – toccherai terra tu per la prima volta: negli empori fenici indugia e acquista madreperle coralli ebano e ambre tutta merce fina, anche profumi penetranti d’ogni sorta; più profumi inebrianti che puoi, va in molte città egizie impara una quantità di cose dai sapienti. Sempre devi avere in mente Itaca – raggiungerla sia il pensiero costante. Soprattutto, non affrettare il viaggio; fa che duri a lungo, per anni, e che da vecchio metta piede sull’isola, tu, ricco dei tesori accumulati per strada senza aspettarti ricchezze da Itaca. Itaca ti ha dato il bel viaggio; senza di lei, mai ti saresti messo sulla via. Nulla di più ha da darti. E se la trovi povera, non per questo Itaca ti avrà deluso. Fatto ormai savio, con tutta la tua esperienza addosso già tu avrai capito ciò che Itaca vuole significare. English translation: Ithaka [Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard] As you set out for Ithaka hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery. Laistrygonians, Cyclops, angry Poseidon—don’t be afraid of them: you’ll never find things like that on your way as long as you keep your thoughts raised high, as long as a rare excitement stirs your spirit and your body. Laistrygonians, Cyclops, wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them unless you bring them along inside your soul, unless your soul sets them up in front of you. Hope your road is a long one. May there be many summer mornings when, with what pleasure, what joy, you enter harbors you’re seeing for the first time; may you stop at Phoenician trading stations to buy fine things, mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony, sensual perfume of every kind— as many sensual perfumes as you can; and may you visit many Egyptian cities to learn and go on learning from their scholars. Keep Ithaka always in your mind. Arriving there is what you’re destined for. But don’t hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts for years, so you’re old by the time you reach the island, wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way, not expecting Ithaka to make you rich. Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey. Without her you wouldn't have set out. She has nothing left to give you now. And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you. Wise as you will have become, so full of experience, you’ll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean. @本期节目主播:  桑阳 🐉关于我们的节目,有任何期待或建议,都欢迎发送至邮箱!

    2 min
  5. 09/28/2024

    2. Love, Death & Sonnets (Pt 2)

    欢迎来到《此处有龙》第二集!这是一档由两名学院野兽派主播(包慧怡、桑阳)共同创办的多语种人文类播客。 🐉【本集简介】Ep.2: Love, Death & Sonnets (Pt 2) 《典雅爱情,生之忧,死之近》 本集中,你将邂逅的龙族包括:意大利国宝诗人蒙塔莱(Eugenio Montale),莱奥帕尔迪(Giacomo Leopardi),阿里奥斯托(Ludovico Ariosto),阿尔菲耶里(Vittorio Alfieri),哲学家维柯(Giambattista Vico),英国中世纪亚瑟王文学之父马洛礼(Thomas Malory),泛浪漫派诗人查特顿(Thomas Chatterton)、华兹华斯、济慈、拜伦等。 我们将一起追溯“典雅爱情”(courtly love/amour courtois/amor cortese)的渊源和悖论,通过两对著名恋人(但丁笔下的保罗和弗兰切斯卡,亚瑟王传奇中的兰斯洛和桂尼薇)的故事,探讨该文学理想对现代情感模式和浪漫爱传统的影响。你也将听到两位主播对这一系列问题的讨论:生活是走迷宫还是GPS导航?KPI至上的当下,经历“深时”是否依然可能?你正处在“人生”这首十四行诗的哪一节? 桑阳老师和制作人张泽熙为本期节目制作了详尽的术语和专名flashcard,希望能提升大家的收听体验。本期的三首精读诗歌也在shownotes中提供原文和中译和英译。 祝大家秋天凉爽,长假阅读快乐! 🐉【本集诗歌文本和诗人介绍】 🐉【时间轴】 01:30 桑老师咆哮体朗诵并解读《我是否爱你?噢,女人!》 10:00 差点死在北极的意大利诗人阿尔菲耶里 11:06 典雅爱情,来世今生 14:00 亚瑟王传奇和《神曲》中的恋人 19:10 昏迷大师但丁 19:38 昏迷大师济慈 20:50 突发💧!包包老师离场(此处已剪去10+分钟……) 27:25 包包老师朗诵并解读《当我害怕我将逝去》 36:50 桑老师朗诵并解读蒙塔莱《我常常遭遇生活之忧》 43:40 炼词师和灵视者;通向未来时代的耳朵 48:20 今日我们为何仍在读诗? 51:00 假如人生是一首十四行诗? 56:50 诗歌意志的乌托邦 59:40 选择的艺术和未选的路;小径分叉的“错花园”(Irrgarten) 1:00:00 恢复被迫失去的迷路权:此处有(好/小)龙! 1:02:38 重历“深时”;鸣谢;告别之歌(误)。 Paolo and Francesca by Dante Gabriel Rossetti 🐉【术语选辑】(含简介和相关奇闻逸事,特别感谢桑老师!该加大大的鸡腿🍗!) 本期全部专名和术语见百度网盘: 链接: 提取码: gc58 0:30 Romanticism: 5:12 Oxymoron: 7:11 “Impress” (etymology): 11:30 Troubadour: One of a class of lyric poets and poet-musicians often of knightly rank who flourished from the 11th to the end of the 13th century chiefly in the south of France and the north of Italy and whose major theme was courtly love compare trouvère: one of a school of poets who flourished from the 11th to the 14th centuries and who composed mostly narrative works(as chansons de geste and fabliaux)12:58 Courtly Love/Courtesan Love/Amour Courtois: 13:50 "Virtuous" and "Man" (etymology): 14:00 The Allegory of Love by C.S. Lewis: 15:20 Thomas Malory: English writer who published a translation of romances about King Arthur taken from French and other sources (died in 1471) 22:12 Giacomo Leopardi: 31:00 Nihilism: 33:00 Cavalier Servente: 36:00 Iambic Pentameter: 45:55 “Corri Lesbino” and Giambattista Felice Zappi: 49:50 Agape: 51:30 Volta: Sir Launcelot Looks on Queen Guinevere by James Archer 🐉【互动】What do you think of Courtly Love? What is your favorite poem in this episode? Why do we still read poems today? In your life, do you prefer to go strait from spot A to spot B or do you enjoy the wandering and meandering? Leave your comments below! @本期节目主播:  包慧怡、桑阳 @制作人: 张泽熙 🐉关于我们的节目,有任何期待或建议,都欢迎发送至邮箱!

