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英文流利聽說訓練 | MJ英語 | MJ English

MJ英語的英文聽說訓練,主要針對想對於英文聽說能力想更精進的朋友所創建的英語流利聽說訓練頻道。 YouTube上有生活英語、口語訓練等學習影片,上面有清楚的字幕,方便提供學習。 請在通勤・上學・搭電車、搭公車或捷運的空閒時間輕鬆的學習吧! 贊助支持:https://bit.ly/2XPtRCT Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@mjenglish 聯絡信箱:mjlanguageswithyou@gmail.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍推薦💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣ https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH3E5 📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣ https://www.tubebuddy.com/mjLanguages 🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣ https://go.italki.com/mjlanguages 🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世界看透透(現正優惠) ‣‣ https://go.nordvpn.net/SH53d -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

  1. 18 HR. AGO

    聽不清楚嗎?這 3 句英文讓你優雅應對,不再卡詞!

    教你如何 自然請對方重複,不讓對話中斷!不論是正式、輕鬆還是朋友間的情境,這 3 句 「Could you say that again?」、「Sorry, what was that?」、「Come again?」 讓你的英語溝通更流暢!💡 Hey everyone, ready to take your English skills on that dream trip you’ve been planning? 嗨,大家準備好讓你的英文技能在夢幻旅行中派上用場了嗎? Yeah, we’re going to make sure you can handle any conversation, even if things get a little uh lost in translation, 沒錯,我們要確保你可以應付任何對話,即使有時候會有一點語言上的小誤會。 right? Like you’re in a busy market or trying to catch the train and suddenly you didn’t quite get what someone said. 對吧?像是當你在熱鬧的市場裡,或者趕著搭火車時,突然沒聽懂別人說的話。 It happens to all of us. But don’t worry, that’s what this deep dive is all about. We’ve got you covered. 這種情況誰都會遇到,不過別擔心,這集就是要來深入解析這個問題,我們幫你準備好了! We’re focusing on three super useful phrases. 我們今天要學的是三個超實用的句子。 Your secret weapons to make sure the conversation keeps flowing. 這是你的秘密武器,讓對話可以順利進行下去。 Exactly. Even if you need someone to repeat themselves. And guess what? These phrases are so common even native English speakers use them all the time. 沒錯!即使你需要請對方重複一次也沒關係。而且你知道嗎?這些句子超級常見,就連母語人士也每天在用! Seriously, no need to feel shy about using them. 真的,不需要害羞,大膽用起來! All right, so let’s jump right in. Phrase number one, could you say that again? 好,直接來看看第一句:「Could you say that again?」 That’s the classic. It works pretty much anywhere. 這是經典款,幾乎任何情境都適用! Like imagine you’re trying to buy tickets for a show, but the cashier is speaking super fast. 比如說,你在買演出票,結果售票員講話超快,聽不懂。 That’s a perfect example. You can just say, “Excuse me, could you say that again, please?” 這時候就可以說:「不好意思,你可以再說一次嗎?」 Nice, polite, and clear. Now, let’s make it even better. 禮貌又清楚,接下來我們來強化一下這句話的效果。 Pronunciation is key. So, for could you say that again? Think of it like asking any question in English. Gently raise your own at the end like could you 發音是關鍵!所以在說「Could you say that again?」的時候,語調要稍微上揚,就像問問題一樣。 ah I see like you you’re curious not demanding. 哦~ 懂了,就是帶著好奇心,而不是命令的語氣。 Exactly. 沒錯! Awesome. So that’s our first phrase. Perfect for formal situations. But what about when you’re hanging out with you know some new friends you met while traveling. 太棒了!這是我們的第一句,非常適合正式場合。不過,如果你是跟旅行時認識的新朋友聊天呢? Things are a bit more casual then. Right. That’s when you can use phrase number two. Sorry. What was that? 這時候氣氛比較輕鬆對吧?所以我們可以用第二句:「Sorry, what was that?」 Okay. I like this one. It sounds more relaxed. 哦~ 這句不錯,聽起來比較輕鬆自然! It is. And you’re acknowledging you might have missed something 沒錯,而且這句話是在表達「哦,我剛剛沒聽清楚」, without sounding rude though. 但又不會讓人覺得不禮貌。 Yeah. Exactly. Say it with a genuine curious tone. Sorry. What was that? Imagine you’re at a hostel. Someone’s telling you about a cool place to visit and you missed the name of the place. 對,重點是語氣要帶點好奇:「Sorry, what was that?」想像一下,你在青年旅館,有人跟你推薦一個很棒的地方,但你沒聽清楚地名。 It’s just natural to ask again in that situation, right? 這種時候自然地再問一次,沒問題吧? Definitely. It shows you’re interested and want to keep up with the conversation. 絕對沒問題!這反而表現出你的興趣,想要繼續聊下去。 Okay. Love it. So, we’ve got Could you say that again, please? For more formal moments. Sorry, what was that for casual jets? Now, what about when you’re with your close friends? 好,我喜歡這個!所以我們有正式場合用的「Could you say that again, please?」,比較輕鬆的「Sorry, what was that?」。那如果是跟超熟的朋友呢? All right, for those super informal times, we’ve got our final phrase. And this one’s a bit fun. Come again. 這時候就可以用最後一句,而且這句超有趣——「Come again?」 Wait, come again. 等等,「Come again?」? Yep. Don’t let the word come throw you off. It’s actually an idiom. 沒錯,不要被「come」這個字嚇到,這其實是一個慣用語。 It just means could you Repeat that but in a more playful way. 它的意思跟「能再說一次嗎?」一樣,只是更有趣、更輕鬆。 Okay. So like you’re joking around with your travel buddy. 哦,所以是當你跟旅伴開玩笑時用的? Yeah. Maybe they make a joke you didn’t quite get. You can just say come again with a smile. 對,比如說,他們講了一個笑話但你沒聽懂,你可以笑著說「Come again?」 Ah, gotcha. So it’s like your secret code for I totally missed that. Tell me again. 啊,懂了!這就像是一句「欸?我剛剛沒聽懂,快再說一次!」的暗號。 Exactly. 沒錯! All right. So we’ve got our three magic phrases. Could you say that again, please? Sorry. What was that? And for the best buds, come again. 好啦,我們今天學了這三句「魔法句子」:正式的「Could you say that again, please?」,輕鬆點的「Sorry, what was that?」,還有超熟朋友間用的「Come again?」。 And remember, the key is to practice. 記住,關鍵就是多練習! Yeah. The more you use them, the more natural they’ll feel 對,越常用就會越順口, and the more confident you’ll be in any English conversation. 而且也會讓你在英文對話中更有自信! Exactly. So next time You’re out there exploring the world, 沒錯!下次你在外面旅行時, don’t be afraid to use these phrases. 不要害怕開口說這些句子! You’ve got this. Now, here’s a thought to take with you. When else could these phrases come in handy on your trip? I bet you can come up with lots of examples. 你一定可以做到!最後來想想,還有哪些旅行情境可以用到這些句子呢? Keep practicing and have an amazing adventure. 多練習,祝你旅途愉快!🌍✨ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    3 min
  2. 3 DAYS AGO

