99 episodes

BioBalance Health is a medical practice that specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Weight Loss, and Medical Esthetics. Each week Dr. Kathy Maupin discusses important medical topics, and offers advice on hormone replacement and anti-aging strategies.

See the full video at www.biobalancehealth.com

Dr. Kathy Maupin, M.D. is a leading expert in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and in treating the symptoms of aging. She is also the author of “The Secret Female Hormone“, the seminal work about hormone replacement therapy for women.

biobalancehealth's podcast Kathy Maupin, M.D.

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    • 4.5 • 17 Ratings

BioBalance Health is a medical practice that specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Weight Loss, and Medical Esthetics. Each week Dr. Kathy Maupin discusses important medical topics, and offers advice on hormone replacement and anti-aging strategies.

See the full video at www.biobalancehealth.com

Dr. Kathy Maupin, M.D. is a leading expert in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and in treating the symptoms of aging. She is also the author of “The Secret Female Hormone“, the seminal work about hormone replacement therapy for women.

    If You Want to Live a Long Enjoyable Life Without Disease, Please Listen!

    If You Want to Live a Long Enjoyable Life Without Disease, Please Listen!

    See all the Healthcasts at https://www.biobalancehealth.com/healthcast-blog
    My goal for BioBalance Health® is to guide my patients to live a healthier life by offering them the newest preventive treatments, and safest hormone treatment available. My patients make an appointment with me and Dr. Sullivan for help with their current symptoms of aging and hormonal treatment to replace their missing hormones.  They also receive a plan for unique preventive lifestyle changes to assist them in continuing their lives in health.
    But first, I believe that treating the symptoms of aging is the first thing on the agenda, and those symptoms are treated by replacing the hormones that disappear with age, testosterone, estradiol and often thyroid hormone. These symptoms are classic and appear within a short period of time, together: This is a combined list of symptoms of Testosterone and Estradiol loss for women after age 38, combined with loss of Testosterone in men after age 50.
    Symptoms of loss of Testosterone and Estradiol  
    ·      Loss of normal youthful body, muscle and shape
    ·      Loss of sex drive
    ·      Infrequent or absent orgasms ·      Fatigue ·      Depression   or Anxiety ·      Insomnia ·      Memory loss/ Difficulty thinking ·      Loss of motivation ·      New migraine headaches ·      Decreased muscle mass ·      Joint aches/ arthritis ·      Dry eyes  
    ·      Loss of balance
    ·      ED in men (men)
    ·      Poor or decreased ejaculation (men)
      ·      Increased belly fat Loss of waistline ·      Weight gain  
    ·      Cellulite
    ·      Ringing in the ears  
    ·      Dry vagina (women)
    ·      Painful intercourse (women)
    My patients frequently tell me that they feel so good after getting their first testosterone pellets that they wish they would have come to see me years before because they have been suffering and now their symptoms are improved or gone. They also comment on how great their sex life is, their improved stamina to walk, play golf or run and how much younger they look! That is the enjoyable part of my practice.
    Replacing these hormones gives my patients their lives back and gives them their energy back so they can make changes in their lives to keep themselves healthy to avoid the diseases of aging.
    The Diseases of Aging are these:
    Cancer Type II Diabetes Arthritis Heart Attack Stroke Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s disease Osteoporosis Frailty, inability to walk or climb stairs Immune deficiency Autoimmune diseases Depression and anxiety We find that we get great results with one or two hormones, but because we are preventive medicine doctors and hormone replacement doctors we are not just interested in your current condition and symptoms, but we are concerned about the diseases you are at risk to get when you get “old”.  We then go over your family history of diseases with you and use it to determine what you are at risk for. Let me say that family history is only ½ of your risk factor because each parent only carries 1/2 of the genes you own. This means that your risk is usually watered down by the relative who has the disease, and your risk usually goes up if two relatives on opposite sides of the family have the same disease. Even though we use family history as an estimate of your risk for diseases in the future it is not very specific or accurate.  The information your family tells you about their history may not be accurate for the real diseases your parents and grandparents had.  My family history is a good example of bad information in an individual’s medical history:
    I thought I was at risk for Adult-Onset Diabetes because my grandfather on my father’s side and my grandmother on my mother’s side had Type II Diabetes. I was worried since medical school that I would eventually ge

