Connecting with Coincidence 2.0 with Bernard Beitman, MD

Bernard Beitman
Connecting with Coincidence 2.0 with Bernard Beitman, MD

This podcast features thinkers from around the world, exploring the subjects of coincidence, synchronicity and serendipity. Connecting with Coincidence 2.0, launched in summer 2021, is available to view on YouTube, or to listen anywhere that podcasts are available. The Connecting with Coincidence 1.0 podcast, 2016--spring 2021, is available in audio format: an archive of 138 previous episodes is available, here: The book Connecting with Coincidence by our host, Dr. Bernard Beitman, is available here:

  1. FEB 18

    The Tao of Synchronicity Gary Bobroff, EP 388

    Gary Bobroff has masterfully distilled Jungian thought into clear, accessible insights. Synchronicities, those meaningful coincidences, serve as powerful motivators, guiding us to align with the Tao—the ever-present flow of life. By tuning into synchronicities, we can tap into a deeper sense of meaning, purpose, and the profound feeling of being recognized by a greater, interconnected consciousness. Gary S. Bobroff is the founder of Jungian Online and JUNG Archademy – featuring personal growth live video courses. He completed a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at the University of British Columbia, Canada and a Master’s degree in Jungian-oriented Counselling Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Gary speaks and gives seminars internationally and is the author of the Jungian psychology best seller: Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung. At the heart of the psyche lies the realm of archetypes, the universal and timeless patterns that shape our inner world. These archetypes exist in dynamic pairs of opposites, such as the Warrior and the Sage. The Warrior embodies action, drive, and the will to manifest change, while the Sage represents wisdom, reflection, and deep understanding. Together, they illustrate the essential tension that fuels growth and transformation—a tension that is intrinsic to life itself. Indeed, it is through such conflicts and contrasts that we evolve and expand.The psyche, however, is not confined to the boundaries of time and space. It is embedded in a transcendent field that connects us to something far greater. This is why we can feel the pain of a loved one across vast distances or intuitively sense what the future may hold. Synchronicities, when embraced—both in their blessings and their challenges—have the power to elevate us, offering glimpses into the interconnected web of existence and inviting us to participate more fully in the mystery of life.

    55 min
  2. FEB 9

    From Shadow to Light: Embracing Marginalized Parts of Yourself-- Nick Kettles, EP 387

    Many years ago, Nick Kettles and a friend updated bibliomancy--asking a question and randomly opening a holy book to a page that provides the answer. Instead, they set their TV recorder to a random channel to record at 3AM to answer the question they had in mind. Yes! It worked! We don't need the apparent mystical like tarot or I Ching. We just need to jump outside usual time line to find meaningful coincidences. We discussed how projection is both normal and necessary and provides a way to learn about our repressed selves. That to surrender is not to give up but the opposite--to deeply commit AND to let go of any desired outcome. How does being vulnerable influence the person with whom you are speaking? When you are being authentic, you are indirectly suggesting that the listener be authentic. Some people will join you and others with reject you. Nick is a Master Certified Coach, who is known for his compassion, keen insight and fierce commitment to creative and personal transformation. Nick has been working in the field of personal and professional development for over 25 years and today works as a leadership coach, course-facilitator, training design consultant and mindfulness teacher. In his work he supports executives, leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators, navigate uncertainty and complexity, from a foundation of deep self-acceptance and authorship. Often this calls us to embrace parts of our selves which we have marginalised into the shadow, a process Nick skilfully guides with compassion and full permission. Archetypes of Awakening   / @archetypesofawakening   Individuation is a process not a goal. You are always unfolding. Nick consults with businesses and finds that some managers are deeply committed to recognizing that their inner life is reflected in their surroundings. The corporations have energetic fields and a subconscious. While also confronted with the bottom line pressure, some managers help their employees evolve. Surprise to those of us who project evil onto all corporations. Some are not totally evil. Nick has much to teach us! Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project. to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