    跟不上時代還是經典不敗?搞懂『Old School』的雙重意義!

    不停錶的生活 隨時都要有好心情 來點新感覺 讓你帶著自信前行 無論是甜蜜草莓夾心、濃郁花生夾心、浪漫可可夾心 還是星級主廚監製的鮪魚沙拉、以及新登場的金黃蛋沙拉 時尚輕巧美味,新感覺夾心土司,7-11現正優雅販售中 https://sofm.pse.is/772phv ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 「old school」到底是讚美還是吐槽?這集 Podcast 教你如何靈活運用「old school」這個英文片語, 無論是在形容音樂、時尚,還是老派的生活哲學,都能自然切換語氣,展現你的英文小巧思!🔥 ✨ 本集重點句子: I’m old school.(我很老派。) The music was so old school.(這音樂超老派的。) He may have an old school approach, but he's a great leader.(他的方法可能很老派,但他是個很棒的領導者。) 📚 實用單字整理: Old school:老派、懷舊風格 Nostalgic:懷舊的 Traditional market:傳統市場 快來聽聽看,學會用「old school」讓你的英文更有層次感!🎙️💡 ▶❤️【訂閱支持】 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/1e726348-a460-4dc2-802b-4a56bfad678e ▶🤝【成為YT頻道會員】 www.youtube.com/channel/UC71N5gYCpweE6ddRnqSwkNw/join ▶👍【Youtube影片練習】 https://www.youtube.com/@mjenglish All right, everybody. Welcome back. I am so excited for today's deep dive because we are going to be focusing on a super interesting phrase in English. 大家好,歡迎回來!我今天超興奮,因為我們要深入探討一個超有趣的英文片語。 Oo yeah, that you will hear all the time. And that is old school. 哦,對!你會常常聽到這個片語,就是「old school(老派、懷舊風格)」。 I love that phrase. 我超喜歡這個片語! It's so cool. Right. And before we jump in, I just want to let everybody know 真的很酷!在我們開始之前,我想先提醒大家。 Yeah. It's so much more than just like, you know, a school that's old or something like that, right? 「Old school」不只是字面上的「老學校」,它的意思可不只這麼簡單,對吧? Yeah. It has a really interesting meaning and a bunch of different ways to use it. 沒錯!它有很多有趣的含義,還能在不同情境下使用。 That's a whole vibe. 它甚至可以代表一種氛圍! It is. It's a whole vibe. So, I guess to get started, let's just jump right in and, you know, think about this phrase. 真的就是一種氛圍!那我們就直接切入主題,來聊聊這個片語吧。 Okay. I'm old school. 好,「I’m old school(我很老派)」。 Okay. Like, what do you think that means when you hear somebody say that? 那你覺得聽到別人這麼說時是什麼意思呢? Yeah. So, when I hear someone say, "I'm old school," I think of someone who kind of likes to do things the traditional way. 嗯,當我聽到有人說「I’m old school」,我會覺得這個人喜歡用傳統的方式做事。 Yeah. You know, like they appreciate the way things were done in the past and they maybe like to stick to those like classic methods and values. 對,他們欣賞過去的做事方式,可能也偏好堅持那些經典的做法和價值觀。 Almost like they're saying like I'm a little bit conservative or something. 就有點像是在說「我有點保守」那種感覺。 Yeah. Exactly. Like it can definitely have that connotation. 沒錯!它確實有這種含義。 Like a little bit more traditional in their approach to things. 在處理事情上比較傳統。 And what's really cool is that it can be used in a positive way or like a kind of a negative way depending on the context. 有趣的是,它可以是正面的意思,也可以帶點負面含義,取決於情境。 Yeah. Right. So like um all about the tone. 對,重點在於語氣和上下文。 Yeah. Like if you're talking about like oh I love old school music. 像是你說「我超愛 old school 音樂」, That's like you're appreciating like the classics. 這表示你欣賞經典老歌。 But if you say like my dad is so old school, you know, it's like a little bit of a negative connotation there. 但如果你說「我爸超 old school」,可能就帶點負面的意味,像是在說他很守舊。 You know, he's not getting with the times. 意思是他跟不上時代潮流。 Yeah. Maybe he's got some outdated ideas. 對,可能他的觀念有點過時了。 Yeah. Exactly. So, it's really all about like how you use it. 沒錯!所以關鍵在於你怎麼使用這個片語。 Totally. Now, a couple other things I found really interesting. 完全同意!另外還有一些有趣的小細節。 You can actually write it with or without a hyphen. 這個片語可以寫成「old school」或「old-school」,有沒有連字號都可以。 Okay. Either way works. 沒錯,兩種寫法都可以。 And I also pulled a couple examples from some of the stuff I was reading because I thought they were really colorful and kind of showed how you can use it in different ways. 我還找了一些例子,覺得蠻生動的,能幫助大家理解這個片語在不同情境下的用法。 I love it. 太棒了! Okay, so here's one. This is someone talking about listening to music at a pub in England and he's like, "The music was so old school." 好,第一個例子:有人在英國的酒吧聽音樂,說「The music was so old school.(這音樂超老派的)」 Oh, wow. It just took me right back to my college days. 哇,聽到就讓我回想到大學時期! That's awesome. So, you know, it's like that nostalgic feeling. 太棒了!這種感覺就像是喚起懷舊回憶。 Yeah. That feeling of like when you hear something and it brings back all those memories of a certain time period. 對,當你聽到某首歌,腦中就浮現特定時期的回憶。 That's such a good way to use it. 這真是一個很棒的用法。 Um, here's another one. He may have an old school approach, but he's a great leader. 再來一個例子:「He may have an old school approach, but he's a great leader.(他的方法可能很老派,但他是個很棒的領導者)」 I like that. Right. So it's like even though maybe he's a little bit set in his ways, he's still a good leader. 我喜歡這個例子!即使他可能有點固執傳統,但仍然是個好領導。 Yeah. He's got those strong classic leadership qualities. 對,他擁有經典的領導特質。 Exactly. That maybe aren't as common nowadays, but are still really effective. 沒錯,或許這些特質在現代不那麼常見,但依然非常有效。 This next one's kind of funny. This was a woman being interviewed on TV, and they said that she has an old school lifestyle. 下一個例子有點有趣:一位女性在電視上受訪,有人形容她過著「old school lifestyle(老派的生活方式)」。 Which included no phone, no car, and making all of her own clothes. 她不用手機、不開車,甚至所有衣服都是自己做的! Wow, that's a commitment. I know, right? That's truly old school. 哇,這也太有毅力了!真的是超級老派的生活方式! Um, and then this last one, I think a lot of people can probably relate to this. 最後這個例子,我想很多人應該都能感同身受。 Okay. It's so hard. Living with my old school in-laws. 「跟我那超老派的親戚住在一起真的好難啊!」 Oh, no. Right. Like maybe they have different ideas about things, different values. 喔,天啊!這大概是因為彼此在想法和價值觀上有很大差異。 Yeah, exactly. Different values, different ways of living. 沒錯,價值觀不同,生活方式也不一樣。 I can see that causing some clashes. 我可以想像這會造成一些摩擦。 For sure. Oh, so many possibilities. 一定的,這種情況真的是千奇百怪。 I know. It's a really versatile phrase. 我懂,「old school」真的是個超多用途的片語。 So, as you can see, I mean, there's so many different ways to use this phrase. 你看,這個片語可以用在超多不同的情境中。 Yeah. And it really is a great one to learn and kind of get under your belt. 沒錯!這絕對是值得學起來、放進口袋的好片語。 It is. And I think it's a great way for English learners to kind of, you know, expand their vocabulary and start to express themselves in a more nuanced way. 沒錯!對學英文的人來說,這是一個能幫助擴充詞彙、表達更細緻情感的好方法。 Totally. Because it's not just about age. It's about a whole like way of thinking and a way of approaching the world. 完全同意!因為「old school」不只是跟年紀有關,它代表的是一種思維模式和看待世界的方式。 What I love about it is it's kind of like a shortcut to express a whole bunch of ideas all at once. 我喜歡這個片語,因為它就像是一個快速表達複雜想法的捷徑。 Exactly. It's like a cultural shorthand. 沒錯!它就是一種文化速記法。 Yeah. And it's just so cool to hear it and kind of like get that immediate understanding of what someone's trying to say. 真的,當你聽到這個片語時,可以立刻感受到對方想表達的意思,超酷的! Absolutely. So, I think one of the best ways to really learn a phrase like this is to start using it yourself. 完全同意!要真正學會這個片語,最好的方法就是自己開始用起來。 Absolutely. So, think about like things in your own life here in Taiwan that you would consider old school. 沒錯!想想看你在台灣生活中有哪些事情可以用「old school」來形容。 Like maybe it's like a certain type of food. 比如說,某種傳統小吃? Yes. Or a way of doing something.

