Episode 16: Breaking Through Inaction: Embracing Flexibility in Action

Подкаст «Just ACT: Accept, Clarify, & Transform»

In today's episode of Just ACT, we explore inaction and its link to inflexibility. Inaction often stems from fear, perfectionism, fear of failure, avoidance, or overwhelm. We discuss how these patterns manifest in daily life and offer strategies for overcoming them, including mindfulness, values clarification, small steps, self-compassion, and accountability partners. By recognizing and challenging patterns of inaction, we can cultivate flexibility and embrace growth. Join us on this journey toward empowerment and transformation.

Fusion Episodes:

⁠Diffuse? Defusion!⁠⁠

⁠⁠Leaves on a Stream

Email: info@bestillbeconnected.com

Website: www.bestillbeconnected.com

Instagram @ashnfio

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