246 episodes

Keeping a consistent sound in how you present your company really is the "hidden gem" of marketing. But audio or sonic branding influences us in many different ways and in many different places within our lives. Education is key! I'll be exploring that here, both with my own observations and by interviewing knowledgeable professionals in the field of advertising, marketing, music and science.

Audio Branding Jodi Krangle

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 55 Ratings

Keeping a consistent sound in how you present your company really is the "hidden gem" of marketing. But audio or sonic branding influences us in many different ways and in many different places within our lives. Education is key! I'll be exploring that here, both with my own observations and by interviewing knowledgeable professionals in the field of advertising, marketing, music and science.

    In the Clubhouse: Sound in Social Media - Part 2

    In the Clubhouse: Sound in Social Media - Part 2

    “Social media, if you want to be on all of the places, it’s a best practice to have your voice be represented in those places. But, also, the content is representative for that place. People go to Instagram with an expectation, they go to YouTube with an expectation, they open up your audio podcast with an expectation of a more immersive experience. So there’s different ways and there’s different ways that you need to be putting your information in the post. And so you can’t just take something that somebody gives you and just, that’s the same content that goes into TikTok, into Instagram, into YouTube.” -- Chris Stone
    This episode’s the second half of my Clubhouse chat with Livestream Universe founder Ross Brand, Cast Ahead’s Chief Content Entrepreneur Chris Stone, Favorite Daughter Media president Sara Lohse, and Red Hat Media CEO Larry Roberts, as we talk about the future of social media content creation, the most useful AI tools currently available, and whether AI can help save a marriage.
     As always, if you have questions for my guest, you’re welcome to reach out through the links in the show notes. If you have questions for me, visit audiobrandingpodcast.com where you’ll find a lot of ways to get in touch. Plus, subscribing to the newsletter will let you know when the new podcasts are available and what the newest audio chats will be about. If you’re getting some value from listening, the best ways to show your support are to share this podcast with a friend and leave an honest review. Both those things really help – and I’d love to feature your review on future podcasts.
    (0:00:01) - AI Content Creation and Personalization
    As the second half of our chat begins, the panelists share some of their less-than-ideal experiences with trying to coax ChatGPT into an authentic writing style. “I have never in my life said the word delve,” Sara recalls, “but ChatGPT wants me to ‘delve’ into every topic.” We also take a question from John, who shares his experience with running a 100% AI podcast from start to finish, and Larry talks about his experience writing a hybrid-AI book and the process of crafting each chapter. “I think the exercise you’re going through,” Larry says, “is what we as content creators need to do so that we understand these tools and we understand how these tools can complement what we’re doing.”
    (0:08:36) - Maximizing AI in Content Creation
    Chris adds his thoughts on the importance of human oversight when it comes to AI, and we discuss whether AI could eventually render human creativity obsolete. “I think everyone pretty much agrees here that using AI is something that we need to do,” Chris explains, “and I look at it more of like assistive intelligence or administrative intelligence.” We talk about the clerical work AI can handle for us while retaining our authentic voices. “I think everybody here,” Ross says, “and, and pretty much anybody who’s competitive in this space, their biggest competitive advantage is themselves.”
    (0:20:01) - Content Creation Tools and Strategies
    As our talk comes to a close, Chris shares how AI can help us keep up with and customize our content across a range of social media platforms. “People go to Instagram with an expectation,” he explains. “They go to YouTube with an expectation. They open up your audio podcast with an expectation of a more immersive experience.” Finally, we take a question from a listener about the best AI tools currently available, and we ponder whether AI can even improve a marriage. “It can definitely help you write poems and happy anniversary sonnets,” Larry says, “and, I mean, it can make you sound and feel like you...