    5 min
  3. FEB 15


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And guess what? 大家好,歡迎回到我們的節目!你們知道我們超愛深入探討有趣的英文片語,對吧?猜猜今天要聊什麼? We've got a whole new batch of them just waiting to be explored. 我們準備了一整套新的片語,等著和大家一起來探索! You know, I was thinking about this on my way here. It's all about food this time. 我剛來的路上就在想,這次的主題全都和「食物」有關喔! I mean, who doesn't love talking about food, especially delicious food, and how to order it perfectly, right? 說真的,誰不愛聊食物呢?尤其是美食,還有如何完美地下訂單,對吧? Exactly. We'll make sure you're totally prepared for your next restaurant adventure. 沒錯!今天我們要確保你下次去餐廳用餐時,能夠應對自如。 Well, that sounds fun. So, where do we start? 聽起來好有趣!那我們從哪開始呢? Let's kick things off with a phrase that's a lifesaver, especially if you're a bit hesitant like me sometimes when it comes to trying new things. 我們先來介紹一個超實用的救命片語,特別適合像我一樣有時候不太敢嘗試新食物的人。 Oh, tell me more. I'm intrigued. 哇,快告訴我更多,我已經被吸引住了! Okay, picture this. You're at a restaurant. You got this amazing dish in front of you, but you're not quite sure about that sauce drizzled all over it. 好,想像一下,你在餐廳點了一道看起來超美味的料理,但上面淋了你不太確定的醬料。 I've been there. It's like, do I risk it or play it safe? 我懂!這時候就會猶豫到底要不要冒險吃吃看,還是保守一點。 Right. That's where on the side comes in. 沒錯,這時候「on the side」就派上用場了。 Ah, on the side. This is a classic. It's so simple yet so effective. 啊~「on the side」這個經典片語!超簡單但超級有用。 It really is. It just means you want something served separately. 真的!意思就是「把某個配料或醬料分開放」。 Exactly. Like, can I get the dressing on the side, please? 沒錯!例如:「Can I get the dressing on the side, please?(可以把沙拉醬另外放嗎?)」 Exactly. That way, you can try a little bit and see if you like it without, you know, committing to a whole saucy situation. 對!這樣你就可以先試一點點看看合不合口味,不用一開始就整盤被醬料淹沒。 And you know what? It's not just for sauces or dressings either. 而且你知道嗎?「on the side」不只適用於醬料或沙拉醬喔! Oh, really? Like, what else? 真的嗎?還可以用在哪些情況呢? Well, you could use it for anything you want to keep separate from your main dish. Like, say, can I get the onions on the side or even mayo on the side? And by the way, mayo is totally fine. It's like the cool shortened version of mayonnaise. 其實只要是你想和主菜分開放的食物都可以用,比如:「Can I get the onions on the side?(洋蔥可以另外放嗎?)」或者「mayo on the side(美乃滋分開放)」。順帶一提,「mayo」就是「mayonnaise(美乃滋)」的簡稱,聽起來更潮。 Oh, I love those little insider tips. Make you sound like a pro. Speaking of feeling like a pro, Let's talk about brunch. 哇,我喜歡這種小撇步,聽起來超專業!既然說到專業,那我們來聊聊「brunch」吧。 Brunch. Yes. The magical meal that's not quite breakfast, not quite lunch. 早午餐!沒錯~這個神奇的餐點,既不是早餐,也不是午餐。 It's like the best of both worlds. 根本是結合早餐和午餐的完美選擇。 It totally is. And the word itself is a fun combination of, you guessed it, breakfast and lunch. 真的!而且這個詞其實是「breakfast(早餐)」和「lunch(午餐)」的組合喔! So clever, right? Brunch is perfect for those lazy weekend mornings when you're craving something delicious and satisfying, but not ready for a full-on lunch just yet. 超聰明吧?早午餐超適合週末的懶人時光,當你還不想吃正餐,卻又想吃點好料的時候。 And let's be honest, brunch often involves some serious indulgence. pancakes, waffles, eggs benedict. It's a feast. 老實說,早午餐真的很容易讓人放縱啊!像是鬆餅、華夫餅、班尼迪克蛋,根本就是一場美食饗宴。 It's like a celebration of deliciousness. But sometimes that celebration can lead to a bit of, shall I say, overindulgence. You know those times when you walk out of a restaurant feeling like you could burst? 根本是味蕾的慶典!但有時候吃得太嗨,可能會有點過頭……你知道,吃完走出餐廳感覺肚子要爆炸的那種時刻? Oh, I know those times all too well. Especially when you've encountered the irresistible allure of an all you can eat buffet. 我太懂了!