300 episodes

The 5 Leadership Questions podcast, hosted by Todd Adkins and Dan Iten, is brought to you by Lifeway Leadership. In each episode, the hosts ask five questions of different guests or on a particular leadership topic. The aim of this podcast, which now has close to 2 million downloads, is to inform and encourage Christian leaders no matter where they are serving—whether in the pastorate, the business world, non-profits, or on a volunteer basis. Our aim is to provide you with practical takeaways that you can implement today. We want to help you grow in character, knowledge, and skills. So join our community and subscribe today! You won’t regret it.

5 Leadership Questions Podcast on Church Leadership with Todd Adkins and Dan Iten Lifeway Leadership Podcast Network

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.8 • 362 Ratings

The 5 Leadership Questions podcast, hosted by Todd Adkins and Dan Iten, is brought to you by Lifeway Leadership. In each episode, the hosts ask five questions of different guests or on a particular leadership topic. The aim of this podcast, which now has close to 2 million downloads, is to inform and encourage Christian leaders no matter where they are serving—whether in the pastorate, the business world, non-profits, or on a volunteer basis. Our aim is to provide you with practical takeaways that you can implement today. We want to help you grow in character, knowledge, and skills. So join our community and subscribe today! You won’t regret it.

    5LQ Episode 519: Vance Pitman on Prioritizing Intimacy with Jesus

    5LQ Episode 519: Vance Pitman on Prioritizing Intimacy with Jesus

    In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Dan Iten are joined by Vance Pitman who serves as the President of Send Network, the largest church planting network in North America. Pitman reflects on his time as the Pastor of Hope Church in Las Vegas, discussing conflicts with church leadership that led to his departure and his subsequent pursuit of intimacy with Jesus Christ. He also discusses his current role as the head of the North American Mission Board's church planting efforts and emphasizes the importance of pursuing intimacy with Christ, prioritizing rest, and aligning oneself with God's mission.


    “The primary call on my life is not ministry, the primary call on my life is intimacy. Ministry is what He does out of the overflow of intimacy.” – Vance Pitman

    “Spiritual leadership is not what I do for God. Spiritual leadership is what God does through me out of the overflow of my intimate love relationship with Him.” – Vance Pitman

    “God has really taught me that I can be so consumed with what He’s called me to do that I forget about what He’s called me to be. We’re not human doings, we’re human beings.” – Vance Pitman

    “Every man that I know that had an affair in ministry first had an affair with a ministry that wooed him away from intimacy with Christ and opened him up to things he never thought he do.” – Vance Pitman

    “Jesus didn't bring us into a relationship with Himself just so we could do something for Him. He brought us to a relationship with Himself because He wants to be with us.” – Vance Pitman

    “The local New Testament Church is the tool that he gave us for the accomplishment of the mission. It's not the mission. The mission is the kingdom of God being expanded in cities and nations all over the world.” – Vance Pitman

    “Leadership is lonely, but it can't be done alone. Leadership implies there are other people involved in following your leadership and speaking to you as a leader.” – Vance Pitman

    “Leaders are learners and when you stop learning, you forfeit the right to lead.” – Vance Pitman

    “Somebody less experienced than us often we think about them as only people we can pour into, but often the people less experienced than us bring a perspective that we don't have because it's fresh.” – Vance Pitman

    “The relational environments that you set and create in your life set the environment from which decisions will be made.” – Vance Pitman

    “Joy is in the journey. If we only focus on achievements, destinations, goals, or milestones, we’ll miss so much along the way.” – Vance Pitman

    “For every one major achievement, there will be a thousand leadership moments along the way that are shaping the culture of your organization and the people within your organization.” – Vance Pitman


    Vance Pitman

    • 31 min
    5LQ Episode 518: Danny Franks – A Book Breakdown of Will Guidara’s “Unreasonable Hospitality”

    5LQ Episode 518: Danny Franks – A Book Breakdown of Will Guidara’s “Unreasonable Hospitality”

    In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Dan Iten are joined by Danny Franks, the Connections Pastor at the Summit Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, as they discuss the book, "Unreasonable Hospitality" by Will Guidara. The book tells the story of Will Guidara, a New York restaurateur, and his experience running the number-one restaurant in the world. The podcast explores the book's main points, such as the importance of exceptional service and authentic connections, and how they apply to leadership and first impressions within the church.