    • 25 min
    Medications and Nutritional Deficiency

    Medications and Nutritional Deficiency

    See all the Healthcasts at https://www.biobalancehealth.com/healthcast-blog
    I bet you have heard the idiom, “There is no free lunch”, or  “There is no medication without a side effect”, but did you know that medications that are prescribed by your doctor can have negative effects on your health that are never even discussed with you….so you should protect yourself by replacing the nutrients that your medications  remove from your body, and that must be replaced for you to be healthy.
    Statins -→ COQ 10 DEFICIENCY= fatigue and depression
    Beta Blockers -→ COQ-10 DEFICIENCY= fatigue and depression
    Oral contraceptives and oral estrogen/progestins-→ COQ-10 DEFICIENCY= fatigue and depression
    Antidepressants called SSRIs-→ COQ-10 DEFICIENCY= fatigue and depression
    Dosage: If you take any of these medications you need to take COQ10 200-400 mg/day every day!
    Thiazide Diuretics=HCTZ -→ Magnesium and Zinc Deficiency muscle spasms, prostate issues, constipation
    Take 50 mg of Zinc and 400-600 mg of Magnesium Glycinate a day to replace what is lost. NSAIDS (Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Naproxen, Indomethecin, Daypro, Mefenamic acid, Voltaren)-→ malabsorption, depression, anxiety, and the vitamin and mineral deficiencies listed:
    Folic Acid Deficiency- Take Methyl- Folate 500 mg Iron Deficiency—Take Iron Bisglycinate (Ferrabsorb) Vitamin C deficiency—Take Vitamin C 500-1000 mg/day Amino acid deficiency—take Arginine +/- Ornithine. OR change your medication to Celebrex 200-400 BID
     PPIs=Proton Pump Inhibitors (Omeprazole, Prilosec, Pantoprazole, Lansoprazole, Protonix) are taken for stomach ulcers, H. Pylori infection and gastric reflux
    PPIs Increase Homocysteine which increases your risk of stroke, MI, and Pulmonary embolism.
     PPIs decrease the absorption of many nutrients.  They actually cause malabsorption of essential nutrients.  
    Replace these nutrients with supplements, but much of what you take won’t be absorbed unless you take daily Probiotics: 
    B12 – take methyl B12 1000 mcg/day Folate – take as methyl folate 5,000mcg/day Vitamin D – take 5,000 IU/day Note: PPIs can even cause the growth of dangerous gut bacteria causing chronic Hemophilus. If you have chronic vaginitis that smells fishy, it could be your PPIs!
    If you have this stop the PPI, take Pepcid instead (histamine receptor blocker) or nothing and take probiotics to repair the damage the PPIs have caused. These nutrients need to be replaced to keep you healthy, however it is better for most patients to only take PPIs for 2 weeks at a time or substitute a histamine receptor blocker like: Pepcid, Zofran.
    It is not just the medications doctors prescribe for their patients; sometimes surgical procedures can cause chronic diseases through preventing nutritional nutrients to enter your body.
    Removal of the gall bladder must be done, yet patients are not told what they can do to be healthy after the surgery.
    The gall bladder provides enzymes that help you breakdown foods, primarily fats and absorb fatty vitamins from your food and supplements.  If you have had your gallbladder removed you can become nutritionally deficient in A, D, E fat soluble vitamins, and you will promote the growth of abnormal gut bacteria and are at risk for leaky gut, Celiac disease, autoimmune diseases and malnutrition. Everyone who has their gallbladder removed should take digestive enzymes with every meal and take Probiotics daily.
    Bariatric Surgery for Obesity
    The last iatrogenic nutritional deficiency that I will discuss is Bariatric surgeries, all kinds that remove part of the stomach, or band the stomach or in any way physically makes the stomach smaller is related to nutritional deficiencies caused by malabsorption of vitamins and minerals.  The way to combat these deficiencies include taking:
    a probiotic daily digestive enzymes with every meal and all vitamins should be chewable or sub