    • 30 min
    In the Clubhouse: Sound in Social Media - Part 1

    In the Clubhouse: Sound in Social Media - Part 1

    “People either have a vision of a Utopian wonderland out there, that we’re going to create all this amazing stuff with AI, or, on the flip side, everybody thinks it’s going to be a dystopian wasteland when we start using AI, and everybody’s going to be out of work, and the robots are going to take over... And it’s very difficult to find anybody that has that middle ground. But it’s conversations like we’re having here that’s going to allow us to establish that middle ground. And as we continue to educate the public, and as we continue to expose these tools and teach people how to use these tools and let them know the limitations of these tools as they exist today, I think more and more people are going to become more and more comfortable with the integration of AI as tools and not replacements.” -- Larry Roberts
    Some discussions lend themselves to more than one perspective. That’s definitely the case with sound in social media, and recently I had a Clubhouse room full of experts with a lot to say about it. They are Ross Brand, founder of Livestream Universe and author of the 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions series; Chris Stone, Chief Content Entrepreneur at Cast Ahead; Sara Lohse, President of Favorite Daughter Media and author of Open This Book: The Art of Storytelling for Aspiring Thought Leaders; and Larry Roberts, CEO of Red Hat Media and co-host of the Branded Podcast. Our round-table discussion covered a lot of information on sound in social media, as you would expect, but we also delved into how AI is shaping that landscape, for better and worse. It made for a fascinating and fun discussion, and I’m glad to be able to share it with you now.
     As always, if you have questions for my guest, you’re welcome to reach out through the links in the show notes. If you have questions for me, visit audiobrandingpodcast.com where you’ll find a lot of ways to get in touch. Plus, subscribing to the newsletter will let you know when the new podcasts are available and what the newest audio chats will be about. If you’re getting some value from listening, the best ways to show your support are to share this podcast with a friend and leave an honest review. Both those things really help – and I’d love to feature your review on future podcasts.
    (0:00:00) - Sound in Social Media
    Our Clubhouse chat starts with introductions from each of our four panelists, and we focus on social media and the role sound plays in getting your message out. “Social media is interesting,” Ross says, “because sometimes you have to change it up as well, which kind of goes against some of the rules of sonic branding.” Chris tells us the simple secret to incorporating video in your audio brand, and Larry and Sara share their thoughts about machine learning and how important it is to keep pace with the growth of AI. “If we’re not aware and we don’t start making the adjustments we need to make this early in the game,” Larry notes, “we’re going to wake up in 12 months and go ‘oh my gosh.’"
    (0:14:48) - AI in Audio Production Debate
    Ross discusses the AI tools he uses in his studio, and Sara outlines the difference between using AI to improve content versus creating it. “What I don’t necessarily do,” she explains, “is use AI to the degree that some people do for content creation. I’ll do it for ideas, but kind of like what was said before, it’s still about those genuine stories.” We discuss the role that human stories and perspectives play in guiding AI content and the challenge of “AI proofing” the next generation. “I stress, with the people that I work with and myself,” Chris tells us, “to be excellent... at what...

    • 34 min
    AI and its Impact on Audio Quality: A Conversation with Jamie Muffett - Part 2