特別是遇到那種「吃到飽」的自助餐,真的很難抗拒啊! Oh, those buffets. They're like a food lover's dream come true. But they can also be recipe for that familiar feeling of I should have stopped eating a half hour ago. 喔~自助餐根本是吃貨的天堂!但吃完之後常常會有「我早該半小時前就停口了」的後悔感。 Uh-huh. Yes. And that's actually a perfect segue into another useful phrase. I should have is how we express regret about something we did in the past. 哈哈哈!這正好帶到另一個實用的片語:「I should have…」用來表達對過去事情的後悔。 So it's like looking back and saying, "Ooh, maybe I made a mistake there." 也就是回頭想想:「呃,當時好像做錯決定了。」 Exactly. And the opposite is I shouldn't have, which we use for things we wish we hadn't done. So in the buffet scenario, you might say, "I should have stopped at two plates." Or, "I shouldn't have had that last piece of cake." 沒錯!相反的則是「I shouldn’t have…」,用來表示「我不該……」。比如在自助餐場景,你可以說:「I should have stopped at two plates(我應該吃兩盤就好)」或「I shouldn’t have had that last piece of cake(我不該吃掉最後那塊蛋糕)」。 Oh, I've definitely had those cake regrets. Speaking of regrets, I remember this one time I went to this amazing Italian restaurant. 喔,我超有共鳴!我也常為蛋糕後悔。說到後悔,我記得有一次去一家超讚的義大利餐廳…… Hold on before we get lost in another food adventure. There's one more phrase we need to cover. It's especially useful for those times when you're trying to savor every last bite, but the server seems a little too eager to clear your plate. 等等!在我們陷入美食回憶之前,還有一個超實用的片語要教大家!特別適合當你還在慢慢享受餐點,但服務生卻急著要收走你的盤子時。 Oh, I hate when that happens. It's like, "Hey, I'm not finished yet." 我超討厭這種情況!心裡想著:「嘿,我還沒吃完耶!」 Right? But you don't want to be rude. So, that's where this phrase comes in handy. Just say, "I'm still working on it." 對吧?但又不想太不禮貌,這時只要說:「I’m still working on it.(我還在吃喔)」就搞定了。 "I'm still working on it." It's polite. It's clear. And it gives you a chance to enjoy your meal at your own pace. 「I’m still working on it」,既禮貌又明確,還能讓你繼續悠閒地享受美食。 Precisely. And it lets the server know that you're not quite ready to part ways with your plate just yet. 完全正確!這樣服務生就知道你還沒吃完,不會再來打擾你。 So, there you have it. We've learned how to order things on the side, plan a delightful brunch, express those should have stopped eating moments, and politely hold on to our plates with I'm still working on it. 總結一下,今天我們學會了如何用「on the side」客製化點餐,聊聊早午餐(brunch),還學了如何表達吃太多的後悔(I should have)以及禮貌地拒

    5 min
  4. FEB 10

    Ep.207 | 【懶人救星】每天10分鐘,1000單字征服英語!【常用單字1000 #26】

    今年夏天就是要來MSC榮耀號 ! 帶著好友們一起IG美照拍不停、派對嗨不停、XD互動影院玩不停。跟著孩子一起玩樂高、滑水道、F1模擬賽車、甲板派對。帶父母一起享受星級美食、看世界級歌舞表演。 2025年6-7月 日韓假期 基隆港出發 早鳥優惠最高每房減6,000元 出發去: https://sofm.pse.is/76qgfl #msccruisestaiwan #Brav榮耀時刻 #MS榮耀號 #MSC地中海郵輪 #基隆港出發 #暑假玩日韓 #早鳥優惠 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ▶【1000常用英文單字】單字別亂背 先記會用的 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkkkRTcpay0E04aCTrG0qyUh0vKOj26KN ▶🍭【贊助支持我們】 https://bit.ly/2XPtRCT ▶🤝【成為會員支持我們】 www.youtube.com/channel/UC71N5gYCpweE6ddRnqSwkNw/join ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MjEnglish ▶【更多PDF下載】 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mjenglish/extras ▶學習更多請訂閱MJ英語 https://bit.ly/3CZWWLm ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍推薦💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣ https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH3E5 🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世界看透透(現正優惠) ‣‣ https://go.nordvpn.net/SH53d 📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣ https://www.tubebuddy.com/mjLanguages 🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣ https://go.italki.com/mjlanguages -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    10 min
  5. FEB 6

    英文隨和表達術!搞懂『I’m easy』和『It’s up to you』就夠了!