    • 20 min
    Why You Need an Individualized Weight Loss Program

    Why You Need an Individualized Weight Loss Program

    See all the Healthcasts at https://www.biobalancehealth.com/healthcast-blog
    You are what you eat, and you use what food and drink you eat based on your genetics.
    Weight loss requires professional advice, direction and oversight.  Combining receiving the best advice on what you should eat and drink as well as tailoring it to your metabolism and medical condition is what you should receive from your weight loss program.
     Before you embark on a weight loss program you need to know the following lessons.
    Lesson #1: All Calories Do Not Create the Same Energy/Heat/Weight Loss in All People.
    You can put a gallon of gas into a Maserati and Ford Fusion and they do not provide the same performance (different acceleration or speed, pick up and ride) different MPG or speed because these two engines are not the same.  The Maserati burns fuel (calories) faster than the Fusion; it operates at a higher level of speed and performance, and it uses more gallons of gas per distance.  Just like the difference in cars, the difference in our bodies is VAST!
    I explain this truism every day in my office.  One of my female testosterone replacement patients returned for her first follow up consultation. The blood levels were ideal and all the symptoms relating to testosterone deficiency were gone!  However, the only thing she could think about was the fact that she did not lose weight (although she did gain muscle and lost fat) and her friend lost 15 lbs in the first 4 months! 
    Even though she and her friend were the same age their metabolisms were very different AND the fact that her friend did everything I told her to in regard to diet, limiting alcohol, taking supplements  and exercise, but she did not,  tipped the scales to cause her not to get the same result as her friend…in other words, her friend had a genetically faster metabolism, AND she put Premium “gas” into her metabolic car, changed the oil and took care of her car so it ran faster and better than the patient sitting in front of me who used regular gas, didn’t care for her car
    and drove too fast and hard.  Two people the same age with different metabolisms, diet, exercise, supplementation, and stress level have widely different responses to weight loss.
     Therefore, medical weight loss advice must be individualized to fit just you!
    The individual variables include:
    Genetic programing Current weight and diet Length of time you have been overweight Age Blood type (also genetic need for certain foods) Medical history/current diseases Medications you are on Supplements that you take or need to take Exercise and physical movement  Fad Weight Loss diets are a fraud to sell books or to get attention.  If it takes a 300-page book or a Social Media fad to sell a diet that is supposed to be good for everyone…it is a lie and may backfire!
    When the cabbage soup diet was a fad many of my GYN patients did it.  I had access to their blood types and knew that cabbage was bad for A blood types and slowed their metabolism. Despite my advice they still did the diet, and you know what happened?  They gained an average of 10 lbs!!!! Their blood type determined whether this particular diet would work for them. This is an example of how important your genetics are to weight loss.
     What are the genetic variables that affect your approach to weight loss?
     Inheritance how our body burns calories—are you a Fusion or a Maserati?: there are many genetic variables that make you as an individual require specific foods and exercise programs to get to your ideal weight and be healthy. It is the job of your medical advisor to determine what these are for you and tailor your diet accordingly.
    Your Blood type determines the best and worst foods for your metabolism and the number of days you should exercise. Do you burn calories at rest, or does it take active exercise for you to burn more than the baseline of calories? If you are warm while you sleep, then you burn calor

    • 28 min
    Iodine: Why You Need this Supplement!

    Iodine: Why You Need this Supplement!

    See all the Healthcasts at https://www.biobalancehealth.com/healthcast-blog
    If you have hypothyroidism (Low thyroid), fibrocystic breasts, fatigue, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hair loss, obesity, or high cholesterol then taking supplemental Iodoral can improve these diseases.  These conditions have become an epidemic in the United States due to Iodine deficiency.
    My longevity medical practice is all about keeping my patients healthy so they can live not only a longer life but one with quality. In the last 20 years of my BioBalance® Health practice, I have seen a flood of new patients with conditions that are in part secondary to iodine deficiency.  Today in America, the majority of people need iodine and other supplements to their diet for many reasons:
    Food manufacturers don’t supplement our foods as they did in the years from the 1940s to 2000. The food that we eat (even fresh food) contains less nutrition than they did 50 years ago. Fast food diets, processed foods and preservatives remove necessary vitamins and minerals that we need to be healthy. Alcohol leaches nutrients from our bodies and alcohol consumption is increasing. Chemical pollution has entered our food supply and now is stored in our bodies. We have added a chemical to our drinking water, fluoride, which displaces Iodine in our bodies leaving us Iodine deficient. Today I am going to address the symptoms and diseases of Iodine deficiency. This blog about Iodine is to inform you about the need for Iodine and what it does.  I hope to never have to remind my patients about taking this supplement again after listening to the associated podcast or reading this blog!
    Iodine is a micronutrient necessary for life. In a research article in the Journal, Frontiers of Nutrition, March 2024, a very succinct review of the illnesses that occur because of iodine deficiency and that can be treated (partially) with iodine supplementation. I recommend all of my patients who live in my area which has no iodine in the soil or ground water and where all the drinking water is fluorinated.  The Iodine supplement, Iodoral, is not a drug, but a nutritional supplement that is sold over the counter. The Iodoral 12.5 mg bottle of 90 is $14.50 for 3-6 months supply.  You can’t afford NOT to take it!
    Why do we need this supplement at this time in America and many first world countries?  Governmental intervention in our basic need for water caused most of our deficiencies.  Iodine is produced naturally in the ocean by seaweed, and it is contained in the soil and ground water in areas of the country that are near the ocean and those areas that were covered by ocean water millions of years ago. So, if you think geographically, most of the US is in that “map”, except the Midwest.  However, man and government has intervened and caused our population to be iodine deprived by adding Fluoride to our water.
    The government and the FDA make decisions for us without looking at the subsequent damage that might be done by those decisions. In the 1949 the US government decided that EVERYONE needed to be protected from dental cavities so 75 years ago we fluorinated our water and that decision led to the epidemic of iodine deficiency. Fluoride in your drinking and cooking water literally replaces iodine, and takes its place molecularly, leading to generations of people with 25% fewer cavities and 100% increase in the list of diseases I have listed in the first paragraph!   Fluoride is the biggest cause of thyroid disease. Wouldn’t it be better to use fluoride toothpaste once a day than drink it?
    In some areas of the country, called the “Goiter Belt”, we don’t have any iodine in the natural ground water, so locally grown food does not contain Iodine.  These regions have had a history of high percentage of the population with low thyroid, and goiters, even before we added fluoride to drinking water.  This compounds the problem and the diseases from Iodine de

