81 episodes

WHY: At The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education | BeatCancer.Org we believe that 90% of all cancers can be eliminated through environmental & lifestyle choices alone, and science agrees.

WHAT: Therefore, our mission is to help people by providing research-based education on how to prevent, cope with, and beat cancer through diet, lifestyle, and other immune-boosting approaches.

HOW: We deliver Cancer Education in 4 ways:
1) Educational materials for cancer prevention and control.
2) Free individualized counseling for people battling cancer.
3) Health Professional Training / Certification for Doctors and other Health Professionals.
4) Public seminars and conferences for cancer prevention and control.

The BeatCancer Difference​:
1) We teach true prevention, not just early detection! “Early Detection” is better than late detection, but it is not the same as prevention.
2) Our programs for diagnosed patients focus on the patient, not the tumor!
3) We raise money for education, not research! There are thousands of organizations collecting millions of dollars to find “The Cure”.​ Prevention is the Cure!

beatcancer's podcast BeatCancer.Org

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.0 • 8 Ratings

WHY: At The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education | BeatCancer.Org we believe that 90% of all cancers can be eliminated through environmental & lifestyle choices alone, and science agrees.

WHAT: Therefore, our mission is to help people by providing research-based education on how to prevent, cope with, and beat cancer through diet, lifestyle, and other immune-boosting approaches.

HOW: We deliver Cancer Education in 4 ways:
1) Educational materials for cancer prevention and control.
2) Free individualized counseling for people battling cancer.
3) Health Professional Training / Certification for Doctors and other Health Professionals.
4) Public seminars and conferences for cancer prevention and control.

The BeatCancer Difference​:
1) We teach true prevention, not just early detection! “Early Detection” is better than late detection, but it is not the same as prevention.
2) Our programs for diagnosed patients focus on the patient, not the tumor!
3) We raise money for education, not research! There are thousands of organizations collecting millions of dollars to find “The Cure”.​ Prevention is the Cure!

    BC-078 Karen’s Story A narrative of Hope and Inspiration

    BC-078 Karen’s Story A narrative of Hope and Inspiration

    Karen: I would say look for the positive in your life and as you're looking for the positive reach out and grab a hand for support because we can do this together.
    Automated: Hello and welcome to the Beat Cancer Answer brought to you by beatcancer.org the center for advancement in cancer education.
    Carl: Hello this is Carl Wagner with Beat Cancer and I have here one of our wonderful coaches Karen Holmes and I’m going to let her talk to you about her journey with cancer and how she got to come to us and become a cancer coach. With that, Karen Holmes.
    Karen: Hi, thank you, Carl It's wonderful to be here.
    Carl: Welcome.
    Karen: I mean that with a full heart and gratitude because being alive and being vital and full of energy is the message that I want to convey to all of the people who are experiencing cancer or who have experienced cancer as I did. It's a journey and it's a wonderful time in my life, to be able to come back and to coach other people during their cancer journey as they heal and recover from cancer. I came to being a cancer coach after I experienced inflammatory breast cancer, and that was back in 2011. I’ve been on this recovery journey for a long time, I feel very happy that I’m here and the journey that I have been on started when I found out that I had obviously breast cancer.
    I was told that I was going to get chemotherapy, I was going to have surgery, and I was going to have radiation.  And all of that seemed rather intimidating, and I did go through all of that. But during that time period, I did a lot of research. I did a lot of reading about the other holistic practices that would be helpful, that would support me through my cancer recovery. And for me, those were the most important steps that I could take. That I could be my own cancer advocate.  Although, I didn't know anything about cancer coaches at the time and so I developed some of the strategies that I’ve learned and I’ve read about in the beat cancer dot org program. And so, that all comes around when I finished my medical treatments, and I’ll say that they cured me, and that's in my story. That I became this...okay you're done with all the treatments, you're done with the radiation fine we'll see you in six months. Then it was now, what do I do?
    That now what do I do, came to me as dance. I knew that food and movement were the best solutions to getting my vitality back.  So, I’ll say that dance brought me back to life, and that's where my recovery journey really begins because I knew that I had to change my lifestyle. I knew that I wanted to become somebody who was alive and vibrant and not just somebody who was sitting around wondering what to do next. For me, the dance enlightened my life in fact, I tell people I retired from my job and I flew to Maui and I danced. And that's true, and I came home from Maui and I didn't go back to work. I didn't go back to the career that I’d had for 32 years. Instead, I began this journey of finding out what I wanted to do next and how I could support particularly other women in their breast cancer journey and that's where my focus is. And so, I became a dance teacher facilitator. I facilitate something called Azul, which is a conscious movement dance. now you're going to ask me, what is Azul?
    Carl: What is Azul?
    Karen:  Conscious dance is really awakening one's heart and awakening what's inside of you. Through the dance, I was able to embody all of the feelings that Ii was going through. It's somewhat, and I've talked to other women they agree. It's somewhat like PTSD, only for cancer patients, where you figure out that wow, I've gone through all my treatments, I'm supposed to be okay and now I realize what I’ve gone through and what I need to do to change. Concurrently, I changed my eating habits and I did a lot of internal work to figure out where my path was going to go. That path led me to cancer coaching and that's where I am today. To really believe in the support for o

