Finding fairhealth podcast

Rachel Steen
Подкаст «Finding fairhealth podcast»

A podcast about health inequality. Discussion and possible solutions. I find that the problems and solutions to tackling health inequalities feels challenging. I often feel like I don’t know enough or have the confidence to speak up. The magnitude and complexity of the problem makes it difficult to know where to start. Sometimes what feels like the right answer can often feel political, complicated and impossible. I’ll be speaking to experienced colleagues who are also interested in and currently working on reducing health inequalities. We’ll be speaking about the current problems and possible solutions in this area on our journey to finding fairhealth. Rachel Steen, fairhealth Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  1. 07.01.2023

    S4 E1 - Deborah Wilmot

    This episode has been hosted and edited by Dr Harvir Braich, GP leadership fellow in Health Equity, Future leaders Programme, Health Education England, I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with Deborah Wilmot, a passionate GP with over 20 years' experience with the substance misuse service. She shares such a unique personal perspective that has really helped someone new to the arena such as myself.  We had a brilliant conversation in the new year and discussed... Deborah's work as a GP and her amazing journey in working as a substance misuse lead in her region. (1.40mins) The changing pattern Deborah has seen of substances misused over her 20 years of experience (3mins) How Deborah started her journey into this area of work and what has motivated her to continue in this field (4mins) How Deborah has been able to keep such enthusiasm and passion for her work and prevented burnout (10mins) What Deborah finds the most rewarding part of her job (12mins) How we as clinicians and advocates can break down stigma and encourage patients to seek treatment and support (17mins) What advice Deborah would give to inexperienced clinicians or those wanting to better their practice with dealing with patients suffering from substance misuse (22mins) Being mindful of yourself and your current state of mind (27mins) What an ideal substance misuse service would look like in the eyes of Deborah (28 mins) The importance of lived experiences to develop ourselves (35mins) Further resources: Reduced mortality if in treatment compared to not in treatment (15mins) Adult substance misuse treatment statistics 2020 to 2021: report The "ripple effect" of substance misuse and hidden costs (16mins) Benefit of peer support in substance misuse (29mins) Doctors make mistakes (33mins) Cautionary Tales (34 mins) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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  2. 31.10.2022

    S3 E8- Greener Practice and Next Generation GP special with Dr Aarti Bansal

    In this episode we talk to Aarti Bansal, GP, founder of Greener Practice and now working as Net Zero clinical lead in North Yorkshire and Humber ISB. We hear Aarti’s experience of starting with a conversation in a pub in Sheffield and forming a small group of colleagues sharing similar values to a rapidly expanding network of GPs across the UK. In this heartfelt and energising episode we discuss; Aarti’s current roles (2min)Where Aartis drive for Greener practice and sustainability comes from (3mins)What can we do as health professionals to minimise the impact of climate change (7mins)Four pillars of sustainability (8mins)Prevention and examples of this (10mins 30s)Sustainability as a social determinants of health (15mins)Greener practice and how it began (19 mins)Bringing new people onboard to a rapidly expanding network (28mins)What Aarti has learnt about herself in forming Greener Practice (29mins 30s) her thoughts on leadership (31mins) And to finish… Aarti’s leader she most admires and why (34mins)Top tips as a leader (34mins 30 seconds)Top learning resource (35mins)- Active Hope - How to face the mess we're in with unexpected resilience and creative power by Joanna Macy and Chris JohnstoneAarti’s one magic genie wish to support equity and sustainability (36mins 30s) Further resources Greener Practice First follower You tube video Nancy Kline –Time to think Next Generation GP and Next Gen Cast Thank you Aarti for you time in recording this episode and her continued dedication to Greener and more sustainable General Practice. Thank you also to Dr Nish Manek, Founder of Next Generation GP for this collaboration. If you are an early career GP please do visit their website here to find out if their is a leadership programme running near you and/or check out some of their amazing resources - blogs, podcasts, webinars and more! If you would like to hear more from Aarti... Next Generation GP did a webinar with Aarti and colleagues on Leading in Greener Practice - Check it out here. Please also check out Nish's podcast the Next Gen Cast which has a rich catalogue of incredibly inspiring podcasts from leaders in and out of healthcare We hope you enjoy the episode. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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  3. 07.10.2022

    S3E7- Dominic Maddocks

    What a privilege to be able to chat to the absolutely awesome Dom Maddocks. Street outreach worker in Leeds. He has buckets of experience of what works and doesn’t work in Street Outreach and bring this into a fascinating discussion. We caught up back in the Spring and discussed… ·      Working for Bevan Healthcare and bringing together services and people to help others in the centre of Leeds (2mins) ·      What Dom does and what is so special about his role as a street outreach worker (2mins) ·      Challenges along the way – Covid, rolling into a post Covid world, and collaboration and funding of services and funding (5mins) ·      The beauty of being able to have a wrap around service and working with colleagues (9mins) ·      Experiences of patients in the system and rough sleeping (11mins) – Dom gives his ideas on how to communicate and how to meet patients in their reality of where they are (13mins) ·      Dom share’s his own personal story (19mins) and how this influences his role. As part of this, we explore stigma and navigating the health care service (23mins) to finally get the help he so needed (despite the barriers along the way) ·      Addiction (30mins) and consultation skills around this (32mins) ·      Adverse Childhood Experience (37mins) and the Self care (41mins 30s) To finish… Dom’s favourite resource- (46m 30s) The internet – get searching on the topic of inclusion health see what rabbit hole it takes you down Dom’s Genie wish (47mins)  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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  4. 23.09.2022