    “They really focused on the service and what happened in the dining room versus what happened in the kitchen. As church leaders, we can really learn a lot about that as we learn to set up the table for guests as they enter our building.” – Danny Franks

    “It's important for us to understand that in the context of the church, we need to be aware of where the culture has shifted and to adjust accordingly. Not to water down what we do, if anything, to distill down what we do to serve better.” – Todd Adkins

    “No matter what industry you're in, service is ultimately important.” – Todd Adkins

    “When you do your job in color, it means that you make people feel great about the job that you're doing for them. You're doing it to make an authentic connection, which is hospitality.” – Danny Franks

    “There are certain fads that come and go with the church world, but taking care of humans, that's not ever going to go away. That’s something that we need to continue to think about as we try to make people feel welcome and ready to worship the Lord coming into a Sunday service.” – Danny Franks

    “Repetition is extremely important. Whether it's our vision and values, or any of those things, you can't assume that somebody understands why you’re doing it.” – Todd Adkins

    “A lot of leadership is shifting from being intuitive to intentional, and that's where you get the gains.” – Todd Adkins

    “Being in the local church, my primary role is built around creating a culture that takes outsiders and makes them insiders.” – Danny Franks

    “I think a lot of times, especially in the climate that we're in too many people have too few expectations for churches, and they just kind of show up expecting to be disappointed if they show up at all.” – Danny Franks

    Yes, it's a clear command from Scripture that we must show hospitality. But it's not supposed to point to itself. It's got a point beyond itself as a signpost straight to the Gospel. We can't get that wrong.” – Danny Franks

    “If we are continually failing, in the implicit or explicit promises that we made to people, and we're not even measuring up to their low expectations for us, we might not ever get a chance to point them to the gospel.” – Danny Franks


    Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect by Will Guidara

    All My Knotted-Up Life: A Memoir by Beth Moore

    a href="https://www.amazon.com/Setting-Table-Transforming-Hospitality-Business/dp/0060742763/ref...

    • 34 min
    5LQ Episode 517 with Dr. Angie Ward

    5LQ Episode 517 with Dr. Angie Ward

    In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins is joined by Dr. Angie Ward, a leadership author and teacher with nearly 30 years of experience in church, parachurch, and Christian higher education ministry. She also serves as Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Denver Seminary. They discuss the concept of adaptive leadership and its importance in today's rapidly changing culture and churches. Dr. Ward shares insights and practical tools for agile and adaptive leadership, including managing leadership anxiety and understanding the emotional aspects of change management.


    “Especially when it comes to change and leading an organization, you're going to have people that want to transfer their anxiety to you. It’s at that point that you must have a barrier up to be able to maintain a clean and clear point of view.” – Dr. Angie Ward

    “Anytime there's change, that introduces disequilibrium into the system, and then disequilibrium seeks stability.” – Dr. Angie Ward

    “When you have everybody bringing their own things into a change situation in the organization, then then it's not just what's going on in the organization, but what's going on in every individual person and in between every person in the system.” – Dr. Angie Ward

    “We need to do that deep change on our own before we try to lead a system, an institution, an organization, or a group through that deep change.” – Dr. Angie Ward

    Nobody's going to say, “Let me give you extra time. Let me protect your time.” You must do it. You must block out those things.” – Dr. Angie Ward

    “I wish I would’ve been aware of God saying, “This is who you are”, instead of all the external internal voices because that causes a lot of turmoil and doubt and trying to be somebody I'm not created to be.” – Dr. Angie Ward


    Uncharted Leadership: 20 Case Studies to Help Ministry Leaders Adapt to Uncertainty by Dr. Angie Ward

    At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy, and Priorities Working in Your Favor by Carey Nieuwhof

    Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

    Managing Leadership Anxiety: Yours and Theirs by Steve Cuss

    Leading Change by John P. Kotter

    The Change Monster: The Human Forces that Fuel or Foil Corporate Transformation and Change by Jeanie Daniel Duck

    The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Chan...

    • 29 min
    5LQ Episode 516: Mark Satterfield on 5 Steps To Getting Things Done

    5LQ Episode 516: Mark Satterfield on 5 Steps To Getting Things Done

    In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Dan Iten are joined by Mark Satterfield, the Lead Pastor at the Glade Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. They focus on the five steps to getting things done, which include reducing, prioritizing, planning, executing, and measuring tasks. Satterfield also highlights the importance of having a vision framework, utilizing task management and productivity apps, learning from CEOs, reducing clutter, saying no to non-priority tasks, and delegating effectively.

    The 5 steps to getting things done are:

    * Reduce: This step involves evaluating tasks and prioritizing them based on importance and relevance. (3:07)

    * Prioritize: After reducing tasks, it is important to prioritize the remaining tasks based on their significance and alignment with vision and values. (14:18)

    * Plan: The planning step involves creating a schedule or a plan to allocate time and resources to the prioritized tasks. This includes using strategies like the Eisenhower matrix to determine what is important and urgent. (22:56)

    * Execute: Once the plan is in place, executing and working towards accomplishing the tasks is important. This step focuses on acting and following through with the plan. (26:16)

    * Measure: The final step is to measure the progress and effectiveness of the tasks. This includes evaluating whether the tasks were successfully completed and adjusting if needed. (38:08)

    You can follow Mark on Twitter @sattymark or at his website at marksatterfield.blog.