    蘋果、Google、Amazon,這些美國頂尖企業,都從車庫誕生。他們不僅改變世界,更引領未來財富方向! 009800、中信NASDAQ,009801、中信美國創新科技,與企業龍頭並肩同行,可望駕馭美股成長潛力與多頭動能。 10元起步,009800、009801,隨美股一起榮耀,1/13~1/17速洽全台各大證券商。 https://sofm.pse.is/75678m ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 想在英文對話中表現出輕鬆又不失禮貌?學會「I’m easy」和「It’s up to you」就能輕鬆搞定!👌 這集不只教你正確用法,還有實際情境範例,讓你輕鬆成為英文溝通達人! ▶❤️【訂閱支持】 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/1e726348-a460-4dc2-802b-4a56bfad678e ▶🤝【成為YT頻道會員】 www.youtube.com/channel/UC71N5gYCpweE6ddRnqSwkNw/join ▶👍【Youtube影片練習】 https://www.youtube.com/@mjenglish Hey everyone, welcome back. Today we're going to do a deep dive into some really common and really useful English phrases. 大家好,歡迎回來!今天我們要深入探討一些非常常見又超級實用的英文片語。 Yeah, these phrases are super helpful, especially for beginners, 沒錯,這些片語對初學者特別有幫助, especially if you're here in Taiwan and um want to uh you know like have some like more natural sounding conversations with English speakers. 尤其是你在台灣,想要和說英文的人進行更自然的對話。 Totally. 完全正確! So, we're focusing on two phrases today and these phrases you can use right away um and they'll help you sound way more fluent and confident. 今天我們會專注在兩個片語上,學會後你馬上就可以使用,還能讓你的英文聽起來更流利、更有自信。 Yeah. And I think it's amazing how just knowing a few key phrases can make you feel so much more comfortable in everyday conversations. 沒錯!我覺得只要學會一些關鍵片語,就能讓你在日常對話中更加自在,真的很神奇。 Okay, so the first phrase is like so simple but super useful. It is. 好,第一個片語非常簡單但超級實用。 It's "I'm easy." 就是「I’m easy」。 "I'm easy." 「I’m easy。」 Now, if you just like translate that directly, you know, word for word. 如果你直接逐字翻譯, Um it might sound a little strange. 聽起來可能會有點奇怪。 Yeah. It definitely doesn't mean what it sounds like, right? 對,這片語的意思跟字面上的完全不一樣,對吧? So, like what do you think it means? "I'm easy." 那你覺得「I’m easy」是什麼意思呢? Well, in English when you say "I'm easy," you're not saying you're like simple or gullible or something. Actually, it's a shortened way of saying "I'm easy to please." 在英文中,說「I’m easy」並不是說你很簡單或好騙。其實它是「I’m easy to please(我很容易滿足)」的簡化版。 I see. Okay. 原來如此,了解了。 Which basically means I'm flexible or I don't have a strong preference. 意思就是「我很隨和」或「我沒有特別的偏好」。 Oo, that makes a lot more sense. So like break it down a little bit. "To please," what does that actually mean in this context? 哦,這樣就更合理了。那可以幫我們解釋一下「to please」在這個語境中的意思嗎? Yeah. So, "to please" means to make someone happy or satisfied. 「To please」的意思是讓某人感到開心或滿意。 Got it. 了解了。 So, "easy to please" means you're not difficult to satisfy. You're happy to go with the flow. 所以「easy to please」的意思就是你很容易被滿足,樂於隨和。 Okay. So could you give us an example like how you would use this in a real situation? 可以給我們一個實際的例子,看看在真實情境中要怎麼使用嗎? Absolutely. Let's say you're at a restaurant with some friends and they're trying to decide what kind of food to order. 當然!假設你和朋友在餐廳,正在決定要點什麼食物。 Always a tough decision. 這總是個艱難的決定(笑)。 It is. Someone asks, "Hey, what do you want to eat? Should we get Japanese food or Italian food?" You could simply say, "I'm easy." 對啊。如果有人問你:「嘿,你想吃什麼?日本料理還是義大利菜?」你就可以簡單回答:「I’m easy。」 I love it. "I'm easy." 我喜歡這個用法!「I’m easy。」 Exactly. 沒錯! And that just shows you're open to anything. 這表示你很隨和,什麼都可以。 Yeah. You're not picky. You're flexible. 對,你不挑剔,個性很彈性。 And it's a lot smoother than saying like, "Nah, I don't mind," or "Anything is okay." 而且比說「I don’t mind(我不介意)」或「Anything is okay(什麼都可以)」聽起來更自然流暢。 Exactly. Sounds more natural, more confident. 沒錯!聽起來更自然、更有自信。 