    AI and its Impact on Audio Quality: A Conversation with Jamie Muffett - Part 2

    “Specifically as it relates to voiceover, that was, the whole industry has shifted hugely, as you know, and it has democratized the industry a huge amount, which is, you know, I appreciate. You know, some people made a lot of claims about their studio when COVID first happened, and it wasn’t true. And so they would go on to live sessions, and there were dogs barking, and the neighbor revving their engine, and people mowing their lawn. And these, it wasn’t usable and, and so a lot of people were scared of hiring anyone from home, then a lot of producers [were] like ‘oh no It has to be in-studio.’ Now I think we’ve reached an equilibrium where everyone’s kind of figured it out. ‘Oh, you know the pros have figured it out.’" -- Jamie Muffett
    This episode is the second half of my conversation with renowned voiceover artist, podcast producer, and RPS founder Jamie Muffett as we discuss how the pandemic and machine learning have reshaped the audio industry, the advantages of AI when it comes to everything from research to sound editing, and what the latest voice-cloning breakthrough has in common with 1960s record deals.
    As always, if you have questions for my guest, you’re welcome to reach out through the links in the show notes. If you have questions for me, visit audiobrandingpodcast.com where you’ll find a lot of ways to get in touch. Plus, subscribing to the newsletter will let you know when the new podcasts are available and what the newest audio chats will be about. If you’re getting some value from listening, the best ways to show your support are to share this podcast with a friend and leave an honest review. Both those things really help – and I’d love to feature your review on future podcasts.
    (0:00:00) - Business of Voiceover Events and eVOcation
    Our discussion continues as Jamie tells us about the challenges of founding the voiceover business conference eVOcation just before the start of the pandemic. “It was so weird that there was no New York event other than, like for audiobook people,” he recalls. “And so we found out why: because it’s really difficult.” We talk about how the event evolved through the lockdown and became a lifeline for its very first participants.“I think that was kind of what kept me sane while I was locked in the house,” he says. “We’ve had in-jokes from that event that have carried through even until today.”
    (0:07:48) - Impact of AI on Voiceover Industry
    The topic turns to machine learning and its expanding role in everything from writing content to composing music. “I think everyone is just throwing everything at the wall right now, and just seeing what’s going to stick,” Jamie says, “and I don’t know what is going to stick, you know, in terms of that permanent change.” He shares his own experience with AI tools and we discuss how much of an impact generative content might have in the long run. “There’s going to be a market for all of the above where the content doesn’t really matter and never really mattered,” he explains. “I use this example, [it’s] like when microwave dinners came in and restaurants were quaking in their boots.”
    (0:19:30) - AI in Music, Podcasting, and Editing
    “The more AI video and pictures and text that goes out into the world,” Jamie remarks as we talk about the future of AI development, “the more it’s feeding into itself. So, you know, who knows where it’s going to go? It might even get worse because it’s using itself as source material.” He shares a before and after AI audio clip that reveals its startling potential as a sound editing tool, and the variety of uses he’s found for ChatGPT in his production schedule. “It’s not...

    • 29 min
    The Journey from Music to Voiceover to Podcasting: A Conversation with Jamie Muffett - Part 1

    The Journey from Music to Voiceover to Podcasting: A Conversation with Jamie Muffett - Part 1

    “There was one we did a few years ago. This was while COVID was going on and it was with Nicolas Cage. And he was such a surprising guy. I mean, we all know, kind of… He’s an unusual fella. His films run the gamut really, and stylistically and genre. But he showed up early to get the tech right. He was super chatty. I always gauge, like, how someone is based on how they work with me because I’m not the host of that show. And if they’re sort of friendly and helpful and wanting to get things right with me, it’s usually a good sign that they’re, you know, not just there for the glory of being on the show.” -- Jamie Muffett
    After twenty years of experience as an audio engineer and podcast producer with millions of downloads, as well as a successful voice talent and lead producer, my next guest founded RPS, a boutique podcast production company that turns the spark of an idea into compelling, beautiful-sounding podcasts. He’s worked with such companies as HBO, Warner Brothers, Google, NBC, Backstage, and National Geographic, helping them to create captivating and engaging audio content that resonates with audiences. His production clients include the likes of Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Natalie Portman, Janelle Monáe, and many more.
    His name is Jamie Muffett and not only does he craft incredible-sounding podcasts, he also co-hosts VOcation, a voice conference about the business of voiceover. You may also recognize his voice from his narration of the TV show Bondi Vet and some of its spin-offs. If you’re interested in podcasting, voiceovers, or sound in general, you’re going to get a lot from this conversation.
    As always, if you have questions for my guest, you’re welcome to reach out through the links in the show notes. If you have questions for me, visit audiobrandingpodcast.com where you’ll find a lot of ways to get in touch. Plus, subscribing to the newsletter will let you know when the new podcasts are available and what the newest audio chats will be about. If you’re getting some value from listening, the best ways to show your support are to share this podcast with a friend and leave an honest review. Both those things really help – and I’d love to feature your review on future podcasts.
    (0:00:00) - From Music to Podcasting
    As our conversation starts, we talk about Jamie’s early memories of sound and what inspired him to become a musician and voice artist. “I think probably the first memory of sound that moved me was hearing ‘Imagine’ for the first time,” he says. “Obviously it’s a great song, it’s an iconic song, but as a kid, I’d never been exposed to creativity like that before.” We discuss the early days of digital workstations and cassette recorders, and how Jamie’s career shifted to podcasting. “I was so focused on voiceover and music,” he recalls, “and as music drifted away and production drifted away, I started sort of leaning more into podcasting, because it’s sort of a combination of those two worlds.”
    (0:10:33) - Podcast Production and Audio Branding
    Our conversation turns to some of Jamie’s most memorable production moments, such as helping Nicolas Cage prepare for an interview. “I always gauge, like, how someone is based on how they work with me,” he explains, “because I’m not the host of that show, and if they’re sort of friendly and helpful and wanting to get things right with me, it’s usually a good sign.” We talk about his podcast production company RPS and how it all started with a suggestion from his wife. "‘Why don’t you just put it under a banner,’” he recalls her saying. "‘Create a company that you can put it all together, you can highlight all the different shows that...

