Be Powerful with Liz & Lee

Liz Hilliard & Lee Kennelly
Be Powerful with Liz & Lee

Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.

  1. 5D AGO

    166. Aging & Expectations | Taking Up Space, Busting Myths, and Realizing Love is Logic

    When you imagine your 60s and 70s, do you picture yourself on the couch eating twinkies and watching TV for your final days? Well, Liz thought so too! Turns out, there’s so much more to do than we think. It’s not too late to start a new hobby, change your mind about your values, connect with new people, and so much more. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Let’s get curious about aging as a woman, bust some myths around expectations, and find excitement in what’s to come!    Some key takeaways from this episode include: Stay true to yourself as you age. Aging comes with societal expectations, but embracing your authentic self—rather than conforming—leads to a more fulfilling life in every aspect.  Reflect on your values and politics in our ever-changing American society. Politics, discrimination, and personal integrity all shape how we navigate aging. Regularly evaluating your beliefs and relationships ensures they align with your true purpose. Question standards and take up space! Many women have unconsciously minimized themselves to fit societal norms. Challenging these expectations allows you to live more freely and impact the world in a meaningful way.    MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of 100% organic cacao, ayurvedic herbs and functional mushrooms. With just a fraction of caffeine found in coffee, you get energy, focus and immune support without the crash! Use this link for 15% off your purchase, or $20 off PLUS a 15% discount if you subscribe!   Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service! HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming   Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.   Podcast contact info: Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube

    34 min
  2. FEB 27

    165. The Truth About Cardio | Do These Moves to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health and Decrease Stress

    Cardio is essential for heart health, but do we really need high-impact workouts like running to get the benefits? In this episode, we break down common misconceptions about cardiovascular fitness and share how the Hilliard Studio Method prioritizes heart health without running or intense impact. We also discuss the importance of understanding cortisol levels, how to choose workouts that support your overall well-being, and why movement should be fun and sustainable. Tune in to learn four low-impact exercises that will get your heart pumping—without the stress!    Links mentioned: Join us for an HSM workout online! Watch Liz’s segment on ABC News Live   Some key takeaways from this episode include: Cardiovascular health doesn’t require high-impact workouts—walking and low-impact exercises can be just as effective. It’s getting warm again, so get outside and get your body moving! All that running you’re doing might be causing more harm than good. Understanding cortisol levels is crucial, as certain workouts - like running - can elevate stress and negatively affect your nervous system.  Exercise should be fun and playful—prioritizing joyful movement helps you stay consistent and improve overall well-being. Infuse more fun into your workouts by changing up your environment, playing nostalgic songs, or seeing how long you can hold a tough move.   MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of 100% organic cacao, ayurvedic herbs and functional mushrooms. With just a fraction of caffeine found in coffee, you get energy, focus and immune support without the crash! Use this link for 15% off your purchase, or $20 off PLUS a 15% discount if you subscribe!   Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service! HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming   Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.   Podcast contact info: Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube

    34 min
  3. FEB 20

    164. Decluttering Your Home and Your Mind with Anne Steppe from Step by Steppe Professional Organizing

    Anne Steppe is on a mission to simplify spaces so that her clients can live well with less: less clutter, less chaos, and less stress. We could not be more on board with this mission! In this episode, she shares with us the biggest things that make an impact on the amount of clutter in your home and how you can implement those things today. Plus, she shares her own experience of downsizing from a 4,000 square foot home to a 2-bedroom apartment and getting rid of sentimental clutter to do so. If you’re on a decluttering journey yourself, this episode is for you!   As the Owner of Step by Steppe Professional Organizing for over 15 years, Anne has worked with clients in and around the Charlotte area to help them systematize their spaces to enhance their lives and wellbeing. She empowers her clients to live into the vision they have for their homes, lives, and businesses by organizing in ways that create efficiency, fuel productivity and spark creativity.    Connect with Anne: Website Instagram Facebook   Some key takeaways from this episode include: Even if the clutter in your home “doesn’t bother you,” studies show it actually does. Anne dives into studies showing clutter’s immediate impact on your heart rate, breathing, and energy levels. You might’ve heard the “one in, one out rule” for keeping clutter under control, but Anne’s experience shows we have way more stuff than we realize. She actually suggests for every one item you bring into the home, you should get rid of three items to make a dent in your home’s clutter. Deep breaths! Clutter does not just impact your family in the here and now. When we eventually pass on, all of our stuff gets left behind for our kids and grandkids to deal with. Be intentional about the legacy you want to leave behind.   MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of 100% organic cacao, ayurvedic herbs and functional mushrooms. With just a fraction of caffeine found in coffee, you get energy, focus and immune support without the crash! Use this link for 15% off your purchase, or $20 off PLUS a 15% discount if you subscribe! Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service! HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming   Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.   Podcast contact info: Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube

    51 min
  4. FEB 13

    163. What It’s Really Like Working With Your Partner | The Juicy Details of Our Working Relationship

    Working with your partner can be really challenging, but we started out as colleagues before we became a couple, so it feels very second nature to us! In this episode, we share how we balance life and work together, our boundaries around affection at work, and how we think gender impacts our working relationship.   Some key takeaways from this episode include: There aren’t a ton of boundaries that we have to differentiate work “us” from life “us,” but one of them is limiting our physical affection with each other while we’re in the studio.  When it comes to talking about work outside of work, we let that conversation flow freely and don’t feel like we need to limit it. We’re both very passionate about and invested in Hilliard Studio Method, so it’s fun to share our ideas and thoughts as they come up in real time. Even though we are not business partners, we respect each other’s roles in the company and value what each other has to say. If you’re going into business with your romantic partner, it’s crucial that you know your roles in the company and respect that you each bring something great to the table.   MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of 100% organic cacao, ayurvedic herbs and functional mushrooms. With just a fraction of caffeine found in coffee, you get energy, focus and immune support without the crash! Use this link for 15% off your purchase, or $20 off PLUS a 15% discount if you subscribe! Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service! HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming   Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.   Podcast contact info: Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube

    34 min
  5. FEB 6

    162. Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Political Turmoil, Teenage Shenanigans, and Life Lately

    Today we’re sharing our coping mechanisms, the things we’re grateful for, and how we’re going to turn fear into action during this politically tumultuous time we’re all living through. Our focus is on these three words: kindness, compassion, and accountability. No matter what side you’re on, let’s try to implement these into our daily routines a little more so we can all look forward to a brighter and better future!   MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of 100% organic cacao, ayurvedic herbs and functional mushrooms. With just a fraction of caffeine found in coffee, you get energy, focus and immune support without the crash! Use this link for 15% off your purchase, or $20 off PLUS a 15% discount if you subscribe!   News sources to check out: AP News Reuters BBC   Some key takeaways from this episode include: Change is the only constant in life; embrace it. We may not be able to change what we see in the news, but we can change how we react and move in the world and through our community.  Respect where you and your loved ones are when it comes to your relationship with the news. If you or your friends feel overwhelmed, disconnect for a bit and focus on your life. When you’re ready to revisit the news, explore different news outlets so you are exposed to different perspectives. In this political climate, it’s imperative to have more kindness and compassion than we ever have, and it’s not always easy. But to move forward as a country, we must respect opposing viewpoints, and turn our anger and fear into courage.   Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service! HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming   Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.   Podcast contact info: Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube

    32 min
  6. JAN 30

    161. A Free Man in Paris | Learning French and Seizing the Day

    We just got back from a whirlwind trip to Paris, France to celebrate Liz’s 71st birthday! In this episode, we’re sharing all of our favorite restaurants, destinations, and experiences, and the unexpected moments along the way that made this trip so memorable. We discuss the importance of travel for putting everyday life into perspective, the ups and downs of learning a new language, and so much more!   MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of 100% organic cacao, ayurvedic herbs and functional mushrooms. With just a fraction of caffeine found in coffee, you get energy, focus and immune support without the crash! Use this link for 15% off your purchase, or $20 off PLUS a 15% discount if you subscribe!   Links mentioned: A Free Man in Paris - Joni Mitchell   Some key takeaways from this episode include: It’s worth it to learn at least the basics of the native language of whatever country you’re traveling to. Then, make an effort to speak the language when you get there. It can feel intimidating, but it’s usually appreciated and you’ll pick up more as you practice. Be open to magic moments when you’re traveling. Some of the most memorable experiences are totally unplanned, but you’ll only have those opportunities (like having a cat curl up around your feet at dinner) if you’re open to them. Don’t wait to travel or have a new experience, whatever that looks like for you. Go with your partner, friend, or solo. “Someday” might never come, so seize the moment and make those memories now.   Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service! HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming   Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.   Podcast contact info: Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube

    33 min
  7. JAN 16

    160. This Testimonial Really Got to Us… | Benefits of Pilates and Hilliard Studio Method & the Mind-Body Connection

    One of our new clients left us such a deeply meaningful testimonial that we had to share with you all on the podcast! We’re so grateful for our community at HSM and want to explain how symbiotic the relationship between trainers and students are– you guys make our world go round. So, we’re celebrating Liz’s birthday month by discussing the power of pilates and Hilliard Studio Method, one of our deepest passions! We’ll chat about aging and how we have learned how to take care of our bodies with the mind-body connection we’ve curated at HSM. Thank you endlessly for your support!   MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of 100% organic cacao, ayurvedic herbs and functional mushrooms. With just a fraction of caffeine found in coffee, you get energy, focus and immune support without the crash! Use this link for 15% off your purchase, or $20 off PLUS a 15% discount if you subscribe!   Some key takeaways from this episode include: Birthdays are a big deal, especially as we get into our 60s and 70s, and it’s important to reflect and realize there is so much to be grateful for and look forward to. As long as we take care of our mind and body to the best of our ability, there are endless possibilities for what we can do for our families, society, and ourselves. About a week ago, we received a letter that was so deeply touching to us and emphasized exactly what we’re trying to achieve with HSM: the mind-body connection. If you have not experienced the physical and meditative benefits of an HSM workout, please join us for a class! Even if it’s grueling, achieving a goal - whether it’s a tough workout or a major milestone - will show you your strength and ability. It feels even better when there’s a community to support you through the journey!  Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service! HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming   Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.   Podcast contact info: Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube

    34 min
  8. JAN 9

    159. Year of the Snake | Justice for Eve and Turning Pain into Purpose

    Happy New Year, y’all! This episode kicks off the Chinese Year of the Snake with a dive into snake lore, exploring why these misunderstood creatures deserve some love—even in the Bible. From there, we share our thoughts on stepping into the first year of Trump’s presidency. While our perspectives may slightly differ, we both agree on one thing: the importance of unity. Join us as we discuss fostering empathy, compassion, and understanding to bridge the divide. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year!   MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of 100% organic cacao, ayurvedic herbs and functional mushrooms. With just a fraction of caffeine found in coffee, you get energy, focus and immune support without the crash! Use this link for 15% off your purchase, or $20 off PLUS a 15% discount if you subscribe!   Some key takeaways from this episode include: While snakes are often portrayed negatively in biblical contexts, they are fascinating creatures with much to teach us. Their misunderstood nature resonates with the feeling many of us experience at times.  As we transition into a new presidency, fostering empathy, compassion, and understanding becomes essential to maintaining unity as a nation. It’s important to remember the shared values and connections that bind us, even amidst political differences with our neighbors. There are actionable steps you can take to get involved in the political process, from joining movements to participating in local elections. By exploring opportunities for activism and engagement, you can make a meaningful impact in alignment with your beliefs.   Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service! HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming   Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.   Podcast contact info: Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube

    35 min
out of 5
112 Ratings


Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.

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