Anderson Cooper 360

Anderson Cooper brings you highlights from CNN's premier nightly news program AC360.
Hosts & Guests
Stop the Trump
Please. I’m begging you. Stop taking about that monster Trump. I’m a Republican and I cannot stand that idiot. But that’s the dominant topic of this podcast. I am so sick of Trump I could scream.
The Slur
Mar 9
Hi Anderson, Heard about Trump’s name calling. Oh I think he’s barking up the wrong tree. Go get him. Signed, a lady in Georgia
Cooper Reveals
Mar 8
Tonight, Cooper Anderson shows that American men are gutless in protecting Americans from Anarchists Musk and Trump. They are not only destroying the Republic, but the very fabric of society. The whole world is witnessing the weakness of men not defending their country.
Bias for sure, with half information
Feb 5
Who are these people? Anderson and his guests are crazy. When my family’s spending gets out of control, we take a moment to look at where the money is going. The scare tactics used in today’s episode were pathetic. Yes, the budget is being looked at, but that doesn’t mean “your Grandma’s medicine and your Mom’s doctor” won’t be taken care of. It means we are going to stop paying for the OTHER stuff that we don’t need. When someone is so angry about the books being looked at, makes me wonder what they are hiding. Since this is my tax dollars, not their endless piggy bank that is being used, I say we take a look!
Ron klain
In response to last night’s podcast with Ron Klain. He’s clearly tone deaf to what America was saying about our president Joe Biden I’m a tried and true Democrat and have my whole life. I’ve worked on campaigns where possible and I voted for Joe Biden in primaries. But no one has seen him speak quite the way he did at that debate. He hasn’t been doing much public speaking lately, and of course we all have seen some of the gaffes and we were shocked at how much things have changed even in the past year as a voter. He was never forced to make a decision by donors and other politicians. It was millions of his voters and followers who still believe he’s a wonderful president and yet it was time to move on so Ron Klain needs to get that clear. And shame on him for letting him on that debate stage with the kind of prep they gave him. Nancy Pelosi was spot on and I’m sure it was unbelievably difficult as a friend but friends are friends because they tell it like it is to another friend. Thanks and love the show
cnn is biased
it has become a Trump Spokesman. their producers and executives have told the hosts, like anderson, who used to begood, to positively cover trump every day. instead of calling him a criminal and a moron…
CNN finally crossed over.
Oh how you’ve changed. Back to MSNBC. Run Anderson Cooper!
Pure sleep
I have never fallen asleep faster
Todays interview was poorly done
Today's show was poorly done. The interviewer was talking over Trump! I couldn't hear what she was saying.
Clearly biased. Can’t take him seriously.
- Channel
- CreatorCNN
- Years Active2011 - 2025
- Episodes1.4K
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2023 CNN
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