    • 35 min
    BC-077 Intro To A Coach: Arti Kumar-Jain

    BC-077 Intro To A Coach: Arti Kumar-Jain

    Hello! My name is Arti Kumar-Jain. I am a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach. My journey began when my mom was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer Stage IV in February 2018. As anyone knows in the cancer journey, endless research and constant looking for answers is sought out. The common theme of nutrition and reduction of stress were common elements found in my research. Although my mom passed in August 2019, her spirit lives in me. I am driven to be of assistance to those diagnosed with cancer, friends, family members, and community is part of my in becoming a Cancer Coach. Being of East Asian origin, holistic healing through mind, body, and spirit alliance is crucial and therefore this program at BeatCancer.org is the perfect fit. My focus and passion on health, wellness, and nutrition and living abundantly have come through the formation of the non-profit, Diya Holistic Life Care. I also provide Coaching services and tutoring for children and families through Love & Light 4 Kidz LLC. I am here with you on this journey and know that I am a holding space for you!
    Artie: You do have some time to think, yes, the tumors are growing...I'm talking about active diagnosis. You do have time to think but oftentimes what ends up happening is, anxiety for everybody kicks in and so having somebody on your side like a coach or someone that can help you to realize you do have choices.  And choices embody transformation, right? If we get pigeonholed in something, then our power is taken away. I just want to remind people we do have lots of choices. We just have to be presented with them on the plate.
    Automated:  Hello and welcome to the Beat Cancer Answer, brought to you by beatcancer.org the center for advancement in cancer education.
    Carl: This is Carl Wagner. I'm here with beatcancer.org, the center for advancement in cancer education and we have one of our great coaches, Artie Kumar Jing. Is that correct?  Good, I got it thank you.  Instead of introducing Artie, I'm going to let her tell you who she is and what all the initials are behind your name. You have a lot of them.
    Artie:  There are a lot of them but that doesn't mean much until you can make something of it.  Yes, my name’s Artie: and the first role that I can tell you is that I am a mom of two girls that are currently four and six and I got into coaching...it's been about a year's worth of a journey getting into coaching, especially holistic cancer care. I have had my certification now for about four months and I have been...I started my journey actually when it comes to education, a long time ago, about 20 years ago.
    I started working in preschools then I switched into working in elementary schools, got an undergrad in psychology, and did a minor in conflict resolution.  And along my journey, I always said that I especially would leave the classroom if I was paying attention to other needs for the kids besides the pedagogy of teaching.  Then I went into clinical counseling, Mental Health counseling worked in private practices, in hospital settings, in different clinical settings.
    And then along the trip...I call it a trip because I really feel like the journey is a trip. I got married and when my family moved back to Virginia, we had kind of moved all over and worked also in another clinical facility. But then I decided I wanted to stay home with my girls.  And my mom who lived in Northern Virginia moved closer to us and she was actually diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage four, back in February of 2018. So, like anyone, when that takes place in your home or whatever. You go through research, you talk to everybody and anybody, you are continually trying to figure out how to beat this thing. So, regardless of beating or not beating, you do make catastrophic changes really quickly.  My mom made a lot of them, I also side by side made some changes.  looked a lot into nutrition, into holistic health and of course, being of Indian origin, my mom was