    • 30 min
    How to Improve Your Podcast Audio to Engage Listeners: A Conversation with Chris Stone - Part 2

    How to Improve Your Podcast Audio to Engage Listeners: A Conversation with Chris Stone - Part 2

    “People are actually tuning in from their phones or, like, listening on Spotify or whatever while they’re shopping. And they actually measured how conscious people were of what they were spending. So yeah, it’s just really fascinating. It influences us in so many ways that I don’t even think we’re conscious of.”
    “Oh, absolutely. I totally agree with that 100%. You know, they play music at sporting events, they play music, you know, virtually everywhere you go. It’s a component of everything. You just have to stop and listen to really be able to identify it. And yeah, now it’s got me wondering if I’m getting music piped into places I’m walking in. ‘Why am I so hungry right now?’ You know? ‘Why do I want to have pancakes?’" -- Chris Stone
    This episode is the second part of my interview with longtime podcast producer, podcast host, and live streamer Chris Stone as we talk about the versatility of podcasting, some of the most memorable interviews he’s produced, and how sound impacts our lives in some surprising ways.
    As always, if you have questions for my guest, you’re welcome to reach out through the links in the show notes. If you have questions for me, visit audiobrandingpodcast.com where you’ll find a lot of ways to get in touch. Plus, subscribing to the newsletter will let you know when the new podcasts are available and what the newest audio chats will be about. If you’re getting some value from listening, the best ways to show your support are to share this podcast with a friend and leave an honest review. Both those things really help – and I’d love to feature your review on future podcasts.
    (0:00:00) - Impactful Podcast Episodes and Audience Engagement
    The second half of our interview begins with some of Chris’s most memorable podcast productions, such as a powerful interview with author and Afghan veteran Thomas Schueman. “We got some feedback from that show,” he says, “that, really, you could tell people were impacted by that and it kind of made us change a little bit of the direction of the show.” The conversation turns to the versatility of podcasting and the importance of planning ahead, even when the episode itself is unscripted. “I think there are people that need to understand,” he explains, “like, if you want to take this seriously, you have to, you have to, you know, be excellent. And that means you know, have a pre-call.”
    (0:12:00) - Podcast Episode With Bret Michaels
    We talk about another unforgettable interview he produced with musician Bret Michaels and the challenge he faced of working around Bret’s demanding tour schedule. “I had to route him in through my mixer,” Chris tells us, “and kind of pull him in and I was, like, spinning plates and doing all kinds of wild stuff here to just kind of get him in. Well, we got him in and it was a fantastic interview.” Our conversation turns to his earliest memories of sound, and his dad’s passion for the trumpet. “You know, music is just in my DNA,” he says, “it’s just a part of everything. It’s why I got in the music business, why I started playing bands, it’s… it’s really why I do everything.”
    (0:18:05) - The Power of Sound in Podcasting
    Chris shares his thoughts about what makes sound so important in our daily lives, and its hidden value in podcasting. “No one listens to an audio podcast because it sounds so good, right?” he explains. “They listen to an audio podcast because of what you’re delivering to them, and no one is going to receive what you’re delivering if they can’t hear you clearly and understand you.” We also discuss how sound is used to influence everything from social media to shopping...