Awesome. 太棒了! And even a little bit more, you know, enthusiastic. 而且感覺更有活力。 Yeah. Totally. So, anything else? Any other tips for using "I'm easy" naturally? 沒錯!那還有什麼小技巧可以讓「I’m easy」聽起來更自然嗎? Well, I'd say, you know, pay attention to your tone of voice and your body language. 我覺得要注意你的語氣和肢體語言。 Okay. So, like don't just mumble it. 了解,不能只是喃喃自語地說出來。 Exactly. Say it with a smile, maybe even a little shrug. 沒錯!帶著微笑說,甚至可以稍微聳聳肩,表現得輕鬆一點。 You want to show that you're genuinely easygoing. 你要表現出自己真的很隨和。 Great tip. 好建議! It can really make a difference in how people perceive you. 這真的會影響別人對你的感覺喔! Okay. So, our second power phrase. This one is like a perfect follow-up to "I'm easy." 好,接下來是第二個超實用片語,這個跟「I’m easy」是絕配! Absolutely. 完全正確! It's "It's up to you." 就是「It’s up to you」。 Perfect combo. 完美搭配! Right. So, this one's pretty straightforward. I think it's basically saying like, you know, you get to choose. 這個片語很直接,意思就是「由你決定」。 Exactly. It gives the other person the power to make the decision. 沒錯,這表示你把決定權交給對方。 So, if we think back to that restaurant example, you said, "I'm easy." And now they're like, "Okay, well, what kind of food do you want?" 回到剛剛的餐廳例子,你說了「I’m easy」,朋友接著問:「那你想吃哪種?」 Then you could say, "It's up to you." Exactly. "It's up to you." I'm happy with anything. 這時你就可以說:「It’s up to you(由你決定)。」完全正確!表示「我什麼都可以」。 Yeah. And I feel like that creates a really nice friendly back and forth. 對,這樣可以營造出輕鬆友善的對話氛圍。 Instead of being like super decisive and you know, just being like, "No, we're going here. We're doing this." 而不是一味地表現得很強勢,像「不!我們要去那裡,我們要做這個!」 Yeah. Nobody likes that, right? 對啊,沒有人喜歡那種態度,對吧? So, like what other situations can you think of where these phrases would be helpful? I mean, I feel like they're like so versatile. 你還能想到哪些場合可以用到這些片語嗎?感覺它們用途超廣。 Oh, yeah. Tons of situations. Like imagine you're planning a weekend trip with friends. 當然可以!很多場合都適用,比如你在和朋友計劃周末旅行時。 Oh, yeah. That's a good one. 喔,這個例子不錯! You could say, "Hey, I'm easy for where we go. It's up to you guys." 你可以說:「嘿,去哪裡我都可以(I’m easy for where we go),由你們決定(It’s up to you guys)。」 Or like choosing a movie to watch, what to wear, you know, literally anything. 或者是在選電影、決定穿什麼衣服,基本上任何情境都能用。 Exactly. 沒錯! So, any final thoughts before we wrap up this deep dive? 太棒了!在結束今天的深入探討前,還有什麼最後的想法嗎? I think the most important thing is to just start using these phrases. 我覺得最重要的就是開始實際使用這些片語。 Yes. Don't be shy. 沒錯,不要害羞! The more you practice, the more natural they'll become. 練習得越多,這些片語就會變得越自然。 And don't be afraid to, you know, just listen to how other English speakers use them. 也別害怕去聆聽其他說英文的人是怎麼使用這些片語的。 Exactly. Pay attention to their tone, their body language, the context. 沒錯,留意他們的語氣、肢體語言以及使用情境。 Yeah. It's all about absorbing that real-world English. 對!這就是學習真實英語的關鍵。 It really is. And you know, it's funny because a lot of English expressions have meanings that go beyond their literal translations. 真的!有趣的是,很多英文片語的意思都不只是字面上的意思。 Totally. I think we could do a whole other deep dive on that. 完全同意!我覺得我們可以再做一次深入探討,專門聊這個。 We definitely could. There's so much to explore in the English language. 絕對可以!英文世界裡有太多值得探索的東西了。 So, that's something to think about for everyone listening. 這就是今天給大家的一些思考點。 Yeah. 沒錯。 What other English phrases or expressions might have meanings that kind of surprise you? 還有哪些英文片語或表達方式的意思可能會讓你感到驚訝呢? I'd love to hear what you discover. 我很想知道你們發現了些什麼! So, keep practicing, keep exploring, and we'll

