S3E6- Sarah Smith

Подкаст «Finding fairhealth podcast»

Finding fairhealth through integrated care systems

 I am going to be honest here and let you on to a bit of secret… I find it really hard to get my head round system level change when it comes to tackling health inequalities. Being a GP it is quite relatable when you hear and learn about stuff happening at grass route level and then all the big picture marmot stuff including funding and resources is talked abut all the time. It is the system level stuff that I wanted to learn more about. Sarah Smith, public health consultant in Wakefield has broken this all down for me. I found this conversation super helpful and hope you do too.

We talk about…

-         Different patient populations getting different outcomes and different access to services- What drives Sarah? (2mins)

-         Working across a large system and working out what we can all do to try to tackle HI (5mins)

-         Integrated care systems - what they are and what they aim to do? (7mins)

-         Three tests to try and identify what projects might work at scale in the system rather than being more locally focussed (9m 3s)

-         What data we might use to help us with this (11mins)

-         How governance might help or hinder her ambitions (13mins)

-         Brokering the gap between the national ask and what this means for the local population and being ‘servants of the local place’ (14mins)

-         What the CORE20PLUS5 means in Wakefield and giving a practical application of how this works at system level (15mins)

-         Having a public health team within the ICS and the challenges this sometimes raises (17mins)

-         Systems leadership (19mins)

-         Trying to include everyone in the system (21mins)

-         Practical steps (using frameworks, toolkits and pathways) to try reduce inequalities (26mins). Example of this – Access programme Bradford (28mins)

-         Social determinants of health (32mins)

-         Tips for emerging leaders wanting to find more about this (35mins)

To finish

-         Sarah’s best book (37m 30s) - Radical Help by Hilary Cottam

-         Sarah’s Genie wish (38m 30s)

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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