    • 22 min
    News Flashes about Menopause, Metabolic Syndrome, Dementia and Cancer!

    News Flashes about Menopause, Metabolic Syndrome, Dementia and Cancer!

    See all the Healthcasts at https://www.biobalancehealth.com/healthcast-blog
    There is a lot of New Medical Information that is important for patients to make healthy decisions about their care or the care of their loved ones that you won’t hear about on the news.
    For new research to reach you, the public, a researcher or a drug company has to spend a great deal of money for the public relations people to push information into the light.  I compiled the research I thought you might want to know about that has been discovered during the past 6 months. I always use these studies to educate my patients and to change my protocols for treatment, although many of them have been part of my practice for quite a while, because they just confirm what I have been seeing in my Integrative and preventive medical practice for years.
    The First Group of Discoveries Relate to Menopause,  and the Risks of Being Menopausal
    The most recent article in Lancet confirmed what has been obvious to me in my GYN practice for years. I am not sure why this actually required a study to prove that Menopause is tied to a higher rate of depression and anxiety, in conjunction with insomnia, higher stress perception, and hot flashes.  This study documented what the loss of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone can do to women in menopause.  The sad fact is that this article doesn’t tell the reader what they need to know, how to treat these symptoms.
    However, I will let you in on a self-discovered fact:  The replacement of the hormones that disappear before and during menopause can be replaced in a non-oral delivery system to treat these symptoms.  I have 40 years of medical practice that proves my findings that agree with the problem, and my treatment with hormones.
    The Lancet:
    Menopause tied to mental health issues in certain women
    A study found that when certain women are menopausal, they increase their risk of Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder who experienced stressful life events, had poor sleep related to hot flashes, or had previous depressive symptoms of depression were more likely to develop menopause-related mental health problems. Researchers wrote in the journal The Lancet that some women escape the mental health effects of menopause altogether.
    HealthDay News (3/6)
    Another recent study about menopause discovers that a lack of estradiol in the post menopause causes women to have trouble thinking. I agree with that revelation, but why doesn’t the research take the next step and suggest a treatment to prevent this result of hormone loss?  Why doesn’t the research tell us how to help women think by replacing their estradiol? Many other studies confirm that replacing estradiol will delay the onset of dementia by 10 years.  Another study reveals that the replacement of testosterone will delay dementia it 10 more years. These studies occurred over 20 years ago, but this study doesn’t cite them.
    Poor and worsening cognitive function is one of the most frequent complaints of my new patients coming to BioBalance Health® for treatment of menopause and low testosterone with bioidentical hormone pellets.
    Dr Maupin:
    I am continually reminded of the importance of testosterone and estradiol replacement is to aging men and women when they come back for their second pellet insertion and review their list of the symptoms they complained of before they started E and T pellets The most frequent response I witness when I ask if a woman’s ability to think, do her job and stay organized is completely better after 3 months of Estradiol and Testosterone pellets, is crying with relief!   Many patients are deeply worried that they are developing dementia, specifically Alzheimer’s Disease when they first come to me, but are able to go back to work and or experience a renewed quality of life because their ability to think, they can now feel confident in their professions and careers. Dr M
    Estradiol associations with brain f

    • 21 min
    PMS – You are really not crazy!

