Brand Your Way to A Million

Jasmine Haitalani
Brand Your Way to A Million

You’ve heard of selling and marketing your way to business growth but it’s time to increase your revenue with what really matters: having a brand that gets attention. Brand Your Way to A Million is a podcast hosted by Jasmine Haitalani: immigrant, creative director and founder of 7 figure design agency Highflier Powerhouse. On the podcast, she discusses marketing strategies for entrepreneurs that help them expand their creativity, and shares her insights and hot takes on the latest industry trends so you can go from follower to a leader that’s setting the standard and making a million with your brand in your own way. You will also listen to her sharing stories and starting bold (and tough) conversations with some of the best innovators in the industry so you can take some notes and feel inspired to make changes, become a respected brand, and increase your sales. In a space that’s constantly evolving, creating new trends and chasing algorithms, this podcast is meant to help you develop the skill of building a brand that’s always top of mind, demanding attention, creating connections and generating sales. Whether you’re a starting founder, rising entrepreneur, wanting to be more creative or just looking for hot gossip and rants, this show is for you. Jasmine has been part of a brand marketing team for a billion dollar brand and has helped service-based entrepreneurs create millions of dollars in revenue with the power of branding. She values becoming a respected brand worth millions of dollars by setting the bar high for branding like you do with your revenue goals. Learn more about her here:

  1. HÁ 1 DIA

    EP 134 - Are Black Friday Deals Worth It For Your Brand?

    Tis the season! You know that all of the holiday buzz comes with a particularly interesting one for small businesses...Black Friday. To discount or not to discount? That really is the question.    Today, let's chat about how to navigate Black Friday in a way that honors your brand. Because let's be real, when Black Friday is done poorly, it can create distrust with your audience. But when it's done well, it could mean an extra cash injection that's great for your business!    We'll be covering the practicalities that need to be considered, like revenue and profit margins. But we'll also be diving into effective versus ineffective marketing if you do decide to create a Black Friday deal. I'll also be giving you the full scoop about Highflier Powerhouse's history with Black Friday and why we don't see any deals on the horizon any time soon.    Let's take the guess work out of Black Friday!  In this episode, we're chatting about:  Why Highflier Powerhouse has never done a Black Friday deal  How to create a deal that YOU would be excited to buy  Icky marketing tactics that people employ during Black Friday  How to create hype around your Black Friday deals  How Design on Demand can support you if you do decide to create a Black Friday deal Connect with me:  Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client:

  2. 17 DE OUT.

    EP 133 - How to Navigate a Pricing Change Without A Branding and Marketing Crisis

    What actually makes a brand "luxury"? And how do we define the value we're bringing to clients? Here's the thing: "value" is so subjective.    For one person, a $1000 retainer may be a drop in the bucket. For the next, that's an investment they'll need to think hard about and prepare for. So you should never base your pricing on some obscure value that you're putting on your offers.    At Highflier Powerhouse, we're actually navigating a pricing change as we speak. So I thought it would be the perfect time to chat about how pricing can change without throwing a wrench into your entire brand identity. So much can come up when you think about raising or lowering your prices.   You can start to worry about whether your audience will think you're charging too much or charging too little. You can start showing up differently because of these fears. So let's cover the strategies that are helping Highflier Powerhouse as we change the Design on Demand retainer fee. On top of that, I'm giving you the full scoop as to why the pricing is changing because I believe that transparency helps all of us move through business.    In this episode, we're chatting about:  How to adjust your prices with confidence What does "luxury branding" actually look like?  Behind the scenes on our retainer, Design on Demand, and why the pricing is changing Maintaining solid marketing and brand reception as you move through pricing changes Connect with me:  Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client:

  3. 10 DE OUT.