    • 28 min
    BC-076 How 10yr Survivor, Natalie Proenca, Beat Cancer Holistically and has grown to be a Top Cancer Coach

    BC-076 How 10yr Survivor, Natalie Proenca, Beat Cancer Holistically and has grown to be a Top Cancer Coach

    Natalie Proenca conquered breast cancer for over 10 years. Her cancer diagnosis was in 2008 with conventional treatment. Then a few years later she had tumors in ovaries and uterus. Her oncologist confirmed that it was caused by hormonal therapy. She took this chance and used a natural approach and treated it by changing diet and exercises.
    She has transformed herself using mind-body-spirit and decided to leave her Software Engineer career and was trained as a Cancer Coach with BeatCancer and TrulyHeal, and certified Holistic Integrative Health Coach with IIN. She is also a certified Plant-based Nutrition Graduate at eCornell (with T. Colin Campbell). She's helped many cancer patients recover from the treatments and even help them healed from different types of cancer such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, thyroid cancer, and brain cancer. She offers online programs; Colon & Kidney Detox and Beat Cancer Naturally. She has a strong passion to guide you to find the best protocol for you to fight cancer and get well. Connect with her on facebook.com/Natalie.Proenca or email at CoachNatalieProenca@gmail.com or 508-282-6698.
    Natalie:  For someone who just found out that they've been diagnosed with cancer. What should they do? I think the very first thing you need to understand is that you have had cancer for years. You did not have cancer two days ago or two months ago, it has been for a long time. It could take seven to ten or twenty years. If you have lung cancer, it could be thirty years. So do not rush. I want you to step back and then just take a quiet moment and ask yourself, how did you get cancer and what you should do next. Most people, when they learn that they have cancer, get frustrated. They have fears. When you make decisions with fears, you make the wrong decision. I want you to learn, I want you to search, ask people who have been there, who have experience guide you, what you should do. So you have the right path. You don't want to try left and right and back and forth. You're going to lose time. Even though I said, you have been having cancer for a long time, but sometimes when you choose the wrong road, you're losing time and the cancer, it's true that it's growing all the time, but it's not as fast as when you know it. Think about two years, five years ago, you did not know that you have cancer. You never care about cancer. You never really think about it, but now you know that you have cancer, you start having fears, you start worry and that causes cancer to grow very fast.
    So the first thing you should do is to just step back and ask yourself, what is the right protocol for you? You want to do conventional, or you want to do naturally or you want to do integrative? I want you to sit down and then take a piece of paper and write down pros and cons of each approach and think about what will fit your lifestyle the most, and what's best for yourself because each approach is not the best for everyone. You have to come up with your own protocol and that's the very first step that I want to suggest to anyone that has just been diagnosed with cancer.
    Intro: Hello and welcome to the Beat Cancer Answer brought to you by beatcancer.org. The center for advancement in cancer education.
    Carl: This is Carl Wagner. I'm here with Beat Cancer. We're here with another one of our great coaches, Natalie Parenza and I'm going to just shut up and let her speak. So Natalie, please tell us a little bit about yourself, your journey and how you came to beat cancer?
    Natalie: My name is Natalie. My journey about cancer; I have been diagnosed since 2008, when my youngest son was just 10 months old. I had breast cancer and my son was just learning how to walk. At that time  I had no knowledge. I had no information about alternative medicine or alternative approaches so I don't know what to do. I just took the conventional treatment, just like a lot of people did. So

    • 45 min
    BC-075 Intro To A Coach: Jennifer Gale, Tools For Balancing Energy and Releasing Trapped Emotions

    BC-075 Intro To A Coach: Jennifer Gale, Tools For Balancing Energy and Releasing Trapped Emotions