    5 min
  6. FEB 2


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And I thought for our Taiwanese listeners out there who are trying to, you know, improve their English, wouldn’t it be great to be able to describe this kind of scene like perfectly in English? 像我前陣子去台北,超想喝珍奶,你知道,這可是台灣的經典!然後我就在想,對於想學好英文的台灣聽眾來說,能夠完美用英文描述這種情境不是超棒的嗎? Absolutely. Being able to talk about everyday things is so important for feeling comfortable with a language. 完全同意!能用英文描述日常生活中的小事,真的很重要,這會讓你用語言更自在。 So, that's what we're diving into today. 所以今天我們要來深入探討這個主題。 Sounds good. Let's do it. 聽起來不錯,開始吧! All right. So, we found this English learning post online, and it's all about different ways to say, "Let's get in line." 好,我們在網路上找到了一篇學英文的文章,主題就是「排隊」可以怎麼說。 Oh, interesting. I'm curious to see what they came up with. 喔,聽起來很有趣!我很好奇他們提供了哪些說法。 Yeah. So, they give us three options. Let's line up. Let's get in line. And let's queue up. 他們提供了三個選項:「Let's line up.(我們來排隊吧)」、「Let's get in line.(我們去排隊吧)」以及「Let's queue up.(我們來排隊吧)」。 Okay. I can see how those would all work, but they each have a slightly different vibe. 嗯,這三個都能用,但感覺上還是有點不一樣。 Right. Exactly. So, let's break them down. 沒錯!我們來仔細分析一下。 So, what about let's line up? Where would you use that one? 那「Let's line up」通常會在什麼場合用呢? Hm. Line up. It's kind of like what you'd hear in a more formal setting like back in school when the teacher would tell everyone to line up for lunch. 嗯,「line up」聽起來比較正式,像在學校老師會說「大家排隊去吃午餐」的時候。 Yeah. Yeah. It had that like organized almost official feel to it. 對對對,這種說法聽起來比較有秩序、甚至有點官方的感覺。 Totally. So maybe not the best choice if you're just casually meeting friends for bubble tea. 完全正確!所以如果只是跟朋友約喝珍奶,這個用法可能就太正式了。 Huh. Right. Yeah. If you said, "Let's line up for bubble tea," your friends might think you're being a little too serious. 哈哈,真的!如果你跟朋友說「Let's line up for bubble tea」,大家可能會覺得你太嚴肅了。 For sure. Yeah. In that case, let's get in line would be the way to go. 沒錯!這時候用「Let's get in line」會更自然。 Yeah. That one feels much more natural. It's like everyday American English. Like if you and your buddies were going to grab burgers after a movie, you'd say, "Let's get in line." 對!「Let's get in line」聽起來就超級自然,像日常美式英文。如果你跟朋友看完電影要去吃漢堡,就會說:「Let's get in line.」 Exactly. It just flows better in those casual situations. 沒錯!在輕鬆的場合聽起來更順耳。 All right. So, then we’ve got, "Let’s queue up." I feel like I’ve definitely heard that one before, but it doesn’t sound very American to me. 好,那再來是「Let’s queue up」。我好像聽過這個,但感覺不太像美式英文。 You’re right on the money with that one. Queue up is very British. It’s like those long orderly lines you see for Wimbledon or afternoon tea. 你說對了!「Queue up」是非常英式的說法,像是溫布頓網球賽或英國下午茶那種整齊的長隊伍。 Okay, that makes sense. It reflects a more indirect polite way of speaking, especially when you’re with strangers. 喔,這樣就合理了,聽起來比較禮貌、委婉,尤其是面對不認識的人時。 Interesting. So, like if I’m with my friends grabbing bubble tea. Let’s get in line. Those are right. But if I’m at a business conference and we need to register, maybe let’s line up is a better fit. 原來如此!所以跟朋友買珍奶時,可以說「Let’s get in line」;但如果是在商業會議要報到,可能「Let’s line up」會更合適。 Exactly. You nailed it. Context is everything. Choosing the right phrase shows you understand not just the words, but the culture behind them. It’s like adding that extra flavor to your English. 沒錯!你說得太好了。情境真的很重要,選對片語不只是語言能力的展現,也能反映你對文化的理解。就像幫你的英文加上一點「風味」一樣。 It’s like choosing the right tea for the right mood. Right. 就像選擇適合當下心情的茶一樣,對吧? Uhhuh. I like that analogy. 哈哈,我喜歡這個比喻! So, picture this. You’re telling your English-speaking friend about that crazy bubble tea line. You could say something like, "The line was so long, but we just had to get in line." 想像一下,你在跟說英文的朋友描述那個超誇張的珍奶排隊場景,你可以說:「The line was so long, but we just had to get in line.(隊伍超長,但我們還是得排隊啊!)」 Perfect. And think about how these phrases could work in other situations, too. Like, if you were describing a Black Friday sale, you could say, "People were lining up for hours to get the best deals." 太棒了!而且這些片語在其他情境也很好用。像是描述黑色星期五大特賣時,你可以說:「People were lining up for hours to get the best deals.(大家排了好幾個小時的隊,就為了搶到最划算的折扣!)」 Oh, man. I could just see it. 天啊,我都能想像那個畫面了! It’s amazing how a few simple words can create such a vivid picture, right? 沒錯!簡單幾個字就能勾勒出超生動的畫面,真的很神奇! Totally. So, to all our Taiwanese listeners out there, don’t be shy. Give these phrases a try. See how line up, get in line, and even queue up feel in different situations. 真的!所以在台灣的聽眾們,不要害羞,試著用用看這些片語吧!看看「line up」、「get in line」甚至「queue up」在不同情境中會有什麼感覺。 Exactly. The more you practice, the more natural it’ll become. And who knows, maybe you’ll even have some funny line-waiting stories to share in English. 沒錯!越多練習就會越自然。說不定你還能用英文分享一些有趣的排隊經歷喔! That’s what we love to hear. So, keep practicing and keep those conversations flowing. 我們超喜歡聽到這種故事的!繼續練習,讓你的英文對話越來越順暢吧! You got it. 說得太好了! And remember, the most important thing is just to keep talking and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. 記住,最重要的就是勇敢開口說,不要害怕犯錯! Couldn’t agree more. It’s all part of the learning process. 完全同意!這都是學習過程的一部分。 Exactly. Have fun with it. 沒錯!享受學習的樂趣吧! See you next time. 下次見囉! Bye. 掰掰! ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MjEnglish ▶【更多PDF下載】 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mjenglish/extras ▶學習更多請訂閱MJ英語 https://bit.ly/3CZWWLm ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍推薦💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣ https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH3E5 🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世界看透透(現正優惠) ‣‣ https://go.nordvpn.net/SH53d 📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣ https://www.tubebuddy.com/mjLanguages 🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣ https://go.italki.com/mjlanguages -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    4 min
  7. JAN 30

    (中英逐字稿) 意想不到的英語!用「Out of the blue」這樣說英語!