    EP 132 - 2024 Q3 Branding Trends: Overusing Studio Spaces, Nostalgic Branding, and Ethical Marketing Practices

    We're officially in Q4! You know what that means - It's time for a Q3 branding trend report from Highflier Powerhouse. If you missed the Q1 and Q2 trend reports, go check them out.   But before we get into the holidays and everyone starts taking time away, let's take stock of what's been happening in the online space lately. Have you noticed that short form videos are starting to all look the same? It seems like everyone jumped on the studio space bandwagon.   And while these videos are aesthetically pleasing, I'm encouraging some critical thinking about how we move forward! If we're all standing around in a perfectly curated studio space and just...talking...our audience is bound to get bored.    We'll also be chatting about all things ethical marketing. People are starting to ask the real questions in the coaching space. Can you actually make that bold claim in your marketing? Consulting with a legal expert is the best policy and I'm happy to see more business owners doing this and bringing legal experts into their programs.    What trends are you seeing in the online business space? I want to hear all about what you're noticing so leave a comment on Spotify or hop over to our Instagram to put in your two cents.    In this episode, we're chatting about:  Why short form content is starting to look homogenous What is ethical marketing?  The rise of dark mode aesthetics How more business owners are prioritizing collaborations  Why six-figure business owners need to stop selling through Google Docs Connect with me:  Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client:

  4. 3 DE OUT.

    EP 131 - Powerhouse Profile: Creating a Six Figure Launch With a New Program and an Aligned Rebrand with Holly Rustick

    Today's Powerhouse Profile had been at it for ten years in her business. Holly Rustick had built an impressive brand, was bringing in revenue, and had a solid reputation. But she was also all hands on deck, all the time. That's where the Rebrand Experience came to completely revamp her presense.    From launching at the same time as the rebrand to navigating brand photoshoots abroad, we're covering it all on today's episode. Holly came to me with a pretty unique niche—she helps freelance grant writers quit their full-time jobs and replace their income by writing grants from home on flexible hours.   The Highflier Powerhouse team spent our sweet time getting to know her business from the inside out during the onboarding process. Holly describes this part of the process as "magical" because it brought the unique differentiators of her business into focus. She was able to launch a new program and restructure her business without questions like "what makes this program different?" ever being asked. All of that was communicated through her launch and rebrand's coinciding timelines!    In today's episode, we're chatting about:  What led Holly to decide it was time to rebrand  Overcoming hesitations around the photoshoot process, especially with Holly being based in Guam  Why we decided that launching and rebranding at the same time was the best decision  Why Holly prefers working with an agency versus a solo freelancer  How Design on Demand continues to support Holly past thr rebrand Connect with me:  Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest   Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client:

  5. 26 DE SET.

    EP 130 - Here's What You Need to Know About The Agency Business Model

    Whether you're looking to start and scale an agency, or you're just curious about investing in an agency, this episode is for you! Since the beginning of Highflier Powerhouse, I knew I didn't want to do it alone. But the agency model has its pros and cons.    Perfect for those interested in transitioning from a solopreneur model to an agency, or contemplating investing in one, this episode covers our agency's journey, the challenges of managing a team, and the importance of a clear brand philosophy. The brand's values have to trickle down through the entire company in order to see success with an agency model.    If clients feel attached to the idea of the face of the brand delivering all of the results, the agency isn't running correctly. In all actuality, it shouldn't matter which individual is actually turning over deliverables because everyone in the company should be operating from the same standards.   So I'll walk you through our process for making sure those standards are embodied and maintained through every step with Highflier Powerhouse! At the end of the day, when you have a team, they all have to care about the final product just as much as the face of the brand does.    In this episode, we're chatting about:  Why I chose the agency business model  The standards that have to be upheld in an agency  Non-negotiable in team building  How we provide consistency in each client interaction, even as the team grows  Connect with us:  Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client:

  6. 19 DE SET.

    EP 129 - Here's The Missing Link That Will Increase Conversions In Your Business This Quarter

    Investing in your branding is not all about building up your confidence. That's a fun byproduct, don't get me wrong! But at the end of the day, it's about your audience.    When you can get high quality visuals and branding to communicate what makes you different, you've gained access to your most ideal client. Before then, I can gaurantee you, you're losing out on business because of unaligned branding.   Even if you're consistently getting inquiries and clients, you have to ask yourself: are all of these ideal clients? If the answer is no, you've probably got some brand elements that aren't communicating effectively. Through real-life examples, you'll see how clear, consistent branding can set you apart in a competitive market, ensuring that your message resonates and drives more inquiries and sales.    Here's one stand out tip from the episode: anytime you recieve an objection, it should become a theme in your content. Don't answer a question once and move on! For Highflier Powerhouse, we heard from a potential client that they noticed other design agencies have a consistent vibe in their portfolios. They were wondering why our portfolio was all over the map from one client to the next.    This objection alone helped us understand and highlight something that sets us apart: we're not cookie cutter. Every single client is getting a highly individualized experience. These are the types of revelations that have to come across in your branding. It's not all about having some cool photos to share.    In this episode, we're chatting about:  The Impact of Visuals on Confidence The misconception that rebranding is all about boosting your own confidence  Tangible results that come from high quality visuals  Why you might be losing dream clients with unaligned branding   Connect with me:  Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client:

  7. 12 DE SET.