    "The reduction of insignificant tasks and clutter in physical and digital spaces also leads to greater efficiency in work." – Mark Satterfield

    "The evaluation and elimination of insignificant tasks should be a constant habit for leaders." – Mark Satterfield

    “One of the craziest things that can take place in the leader's life is working on things that you accomplish for the day only to walk out and not know that those things really aren't important for your own personal mission or the mission of the church.” – Mark Satterfield

    “There's work that we're doing that technically shouldn't be our work, you should be delegating it to others because it's actually their work.” – Mark Satterfield

    “If you're a leader of an organization and you're trying to think through your measures or evaluate what's getting done, that is only going to be as strong as the vision framework you have for your organization.” – Mark Satterfield

    “You do not rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems.” – James Clear


    Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

    Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential by Tiago Forte

    At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy, and Priorities Working in Your Favor by Carey Nieuwhof

    • 49 min
    5LQ Episode 515 with Jared Musgrove

    5LQ Episode 515 with Jared Musgrove

    In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Dan Iten are joined by Jared Musgrove, Co-Founder of the Community Leadership Collective and Executive Pastor of the Well Community Church. The episode focuses on the importance of small groups and communities in church ministry. Musgrove also discusses his new book, "A Short Guide to Groups: The Art of Leading Community," and highlights the transformative power of small groups in personal growth and leadership. The guys also talk about the significance of mid-sized communities as well as the role of prayer in leadership.


    “I want people who lead communities within churches to feel seen and to feel equipped and empowered to get in on what God's doing through those groups.” – Jared Musgrove

    “The guys that try to go it alone, whether it's planning a church or leading a company ends up burning out really quick.” – Jared Musgrove

    “Our entire mission is to equip and empower college men to live faithfully and lead courageously. I want these guys going into church planting and training. I want these guys to be elders in churches and to be leading companies with Christian conviction.” – Jared Musgrove

    “Honestly, I get more pastoral insight from fiction books than I do from pastoral books most of the time.” – Jared Musgrove

    “I think the greatest way I can lead my kids is just remembering what it was like to grow up.” – Jared Musgrove

    “There is no one size fits all way for designing transformational groups within the church. It is an art, not a science.” – Jared Musgrove


    A Short Guide to Groups: The Art of Leading Community by Jared Musgrove and Justin Elafros

    Dictionary of Biblical Imagery by Leland Ryken, James C. Wilhoit, and Tremper Longman III

    The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary by Robert Alter

    Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae by Steven Pressfield

    • 28 min
    5LQ Episode 514: Quick Hitters with Daniel Im

    5LQ Episode 514: Quick Hitters with Daniel Im

    In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Dan Iten are joined by Daniel Im who is the Lead Pastor of Beulah Alliance Church in Edmonton, Alberta.

    During their conversation, they discuss the following questions:

    * What is one thing you've read recently that you would want to pass along?

    * What is one thing that you've listened to or watched recently?

    * What is one tool or resource that you've started to use recently?

    * Daniel, your church just celebrated 80 baptisms. Can you tell us how that came about and what you learned throughout that process?


    "Leadership is disruption. If you are not constantly leading the disruption, and then bringing about change, then someone else or something else is going to disrupt your organization, and you are going to be out of control of that." – Daniel Im

    “With customer service, we want people in our churches to be well-cared for as guest services are super important to us. But a lot of times we make it very transactional and make it about boxes being checked or processes being created rather than making it about the person.” – Todd Adkins

    “I don't want to let the pain, the criticism, and the hurt of ministry so affect me that my heart is hard.” – Daniel Im

    “I feel that we can so easily get caught up in the, “I want the biggest church, I want the biggest name, I want all these things” mindset in our ministries. But you know, when you encounter these people who only want to make Christ famous or when they want growth in their church and organizations for God’s glory and not their own, it’s a powerful example of where I’d like to me in my own life.” – Dan Iten


    You Are What You Do: And Six Other Lies about Work, Life, and Love by Daniel Im

    No Silver Bullets: Five Small Shifts that Will Transform Your Ministry by Daniel Im

    Planting Missional Churches: Your Guide to Starting Churches that Multiply by Ed Stetzer and Daniel Im

    Managing Corporate Lifecycles (Pb): How Organizations Grow, Age and Die by Ichak Adizes

    Don't Hold Back: Breaking Free from the American Gospel to Follow Jesus Fully by David Platt

    Discovering the Gospel in Every Book of the Bible with Tim Keller (YouTube Series)

    Words with God: Trading Boring, Empty Prayer for Real Connection by Addison Bevere

    Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect by Will Guidara

    • 37 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
362 Ratings

362 Ratings

JamieMarie77 ,


Thank you for the honest and inspirational content. Great guests!

maxmillsaps ,

Excellent show!

Not only is this podcast informative, it is likewise enjoyable and is never boring. Learning so many things while having fun? Yes please!

Joshill:) ,

Great episode with Dr. Baugh

A lot of new insights for church leadership about working from ego, neuroscience and leading from the heart. Great production!

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