    Jennifer Gale is a Traditional/Classical Naturopath certified through the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) as well as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. She also has certification as a Bio-Energetics practitioner working through the NES program. She gives workshops and lectures throughout the southeast Michigan area on all aspects of Natural Health - with primary focus on Nutrition, Herbs, Reflexology, Essential Oils, Organic Gardening, and Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis. Her most recent work is combining Thermal imaging into client care as a Thermo buzzer consultant.
    Her interest in cancer stems from the pain and feelings of helplessness she felt seeing many family, friends, colleagues, and others receive a cancer diagnosis and wanting to DO something. As she went through her Naturopathy work, she learned how to approach each person from a unique perspective. Today, Jennifer uses all of her knowledge, resources and connections to be a Beacon of natural education.
    Jennifer states, “I loved finding Beat Cancer as an organization because it immediately provided a community of people, resources, and credibility that took the same approach that I do with the mind/body/spirit connection, without forcing someone to do what we think is best, but instead supporting the person and their choices.”
    While I was doing the course work I came up with the idea of BEACON - A Half Day Retreat for Cancer Survivors, Thrivers, and their supporters.
    Listen to this podcast to learn about the modalities Jennifer uses in her practice that she is passionate about!
    2:13 Jennifer’s health journey with asthma
    4:03 How juicing helped Jennifer’s asthma and how food sensitivities can be a trigger.
    5:00 Jennifer speaks about emotional root causes of her health issues.
    7:15 Jennifer becomes a Naturopathic Dr.
    9:55 “What I’m definitely most excited about is helping people get to the point of understanding a true mind, body, spirit connection through energy work, and my work as an NES (Nutra Energetic Systems) practitioner is probably one of the most exciting ways of doing that”.
    10:34 Jennifer talks about how we are energy and how balancing the body field can affect the physical body.
    11:06 Explanation of a scan and what it can do.
    14:16 Jennifer talks about how emotions get stuck in different parts of our body and disrupt our energy field.
    17:02 There’s usually emotions underlying a cancer diagnosis.
    18:04 Structured water and cancer.
    24:14 Reflexology as an assessment tool and for cancer. NIH gave millions of dollars to study reflexology for cancer, and the benefits for patient and their caregiver.
    29:38 Infrared mat with Crystals and how it promotes circulation and helps energy flow freely by freeing up emotional or toxic blockages.
    31:04 How points on the feet connect to the body.
    36:16 Fasting for cancer. ProLon makes products that mimic fasting.
    38:29 Jennifer finds Beat Cancer, Certified Holistic Cancer Coaching Course, Susan Silberstein, and Healing Strong.
    45:29 www.urbannaturopath.com is a lifestyle brand that encourages everyone to take ancient ways of living and understanding, but makes it relevant to today. Jennifer has a year-long concierge service. She is very excited about her Beacon event 6/20.
    It is a beacon of light and hope for anyone touched by cancer to see what the natural health world has to offer.
    www.UrbanNaturopath.com or 586-461-1416.

    • 53 min
    BC-074 Intro To A Coach: Kelly Collins on Living Your Most Vibrant Life with Cancer

    BC-074 Intro To A Coach: Kelly Collins on Living Your Most Vibrant Life with Cancer

    Kelly Collins is a holistic cancer coach with Beat Cancer, and she is the founder of My Vibe Life. She has a BA in Economics and Political Science from The University of Arizona, and an MBA in Business Administration from Pepperdine University. Through her 25 years in corporate America, Kelly found herself an exhausted road warrior with numerous health challenges. After growing frustrated with the medical community telling her she was fine when she knew she wasn’t, she decided to try naturopathic medicine and acupuncture. Through these things, and after eliminating all inflammatory items from her diet, Kelly not only got her health back, she was vibrant once again. She furthered her education through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and helped her father on his journey with Non-Hodgkin’s CNS lymphoma.
    Today she is empowering cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers to take control of their healing path by educating them about wellness and recovery through lifestyle change that is centered on specific nutrition, supplementation, and certain alternative therapies and modalities. Kelly also believes on focusing on people as a whole – body, mind, and spirit.
    Listen to this podcast to learn about how you can live a vibrant life with a cancer diagnosis.
    2:51 Kelly tells her story and how she went to a Naturopathic doctor and found out she had low vitamin D, low vitamin B 12, mercury toxicity, hypothyroidism, severe adrenal fatigue, and GI distress.
    4:37 Kelly talks about removing wheat, soy, dairy, sugar, alcohol and coffee from her diet to decrease inflammation and increase brain function.
    5:32 A few months prior to her dad being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s CNS lymphoma, Kelly enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
    6:01 Kelly learned about alkalinity and how important it was to cancer patients who are acidic.
    7:30 Her father got relief for neuropathy from acupuncture.
    8:13 Kelly talks about her father’s heart issues stemming from chemotherapy and the return of his brain cancer.
    10:02 Kelly talks about the importance of taking care of yourself when you are a caregiver.
    10:56 Kelly is enthusiastic about the Bemer and how it improves oxygenation.
    12:48 Kelly got certified as a holistic cancer coach and launched her website, My Vibe Life in honor of her dad in November 2019.
    13:52 She agrees with Susan Silberstein that we don’t need more research, we need more education.
    14:58 Kelly talks about the importance of people with cancer having a choice and trusting their intuition.
    16:51 Kelly states, “It’s never one thing that gets us sick so it’s not one thing that gets us well”.
    Kelly Collins
    Delray Beach, Fl
    Complementary gift- Kelly is offering a complementary 60 minute consultation and two complementary Bemer sessions for locals to Delray Beach Florida.