    EP 128 - Design Diaries: Asset-Based Thinking is Hindering Your Brand Growth

    A theme has come up in sales calls that I thought we left in 2020. So today, Iet's address the outdated notion of trading money for design assets without considering the long-term value they bring to a brand.    Here's a hypothetical: say you're given one hundred brand photos and 20 social templates designed for you. What do you think the value of these photos and templates will be if they're mismanaged, neglected, or misinterpreted over time? They're probably not going to continue bringing you results if your rebrand isn't fully integrated and intentionally executed over time.    That's why it's flawed thinking to go into the investment of a rebrand with the mindset of "I'm paying X dollars for X amount of assets." The fact is, assets are only the beginning of the conversation. And approaching design with such a black and white view ultimately devalues the ROI that business owners actually can see from rebranding.    You're not just paying for the website. You're paying for the high ticket client that will pay twice as much as they would have if your business was stuck in word-of-mouth land. Suddenly, they trust you more because your website is validating their interest instead of detracting from it.    In this episode, we're chatting about:  The evolution of branding and design since 2020 Why many business owners are slashing their rebrand's value over time  The importance of brand maintenance  How to actually approach your rebrand to ensure the highest ROI  Connect with me:  Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client:

  8. 5 DE SET.

    EP 127 - Powerhouse Profile: Rebranding in Your 40s with Heather Hammell

    In today’s installment of our Powerhouse Profile series, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Heather Hommel, a life and business coach specializing in myofascial release therapists. She recently went through the rebrand process with Highflier Powerhouse so she’s sharing what initially prompted her to consider rebranding—a thought that hadn’t been a priority previously.  Coming from a background where creativity and brand identity weren’t top of mind, Heather admitted that she had a “scrappy, do-it-yourself” approach to branding. She was comfortable with technology, posting on Instagram, and making do with a photo shoot from years ago. It wasn’t that her clients were expecting anything different.  In fact, Heather’s journey to building a client base is a testament to the power of authenticity. She began by speaking directly to her niche—myofascial release therapists—as if they were the only people on the internet. This targeted, raw communication helped her connect with her audience, even if that audience was small at first.  Her branding, however, was a different story. While it wasn’t messy, there was no real thought behind it, and she realized that she had never considered the impact that colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic could have. This led to a significant concern: would rebranding make her less accessible and relatable to her clients?   In this episode, we're chatting about:  Heather's background and initial thoughts on rebranding The challenges Heather faced in the rebrand process The impact of rebranding on Heather's business How creating a "creative persona" helped Heather in her process   Connect with Heather below: Heather's website Heather's Instagram     Connect with me:  Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client:

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You’ve heard of selling and marketing your way to business growth but it’s time to increase your revenue with what really matters: having a brand that gets attention. Brand Your Way to A Million is a podcast hosted by Jasmine Haitalani: immigrant, creative director and founder of 7 figure design agency Highflier Powerhouse. On the podcast, she discusses marketing strategies for entrepreneurs that help them expand their creativity, and shares her insights and hot takes on the latest industry trends so you can go from follower to a leader that’s setting the standard and making a million with your brand in your own way. You will also listen to her sharing stories and starting bold (and tough) conversations with some of the best innovators in the industry so you can take some notes and feel inspired to make changes, become a respected brand, and increase your sales. In a space that’s constantly evolving, creating new trends and chasing algorithms, this podcast is meant to help you develop the skill of building a brand that’s always top of mind, demanding attention, creating connections and generating sales. Whether you’re a starting founder, rising entrepreneur, wanting to be more creative or just looking for hot gossip and rants, this show is for you. Jasmine has been part of a brand marketing team for a billion dollar brand and has helped service-based entrepreneurs create millions of dollars in revenue with the power of branding. She values becoming a respected brand worth millions of dollars by setting the bar high for branding like you do with your revenue goals. Learn more about her here:

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