    S3E6- Sarah Smith

    Finding fairhealth through integrated care systems  I am going to be honest here and let you on to a bit of secret… I find it really hard to get my head round system level change when it comes to tackling health inequalities. Being a GP it is quite relatable when you hear and learn about stuff happening at grass route level and then all the big picture marmot stuff including funding and resources is talked abut all the time. It is the system level stuff that I wanted to learn more about. Sarah Smith, public health consultant in Wakefield has broken this all down for me. I found this conversation super helpful and hope you do too. We talk about… -         Different patient populations getting different outcomes and different access to services- What drives Sarah? (2mins) -         Working across a large system and working out what we can all do to try to tackle HI (5mins) -         Integrated care systems - what they are and what they aim to do? (7mins) -         Three tests to try and identify what projects might work at scale in the system rather than being more locally focussed (9m 3s) -         What data we might use to help us with this (11mins) -         How governance might help or hinder her ambitions (13mins) -         Brokering the gap between the national ask and what this means for the local population and being ‘servants of the local place’ (14mins) -         What the CORE20PLUS5 means in Wakefield and giving a practical application of how this works at system level (15mins) -         Having a public health team within the ICS and the challenges this sometimes raises (17mins) -         Systems leadership (19mins) -         Trying to include everyone in the system (21mins) -         Practical steps (using frameworks, toolkits and pathways) to try reduce inequalities (26mins). Example of this – Access programme Bradford (28mins) -         Social determinants of health (32mins) -         Tips for emerging leaders wanting to find more about this (35mins) To finish -         Sarah’s best book (37m 30s) - Radical Help by Hilary Cottam -         Sarah’s Genie wish (38m 30s) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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  5. 13.05.2022

    S3E4- Najeeb Rahman

    In this episode we talk to Dr Najeeb Rahman, an emergency medicine doctor with years of experience working in humanitarian aid overseas. His years and breadth of experience gives a fascinating perspective on tackling health inequalities in the UK. I was so pleased he could join us for the episode. Episode content ·      Why Najeeb gets excited about tackling health inequity (3mins) ·      Should secondary care and emergency care colleagues share Najeeb's drive to tackle health inequity? (5mins 30s) ·      Commonalities across primary and secondary care (8mins) ·      How hard it is to inform our interventions with data and evidencing what we are doing (11mins) and how we actually go about finding solutions to this (12mins) e.g. Core20Plus5, localising data. ·      Najeeb talks about developing teams to implement these interventions e.g. Emergency department youth navigator programme (15mins) ·      Building the evidence, case examples and sharing the learning (18mins) ·      Stakeholder engagement (20mins 30s) and who we get on board with the goal of tackling health inequalities... the power of evidence and patient stories. ·      Changes within secondary care to create more continuity of care (24mins) ·      Bringing people together to try and tackle health inequalities (28 mins) ·      Lessons and learning from other sectors (incl humanitarian aid sector) (32mins) And to finish... ·      Najeeb's best authors and resources (44mins) ·      His Genie wish (47mins 30s) Further resources ·      The Frontline Collaboration against COVID-19: Briefing to Health and Social Care Committee Introduction ·      The sphere handbook 2018 ·      WHO – The cluster system ·      Classification and minimum standards for emergency medical teams Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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  6. 25.02.2022

    S3E3- Bola Owolabi

    Finding fairhealth through focus, traction and impact We are so excited to be sharing this conversation. Why haven’t we made much progress in tackling health inequalities up to now? We hear from someone trying to change this at a national level. Someone who is leading a team to try to make a difference in tackling health inequalities at scale. Bola Olowabi has an abundance of energy and enthusiasm, and her team are setting the national direction and vision to help support making a difference on the ground. This is a not to miss episode… Episode breakdown -         Bola’s role in NHS England and improvement (2mins) -         Core20Plus 5 – what is it about, why now and what’s different to previous national strategies to try to tackle health inequalities? (5mins) -         What can we do at a primary care level to put Core20Plus5 into place? (10min 30seconds) -         What Bola and her team are trying to do at a national level to tackle health inequalities (14mins 50seconds) -         How to engage and work with stakeholders in tackling health inequalities(19mins 30s). Bola highlights the need for time, energy enthusiasm and humility.She talks shared purpose and shared action and emphasises the importance of investing in the quality of conversations rather than the number of conversations. -         What does success look like for Core20Plus5 in five years’ time? (24mins) What challenges she sees in achieving this success? (26mins) -         How can GPs support the Core20Plus5 effort? (29mins) -         Bola shares how she feels about being a role model for tackling health inequalities for women, BAME groups and anyone wanting to tackle health inequalities (32min 30s) Bola’s learning resources (35mins 30s): Michael Marmot ‘Build back fairer’ ‘Fair society, healthy lives’ – Marmot Report 2010 Marmot report ‘10 years on’ You can hear more about the ‘10 years on’ report in our Fairhealth podcast episode with Professor Michael Marmot Bola’s genie wish (37mins) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Об этом подкасте

A podcast about health inequality. Discussion and possible solutions. I find that the problems and solutions to tackling health inequalities feels challenging. I often feel like I don’t know enough or have the confidence to speak up. The magnitude and complexity of the problem makes it difficult to know where to start. Sometimes what feels like the right answer can often feel political, complicated and impossible. I’ll be speaking to experienced colleagues who are also interested in and currently working on reducing health inequalities. We’ll be speaking about the current problems and possible solutions in this area on our journey to finding fairhealth. Rachel Steen, fairhealth Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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