    • 26 min
    BC-073 Jim and Kelly Webb Talk About Healing on a Spiritual Level and the Practice of Qigong

    BC-073 Jim and Kelly Webb Talk About Healing on a Spiritual Level and the Practice of Qigong

    Cancer coach, Healing Strong group leader, martial arts teacher and cancer thriver Jim Webb was diagnosed with intermediate stage prostate cancer in May of 2018. He was already on a path of research and education when he was diagnosed, and knew that he didn’t want to go the conventional route of treatment. Since diagnosis his passion has been leaning about and teaching holistic methods and lifestyle changes to boost the body’s ability to heal. He has been in martial arts for 17 years, is a level 3 reiki practitioner and particularly enjoys helping men on their healing journey with cancer. He works with his wife Kelly. She is a holistic health coach, reiki master, medical Qigong practitioner, and together they own Full Circle Martial and Healing Arts.
    Listen to this podcast to learn about the life saving changes Jim has made on his cancer journey, and how important it is to embrace love, forgiveness, openness, spirituality, and energy healing practices such as Qigong, reiki, and meditation.
    3:05 Learn about the benefits of sharing that Jim experienced as he explains how he immediately started a Facebook group called Thrive Don’t Just Survive after he was diagnosed.
    4:58 Jim explains the changes he made in the areas of exercise, diet, supplements, reiki, and energy medicine. He learned by listening to The Truth About Cancer that 50% of all healing is emotional and spiritual.
    6:50 Susan’s course (Beat Cancer’s Certified Holistic Cancer Coaching Course) talks about the traits that are associated with certain cancers, and the traumas we have experienced that affect our bodies on a cellular level that need to be released.
    8:00 Learn what Healing Strong is about and how important support, love, and a having a higher power are to the healing process. Jim also talks about spirituality and energy medicine and how men especially need to open up and do the emotional work for healing to take place.
    15:15 Forgiveness for ourselves and others is explored, and how it frees up energy for repair when we have a cancer diagnosis.
    18:00 Learn about Jim’s morning routine of meditation, self-reiki, and self-love. Kelly Webb also talks about medical Qigong and how it can support the body to help with cancer. She tells us about her Facebook group people can join called Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Lifestyle. We also talk about essential oils to use to help the senses so the body can reach the parasympathetic state of repair.
    30:36 Learn how you can make an investment in your health by understanding that the skin is largest organ in the body and how important it is to use high quality products on your body as well as high quality food, water, and supplements.
    32:00 Learn about the value of organic food, farmers markets, and the Environmental Working Group’s work on rating clean and dirty foods. Learn about the safety issues of EMFs and 5G. Juice Plus and the Tower Garden to grow your own food, sprouts and herbs is discussed.
    38:00 Learn ways to get out of your head when you have cancer and into the flow of joy.
    42:30 Beatcancer.org and Healingstrong.org benefits and the importance of prevention are discussed.
    49:43 Jim and Kelly talk about their Martial arts school, Full Circle Martial and Healing Arts, where they have local classes. They are certified in adaptive martial arts and para Taekwondo. Many of their clients are 50+ years old and/or have health or body related issues.
    Jim Webb (and Kelly Webb)
    530-417-4415 or 4416
    Cameron Park, Ca
    Website: https://www.fullcirclefightnheal.com/

    • 54 min

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