    48 min
  3. FEB 1

    Enter the Synchronicity Web: Randy Preston, EP 386

    Meet a fervent advocate for synchronicity and AI!Through a cyclone of synchronicities, Guitarist Randy Preston has become a thriving coincidence scholar. He is fully appreciating how they help:*Navigate challenges with resilience.*Build meaningful relationships.*Stay aligned with your purpose.*Find joy and insight in everyday life.*Help with decision making.He is developing an app called JottIt to help people utilize synchronicities to sharpen their self-reflective capacities and receive helpful feedback on how to optimize their lives. He was inspired to develop the app by a mystical experience. From the age of 10, Randy Preston has pursued a life rooted in creativity, connection, and expression, deeply centered around his passion for music and thought experimentation. Always drawn to the strange and beautiful, he’s more recently found himself immersed in profound synchronicities and cosmic insights. He sees this journey as just the beginning of an evolving work in progress - and one that he is excited to share with others. With curiosity, humor, and a sense of wonder, he’s exploring how resonance and the universe’s mysteries shape our lives, inviting all to join him in discovering meaning along the way.Band Instagrams• Des & The Swagmatics:   / desswagmatics   • Karmic Juggernaut:   / karmicjuggernaut   Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project. to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

    1h 8m
  4. JAN 27

    Building a Self-Aware Collective: Visa Viren , EP 385

    Visa Virén is from Finland, where the light comes from the North. He illuminates the human ability to dissolve our identity into the vast flux field in which we are immersed and of which each of us is a part. To experience the energy-information flow in emptiness, he suggests cutting a hole in the ice, swimming, and then staring into the space between 2 stars. This episode was uploaded to YouTube on January 27th, 2025 Visa wants to help each of us bring together our 3 brains--mind (word based), heart (image based) and gut (impulse to move). He sees how possible it is for us to communicate without words by connecting our auric fields, our biofields. We have the opportunity to create more opportunities through Holokinetics to let go of our rigid self and get our energy to move through the wholeness. In the last 15 minutes of this episode, we discuss the creation of the Collective Self-Observer to help our Collective Human Organism become more self-aware. As an example, we address the Power Pyramid prevalent throughout human history--the repeated emergence of power relationships with a few on top and the many below. Visa Virén, founder of Holokinetics, is a nature enthusiast, co-entrepreneur, and explorer of life. Over the past 15 years, he has experienced a deepening collapse of local identity, allowing new layers of perceptual reality to emerge. Through Holokinetics, the science of living form, Visa playfully shares life's paradoxes, integrating science, philosophy, and spirituality to guide collective inquiry into non-local awareness and emergent knowledge. He emphasizes the shift from rigid, individualistic perceptions to a fluid, interconnected understanding of reality, fostering collective intelligence and creative exploration.

    1h 9m
  5. JAN 22

    The Conscious Universe- Bridging Science and Spirit: EP 384, Dr. Jude Currivan

    At age 4 Jude Currivan was connected to universal consciousness. She knows through personal experience that each of us is unique AND part of the greater whole. She communicates with the Universe and experiences its purpose which involves increasingly greater complexity with continuing expanded consciousness. The Universe playfully puts together improbable entities like DNA and seems to enjoy what happens next, only to proceed to the next adventure. For us living here on Earth, let's recognize our interconnections, our interdependence to find the love and self-awareness inherent in the Universe of which we are all a part. Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author and co-founder of WholeWorld-View ( . Previously one of the most senior business women in the UK, she has a Master’s degree in Physics from Oxford University specializing in quantum physics and cosmology, and a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading researching ancient cosmologies. A life-long researcher into the nature of reality, she integrates leading-edge science, consciousness research and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic worldview, has travelled to some 80 countries, worked with wisdom keepers from many traditions and globally, serving conscious evolution and transformational change. Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project. Visit to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicitiy

    58 min
  6. JAN 13

    Synchronicity and the Expanding Mind of Physics: EP 383, Dr. Bernard Carr

    Your mind reflects the greater mind. In a dream, cosmologist Bernard Carr sees two trains on a collision course—one representing quantum physics, the other relativity theory. The next day, he reads an article about the collision between these two scientific paradigms. Was it precognition? Synchronicity? This experience challenges our conventional understanding of time, shifting from a linear 3D perspective to deeper, subjective layers. Carr shares more stories of meaningful coincidences, leading into a discussion of how physics continually expands our awareness—from the tiniest particles, like quarks, to the vast cosmos. As cosmologists delve deeper into the universe, they increasingly perceive it as a vast, ever-expanding mind—a thought in constant motion. Bernard Carr is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London. For his PhD he studied the first second of the universe with Stephen Hawking at Cambridge University and Caltech. He then held Research Fellowships at Trinity College and the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge before moving to Queen Mary. His professional area of research is cosmology and includes such topics as the early universe, black holes, dark matter and the anthropic principle. He is also very interested in the role of consciousness, regarding this as a fundamental rather than incidental feature of the Universe. He is President of the Scientific and Medical Network and a former President of the Society for Psychical Research. Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project. Visit to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research #Coincidence #Serendipity #Synchronicity

    1h 11m
  7. JAN 6

    Synchronicity: We Are Deeply Connected to Our Surroundings! Monica Bryant, EP 382

    Mind and matter are merging in our collective consciousness through the increasing experiencing of synchronicities. Synchronicities often connect our thought and feelings with our environment. We are both individuals and part of a greater oneness. Monica Bryant expertly describes how the microbes in our guts are very similar to the microbes in the soil. As she says, "It's everywhere, it's everywhere" coining the term pansynchronicity to inform us that meaningful coincidences are everywhere. Just look around, be curious and connect the dots! She and I discovered that each of us wanted to go to California and coincidentally found portals to realities that were to become part of our futures and the future of humanity--the living wonder of synchronicity. Come join us on our adventure!!! Monica Bryant is an Evolutionary consultant and coach who has provided archetypal perspectives to support soul evolution since 1994. She is an independent transdisciplinary researcher with an ecological and holistic worldview. Monica’s MA was on transformative learning, synchronicity and transpersonal research methodologies. She pioneered symbiosis-restoring approaches for health, taught The new Microbiology at the University of Sussex (1980s) and has trained practitioners internationally. For 30 years, Monica was Director of her company promoting natural health. . She has written an excellent chapter in The Playful Universe, a book about the many personal aspects of synchronicity. Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project. to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

    59 min
  8. 12/31/2024

    The Dreamlike Nature of Reality: Paul Levy, EP 381

    Maybe your life is a dream, rich in symbols communicating with you. Paul Levy knows this to be true. He has is awakening to the lucid dream that is his life. If you descend into darkness, you can emerge through the alchemy of the tension between opposite as one of our needed wounded healers. The wounding facilitates our becoming shaman-like because descent into darkness enriches our understanding, our experience of the evolution of personal and collective consciousness. A pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, Paul Levy is a wounded healer in private practice, assisting others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality. He has authored six books, three of which are on the Wetiko mind-virus. His soon to be released book is The Quantum Revelation: Awakening to the Dreamlike Nature of Reality (Inner Traditions 2024). He is the founder of the “Awaken in the Dream Community” in Portland, Oregon. An artist, he is deeply steeped in the work of C. G. Jung, and has been a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for almost 40 years. Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project. to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

    1h 6m

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6 Ratings


This podcast features thinkers from around the world, exploring the subjects of coincidence, synchronicity and serendipity. Connecting with Coincidence 2.0, launched in summer 2021, is available to view on YouTube, or to listen anywhere that podcasts are available. The Connecting with Coincidence 1.0 podcast, 2016--spring 2021, is available in audio format: an archive of 138 previous episodes is available, here: The book Connecting with Coincidence by our host, Dr. Bernard Beitman, is available here:

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