    • 30 min
    Why Podcast Sound Quality Matters and How to Improve Yours: A Conversation with Chris Stone - Part 1

    Why Podcast Sound Quality Matters and How to Improve Yours: A Conversation with Chris Stone - Part 1

    “An intro video needs to let people know, ‘Hey, this is who the show’s for, and this is what you’re about to see, what you’re about to witness.’ And that audio is a huge component of it. It has to really, just, it has to just feel right. There’s really not a way to explain it, even though that’s kind of my job here on a podcast is to explain it. But it has to feel like, ‘Oh, wow, this,’ without saying, ‘Oh, I really love the beat here,’ or ‘I love this guitar solo here.’ It just has to all just blend together, to kind of say, ‘Okay, boom, the show’s about to start. And this is for me.’" -- Chris Stone
    In the world of podcasting and live streaming, Chris Stone stands out with over twenty-five years of experience in the music industry. Chris’s journey began with the transformative power of his co-hosted podcasts, which propelled him to help others achieve success in creative, financial, physical, and spiritual aspects. Since then, he’s founded Cast Ahead, a consultancy that empowers entrepreneurs, influencers, thought leaders, and businesses to amplify their stories and extend their reach.
    His expertise extends to producing content for prominent speakers, developing and producing podcasts like Sales Influence and The Big Ticket Life, and co-hosting the Amazon Live show Dealcasters alongside Jim Fuhs. This show has become a trusted authority in live video and podcasting, and Chris’s belief that everyone deserves to be heard drives his mission to integrate podcasting and live streaming into business strategies, thereby educating and attracting a broader audience.
    As always, if you have questions for my guest, you’re welcome to reach out through the links in the show notes. If you have questions for me, visit audiobrandingpodcast.com where you’ll find a lot of ways to get in touch. Plus, subscribing to the newsletter will let you know when the new podcasts are available and what the newest audio chats will be about. If you’re getting some value from listening, the best ways to show your support are to share this podcast with a friend and leave an honest review. Both those things really help – and I’d love to feature your review on future podcasts.
    (0:00:00) - Podcast Community and Production Insights
    We start the conversation off with a look at Chris’s work on Cast Ahead and simplifying the podcasting process, as well as the secret to an impactful intro video. “Most people,” he says, “they want a podcast, but they just want to be able to show up, turn on their cameras, flip their microphone open and do a show, and that’s what we do for them.” He tells us about his “station identification” approach to intros and why the opening moments of a podcast are critical, and the often-overlooked value of a podcast in networking with guests and the audience. “The most underrated component of podcasting is the ability to network,” Chris explains. “You know, and I think totally a lot of these people, like you said, [who are] smarter than you, smarter than me, [that] I just can’t believe I’ve had on our show.”
    (0:10:53) - The Importance of Audio Quality
    Chris shares his process for finding the right music for a podcast, and how he incorporates both the host and brand into his decision. “He’s got a belt buckle,” he says about one podcast client, “he drives a truck and, you know, he serves a very particular type of entrepreneur and business leader, and so I’m not going to put something that sounds like Taylor Swift underneath his intro video.” We discuss how bad audio is costing celebrities their listening audience, his advice for boosting sound quality in a home studio environment, and the...

    • 31 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
55 Ratings

55 Ratings

PlayinGmes ,

Great show

Jodi has a terrific voice and great podcast. The content is meaningful and substantive for serious podcasters, folks interested in audio, and anyone interested in learning how audio — sound — can enhance their brand. Well done Jodi!

HeatherFormerHooter ,

Amazing voice & knowledge

Jodi’s voice and knowledge of audio is impressive—and I’m not easily impressed!

soozinsta ,

Fascinating topics and great guests

I love all things related to audio and marketing and this podcast has been a long-time favorite. Jodi covers so many aspects of the world of audio and how it impacts branding, marketing and the way sound influences audience perception. Her guests are interesting and relatable and Jodi’s delightful voice, insights and contagious laugh make this show a must-listen.

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