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So out of the blue means something happens that's unexpected. 「Out of the blue」的意思是,某件事發生得非常突然、完全出乎意料。 Unexpected and suddenly. 又突然,又令人意想不到。 So something happens suddenly. Is that out of the blue? 所以只要某件事突然發生,就可以說「Out of the blue」嗎? Well, not exactly. It's more than just sudden. It has that element of surprise and the lack of warning. 不完全是哦!這不只是「突然」,還帶有一種「毫無預警的驚訝感」。 So, it's not like you were expecting it at all. 也就是說,你完全沒有預期它會發生。 Exactly. Like something that just comes out of nowhere. 沒錯!就像某件事突然「從天而降」一樣。 Out of nowhere. 完全是「憑空冒出來」。 Yeah. 對,就是這種感覺! But like, where does that come from? Out of the blue? Where's the blue come from? 但這個片語的「blue(藍色)」是從哪裡來的呢?它的由來是什麼? Well, that's a good question. 這是個好問題! Is it like blue paint? 是跟藍色的油漆有關嗎? It's not like blue paint. 哈哈,跟藍色油漆沒什麼關係啦。 Okay. 哦,了解。 But it's thought to come from the image of a clear blue sky, you know. 其實,它的靈感可能來自「晴朗的藍天」,你知道嗎? Oh, yeah. 哦,這樣說好像有點道理! And then suddenly… 然後突然間…… Yes, exactly. Something unexpected happens, like a storm rolling in. 沒錯!就像天氣突然變天,一場暴風雨毫無預警地襲來。 Oh, so it's like the sky is blue and then suddenly a storm comes. 哦!所以意思是「本來晴空萬里,結果突然下起暴風雨」這樣的感覺? Exactly. That element of surprise. 完全正確!就是那種「意想不到」的驚訝感。 Okay. 好,我懂了! So just like that, something unexpected happens out of the blue. 所以,「Out of the blue」就是指某件事「突然發生,毫無預警」。 Out of the blue. Yeah. 對,就是這樣,「Out of the blue」! Okay. So, I mean, is it more casual? Like, how would you use this in an actual sentence? 那這個片語是比較口語的嗎?該怎麼在日常對話中使用它呢? Yeah, definitely. It's a casual phrase, you know, like you would use it in everyday conversations with friends or family. 沒錯!這是一個非常口語化的片語,你可以在跟朋友或家人聊天時自然地使用它。 So not like if I'm writing an email to my boss. 所以如果我要寫信給老闆,就不適合用這個片語,對吧? Probably not for a formal email to your boss. No. 對,正式的商務郵件就不太適合使用這個片語。 Okay. So give me like an example. How would you use this if you were just like talking to somebody? 好,那你可以舉個例子嗎?如果是日常對話,我該怎麼用這個片語? Let's say you're talking to a friend and you say, "Oh my gosh, my friend from high school just called me out of the blue." 假設你在跟朋友聊天,你可以說:「天啊!我高中同學突然打電話給我,超級意外!」 Oh wow. 哇,真的很突然! Yeah. After years of not speaking. 對啊,已經好幾年沒聯絡了! So that's not just they called you suddenly. 所以這不只是「突然打來」而已,對吧? Yeah. 對! It's that you had no idea that they were even thinking about you. 而是你完全沒想到對方還會記得你,或者還會聯絡你! Exactly. You didn't expect it at all. It just happened. 沒錯!你完全沒預料到,它就是突然發生了。 And so that "out of the blue" really emphasizes that. 所以「Out of the blue」可以強調那種「超出預期」的感覺。 Yes. It really highlights that element of surprise. 對!它真的能夠表現出那種「驚喜感」。 Wow. 哇,真的很有趣! And lack of warning. 而且完全沒有任何預兆! I like it. It does. It adds a little spice. 我喜歡這個片語,感覺讓對話更生動! It does. So, how would you use it? Have you ever had something happen to you out of the blue? 對吧!那你自己有沒有遇過什麼「Out of the blue」的事情呢? Oh, all the time. 哦,這種事我常常遇到! I mean, you know, I can't think of a specific example right now, but… 呃,現在一時想不到具體的例子,但是…… Oh, okay. 哦,好吧! But yeah, like I can totally see myself using this. I'm sure I've used it before without even thinking about it. 但我覺得這個片語真的很實用,而且我應該早就不自覺地用過它了! And that's the goal, right? To use it naturally. 這就是我們學習的目標——讓它變成你的自然用語! It sounds like a native speaker. 這樣說起來就會更像母語人士! So, when you use it in a sentence, where does it go? 那這個片語在句子裡應該放在哪裡呢? You can usually put it at the beginning or the end of a sentence. 通常可以放在句子的開頭或結尾。 Okay. 好,了解。 It acts like an adverbial phrase. 它的作用類似副詞片語。 Yeah, you know, modifying the whole sentence. 對,就是在修飾整句話的語氣。 So, it could be like, "Out of the blue, she decided to move to Australia." 舉個例子,你可以說:「突然間,她決定搬去澳洲。」 Exactly. 沒錯! Or, "She decided to move to Australia out of the blue." 或者:「她決定搬去澳洲,完全出乎意料。」 Yeah, both work. 對,兩種說法都可以。 Okay, cool. 哦,太棒了! And it still emphasizes that surprise. 而且不管放在哪裡,都能夠強調那種「出乎意料」的感覺。 Yeah. And it doesn’t sound weird in either place. 對,而且不管放在哪個位置,都很自然。 No, it flows naturally. 沒錯,聽起來很順。 Okay. 好的。 So, you have flexibility. 所以它的用法其實蠻靈活的。 I like flexibility. I like options. 我喜歡靈活的用法,這樣選擇更多! Me too. 我也是! So, we've talked about how it's casual. 我們剛剛提到這是個比較口語化的片語。 Yes. 對的。 Are there any situations where it's maybe not so casual? 那有沒有什麼情況下,它可能不太適合使用? You have to be mindful of the context, you know. 你還是要注意使用的場合和上下文。 Oh, like you wouldn’t use it with your boss, probably. 哦,比如說,在跟老闆講話時可能不適合用這個片語。 Right. But imagine a situation where you’re in a more professional setting, and a colleague proposes something completely unexpected. 沒錯!但如果你在職場上,遇到同事提出一個完全出乎意料的提案…… You might say, "That proposal came out of the blue." 你可能會說:「這個提案完全讓人意想不到。」 But you probably wouldn’t use it in a very formal report or presentation. 但在正式的報告或簡報裡,可能就不太適合使用這個片語。 Right. 沒錯。 So, it depends on the situation and the tone. 所以還是要根據當時的場合和語氣來判斷。 So, it’s like a little bit more professional than slang. 所以它比俚語正式一點,但又沒有到商務用語那麼正式。 Exactly. 完全正確! But not quite like business formal. 但也還不到正式商務用語的程度。 Yeah, it’s somewhere in between. 對,它介於口語與正式用語之間。 Okay, so use your judgment. 好,總之還是要自己判斷什麼時候適合用。 Got it. So, just to recap, out of the blue is our go-to phrase for expressing that surprise. 了解!那我們總結一下,「Out of the blue」就是我們用來表達「驚訝」的最佳片語。 A genuine surprise. 一種真正的「驚喜感」。 When something is unexpected. 當某件事情發生得非常突然,完全沒預料到的時候。 Exactly. 沒錯! The bolt from the blue. 就像「晴天霹靂」一樣的震撼。 And it really helps you sound more natural when you’re speaking English. 而且用這個片語,會讓你的英文聽起

    5 min
  8. JAN 30

    Ep.206 | 升職加薪就靠這!!30單字立刻讓你與眾不同【多益關鍵250英語單字#7】

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    12 min
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8 Ratings


MJ英語的英文聽說訓練,主要針對想對於英文聽說能力想更精進的朋友所創建的英語流利聽說訓練頻道。 YouTube上有生活英語、口語訓練等學習影片,上面有清楚的字幕,方便提供學習。 請在通勤・上學・搭電車、搭公車或捷運的空閒時間輕鬆的學習吧! 贊助支持:https://bit.ly/2XPtRCT Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@mjenglish 聯絡信箱:mjlanguageswithyou@gmail.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍推薦💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣ https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH3E5 📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣ https://www.tubebuddy.com/mjLanguages 🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣ https://go.italki.com/mjlanguages 🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世界看透透(現正優惠) ‣‣ https://go.nordvpn.net/SH53d -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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