    1h 5m
  6. 09/16/2024

    1. Love, Death & Sonnets (Pt 1)

    中秋佳节,【此处有龙 | Here Be Dragons | Hic Sunt Dracones】终于和大家见面了! 这是一档多语种文化类播客,由两名学院野兽派(包慧怡、桑阳)共同创办。 中世纪地图的“未知之地”(terra incognita)上,有时会用拉丁文标注“此处有龙”,以警示前方危险,旅人不得越界。 但人类当然抵御不了探险的渴望。这档播客的主要语言是英语,也包含汉语、法语、意大利语、拉丁文和其他语种的内容,涵盖从史前到当代的无限时间。 我们深知在巴别塔不断被摧毁的年代,试图用非母语重建与世界和人心的连接,或许显得既天真又不合时宜。但仍希望在一片微小的未知之地上,为自己也为他人,保留慢下来的权利,迷路的权利,还有通向未来的可能性。 这也是一档两个朋友坐下来聊天、唱歌,创造一些快乐时光的节目。欢迎大家和我们一起以词为舟,以声为帆,向更多未知的海域航行,直到地图之外。 🐉【主播简介】 包慧怡,作家,译者,都柏林大学中世纪文学博士,复旦大学英文系教授。代表作有《缮写室》《我坐在火山的最边缘》《塑造神圣:“珍珠”诗人与英国中世纪感官文化》(英文)《镜迷宫:莎士比亚十四行诗的世界》等,出版译著16种。 桑阳(Luca Sansone di Campobianco),学者,译者,博洛尼亚大学古代史与人类学博士(与哥伦比亚大学联合培养),前上海师范大学世界史系副教授,WLSA上海学校拉丁文教师。代表作为《古风时期斯巴达社会的永生表述》(意大利文)等。 🐉【本集简介】Episode 1: Love, Death and Sonnets (Part I,从但丁到莎士比亚:永恒夏日的新生) 本集分为上下两部分,标题除了向《爱,死亡和机器人》致意,也涵盖了主播们想和大家分享的一系列话题。你将邂逅的龙族包括卢克莱修、马可·波罗、彼特拉克、费德里柯二世、伊丽莎白一世、马洛、亨利八世,还有西西里黑手党和ChatGPT。桑阳老师在本集中用吉他弹唱了但丁《新生》的意大利语原诗片段,并为莎士比亚十四行诗即兴配乐。 感谢复旦大学广播台提供场地和设备支持,谢谢剪辑和制作人张泽熙(Jersey)同学。 🐉本期节目诗歌文本: 🐉本期节目@: 《镜迷宫:莎士比亚十四行诗的世界》包慧怡著,华东师范大学出版社,2023年 🐉时间轴: Opening: 3:14 The origins of sonnets(and mafia?)in Sicily 8:00 Why did Shakespeare "adopt" the sonnet form? Shakespeare was an Italian? 13:35 What makes Shakespearean sonnets "terrible"? 16:10 Who is the Dark Lady? Can you love someone who stinks? 21:20  Dante's“Tanto Gentil e Tanto Onesta Pare" from Vita Nuova 23:52 🎵An Italian sonnet played and sung by Luca quatrain by quatrain 31:10 Divine love vs. Courtly love. Donna Schermo (Screen Lady) strategy. Beatrice pissed off! 34:20 Careful where your eyes land! Love and Seeing in Lucretius 41:25 🎵Read by Huiyi:  Sonnet 18: "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" 43:00  Fight Death! From procreation sonnets to meta-sonnets 48:50  Fight Time! To be continued in Part 2 @本期节目主播:  包慧怡、桑阳 @制作人: 张泽熙 🐉关于我们的节目,有任何期待或建议,都欢迎发送至邮箱!

    50 min

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一档多语种人文与文化类播客。试图在巴别塔一再被推倒的年代,重建与世界和星辰的连接。 【主播简介】 包慧怡,作家,译者,都柏林大学中世纪文学博士,复旦大学英文系教授。代表作有《缮写室》《我坐在火山的最边缘》《塑造神圣:“珍珠”诗人与英国中世纪感官文化》(英文)《镜迷宫:莎士比亚十四行诗的世界》《青年翻译家的肖像》等,出版译著16种。 桑阳(Luca Sansone di Campobianco),哥伦比亚大学与博洛尼亚大学古代史与人类学博士(联合培养),前上海师范大学世界史系副教授,现任教于WLSA上海学校。代表作为《古风时期斯巴达社会的永生表述》(意大利文)。 欢迎在以下平台关注我们,全平台同步更新~ (亦见小宇宙播客名片,可直接跳转相关链接) *Apple Podcast,Spotify,网易云:Here Be Dragons|此处有龙 *喜马拉雅:此处有龙 *QQ音乐专辑:Here_Be_Dragons_此处有龙 制作人@张泽熙Jersey

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