    PMS – You are really not crazy!

    See all the Healthcasts at https://www.biobalancehealth.com/healthcast-blog
    Last week one of my pellet patients asked me to see her daughter, even though I don’t see young women anymore since I began BioBalance Health for people over 40.  I asked her why she couldn’t see her gynecologist and she told me that she was told that she had PMS and that was a condition that was treated by a psychiatrist!  I have treated PMS successfully by replacing one hormone that is missing, Progesterone, two weeks a month, the same two weeks that women experience the symptoms of PMS.  I agreed to see her although I wish my fellow gynecologists would learn how easily this can be treated and not make young women feel like they are crazy, because they aren’t!
    NOTE: Before I give you the impression that I treat PMS currently at BioBalance® Health, I want to clear that up: I only treat PMS in my younger cycling patients (36yo. to menopause) who take testosterone pellets for other symptoms.  My recommendation for finding a doctor who treats PMS in your area is to contact a local compounding pharmacy and ask the pharmacist which GYNs treat PMS, or contact one of the large compounding pharmacies, eg. College Pharmacy in Colorado Springs, or Belmar Pharmacy in Colorado as well to find a doctor in your area who can treat you.  There are many good compounding pharmacies who have pharmacists who can tell you which doctors prescribe progesterone for PMS.
    What is PMS?
    PMS symptoms are only present 2 weeks a month, the 2 weeks before menstruation. This condition causes patients to feel different, not like themselves in the ways listed below, and also caused menstrual changes in the menstrual periods that follow the PMS symptoms.
    The Emotional and physical Symptoms of PMS:  All occur monthly, for 14 days
    Depression Anxiety Anger and irritability Bloating, Migraine headaches, Water weight gain, Pelvic pain Fatigue Insomnia  
    The Menstrual Symptoms associated with PMS:
    The GYN Symptoms that can occur secondary to PMS (poor progesterone production) include:
    1)irregular periods, spotting for a week before the period starts
    2) heavy bleeding, sometimes uncontrollable bleeding,
    3) infertility,
    4) multiple miscarriages
    5) lack of ovulation, and lack of periods for months at a time like with PCO Polycystic ovaries
    My History Treating PMS (skip if you already know this)
    I have been a gynecologist in private practice in St. Louis County since 1985 when I graduated from my OBGYN residency at Mercy Hospital. My training gave me an excellent knowledge of GYN Surgery and Obstetrics, but a very minimal understanding of the hormonal cycles of women, including Premenstrual Tension (PMS). Since the 1980s when PMS was recognized as a condition of women, OBGYNs have been taught that PMS is a psychiatric disease that must be treated with psychiatric medicines, primarily anti-depressants. Most OBGYNs today still believe that women who have PMS are “crazy”, and either give them an antidepressant which rarely work to treat the symptoms or refer their PMS patients to a psychiatrist.  In my case, I do not do either because PMS is a hormonal imbalance that causes emotional symptoms, and because psychiatric diseases are not cyclic every 28 days lasting 2 weeks, followed by 2 weeks of normalcy.
    The Cause of PMS
    Since 1988 I have studied the cause of PMS and with the help of a very intelligent compounding pharmacist, Pete Hueseman, I found the answer to the cause and treatment for PMS.  I began to treat PMS hormonally and now have successfully treated hundreds of PMS patients with bio-identical Progesterone.  It is a simple answer. PMS is caused by a deficiency of the hormone Progesterone during the two weeks after ovulation, from around days 14-28!  This is not a complicated diagnostic discovery, and the treatment should be obvious to all doctors who treat young, fertile women. More about that in a minute…
    From 1980- the present there has

    • 21 min

Customer Reviews

4.5 out of 5
17 Ratings

17 Ratings

KarenDogRescue ,

Great information

Every healthcast episode has a nugget of information that can be used or shared with a friend. Keep up the great work.

OnaWingAnAPrayer ,

Dr. Maupin is a genius

Even as a patient of Dr. Maupin’s I love this healthcast. It is easy to listen to, easy to understand, and entertaining. Dr. Maupin has such an incredible passion for people...I know this personally. I know she’s always in my corner and HEARS every word I say. Her compassion amd knowledge come across in her healthcast.

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